Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 1130 Their respective experiences

"Hey? Is this the inside of a battleship? It's really spectacular." Kenji Kondo visited the inside of the Sewol and couldn't help but sigh. When he first learned about the underground facilities of [Alves], he was amazed, as if he himself It's the same as traveling through time, and the interior of the Macross battleship, even the Gnaku, is wider than the underground area of ​​[Alves], and is full of the feeling of future technology.

"I didn't feel it before, but now I realize that their bodies... are really small." Kaname Sakura looked at the other mobile suits around Favna and sighed. Although she had seen the mobile suits of the Promes Legion before, there were also We also fought against each other in simulated battles, but now comparing the two side by side, we can more intuitively feel the hugeness of Valrhona and the compactness of the mobile suit.

"To be honest, I have always found your machine to be very strange." Fleet also looked at Valrhona, who was about 30 meters away, and said to Kaname Sakura, Kondo Kenji and others: "The larger the machine, the richer it will be." The more space there is, the more various systems and equipment can be carried, and the corresponding skeleton and armor should be stronger. But Valrhona's skeleton and armor...the skeleton is too crude, and the armor is better than nothing. "

Fleet also checked various information and data of Valrhona. To be honest... Valrhona not only looks uncoordinated in appearance, but also has a strange internal skeleton, which is completely unergonomic, like a big one in the middle. After putting the frame on the head and inserting the limbs, Fleet felt it was amazing how this extremely simple skeleton could make the machine move without falling apart.

The armor is even more pitiful. Except for the three Valrhonas equipped with shield generators, the other Valrhonas have almost no armor. They use special technology to withstand wormhole attacks, but the others are... deadly.

"Favna can withstand wormhole attacks. Your previous body cannot withstand wormhole attacks. Aren't your armors and energy fields worse?" Kaname Sakura, who has a strong personality, retorted dissatisfiedly. He was originally assigned to No. 1 The flagship of the Second Fleet, the Sewol, was unhappy. Now that his favorite machine and the island's technological achievements were being slandered, he couldn't help it.

"That is not a technology developed by you yourself, but given to you by Festum. According to the data, Valrhona's original armor cannot withstand wormhole attacks, and... the current armor is only a specialized defense against wormhole attacks. , it is deadly enough for other attack methods, even ordinary live ammunition machine guns.”

"We were not prepared to fight humans."

"You can't even deceive yourself with such words." Fleet glanced at them.

Have the Valrhona troops on Ryugu Island really never fought against humans?

Of course not, there are three [Alves] and three islands. Poseidon Island was initially incorporated by the new United Nations, but its whereabouts were exposed and was massacred by Festum; Penglai Island was found by the new United Nations and massacred all the residents on the island; and finally This was not the first time Ryugong Island was found by the new United Nations and an armed conflict broke out.

"We don't want to either. Who knew they would attack us without saying anything." Mark Zw·lf's pilot stood up and muttered.

"Yes, they are the bad guys, and we don't want to fight them!" Misika Mizuki supported the senior's statement.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Fleet asked everyone.

"This..." Everyone was silent. The answer was obvious. Their hands were all stained with human blood.

"Yang Hui said that war never distinguishes between right and wrong, and there are no good guys and bad guys. There are only different positions. They risk their lives for their own righteousness and their own beliefs. The essence of fighting is to kill or be killed. Any No fancy words can hide this bloody fact.

I used to be very dissatisfied with this view and was almost blinded by hatred, but my enemies, who were once enemies, tore away the hatred that blocked my eyes and allowed me to see clearly what reality is.

Remember, when your hands are stained with blood, you can withdraw, but do not flaunt yourself as just. Always remember that murderers will always be killed. In any battle or war, do not flaunt yourself as absolutely just. of. "

"..." The group of people from Ryugu Island fell silent after listening to Fleet's words. Some were still young and were greatly shocked. The older ones wanted to refute, but they didn't know how to refute. .

"Okay, your rooms have been arranged. My request to you is very simple, that is, obey the orders. In the following time, you can wander around on the [Sewol] and get familiar with the environment. After one week at the latest, We are about to set off." After that, Fleet left. These young pilots from Ryugu Island are not weak in combat and need correct guidance, but this is not Fleet's job. As a fleet, Commander, and as an ace pilot, Fleet himself still has a lot of work to complete and has no time to be a nanny or life mentor for these young people.


"Hello, my name is Lena Sprigang, and this is Gerald Sprigang. Under the orders of Commander Fleet, I will take you to your room. If you have any questions, you can ask us. Within the scope of authority, We will all answer.”

Looking at the man and woman with the same surname but completely different looks in front of them, everyone on Longgong Island thought that they should be a couple.

