Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 171: Old friend

After Su Lun left, Maggie Tan was relieved in the VIP room.

He was paralyzed on the sofa and took a few breaths, only then did he feel the cold sweat has wet his back.

A few bodyguards and two stewards are old men who have been doing business with him for many years. They have never seen their boss like this, and they don't understand what happened. Even the steward who discovered that the goods were abnormal before, only felt that there was something strange in the goods.

Now as soon as the outsiders left, they immediately asked.

"Hey... Boss, your face is not so good, is there a problem with this batch of goods?"

"You don't suppress the price? I think that kid is hiding his head and showing his tail. The source of the goods must be wrong. Let's suppress it. Maybe you can make a few more profits..."


When asked by several old folks, Maggie Tan's face was very complicated.

Only he knew what a dangerous transaction process had just gone through.

Fortunately, the other party didn't come with the purpose of black and black, otherwise, if it was the SS wanted criminal he had guessed, they would not want to leave alive today.

After groaning for a long time, he sighed: "It's not just a problem. The person who just traded with us is..."

However, halfway through the words, he swallowed in his mouth.

Magitan turned her eyes and told him instinctively, but she absolutely couldn't say anything about it.

One manager was puzzled and asked: "Boss, who do you know?"

Magitan groaned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, you don't need to worry about this."

Several people watched the boss say this, nodded one after another, and began to count the goods.

The crisis is no longer, Magitan feels that her brain has come to life.

He thought of the conversation just now, and pondered over and over again in his heart: "If you want to request the purchase of puppet professional books, there is a real high probability that it is. However, the young master of the Oliver family is offering a reward..."

Wanted criminals also have supply and demand for stolen goods, and the black market is their best channel.

This is also the main reason why black market bosses make huge profits in doing this business. They can often get the stolen goods at low prices and sell them at high prices.

Usually suitable merchants would not do things like killing chickens and betraying wanted criminals.

But it also depends on the situation.

If the reward is too much, Magitan also minds reselling the information.

Now the reward of "SS Wanted Sulun" has been higher than the sky, and the privately added reward of the Oliver family's Dan Ze is even more profitable than this batch of goods...

Thinking of this, Maggie Tan was immediately tempted, and said to a group of people: "You don't sell this batch of goods first, and I'll talk about it when I come back!"

Think about it, he took out a few storage rings from the box as "evidence" and went out immediately.


Su Lun left the tavern, quickly solved the disguise by magic, and appeared on the street swaggeringly again.

He watched "Iron Cripple" Maggie hurriedly leave, knowing where that guy went without guessing.

Su Lun also ignored the guy, the bait had been put out, and the goal had been achieved.

Even if you guess this is a trap, you have to bite the hook.

Just wait for a few days, and the secret book of [Puppet Profound Truth·Puppet Theater] will probably be lost.

He thought, this wave, not only to get professional cheats, but also to really play a big wave!

after all...

According to the information on the wanted order, he is still a Tier 1 professional.

But in fact, he is no longer the same wanted criminal who can be chased by a few second-tier professionals.

This time, I will probably catch a few big fish.


on the street,

Su Lun was dressed in an expensive white exquisite suit, holding a cane and wearing a hat, like a wealthy young businessman going out for a walk.

He is now more and more aware of the overflow of accepting Sabina, the maid.

With intelligence in his hands, he knows almost everything in the camp, and he has confidence in doing everything.

This gave him too much convenience.

Su Lun left the Black Jazz Tavern and went to a waste hunter's guild to scan a circle of new tasks and information released on the light screen.

Didn't find what I wanted,

Then went to Fangshi.

Today, the scale of the hunter's workshop in the dawn camp has been several times that of the original, and the number of stalls has increased more than tenfold.

However, due to the limitation of the camp area, Fangshi still only planned one street.

This is not the hunters.

They installed steel outer brackets on the small buildings on both sides of the street, and then built various uneven steel plate compartments. Once connected with iron stairs, the square city immediately changed from a flat surface to a three-dimensional block, and the area increased several times.

Su Lun was wandering around in the market, naturally to see if he could pick up the omissions and find some things he needed.

After all, the ruins produce a large number of ancient relics, and there are countless good things in the first-hand supply.

