Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 145: 1 group of guys waiting to kill Suren

Curse the space outside.

Denzer Oliver, guarded by a group of bodyguards, smiled relaxedly.

After spending such a big price this time, and inviting so many masters, he was naturally determined to win the [Cursed Hair of the Crying Witch].

Not to mention the masters of the Oliver family. The Crow Gang is the gang sponsored by their family. What is rare is that they have invited a super-strong cadre of the Steam Party, "Tyrannosaurus" Toynby.

Of course, all thanks to this beautiful fox fur woman by her side.

Dan Ze looked at the graceful peerless stunner next to him, in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Hahaha...this time, I have to thank Mrs. Sabina for her kind help."

After all, this is a relic deep underground, not in the old Lingdun city.

His Oliver family wanted to gather so many desert hunters in a short time in the camp, but the three big gangs didn't work. After all, the hunters are from outside cities.

Unexpectedly, I asked casually before, this glamorous lady from the Steam Party actually agreed to help with just one bite.

Hearing that, Sha Bina on the side also smiled, flattering: "Master Danze has passed the award, but it's just a matter of effort."

"It must be thanks."

Dan Ze squinted and smiled, and Yu Guang glanced at the majesty of her chest that people couldn't ignore.

As the young master of the Oliver family, what kind of beauty hasn't been seen?

But it was this gangster sister-in-law who gave him the long-lost feeling of heartstrings. Knowing that this is a woman who is a gangster who is backed by a competing family, she can't touch her, but instead arouses her own desire for possession.

It seems to be at your fingertips, and it is easy to leave, and there is a faint danger of conspiracy...

Dan Ze knew it well, but he really enjoyed this feeling.

Only by conquering such a woman can I feel more fulfilled.

A hint of cunning flashed in Sabina's crystal eyes, she didn't seem to care about showing her proud figure in front of others, and her red lips lightly said: "Master Danze, this time with the witch's hair, you should be able to advance to the second level. Is it the order?"

"Yeah. The advanced materials and reproductive equipment drawings have already been prepared."

Dan Ze nodded, full of confidence: "This time I only followed the family caravan to see the ruins. By the way, I stayed in a rich dark spiritual environment for a while, and then increased some body tolerance. I didn't expect to encounter the legend. "Witch’s Hair", one of the few rare silk threads most suitable for puppet masters, is also a surprise..."

The tone did not conceal his joy. He even imagined that he had a refining outfit made of "Infinite Hair". By then, he would be able to amaze everyone in the field of the old Lingdun Puppet Warlock.

With that, Dan Ze didn't forget to say very gentlemanly: "Thanks to my wife for her help."

Sabina had a charming smile, "Then congratulations in advance."

"When I successfully advance, my Oliver family will hold a celebration dinner, and then Mrs. Qing must appreciate it..."

Dan Ze has already begun to invite guests at the celebration banquet.

But I didn't expect the unexpected to come very suddenly.

Before he finished speaking, at this moment, he suddenly saw a six-pointed star magic light gate appear on the seal enchantment in front of him.

"Did you kill the witch?"

Dan Ze looked at Might and Magic and he was about to be overjoyed, but the next second, his expression immediately froze.

Because he watched several figures fled out embarrassedly.


Because the Weeping Witch suddenly got out of her troubles and ran away, the four Tier 2 who were alive more or less had some injuries.

Seeing the ugly dwarf with his leg injured, Dan Ze's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly greeted him and asked: "Teacher! did you hurt like this?"

He had never seen anyone push his teacher to such an embarrassing situation. After all, that alchemist is an ancient relic collected by the family at a high price. It is indestructible. Who can force him to abandon the puppet and escape?

Could it be an accident that came out of the siege?

how could it be possible...

They knew all about the witch's attack methods, how could there be an accident!

The same question appeared on the faces of everyone present.

Upon hearing the question, Lloyd the "Juggler" was not angry, and asked angrily: "Damn! How could that wanted man appear in the cursed space of the witch? You didn't find it when you sent someone in?!"

It was the first time that he had exposed his dwarf body in the eyes of outsiders, and he felt the strange look around him, and he was even more angry.


Dan Ze was puzzled by the question of this nonsense, and said in doubt, "Teacher, what do you mean... what is the wanted criminal?"

Lloyd was furious: "Huh, just now we can kill the second-stage witch by the last step, but I didn't want to be attacked!"

Hearing this, Dan Ze was shocked and angry: "Teacher, you were attacked by someone?!"

Lloyd was itchy with hate: "Someone sent that'S Wanted Sullen' to the cursed space. Then that guy killed Bloom and Picole with [Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night] In the end, the plan to besiege the witch fell short. Even the old man, I almost died in it!"

Is there really something wrong with the siege?

Dan Ze's eyes trembled and his face was in disbelief, "How can it be...obviously they are ordinary slaves."

