In fact, when he recruited Chu Ziqi as his subordinate, it was just to complete the task of the system, and he didn't think too much about it.

  and so.

  After recruiting Chu Ziqi as his subordinate, he didn't pay much attention to Chu Ziqi. However, after thinking about him and Chu Ziqi's relic, Irene, at this moment, in his mind Suddenly there was a plan.

  First of all.

  In the future, he will definitely lead his army of monsters and leave the earth to conquer other planetary civilizations. Then, as his first base, the earth, naturally, someone will help him guard and protect it.

  Otherwise, when he leaves, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

  For example, some criminal groups with bad intentions, or some countries that want to dominate the world, after obtaining powerful monster cells such as Godzilla or Ghidorah, do some things that endanger all mankind?

  of course.

  He is not the Virgin, mainly because at present, the nearly [-] billion human beings on the earth are all his leeks, and the reduction of leeks is also a bad thing for him.

  and so.

   He needs an incomparably powerful organization, an organization so powerful that it can shock the world, to manage, control and rule the world in his place.

  And obviously.

  As five-star talents, Chu Ziqi and Irene are obviously the best helpers. Thinking of this, he murmured: "I don't know how many people Chu Ziqi has recruited? Forget it, wait for this matter. Find her later!".

  Since he decided in the future to use Chu Ziqi and the organization he established as Plan G to rule the world instead of him, he would have to raise the strength of Chu Ziqi and Irene, as well as all the members of Plan G.

  But we'll talk about that later.


  He You stretched his waist, he came to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the bustling city with high-rise buildings outside the window, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

  "It's not bad to be a maker of history..."



  ps: Fourth update.

  Ask for a monthly ticket~~~.

Chapter 112

  the following few days.

  The imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom was destroyed by monsters, and when Godzilla fought against Destroyia, the terrifying and destructive power displayed by Godzilla could be called divine punishment, which continued to cause a lot of disturbances around the world.

  When everyone knew that the imperial capital of the Peacock Kingdom was destroyed by monsters and even dropped a megaton nuclear bomb, it failed to kill Godzilla.

  For a moment, I was terrified and unbelievable.


  Even now that human beings have entered the era of mechas, nuclear bombs are still one of the strongest killers of human beings. Under the nuclear bombs, it stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for any creature to survive, but Godzilla is not dead.

  How does this not make the world feel unbelievable?

  Some people even suggested that the next time you encounter a monster, you should directly drop a hydrogen bomb to kill it. In the old era, due to various special reasons.

  As a result, the hydrogen bomb was not seen by major countries.

  At that time, the country of Daxia held a lot of hydrogen bombs, and after humans entered the era of mechas and were able to master nuclear fusion technology, hydrogen bombs gradually entered the eyes of the world's top powers, and then began to manufacture nuclear bombs on a large scale. For nuclear bombs based on nuclear fission.

  A hydrogen bomb made on the principle of nuclear fusion......

  The terrifying power it can exert is definitely thousands or hundreds of times that of a nuclear bomb of the same equivalent. Any of the top cities in the world will be razed to the ground in an instant!

  It's terrifying!


  The inner core of the sun is not undergoing nuclear fusion reactions all the time, which is why the sun's energy releases energy radiation indefinitely.

  of course.

  This infinity is only relative.

  After all, the sun also has a lifespan.

  As for the megaton nuclear bomb dropped by the Peacock Kingdom a few days ago, you can say that it is powerful, and it is indeed quite powerful, but if you say that it is not very powerful.

  In fact, it only destroyed less than one-tenth of the urban area of ​​the new city. Most of the destroyed urban areas were destroyed after Godzilla entered the red lotus form and went berserk. If it was replaced by the Sand Bear Empire The hydrogen bomb known as the "Tsar", I am afraid that one can directly raze the prosperous international metropolis of Xincheng to the ground in an instant!

  But no matter what.

  Many people think that no matter how strong your Godzilla is, even if you can withstand the bombing of a nuclear bomb, can you withstand the bombing of a large-yield hydrogen bomb?

  And to say the most angry.

  Those were of course the people of the Peacock Kingdom. They hated Godzilla and Destoroia who destroyed their imperial capital!