Because Su Lun had already advanced to Tier 2, there was no need for any professional materials.

Tier 3 materials are also unlikely to appear on the stalls.

As a result, he can abandon most of the stalls, and he can walk around quickly.

Su Lun would often stop at the stalls selling ancient books and scrolls to read them.

Compared with material stalls, there is a greater possibility of picking up leaks on the book stalls.

Because most of the content of ancient alchemy books are encrypted, and most of them are written in Old German, it takes a lot of effort to translate them.

Ordinary hunting groups basically do not have the ability to translate, so it is easier to mix "good things".

Su Lun reads well, and you know what it is at a glance.

Even if there is encrypted information, the identification will probably know the way.

The more complex the encryption means, the more important the content of the classics.

So for Su Lun, the more incomprehensible things are, the better.

But even in the ancient times when alchemy was prosperous, the ancient books that recorded knowledge of alchemy were rare items. The stalls of the hunters were mostly idle books such as literary biography.

Take a look, and occasionally you can find good things.

No, Su Lun found a book of "Secret Drawing Explanation of Second-Order Runes" on the stall.

He just needed knowledge of evil runes, so he bought it for tens of thousands of dollars.

As for the various incomprehensible spell scrolls, although they were rare, he didn't touch them either.

Now he has a few scrolls of space magic given by Mr. Hei, and it is estimated that it will take a year and a half to study, and greed is no use.

Along the way, I visited hundreds of stalls.

After picking up a few ancient books and picking out some cheap materials suitable for making puppets, it was quite rewarding.

While walking, Su Lun's eyes were suddenly attracted by a booth surrounded by many people.

There were a lot of cursing materials on the booth, and some alchemy plants, inaugural materials and equipment that looked like murdered.

The stall owner was a cold man dressed as an assassin. Although he covered his eyes with a hood, he could still see the indifference and festering skin at the corner of his mouth.

When someone asks for a price, he will quote a price in that hoarse voice that is as low as sandpaper rubbing.

If someone bargained, he would ignore it.

Originally, Su Lun had no interest in the materials on the booth, but when he saw that face, he felt a little familiar, and walked over.

Upon closer inspection, his pupils shrank slightly, "Kay?"


There are a lot of things on the stalls, for all professions, the prices are fair, and there are many people who buy them.

But there were also people who became interested in this strange-tempered stall owner, whispering something in a whisper.

"Which group's stall is this, there are a lot of good things. It's just that the stall owner doesn't seem to have a good temper, and he's not afraid that he won't be able to sell things..."

"Hey, this stall owner is not from a waste hunting group, but a looser."

"Single people? How could it be possible, so much material, don't tell me he got it alone?!"

"If you know who he is, you probably won't find it impossible."

"This guy has a big background?"

"Didn't you look familiar with the robotic arms sold at his booth? Ha ha, "One-eyed" Max's mechanical spray gun, what do you think..."

"He was the "hyena" who slaughtered more than forty people in the'Steel Cannon Hunting Group' three days ago? "


Su Lun listened to the whispers of these people, and his face was slightly different.

Kaye is considered the first friend he has ever met when he travels to this world.

The two also had several times of shared adversity, and they were considered close friends of life and death.


The **** had an accident.

If you guessed correctly, Kay's current identity should be a member of the Inner City Umbrella Organization.

Otherwise he could not be alive.

But why does he appear here?

Kay rolled a coin on his finger, fell between his fingers and flicked it again with his thumb. There was a pleasant metallic sound, and it fell into his hand and played with it again.

Su Lun looked at this as if he was practicing small movements between his fingers, and his eyes flickered slightly.

This is what he taught Kay.

This used to be the secret signal of everyone on Green Street: If there is a danger that is not convenient to say, just do this action to remind teammates.

Seeing this action, Su Lun felt a familiar and unfamiliar term flashed in his mind.

Green Street?

Obviously it's not long, but it seems to be a long term.

Green Street was destroyed by the gang fire, and the Cross Team has long ceased to exist. Even the former members, except him and Kay, have changed a few times.

In the end there were only two people left.

Only the two of them knew this secret code.


