Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 631 Information obtained, crazy Kilian Zabi

Chapter 631 Information obtained, crazy Killian Zabi


The entire colonial satellite was shaken so violently, it must have been an attack from outside, and it was so sudden. Only Yang Hui could think of the [Solar Ray System] that reminded him before.

"The local strategic weapons are directly attacking!" Dejin Sodo Zabi also heard the report. He was stunned for a moment, and his face became extremely ugly, "This guy Ji Lian..."

"Haha, it seems that someone doesn't want you to live, Dejin." Xia Ya mocked.


"Don't worry, Dejin, you are safe here, safer than at home."

"...Tomorrow's meeting..."

"Proceeding as usual, but I hope to wrap it all up tomorrow."

"……I see."

Xia Ya nodded and walked out of the room with Yang Hui. Dejin Sodo Zabi, who was left alone, immediately became older and his eyes were a little cloudy.

Kilian Zabi prepared ultra-long-range strategic weapons and would not attack early or later. However, he attacked not long after he arrived in the Republic of Zeon, leaving Deji Sodo Zabi unable to find an acceptable excuse to replace him. Killian Zabi excuses himself.

He knew early on that Kilian Zabi was crazy, but he never believed that Kilian Zabi would really kill him.

Dejin Sodo Zabi, who was murdered by his own son, felt that the whole world was dark at this moment.

"Fortunately, Karma, Karma is still here..."

Yang Hui and Xia Ya said goodbye to Dejin Sodo Zabi and went directly to the headquarters.

"Report the situation!"

"Suddenly a high-energy reaction was detected in the SIDE3 direction. We did not hesitate and immediately activated the [protective umbrella] system, and then we were attacked. This is the video record of that time."

As he spoke, the video record was played on the big screen. The bright white energy torrent that was enough to blind the eyes hit the energy shield opened by the [Umbrella] system. Time and space were distorted for a while, the electromagnetic storm raged, and the camera lost all its information for a while. After the screen was restored for a few seconds, countless electric arcs were seen jumping on the [Umbrella] system, and the shining energy shield dimmed a bit.

"The first one has been confirmed." Yang Hui and Xia Ya thought at the same time, what kind of trump card does Kilian Zabi hold in his hand? This is the information they need most at the moment. Now that the first one has been opened, there are more behind it. How many?

"What's the situation with the [Umbrella] system?"

"Energy consumption is 40%, estimated charging time is 3 days, equipment loss is 25%, the equipment will be scrapped after 3 effective defenses against the same level of attack..."

"The local colonial satellite was slightly damaged, and there are currently no casualties..."

"Huh~ It seems that the quality of your stuff is pretty good." Xia Ya let out a sigh of relief and teased Yang Hui.

"Oh, don't use it if you don't believe it."

"Haha, how many trump cards do you think Kilian Zabi has?"

"There are at least two more, the Colonial Satellite Bomb and the [World Tree]."

"[World Tree]? That plasma cannon? Didn't that project fail and be abandoned?" Char said in surprise. When [World Tree] was undergoing actual combat testing, he was still inside the Principality of Zeon, and he was still well-informed.

"Now there are not that many people in the Principality of Zeon. Those who have died in battle and those who have defected have defected. If you want to continue fighting against the Federation, there are only two ways to go. One is the [Solar Ray System] and strategic bombs such as colonial satellite bombs." For lethal weapons, the other is to use fewer people to use more powerful weapons, such as [World Tree] and MA.”

"So you guess he chose both paths?"

"That's called a reasonable prediction."

“Since when can reasonable predictions be applied to psychopaths?”

"...Then you can guess for yourself! Are you a gangster!?"

"Ahem, you continue."

"Exactly, apart from these two, the most likely ones are the research results of the Secmu system and the NT troops."


"Get ready. After the conversation tomorrow, let's see what Dekin Sodo Zabi knows. If we can get valuable information from him, we don't have to be so passive."

"no problem."

The next day's talks ended quickly. The Principality of Zeon surrendered to the Republic of Zeon. Yang Hui, representing the Federation, sat in his seat as an audience.

Dejin Sodo Zabi did not have too many specific requirements, because he knew that Char would accept the civilians and territories of the Principality of Zeon, and would also take it with him to fight with Zeon Shim Daken. Work together towards the goal.

But there is one thing, Dejin Sodo Zabi asked Charia to promise him, that is, not to kill Karma Zabi, and his own life can be handed over to Charia.

Char will definitely want Dejin Sodo Zabi's life, because he is Kilian Zabi's father and the prince of the Principality of Zeon, regardless of whether he has participated in what Kilian Zabi did. He must bear responsibility for all crimes.

