The Daybreak Gundam still braved the greatest pressure to clear the way for the White Tiger, advancing all the way and approaching Genesis before slowing down the speed of the attack.

"Emperor, have you found the landing entrance?" Yang Hui asked anxiously.

"Wait a minute...I found it!"

"Okay, break in! The red machine and the blue machine go together!"

"Understood!" X3

The Daybreak Gundam turned and came to the rear of the White Tiger, blocking the waves of pursuers. The beam submachine gun never stopped firing, and the glory of the bit kept shining on the entire universe.

Until the White Tiger successfully rushed into the Genesis landing entrance, Yang Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief. The first stage was completed. The remaining work was to wait for the demolition team to successfully destroy the Genesis from the inside and protect the White Tiger.

"Beep beep beep..."


When the alarm sounded, Yang Hui frowned and immediately retracted the left bit and attached it to the wings, then turned back to protect the Dawn Gundam.

The next second, dozens of beams of light fell on it, and the thrust generated by the explosion pushed the Dawn Gundam a considerable distance away.

"...Kruze." Seeing the dark gray Gundam approaching quickly and the dragoons that had just been recovered, Yang Hui knew that it was Cruze who was coming.

ZGFM-X13A, God's Will Gundam, is the last Gundam in the X series developed by ZAFT and equipped with an anti-neutron jammer. The frame has been adjusted and strengthened based on the ZGMFF-X10A Freedom Gundam. Its volume is also larger than that of Freedom Gundam and Justice. The Gundam is much larger, and like the first two machines, it retains its high degree of versatility and sports performance.

In terms of armament, the right arm of the machine body is loaded with the MA-M221 [Judgment Type] beam rifle. This rifle is larger than ordinary beam rifles and is more powerful than the [Sirius] used by Freedom and Justice Gundam. The left arm is the MA-MV05A composite armor shield system. In addition to the lightsaber that can be extended from the front end, it is also equipped with two energy cannons.

The most distinctive weapon of the aircraft is the large-scale infinite inducible weapon unit Dragoon system (DRAGOON system - Disonnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network System - Disconnected integrated control high-speed mobile armor group network system) mounted on the back. . This weapon was not included in the original design, but was specifically designed during the subsequent design and manufacturing process for Law Lu Cruze, who had extremely excellent spatial recognition capabilities.

"Hahaha, we meet again, Yang Hui, I didn't expect you to be so crazy! But that's the end of it!" Kruse's crazy laughter came from the communication, and the Divine Gundam quickly approached and released the dragon behind him again. The cavalry fired simultaneously with the [Judgment Style] beam rifle and the two beam rifles of the composite weapon in their hands, and continued to push the Dawn Gundam back.

"Haha, really?" Yang Hui sneered. He knew Kruse's plan and pushed him away step by step. Then as long as it entangled him, the White Tiger lost its strongest protective power. With only the Heretic Gundam Red Machine and The Gundam Astray Blue Machine cannot protect the White Tiger.

As long as the White Tiger is defeated, Yang Hui's plan will fail, and he will win at the same time, because no one can stop Genesis from firing.

Genesis fires again, and the flames of war will burn the entire world, and no one can extinguish it. He only needs to wait for the final result, and the destruction of the world will be enough.

But... Kruse still underestimates Yang Hui. The God's Will Gundam is indeed excellent in this world and this time period.

The bit recovered and gathered on the wings. The wings were crossed in front of the body to resist the salvoes of the dragoons and beam guns.

"Good opportunity." Dawn Gundam's line of sight was completely blocked, and Cruze controlled the dragoons to quietly go around Dawn Gundam and surround him.

Just when he was about to fire, his wings flew up, and the fire behind him exploded, rising rapidly, missing the point where the beams crossed, and then...

"Boom boom boom..."

The beam submachine gun fired one after another. Four of the eleven dragoons were lost in an instant, and the three large dragoons were completely wiped out.

"What!?" Cruze was shocked. The dragoon's attack was strange. Cruze also knew that it would not take much time for Yang Hui to adapt to the dragoon's attack mode.

But what he didn't expect was that Yang Hui's adaptability was so strong, and when his vision was blocked, he gave up protection, rose to dodge, and shot the target. This series of actions was done in one go, without the slightest hesitation, as if Yang Hui was a A prophet can see into the future.

"It seems that ZAFT's research on Daybreak is not very thorough." Yang Hui's voice reached Kruse's ears, and the survival instinct alarm sounded crazily in his mind.

The Divine Gundam immediately retracted all the dragoons and quickly retreated. The bits fell off the wings and rushed towards the Divine Gundam like a wave, and the speed was faster than the Divine Gundam.

"Hmph! If you can't hit, there will be nothing...what!?"