  As a result, Asan of the Peacock Kingdom now has a feeling of sympathy between fellow villagers and fellow villagers after meeting the sticks of the Mudbang Kingdom on the Internet. After all, as the two most confident countries in the world, they It is also the only country that was attacked by monsters and destroyed a city, as for the city of Saint Sith, which was destroyed by the Eagle Federation.

  After all.

  In fact, most of them were destroyed by the alien warships of the Sea Spirit civilization.


  The city of Saint Sith is much larger than the new city. Even if the city has been tossed for a long time by the alien warships of Godzilla and Hailing civilization, two-thirds of the urban area is still well preserved, and the buildings around the Golden Gate Bridge are .

  It's all turned into ruins!

  But no matter what.

  The continuous fermentation of this matter has caused He You's emotional value to skyrocket. It was originally due to the exchange of King Ghidorah and the creation of the ancient temple of Atlantis, and the remaining only less than [-] million. emotional value.

  It even broke through to the level of one billion again!


  2021 6 Month 15 Day.

  The sky is as blue as wash, thousands of miles are like clouds, and the dazzling sun shines on the endless ocean, making the sea surface sparkling and rippling.

  A fishing boat floated on the endless sea, and the red sun flag of the Red Sun Kingdom was hung on the fishing boat. Obviously, this was a fishing boat of the Red Sun Kingdom.

  "Captain Wencun Zhen, is it really okay for us to enter the territorial waters of Daxia Kingdom without authorization to fish? Besides, I read on the Internet that monsters have appeared one after another all over the world recently. If we encounter monsters, then we will be in danger! "

  said a fat man with a big belly.

  "What are you afraid of?"

  A tall and thin man with glasses next to him said: "Anyway, because of the monsters, all the sea fleets of the Great Xia Kingdom have returned to defend the coastal cities. Isn't this a good time for us to fish? As for the so-called monsters."

  Speaking of which.

  He patted the fat man on the shoulder, he pointed to the boundless ocean and smiled calmly: "Look, on this boundless ocean, our small boat is like a grain of sand in the ocean. Just as insignificant, how high do you think the odds of us encountering monsters are?".


  The fat man was still a little scared.

  "I said Zhishang-Jun."

  Wen Cunzhen put his arms around the fat man's shoulder and said, "Do you know why you are still a fisherman? You know why you still live in a shabby house the size of a toilet, oh no, if you still call it a house , but anyway, do you know why you are so down?"

  He pointed to himself again: "Then you want to know why I can buy a villa in our imperial capital, Donghuangcheng? Want to know why I can marry a beautiful wife? Want to know why I can drive a luxury car? ".


  Zhishang Chunhe looked puzzled.

  "It's easy!"

  Wen Cun really smiled lightly, he said: "That's because you are missing two things, the first thing, that is, in your mind you always think that you want to make money through normal, ordinary, extremely ordinary means! "

  "But I tell you, if you want to achieve extraordinary things, then you must use extraordinary means, and the rules... are just shackles used to bind the weak!"

  He laughed: "The shackles are broken by the strong!".

  "What about the other one?"

  Chi Shang Chunhe asked.

  Wen Cun really touched his heart: "The second thing is that you must not only have an extraordinary idea, but also have a heart that dares to take risks. If you don't have the courage to take risks, you will not be able to achieve great things. !"

  He smiled and said, "Do you understand?".

  "...seems to understand."

  Zhishang Chunhe said with a look of incomprehension.

  "Then why don't you go to work?"

  Wenmura really said.

  "Boat, ship, ship..."

  But at this moment, a man ran over with a flustered face and a terrified expression.

  Wenchun really frowned: "As my crew member, didn't I always tell you to be calm in case of trouble? Did you see a ghost in such a panic?"

  "No no no... no Captain!"

  The man bent over and supported his knees, panting, "Captain, you, you, you...".

  "I what me!"

  Wenchun Zhen suddenly slapped him on the head: "Talk to me well!".


  The man took a deep breath, and then he said, "Captain, come and see me, I, I, I think... We seem to be in big trouble!".

  "Take me to see."

  Wen Cun really frowned.

  The man nodded, and then brought Fumura and Shishangharu and the two to the other side of the fishing boat. The man pointed to the sea in the distance and said with a horrified expression:

  "It's there!"

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