As for Karma Zabi...Xia Ya promised Dejin Sodo Zabi that he would not kill him, but he would not let him go back to the mountains. After considering it with Yang Hui, he finally decided to send him to Granada to be with Dozlu... Zabi family reunited.

"Killian doesn't let me know what he is doing, so I don't know the current situation in the Principality of Zeon."

Unfortunately, no valuable information could be obtained from Dekin Sodo Zabi.

It's just a pity. Yang Hui had guessed this result from the beginning. How could Kilian Zabi, who had always regarded Dekin Sodo Zabi as a stumbling block that needed to be eliminated, let Dekin Sodo Zabi know about him? Trump's trump card?

Fortunately, Dejin Sodo Zabi did not provide any useful information, but Yang Hui's personal intelligence network found very important information.

"Haha, Kilian Zabi really doesn't disappoint at all." Looking at the information, Yang Hui sneered, his face getting colder and colder.

"Is he desperate for victory?" Xia Ya's face was as dark as ink. If this information is true, then Kilian Zabi is desperate. Typical, even if I lose, you won't get anything. manner.

According to the intelligence, Kilian Zabi emptied the three colonial satellites of SIDE3 and moved the original residents to several other colonial satellites. If they couldn't fit in them, he gave them some food and stuffed them into the shuttle, leaving them alone. To fend for itself.

Among the three colonial satellites that have been requisitioned, one is a residential colonial satellite with a concentrated population, and the other two are agricultural colonial satellites. They are also the two most important food producing areas in SIDE3. Now they have been requisitioned, which means that Zeon The principality would soon be in dire straits of food shortages.

According to Kilian Zabi's style, the victims must be civilians. Even if civilians starve to death, he will let soldiers fight hungry.

The three requisitioned colonial satellites were not transformed into colonial satellite bombs, but three [Solar Ray Systems] were built. Now one has been completed and two more are under construction.

There was a slight deviation in Yang Hui's prediction. The Principality of Zeon indeed squandered its few remaining resources to build ten [Yggdrasil] plasma cannons, which were deployed on the mainland of A. Bava Sora and SIDE 3. At the same time, the space battleships were stopped. In terms of construction, even MSs were not produced much, and the remaining resources were all used in the production of various large-scale MAs.

Why is there no [World Tree] plasma cannon deployed in Solomon Fortress?

This is where Yang Hui's speculation went wrong. Instead of manufacturing colonial satellite bombs, Kilian Zabi directly transformed the Solomon Fortress and turned it into a huge asteroid bomb, ready to be dropped on the earth.

Once Solomon successfully lands on the earth, it will not be as simple as Australia being destroyed. Life will become extinct and the ecosystem will completely collapse. A large amount of dust and aerosol particles will block the sun, causing global temperatures to drop, causing climate change and sea levels. rising phenomena.

In one sentence, the earth will become a death star unsuitable for life!

"You said it, he is crazy." Yang Hui spread his hands, but he was also very emotional in his heart.

After all, Char's future is the one who inspired Axis to push it to the earth. He really has no right to blame Kilian Zabi.

"He must be stopped."

"That's right, so the battle plan we made before will have to be changed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Hui took out his quantum communicator and immediately contacted Ray Bill who was far away in Axis.

"I got the information, the battle plan needs to be corrected."

"Is it bad?"

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Yang Hui asked Ray Bill just like Ray Bill asked him in the same way.

"Let's hear the good news first."

"Our assumptions were correct, and Kilian Zabi prepared no other colony bombs."

"Hey, this is really good news. So... what about the bad news?"

"Killian Zabi intends to use Fortress Solomon as a replacement for the colony bombs."

"Say this kind of thing directly! Bastard!" Ray Bill yelled. He was relieved when he heard that Kilian Zabi did not prepare a colonial satellite bomb. The biggest threat to the earth is the colonial satellite bomb. Others may It brought huge casualties to the Federation, but it was unable to reverse the victory, let alone threaten the earth.

But Solomon Fortress replaced the colonial satellite bomb... Kilian Zabi is going to destroy the earth!

"My troops terminated all previous plans. They went to Solomon Fortress with the main fleet. The rest was left to me and Char."

"...I will order the ten fleets to join the five fleets remaining in the Republic of Zeon, and attack A. Bawa Kong and Solomon Fortress at the same time. You and Char's people just move forward." Ray Bill said seriously.

"I understand. I will destroy the flashlight and his confidence without leaving any trace." Yang Hui replied seriously.

"Well, I leave it to you."

"rest assured."

After the communication ended, Yang Hui looked at Xia Ya, and Xia Ya rolled his eyes angrily and complained: "Why do you like to die every time? You also like to drag me with you!"

"Haha, then you are wrong. I have never sent myself to death, otherwise I would not be alive until now."

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