Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 121: [Shroud of the Iceman of Oz]

"Mechanical Alchemist (!

The moment Su Lun hugged Lena's arm, the murderous intent on his back was suddenly weakened a lot.

The eldest lady of the Reyes family still has a lot of cards.

Even the people of the umbrella organization want to chase the murderer, but they have to worry about the personal safety of this eldest lady.

Su Lun did not dare to delay either, taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people surrounded, he must find the [Forbidden Object] as soon as possible.

Because the meat ticket was very cooperative, the two successfully entered the hotel lobby.

As soon as he entered and saw the hotel's environment, Su Lun immediately "touched the scene" in his mind and recalled some scenes, and he was even more sure where the forbidden object was hidden.

Su Lun wasn't sure about the key to the hotel, so he didn't plan to go straight up. If violence cannot be broken, it will be very troublesome.

He went to the front desk, planning to open the room and get the keys as usual.

I thought I had to show my ID or something, but I didn't want the front desk manager to greet them warmly.

The money is confiscated and the documents are not checked.

A flattering smile.

There is no need for a luxurious suite, but a 505-room ordinary double room.

When we went upstairs, our Miss Rou Piao said weakly that this hotel is her family's property.

The manager knows her.

Ask again, half of the real estate in this commercial street belongs to her family.

Well, Su Lun almost forgot that this was a little rich woman with a moat and inhumanity.


On the fifth floor, the gaze that focused on him still did not disappear.

Su Lun ignored it and opened the door.

The Moon Hotel is a high-end hotel, the decoration is not worse than those five-star hotels in the previous life.

The price of this kind of room is not cheap. The "A-pass" thief Alberk chose here. Enjoyment is one thing, and more importantly, safety. The more luxurious the hotel, the less likely it will be for rounds.

Behind this hotel is the Reyes family, who are in contact with big people, there are few rounds, the frequency of people staying in is low, and hidden things are not easy to be found.

Although Lena didn't mind helping Su Lun, she wondered why he brought herself to the hotel room.

But before she had time to ask, as soon as she walked in, Su Lun said, "Close your eyes. Otherwise, you will have a lot of trouble afterwards."


Although Lena didn't understand what Sulun was going to do, she seemed to be in the catacombs, she didn't ask much, and closed her eyes obediently.

Su Lun really didn't want Lena to see what she was going to do, otherwise she would be very troublesome.

Moreover, the more he said, the more he exposed himself.

After entering this room, the picture in his mind became clear instantly.

Then, he cast his eyes on the corner of the ceiling.

Nothing can be seen with the naked eye, a piece of white paint.

He stepped on the stool, then stretched out his hand to make a mold on the corner, as if he had caught an invisible strip.

"Found it! It's really here!"

Su Lun was overjoyed.

He didn't know what the forbidden object was, only that it was stuck in that inconspicuous corner.

I was holding it in my hand now, and I looked at it with the pupil of omniscience, and I immediately knew what the transparent thing in my hand was.

[Shroud of the Iceman of Oz]

Description: It is a cover cloth for the sleeper, a life belt for the living;

Cursing characteristics: It can seal the corpse whose law level is not higher than the object itself, so that it does not reveal any breath; of course, you are willing to pay the price of life, and it can also be used as a'invisibility cloak', no one can post your whereabouts. Or breath; close enough to the shroud, it will absorb your life ten times; if you have to wrap it around your body, the breath of the dead will make your life go by a thousand times;

Detailed explanation: This is a shroud that was peeled off from a mysterious ancient corpse at least 20,000 years ago, and it has absorbed very cursing properties; have you seen it? No, no one can see it.

When Su Lun touched the transparent strip in his hand before, he felt a little weird.

Now that he saw this detailed explanation, he knew that it was the feeling of life ten times passing by.

Moreover, the curse characteristics of this forbidden object can be carried around at any time, and it will absorb ten times the life at any time.

Wearing it for a day, it consumes a thousand times, and it will lose more than three years of life!

However, compared to being caught and killed on the spot, the price is simply worth it.

"No wonder Na Albuque felt that he would confidently escape the roundup of the umbrella organization if he got this thing... This thing is simply an escape artifact!"

Su Lun got this thing, and the death cloud looming over his heart suddenly disappeared for most of the time.


I seem to have won again.

However, now is not the time to feel emotion, Su Lun picked up the two-meter bandage and began to wrap it around his body. When thinking about how to wrap the whole body so short, the bandage itself seemed to come to life with the thoughts.

It was like a transparent little snake that greedily sucked the vitality, walking around Su Lun, circle after circle, entwining him tightly in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Su Lun could feel that he was tied into a mummy, strictly.

He looked down at his hands and could still see.

But looking at the mirror of the room in a blink of an eye, it was strange that in the room where there were obviously two big living people, only Lena was seen with her eyes closed.

The position where Su Lun stood was empty!

"Completely disappeared..."

Seeing that he was missing in the mirror, Su Lun finally saw the hope of escaping.

However, he also found a problem.

Only disappeared in the optical sense, his body is real.

The stall underneath the foot is also obviously showing depressions in its footprints.

Su Lun knew that certain super-perceived masters would be able to spot this anomaly, and he did not dare to stay in the room.

Before leaving, he glanced at Lena who was still standing honestly, and said: "Remember, no matter what happens. Whenever there is a problem with someone, you will be kidnapped by me with death threats. building."

Lena nodded obediently: "Oh."

Su Lun thought for a while, then said softly: "Thank you."

Hearing this, Reina didn't open her eyes, a slight smile appeared on Qiao's face.

Then, she heard the sound of "Kang Dang" closing the door.

For a long time, there was no more movement in the room.

