
  Immediately afterwards, a shock wave of energy, like a tsunami, containing terrifying power, swept away in the surrounding with the trend of destroying the dead.

  Destroy everything that passes by!

  all of a sudden.

  The flames, building ruins, and other things in a radius of thousands of meters were completely destroyed by this terrifying energy shock wave, turning into powder and dissipating.

  The energy shock wave has already hit the surrounding far away.

  Countless Assams in the suburbs of dozens of miles, as if they were hit by a car head-on, were instantly blown away by this terrifying energy wave.

  Suddenly, screams and wailing resounded endlessly.

  Such a shocking movement lasted for a few minutes.

  Just stopped.

  At this moment.

  If you look down from the sky, you will find that there is a huge pit with a diameter of [-] meters and a depth of tens of meters in the center of the new city!

  All buildings within this range were instantly razed to the ground!


  This scene undoubtedly made the countless viewers in the live broadcast room stunned and shocked, and they all looked shocked. This is too terrifying, right?

  It's like a scene from a nuclear bomb explosion!


  At this time, I saw Godzilla climbed up from the ruins.

  It shook its stunned little head that was hit by the energy shock wave, shook the gravel and dust on its body, and let out a painful low-pitched roar, and there were many bloodstains on its dark skin.

  To be honest.

  Although the energy group just now did not hit it directly but exploded in the air ten meters away from it, the terrifying power and energy waves generated by the explosion really caused Godzilla's internal organs to suffer from severe pain.


  Godzilla looked around, but saw thick smoke billowing around him, but he couldn't find Destroyia's figure, so he raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar.


  At this moment, the roar of a monster suddenly came from behind it.

  Godzilla turned around.

  I saw Destroyia, flapping its huge and ferocious wings like bats, roaring and flying towards Godzilla quickly.

  The golden single horn above its head shone with layers of golden light, and upon seeing Destroyia, Godzilla opened his mouth and roared angrily. Destoroyah.

  Ripped apart violently!

  But at this time.

  But seeing Destroyia's unicorn, it suddenly sprayed out billions of golden rays of light, and the golden rays of light condensed into a golden blade.

  Slashing at Godzilla's chest!

  It's amazing...

  Stunt variable cutting!



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 103

  Variable Cut!

  This skill is Destoroyah's unique trick. Destoroyah releases billions of tiny oxygen particles, which condense into the shape of a blade for cutting attacks. Destroyia's tiny oxygen can directly dissolve the cells of destroying creatures and directly attack creatures. DNA and then kill the enemy.

  It can be said to be extremely powerful!


  But seeing Destroyia, flapping its huge bat-like wings, it flew towards Godzilla rapidly, and the single horn above her head flashed with golden brilliance, giving an extremely dangerous aura of heart palpitations.


  Godzilla roared angrily, and its sharp claws ripped apart towards the flying Destoroia, flashing a terrifying cold light. torn!


  But seeing Godzilla's claws, slashed at Destoroyah's body, leaving four deep wounds on Destroyia's body in an instant, and the dark green blood spurted out like a fountain. .


  Destroyia let out a painful roar, but the single horn above its head also sprayed billions of tiny oxygen particles, condensing a golden yellow blade, and then slashed directly on Godzilla's chest.


  A terrifying tearing sound sounded, and what shocked countless people was that the golden variable cut on the horn above Destoroyah's head was actually directly on Godzilla's hard chest that even missiles couldn't penetrate. He left a shocking and ferocious wound that was dozens of centimeters deep, and blood spurted out from the wound as if he didn't want money.

  It fell on the ground like rain.


  Godzilla let out a scream of pain.

  And the countless people who witnessed this scene couldn't help but show horror on their faces, and they felt unbelievable. Who would have thought that Godzilla's various weapons would be difficult to penetrate the hard flesh.

  It was actually cut by Destroyia's variables, and it was so easy to cut a wound that was dozens of miles deep. The damage was so terrifying?


  Godzilla let out a roar of anger and pain.

  But seeing the hideous wound on its chest, although under the blessing of the powerful infinite regeneration ability of G cells, the wound is rapidly growing tender granulation, repairing the wound, but the wound seems to have some mystery. It was as if the force was blocking, making it extremely difficult for the wound to heal.


  This is Destoroyah's tiny oxygen remaining on the wound to repair the wound in tissue G cells.

  after all.

  Destoroyah's tiny oxygen has a powerful ability to dissolve and destroy cells, even Godzilla's cells, no matter how powerful and abnormal it is.

  It is also difficult to make the wound heal quickly.


  Destoroia fell to the ground, looking at Godzilla, whose wound was bleeding continuously, it couldn't help but let out an incomparable roar, and even clapped her hands happily, her face full of pride and joy.


  Looking at Destoroyah's smug look, Godzilla's nostrils gasped in anger, and his face was actually a humanized look of rage.


  The next moment, it made a roar full of anger towards Destroia, and then, seeing it stride forward, it ran towards Destroia, and launched a sprint, like a moving mountain.

  The earth shook with a thud.

  He rushed to Destroyia, but saw Godzilla raise his claws towards the former's chest, which contained terrifying power, and ripped away fiercely.


  Destoroyah flapped its wings, and on one side of its body, it was easy to escape Godzilla's tear, and the single horn on its head flashed golden brilliance again, forming a golden blade to attack Godzilla ruthlessly. cut off.


  Variable cut from top to bottom, standing on Godzilla's back.

  Instantly left a hideous wound on Godzilla's back.

  The blood spurted out like no money, and the pain caused Godzilla to let out a painful roar again. Suddenly, its sturdy tail was like a dragon wagging its tail, containing nearly [-] tons of terrifying power, and it slammed into Destroyia's body. On his body, the power exploded, directly pulling Destroyia out, banging, and smashing heavily into the ruins of the city.

  Bang bang bang!

  But seeing Godzilla gaining power, he didn't give up on the monster, strode forward to Destroyia, stepped towards Destroyia, and stomped on it hard.


  Destroyia hurriedly rolled to the side in shock, Godzilla's big foot slammed heavily on the ground, and the ground trembled with smoke billowing.

  Before Destroia got up, Godzilla struck again with a ferocious dragon swinging its tail, wrapped in terrifying power and slashed at Destroia's body again, and slapped Destroia again. fly out.

  Godzilla roared.

  It hurriedly strode towards Destroia and rushed in front of Destroya. It was like a tiger, with two sturdy and sharp claws, like crazy, towards Destroya.

  Ripped apart violently!

  The tearing sound of Chi Chi rang resoundingly, and Godzilla's claws kept leaving shocking scratches on Destroyia's body.

  Dark green blood bulged out, which made Destoroia scream in pain and keep going backwards, but Godzilla was pressing on.

  The sharp claws and the big mouth full of fangs are used together, tearing at Destroyia's body frantically, or opening the mouth to bite the former.

  At this moment, Godzilla gives the impression that it is like a fight between a wolf and a tiger. chill.

  These huge monsters are not only amazing in destructive power, they even fight like beasts, showing the brutality and ruthlessness of beasts to the fullest!

  "Shout" "!"

  But seeing Destoroia roared, it suddenly raised its foot and kicked Godzilla in the face, knocking Godzilla backwards.

  next moment.

  A layer of purple light appeared on its surface, and the purple light quickly condensed into a purple light group in its mouth, and the amazing aura of destruction spread out.


  Then, a purple, lightning-like, sturdy oxygen-destroying light suddenly shot out of his mouth and shot towards Godzilla ruthlessly.

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