"Sorry to trouble you." Kondo Kenji took the initiative to take on the responsibility of the representative. The Valrhona pilots originally assigned to the [Sewol] were led by Commander Minato, but Chief Minato was not there, and only the older ones were Kondo Kenji, Kanamesakira and Kosamae, Kondo Kenji is now the calmest among the three.

"It's your duty, everyone, please come with me."

Under the leadership of Spriggan and his wife, everyone in the Valrhona unit arrived in their respective rooms. The space of the Macross class is relatively ample, so most of the rooms they live in are double rooms. Although the space is not large, it is not small either. Two people Daily life is still enough.

After putting away their luggage, everyone unanimously decided to visit the Sewol Cruise. The Sprigangs did not stop them and took them on a tour inside the Sewol Cruise.

Along the way, everyone also asked the Spriggans a lot of things, many of which could not be known from data and records. Listening to the accounts of those who had experienced it, they could better understand the experience of the Promethean Legion.

"Eh? You were all taught by Yang Hui...the commander-in-chief himself?" Li Shangqin asked in surprise.

"Yes, when we were in the Gundam AGE world, because we were [X-Rounders], we were selected by the Commander-in-Chief and joined the [Celestial Being] Brigade. We personally taught and followed the Commander-in-Chief on his expeditions to the north and south, and performed many very difficult tasks. The mission was not until the Commander-in-Chief, General Graham and General Yulin stepped down, and the [Celestial Being] Brigade was handed over to Asim." Reina said.

"Haha, there's nothing surprising about this. Let alone us, Setsuna, Nier, Lyle, Allelujah, and Tieria, when we were in the Gundam OO world, we didn't know about Promis Fortress. At that time, they were brought out by the Commander-in-Chief, and there are many more after that, such as Kira, Amuro, Jung... The Commander-in-Chief likes to bring in new people," Gerald said with a hearty smile.

Everyone was very surprised. After all, they had escaped from the world for a long time. In their opinion, Yang Hui was that kind of high-ranking big shot. Why did such a big shot still like to do this kind of thing? And... it can be seen from this content that Yang Hui has a vicious vision and his teaching methods are very powerful. Not to mention the top aces who were just away from Gerald, even the Sprigang couple in front of him are also members of the fleet. The ace, located at the apex of the T1 level, is Fleet's personal guard.

"A big shot like him... still has such a hobby?" Kaname Saki asked curiously.

"Haha, this is indeed the Commander-in-Chief's hobby. After all..." Halfway through, Gerald and Reina looked at each other and smiled at each other, "...The Commander-in-Chief is the person who values ​​his companions and family the most."

"Eh? What...mean?" Everyone on Longgong Island was puzzled. The first half and the second half couldn't be connected. Isn't this jump too strong? I'm sorry they can't understand.

"I heard Captain Brad say that when he was in the Gundam UC world, the Commander-in-Chief once said something like this: 'Each of us is raised by our biological father and mother. Whatever is handed over to him, no matter how insignificant it is, must be taken care of." Increase our chances of surviving the battlefield'."

"So the commander-in-chief's personal teachings are definitely the most severe and cruel in the legion, but they are also the ones that everyone is eager to participate in."

On the other side, the bear Andrei Smirnov was in charge of welcoming the newcomers. He also told everyone on Longgong Island about his past experiences and everything he had experienced in the Promes Army.

"What an amazing family." After listening to Andrei Smirnoff's narration, Hazama Kanon couldn't help but sigh. She was once an orphan and didn't understand the meaning of family. Only after being accepted by the Hazama family did she Having a home of my own makes me understand the importance of family.

And the Smirnov family really dedicated everything to the army, to the people, and now to the Promes Army.

"Actually, they are all the same. I have read your information. Most of your parents and relatives are members of [Alves], right? For example, Mrs. Hazama is a member of the technical department, right? And Xiaozhen and his wife are both the chief engineers of Valrhona. "Andrei Smirnov did not get carried away because of the praise. He grew up in an iron-blooded military family, and there are still goals to surpass in front of him. ·Smirnov became a mature and stable qualified soldier, without any trace of the rebellious youth in his original historical trajectory.

"Thank you for the compliment." Everyone present was also embarrassed. Andrei Smirnov was right. Most of their families were the same, but... different. After all, everything they encountered was forced. , just want to survive.

But the Smirnov family was different. They could have enjoyed a peaceful life, but they voluntarily joined the Promes Fortress and the Promes Legion, and continued endless battles.

"I'll take you to the entertainment area next..."

Just as Andrei Smirnov was about to take everyone to visit the next area, sirens sounded throughout the ship, and the order from the bridge was issued.

"Festum is coming, all personnel are in first-level combat configuration. Repeat once, Festum is coming. All personnel are in first-level combat configuration. MS troops will attack immediately!"


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