This said, everyone immediately understood.

The streets around this monastery have been sealed off, and those who can enter must be the slave groups they sent in.

Now that they recognized [Supnos's Black Scythe of the Night], these people immediately guessed that it was Suren, who had been making a lot of noise in Old Lingdun recently.

But... how could it be sent to the space where such a wanted notice posted is full of wanted criminals?

When everyone was at a loss as to how the sneak attackers could mix into the cursed space, a captain of the battle knife group suddenly remembered something.

He opened his mouth and said, "Well, if it is a person wearing a parrot mask...I am a little bit impressed, there was such a guy in the ‘drunkard group’ before."

Dan Ze frowned upon hearing: "Drunkard group?"

The captain said again: "A small group of uninfluenced scattered people has all been sent to the cursed space. However, they suddenly disappeared before you came, Master Danze."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"We thought they were involved in the cursed space of the witch and died long ago..."

"Hold it on, it's dead!"

"No, Master Tanze..."


Although the words of the battle knife team leader confuse everyone, instead of getting the reward, he was directly executed by the angry boss Dan Ze.

In such a big accident, if it wasn't for their group leader who had died in the space, otherwise even the second-order master would have to be executed on the spot!

I asked you to bring the slave group to mine mine. Did you bring a wanted criminal with ulterior motives?

Almost killed the hunting team!


People were also killed, and their anger disappeared a bit.

But this is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make sense to think about the "why appeared in space" questions.

And now it seems that the loss is not too great.

Only two professionals and a group of slaves died, the witch space is still here, the main force is still there, for the Oliver family, it is not a big problem.

Dan Ze asked, "Teacher, what shall we do now?"

"The witch space is temporarily not allowed to enter. There is no control warlock, and the casualties will be great if you rush in. If you want to get the hair, wait until the family dispatches a group of masters."

Lloyd also sighed slightly, groaned for a moment, and then said: "What we have to worry about now is... the subsequent actions of the wanted criminal."

Hearing what his teacher said, Dan Ze was a little puzzled and said: "Teacher, the wanted man has not come out yet, and 80% of them died in the cursed space. After all, the second-stage witch is very difficult to kill by physical injury alone. Dead, even if it is the black sickle with that forbidden object, how many knives can he cut?"

"Can't be careless."

Lloyd shook his head, as if thinking of something, frowned and said: "Before there was intelligence that the guy had mastered a possible way to evade the curse of the black sickle, now it seems that it is 80% true...otherwise The outer city of Lingdun killed three Umbrellas to organize a high battle, I am afraid they would have died long ago."

After a pause, he continued to analyze: "Then since Su Lun can wake up in the witch's dream-making ability, then he must have come prepared. Moreover, if he dares to do it, he must be sure of surviving."

Hearing this, Dan Ze frowned.

Lloyd: "And when the guy made a sneak attack before, I obviously caught him manipulating the puppet's limbs. I guess he used [The Shroud of the Iceman of Oz] to make an invisible puppet."

Hearing this, Dan Ze frowned and immediately said: "Invisible puppet? But teacher, I have seen the sickle forbidden thing with my own eyes, but even if it is used by a puppet, the curse backlash will definitely trace its origin..."

Lloyd was also puzzled, "I don't know. Maybe it's some kind of special living puppet. That guy's puppet manipulation skills are not bad, it should be some kind of rare puppet profession in office, and some ancient puppets. The refining technique may also be..."

Dan Ze turned dark.

If it can really evade the curse and backlash, what a terrifying weapon should the black sickle forbidden object be?

The fact is that Su Lun has already killed at least four Tier 2 professionals with this sickle.

Thinking of this, no one felt a cold neck.

At this time, Lloyd thought of something, and said in a serious tone that made Young Master Dan Ze even cooler back, "Maybe Su Lun is here for Master Dan Ze... You have to be careful about this."

Dan Ze was startled, but he was puzzled: "I and the wanted criminal have no grievances, why did he come at me?"

A haze flashed through Lloyd's eyes: "No...we've seen it before."

Dan Ze puzzled: "Huh?"

Lloyd said again: "Before in, do you remember that someone bought those witch wizards first? There is no trace of Sulun's manipulation of the living corpse just now, obviously using a kind of transparent Silk thread. Apart from this, I can't think of any other silk thread that can satisfy this situation!"

Dan Ze listened: "It's that guy?! Damn, I knew it, I should have killed him when I was in the camp!"

He sent a bodyguard to follow up before, just to get his hair back. Probably because of this action, it angered the other party?

"Don't be careless, prepare, that guy may have other means to escape the cursed space."

Before Lloyd's words fell, someone suddenly shouted: "No, the cursed space of the witch has collapsed!"

At the same time, an eight-legged image rushed out quickly.

"it's him!"

Lloyd's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted: "Kill that guy!"

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