"I remember "One-Eyed" Max is a second-tier career, right? "

"Yeah, that's why this news made a lot of noise! ​​In the wild hunting operation three days ago, the man in front of me gained a lot. I heard that he also found a valuable ancient treasure." Steel Cannon Hunting Group Seeing that he was alone, one of the captains wanted to pay his attention. As a result, they didn't talk nonsense and killed the captain with a single blow. Then "One-eyed" Max relied on the crowd to take revenge. But that guy didn't persuade him at all, and he didn't care that Max was a second-tier professional, and he had hardened the entire team by himself. In the end, somehow, the ‘Steel Cannon Regiment’ persuaded and wanted to retreat..."

"This is too outrageous... A medium-sized wilderness hunting group led by Tier 2 professionals was killed by one person and escaped?"

"Do you think it's over? It's outrageous later!"


"The Steel Cannon Regiment admitted to counseling, but the guy didn't intend to just let it go. With an unending attitude, he dragged his body with injuries, chasing and killing dozens of people in the Steel Cannon Regiment all the way. I heard that it was through the ruins. There was a wave of mist ambushing inside, and he successfully killed Max! In the end, the steel cannon group only left a few shrimps to escape the ruins alive..."

"Hi~ It's a **** monster."

"I have also heard of him. This guy is famous for killing monsters and killing people. He is as cold-blooded as a monster. It feels like he treats every battle as the last battle. When the enemy rushes to bite, I often get myself. But because I am not afraid of death, every time I get very rich. People who know him now say that he is like a'hyena', who provokes him No matter it’s you, tiger and lion, they will kill you and die endlessly. Few people dare to provoke..."


Su Lun wrinkled his brows slightly as he listened to what the others said.

He wasn't sure what happened to Kay, but the cold-blooded assassin in front of him was completely different from the gang leader with a cheerful smile on his face all day he had known.

Su Lun looked around, didn't go up to say hello, turned and left.


It is good news that an old friend is not dead.

In the evening, Su Lun went to Sabina's room for half the night and learned some news from her.

Kay is a member of the inner city establishment of the Umbrella Organization, not Sabina's subordinate, and there is not much information.

But speaking of Kay's presence here, it is also directly related to Suren.

To hunt down "SS-class wanted criminals", the umbrella organization will mobilize all resources to monitor all social relations of the target. He will come out suddenly now, with only one purpose, which is to attract Su Lun to the bait.

After all, Kaye was the most critical acquaintance of the social relationships that Sulun could trace back.

In the next few days, Su Lun did not rush to contact the black market merchant.

After all, you have to give the enemy some preparation time to catch the big fish.

His work and rest became very regular.

Early in the morning, I went to visit the Wilderness Hunting Union, and then went around the market to shop for goods.

At noon, I will stay in the hotel to contact the space secrets and puppets.

In the evening, I occasionally go to Sabina to stay for a few hours to listen to the latest developments in the Oliver family.


On this day, at ten o'clock in the evening, in the noisy black jazz pub.

"Iron Cripple" Magitan was talking about a business in the tavern.

Suddenly, he was patted on the shoulder.

Looking back, it was indeed a man with a big windbreaker covering his face.

Su Lun said directly: "Boss Maggie Tan, is there any news about the goods I want?"

Hearing this, Maggie Tan immediately realized who came.

A hint of nervousness flashed in his eyes, but his face was very calm: "Yes. I contacted a channel to get the classics of puppet professionals, and even Master Lloyd's unique [Puppet Theater]. But the price is not cheap. Get it, at least this have to wait two days."

Su Lun looked at the five fingers he had compared, and didn't care about the price at all.

He was not at all surprised that this guy said it would take time.

After all... it takes time to ambush.

He directly handed out a large bag of cash and responded with one mouthful: "Okay, here is the deposit. Four days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the transaction was made at the "White Broken Wall" on the periphery of the Nancheng Ruins."


Maggie Tan's eyes fell on the purse on the wine table, just about to say something, only when she looked up, she realized that Sulun had disappeared from the crowd in the tavern.

At this time, the sneaky guys who were walking around in the tavern came closer.

After searching around, there was no trace of Su Lun.

"Really alert enough..."

"The SS wanted criminal has this alert and deserves it."

"Has the transaction confirmed the address?"


"Set it up, you must not let that guy run away this time."

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