Seeing that the God's Will Gundam was about to be overtaken, he turned at a right angle and moved to the left at high speed. Unexpectedly, the golden wave that should have been dodged by him actually followed the God's Will Gundam and chased him as if it was full of vitality.

In a hurry, the Divine Gundam threw the composite weapon in his left hand in the direction of the bit attack, and took the initiative to shoot to destroy it upon contact. The shock wave of the explosion blew away the chasing bit wave, and countless light groups exploded. The golden sea was replaced by flames.

But...that's not all. Within a few seconds, Bit broke through the smoke and fire and rushed towards the God of God.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the God's Will Gundam dodged left and right, and shot at the same time to shoot it down, but...

"This is not a program! It is mind-controlled!" Kruse was surprised to find that bit actually seemed to be alive, dispersing, reorganizing, tracking, and dodging, just as weird as the dragoon he controlled.

"Have you finally discovered it?"

Dawn Gundam unfolded its wings and floated, returning to its original position little by little. Golden light surrounded him. Yang Hui looked expressionlessly at the Divine Gundam, which was being played by bit like a monkey, dancing in the rain of light. , from time to time he would also command his idle bits to defeat other mobile suits trying to get close to the Dawn Gundam or the White Tiger.

"Damn it!" Kruse gritted his teeth and cursed, cursing himself for underestimating Yang Hui. He was also scolding the people in the technical department for being a bunch of trash for not being aware of this important information in advance.

Kruse's strength is really not weak. Yang Hui can guarantee that he is stronger than Kira now. Now he is full of firepower. Not only has he entered the changer mode, but he is also concentrating on controlling all the movements of bit.

If it were Kira, he would probably be able to hold on for about 20 minutes before losing his hold, but Kruse has been able to keep the bit entangled for half an hour and still keep the body intact.

However, the so-called complete body refers to the Divine Gundam itself, and does not include the dragoons. In addition to the four dragoons that were destroyed at the beginning, there are only three small dragoons left that are still helping Cruze to support bit's crazy attack. , there are more and more evasive movements, and the amplitude is getting larger and larger, which proves that Kruse is almost reaching his limit.

"Forget it, let's end it."

The Dawn Gundam moved, its body turned irregularly, and its two guns fired continuously. After destroying all the enemy aircraft in the surrounding circle, it changed its guns into swords, flapped its wings, and quickly approached the God's Will Gundam.


Cruze only felt something flash in his sight, and then the cockpit became dark, and the red alarm kept flashing.

Cruze knew that he had lost this battle, and that it was a complete defeat, but... Cruze still had a smile on his face, a very confident and proud smile.

"I win, Cruze."

"No, Yang Hui, I won."

"What did you say?" Yang Hui frowned deeply, a bad premonition welling up in his heart.

"Before Genesis was completed, I left a backdoor in the system and tampered with the data. In half an hour, Genesis will be launched again, and the the Earth!"

At this time, the headquarters inside Genesis was in chaos, and people were shouting one after another.

"What the hell is going on!? Why is the target of Genesis the Earth!?"

"Someone has modified the program and locked it so it cannot be changed! There is only half an hour left before launch!"

"Then find a way to cancel the launch program!"

"Cannot be lifted!"

"Damn it!" Patrick Sala punched the table with a ferocious and terrifying expression. He wanted to win the war, but not at the expense of the entire earth!

Without the Earth, the Adjusters would be a group of cosmic refugees, and they were refugees who could perish at any time, so Patrick Sala never thought of using Genesis on the Earth in the first place.

But now, someone has tampered with the system and locked it completely. This not only wants to destroy the earth, but also wants to destroy both natural people and adjusters.

"What about the rats that sneaked in? Did they do it?" Patrick Sala asked.

"No, according to records, this secret program was implanted when Genesis was established, and the enemy's infiltration troops have not yet entered the core area, so it is impossible to tamper with the system."

"Then quickly eliminate them, then unlock the system and cancel the launch program!"

"But the Genesis system..."

"No buts! It must be done!"


"Beep beep beep..."

"Your Excellency Speaker, we received a communication request from an enemy aircraft. It's dawn!"

"Breaking Dawn...Yang Hui...come in!" Patrick Sala's eyes were complicated. He didn't know why Yang Hui, an enemy, would initiate communication with him at this time, but he wanted to know what Yang Hui was going to say, but at the same time he didn't want to hear it. The enemy's voice sounded, but considering the emergency, he still picked it up.

"Your Excellency Speaker Sarah."

"Just tell me, boy, what do you want to do?"

After not seeing each other for a long time and without exchanging greetings, Patrick Sala looked at the young face on the screen and felt infinite emotion in his heart. All the memories of his fight with Yang Hui flashed through his mind. It's a pity that why is this outstanding young man not an adjuster? Why not from PLANT?

"Then let me tell you straight, Speaker Sara, within fifteen minutes, I will destroy Genesis from the inside. Please leave immediately."

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