Rena guessed something and asked cautiously, "Mr. Sulun, are you still there?"

No one responded.

She asked again: "Can I open my eyes?"

Still no one responded.

At this time, Lena still did not dare to open her eyes, because she remembered Mr. Su Lun saying that opening her eyes would cause trouble.

After waiting for another moment, suddenly there was movement outside the windowpane.

A person jumped in and asked eagerly: "Miss Rena, are you all right!"

Lena opened her eyes again.

Su Lun's okay is long gone in the room.

What happened just now was a dream.


The eldest lady of the Reyes family was kidnapped, and the matter soon reached the top of the umbrella organization.

This vicious hijacking incident immediately caused violent turmoil in the upper class.

When the top professionals in the headquarters heard the news and came to save people, they suddenly heard that the matter had been resolved.

The hostages were rescued.

But the suspect disappeared.

Technicians from the Umbrella Organization carefully inspected Room 505 of the Moon Hotel.

A middle-aged man with no anger and prestige, with a dark face, listened to his subordinates in the room.

", the city defense department, the security team, a total of thirty elite teams came, or did you let the suspect escape under your nose?"

"Sorry, Major General. We did watch him kidnap the eldest lady of the Reyes family into the room. Then...we were afraid that he would hurt the hostages, so we didn't rush to do it... but we can wait for the high-level professionals of the organization to arrive. At the time, Miss Lena was the only one left in the room."


The middle-aged man suppressed the anger in his heart.

The task of intercepting the **** squad of the Cross Society was only a trivial task.

All people are cleaned up, and the "pollutants" are contained, and there will be no waves at all.

But I didn't expect that a Tier 2 professional led a team to intercept and kill a group of outer city gangs "little fish". How many people would actually kill them, and the people still escaped?

Then, after mobilizing so many resources, people didn’t catch it.

Now there is a kidnapping case that is well-known in the whole city, and now people have escaped?

If it weren't for the powerful subordinates he brought out, and the ability has been recognized, the middle-aged people would really suspect that the newcomers in their umbrella organization are all idiots!

Although it proved that the fugitive had the ability of a quasi-second-tier professional, it also proved that the internal intelligence system of the organization had a big loophole.

Otherwise, how could such a strong person be just a nameless person in the Cross Society, and completely blank in the umbrella organization?

Thinking of this, the top of the umbrella organization was naturally angry.

"Are there any clues to the identity of the suspect? You have such a highly recognizable cloak, let alone you haven't found it."

"There are clues. We retrieved the files based on the clues and found that a few months ago, the Black Market in Shadow Alley did auction off a drawing of a spider colony that had never been recorded. And from the point of view of efficacy, it was basically Coincide..."

"A few months ago? Haha... You mean that he is at least a veteran firearms expert, a fugitive who knows no servants, and only a few months into the official professional? A few months of novice professional, how many of you The ten reorganization teams are playing around?"


The atmosphere is awkward.

The clerk was scolded with blood all over.

But this is the fact, and these are the clues they found.

Although, they themselves do not believe it either.

The middle-aged man knew that getting angry now could not solve the problem, and asked: "Did you figure out why the robber came to kidnap the lady of the Reyce family? When I came before, I heard that they seemed to know each other?"

"Yes. Together with the eldest lady of the Reyce family, her bodyguard and the eldest lady of the Cortez family, Yulia, they both confirmed that they knew each other. But Miss Lena couldn't provide more. It’s just that it’s been coerced by others, so we don’t have to ask too much."

"Where is this room?"

"There are some abnormal marks in the corners of the ceiling. After investigation and comparison, the staff of the Trace Division found that there should be a transparent object posted there before. We investigated the relevant files and speculated that this may be the original loss in the Bravo family treasury case. That forbidden object-[Shroud of the Iceman of Oz]."

"So, you want to say that you have investigated the stolen property that you haven't found for several years. The suspect came and took it away, then borrowed the forbidden property and ran away?"


After listening to the report from his subordinates, the middle-aged man went through the file records of the entire arrest process, his anger turned into solemn thoughts.

"From the very beginning, whether it was using a taxi to mislead the chase, or using a fake secret signal to punch the card, the suspect showed extraordinary calmness... His thinking was very clear, and he showed it throughout the entire anti-roundup process. Very accurate purpose. First went to City No. 4, and after being blocked, he came to the Moon Hotel to fetch the confinement... So, his purpose was very clear, that is to escape!"

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man's eyes dazzled.

"Notify everyone, focusing on the blockade and investigation of the No. 4 urban area, the suspect's destination is still in the No. 4 urban area, especially the rivers, sewer pipes, and smuggling channels leading to the outer city..."


The middle-aged man finished his order, but his brows were still not loosened.

"Being able to make such a quick response in the warehouse does not rule out that he knew in advance that [Isaac's Alchemy Handbook] was hidden in this batch of goods. This is weird. Sambu should not have been exposed yet, how did the news leak? Yes... By the way, is there any change between that Lady Philo and the forces behind her?"

"Not yet."

"Watch them!"


" There is a high probability that you will not be able to catch that guy. Prepare to go to the outer city to intercept and kill. Isn’t there that kid’s blood coat? Notify Sergey, the "epidemic doctor" of the Crow Gang. He found the person. Informing Sambu of the interception, the suspect and the senior officials of the Cross Society must not be allowed to meet! "


"The most important point is that the Duke’s Mansion has already issued a death order. The handwritten notes must not be missed! If it is left out and pollutes other people, it will have a huge impact on our city of Dawn. Remember, as long as you come into contact with the notes, they will be cleaned up. Clean! This time there is such a big mess, if people still run away, don't come back!"


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