Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 109: Goods beyond expectations

     More than ten meters away, eight spider arms steadily unloaded to the ground.

   Su Lun shook his dizzy head, looking at the flame monsters living in front of him, the solemn brows finally eased a little.

  Because he discovered that this monster broke the defense!

   The previous musket damage, before the second attack, the front wound had healed on its own.

   But now, the burning of phosphorous fire and the dozens of holes that the eight-armed spider spear pierced continuously have caused tons of damage. The wound is healed obviously hard, which means that the monster's self-healing ability has reached the upper limit.

  Although he is still healing, as long as he continues to output damage that overflows the amount of healing, the monster will become weaker and weaker.

   Moreover, self-healing is not without cost.

  In the field of alchemy, energy is conserved.

   Even if this monster has terrifying self-healing ability, it also needs bio-energy to heal itself.

   The more wounds, the greater the consumption, which will cause it to become weaker and weaker.

   Because of weakness, the monster's power, perception, and reaction abilities will decrease.

   Su Lun's battle pressure will become less and less.

   Besides, this hateful warrior still has one of the biggest shortcomings, that is, "low intelligence"!

   Reality only gave him a moment to breathe. As soon as Su Lun landed, he watched the monster rush towards him again.

He did not rush, and repeated the same trick. With both hands involved [You Tun Doll] and [Phosphorus Fire Doll], another round of phosphorous fire was applied to the flame that the monster was going to extinguish, and the flame burned again... .

   There is no wisdom, only the instinct to kill. This is the same as playing BOSS in the game. It can pull hatred and choose a fixed attack method.

After    burned a handful, Su Lun looked for a chance again and jumped on the back of the monster again, the spider spear slammed again...

   The blue blood gradually sprayed more and more fiercely, and the monster became weaker and weaker, its movements slower and slower and less threatening.


   Not far away, Kay was already speechless watching the battle.

   Originally, he wanted to rush to help, not to mention that he could hurt the monster, at least he could contain it, and share some pressure on Su Lun.

   Then, before he had time to start, he realized that the plot had unfolded in an outrageous direction that he hadn't expected...

   knows alchemy...

   Spider colony is nothing more than...

   It's nothing more than a whole body of ghosts...

   Now there are a few more rune puppets that you can’t understand?

   I thought your spider legs were used to run, but...

  The eyes tell me, are you still a puppet master?

   However, after all, it was Su Lun who had the upper hand. Kay looked at his eyes with radiant expression, and his heart was surging: "What is the quality of this spider colony? Also, he can control it so flexibly..."

   A monster with the melee ability of a Tier 2 professional, a monster with abnormal defense and recovery, was actually crushed and beaten by the Suren brothers?

  Alchemy bullets can't break the monster's defenses, but the spider spear can penetrate...He can't guess where it is now, the alchemy quality of this cloak must be terrifying.

   certainly not black iron!

  Even, Kaye thinks that the silver coat is not so strong!

   He is also a professional after all, so he doesn't know the prerequisites for the choice of reproductive costume fusion.

   Su Lun can integrate high-quality alchemy cloak, which means that when he takes office, his dark spiritual power will far exceed the same level.

   Moreover, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do to control these eight spider legs so flexibly.

   "It turns out that he was not joking on the battlefield before, it was true."

   Thinking of this, Kaye muttered with his eyes faintly: "Fuck, if I hadn't met this monster today, I didn't know this guy was so powerful!"

   usually covers Su Lun as the captain, and it turns out that the clown is himself.

   But the scales that watched the victory were already leaning toward Suren, and Kay's tight fists who were watching the battle also slowly loosened. When friends become stronger, he also has a kind of joy from the bottom of his heart.


   The battle is doomed to an end when Suren finds the flaw in the abomination warrior.

   Not long.

   The flame-covered monster finally fell into weakness due to sustained injuries, and suffered a piercing stabbing from the spider spear. It wailed unwillingly and fell to the ground.

  Su Lun looked at the corpse, only then exhaled a long breath.

   Although the whole battle seems to be the repeated routines, tripping, fuel injection and burning, and then poke and poke...

   But in fact, I dance on the tip of a knife almost every moment, between life and death.

   The monster's strength does not allow him to make any mistakes at all.

   You hit the monster a hundred times, it doesn't hurt or itchy; but if you make a mistake, the monster can kill you instantly if you make a mistake.

   Because of the constant calm state, Su Lun minimized the probability of making mistakes.

   But the risk is high, and the combat experience gains a lot.

   This is the first time he has used all means to kill a powerful enemy.

   Although I trained in the basement many times before, it was not actual combat after all.

   Fighting against this "hate warrior" gave him a lot of inspiration.

   He also discovered that the profession of the puppeteer is very strong, but the strong point is not only in the puppets with various magical effects, but also in the operability of this profession.

   If the various combinations of puppets with different effects are used well, the combat power can almost double, and one person can play the effect of a team!

  This battle allowed Su Lun to gradually understand his future plans for his profession.

  Tank, output, healing, control, support...These abilities can be replaced by tricks with various functions.

  He doesn't need to team up with others, he is a team!


  Su Lun put away his cloak, and slowly calmed his breathing.

At this moment, Kay also walked over quickly, looked at Suren like a monster, and asked excitedly: "Brother, when did you become so powerful? What's the matter with your cloak, then What spell is Leng Yan, and that puppet..."

   Su Lun also felt that there was nothing to conceal, but it was not the time to explain, he smiled and shook his head and said, "It's not the time to talk about this, move things, time is running out."

  Kay squatted her mouth, and this stopped the gossip, "That's right."

   The two did not delay any more, and walked quickly to the back of the truck.

   They looked at the dense alloy boxes in the carriage with anticipation in their eyes.

   "Haha...Let me see, what kind of goods can be protected by this monster pressure box, baby!"

   Kay said, opening a mechanical box casually.

  In a short time, a chill came to his face.

   The two of them stared blankly, because they saw that the box was actually a set of brand-new armor with a sense of technology.


  Kay looked at the armor, then looked at Suren.

  Isn't it a good second-hand machinery and's not like it...

   Lightly stroked, and there would be a cold frost sensation on the palm.

   Helmets, armors, mechanical gloves, frost cannons, power boilers... each part has a very advanced rune and enchanting plating.

   Where did Kaye, born in a slum, have seen this thing?

   Looking at the battle armor, he was surprised and doubtful.

   The loot is so high-level that it makes him feel a little unreal. It feels like it's obviously just to grab a few pieces of scrap iron, and the result is all bright gold bars.

   He turned his head to look at Su Lun, his voice trembling, and he was uncertain: "Brother Su Lun, what kind of armor is this? Renovated...refurbished?"

   Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and he really recognized the origin of this armor.

   He showed a thoughtful look, and slowly uttered a few words: "The latest mechanical equipment of the Inner City Guard-Frost Giant Battle Armor."


   Hearing this, Kay's mind went blank.

   Looking again, there are dozens of large and small mechanical boxes in this carriage, and I don’t know what treasures are in them.

   The two immediately realized that this shipment... is not the same as the information they got!

   This time, it seems to be a big game.

  PS. Someone questioned, just one more explanation. In fact, don't think that this low-profile **** team is unreliable and the plot is far-fetched. The more valuable the item, the more low-key and safer the escort. If you are interested, you can search for ‘1931 Gold Theft’. There are numerous similar cases in reality. Many very precious things are often transported in the simplest and most simple way, and the loss process is also very coincidental. Moreover, this plot also involves a hidden plot, in the outer city, the black tower is not without rivals.

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