Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 176: It seems to be a bumper harvest

"Juggler" Lloyd can be called "Master of Puppets", naturally he has real abilities.

His accomplishments in puppetry, there may be one or two people in the old Ling Dun who can match him, but he definitely cannot be said to be better than him.

Black smoke enveloped the entire sealed space, and when everyone was at a loss, the black line on the huge cross in the sky suddenly appeared, spreading crazily.

Countless black threads touched the entangled object and immediately tied up.

At this time, someone shouted in the smoke: "Don't panic, this is Mr. Lloyd's puppet trick, everyone don't resist!"

Those black lines are like thin snakes, tempting everywhere, meeting people and tying people and things and things.

Even the corpses on the ground are like marionettes, "lived".

There are so many black lines that almost cover the entire space, which is inevitable.

Like a black hand behind the scenes manipulating a huge cross in the sky, the huge sealed space instantly turned into a large puppet theater.

A pair of puppets were carried, wandering around.


"The puppet's profound meaning that is almost incomprehensible within the scope is indeed well-deserved..."

Su Lun watched, his brows and eyes slightly solemn.

His own puppet was around, and was also entangled with black thread.

He tried to control the puppet struggling, and then immediately triggered a chain reaction, and countless black lines surged in, directly twisting the puppet into pieces. Moreover, as soon as this movement broke out, the "puppets" who were controlled nearby also swarmed over.

Su Lun looked at the black line covering the entire space, and knew that it was time to move.

The previous battle can be tricky, so now, it's time to fight for strength.

This is Lloyd's "theatre". The black line limits the displacement ability of everyone in this area, and hiding is meaningless.

You can only choose frontal rigidity.

Seeing that the black line is about to be covered, if it is restrained, the space teleport can not escape.

Even if they hate living corpses, the same is true.

Su Lun didn't intend to escape like this. He squinted at the black lines and groaned softly, "Also...try this orthodox puppet master's method!"

With thoughts, his eyes suddenly became bitter like a knife.

In the next instant, he didn't hide his aura anymore, untied the second-order colony, his whole body swelled crazily, and the silver hairs rushed towards the cross in the sky frantically.

Black wire to silver wire!

[Qiansi] Yes [Qiansi]!

Su Lun has "infinite hair". Although his skills are a little worse, he is not afraid of the "juggler" Lloyd.

It was this moment.

The black line found the "resistance" target and gathered together in an instant.

Countless silver hair strands and black threads were entangled together, and they were twisted into a mess in a very short period of time.

It's exactly the same as in the original [White Monastery]!

The two sides are again in a wrestling link.

At this moment, Lloyd's voice came from the communicator again: "His location is confirmed, forty-five degrees southwest of space!"

This notice naturally wanted to expose Su Lun's position to the other five second-tiers, and wanted to stage the tactics of besieging the witch once again.

Su Lun snorted in his heart, not afraid at all.

Now charged on the spot, he once again pulled out a space scroll, and after unsealing, another twenty or thirty puppets appeared out of thin air.

Not only does he have to control the silk thread with his hands, he also has eight spider spears!

The Spider Lance involved dozens of puppets and protected him tightly.


Su Lun was restricted by the silk thread, and as soon as his position was exposed, the "Puppet Army" controlled by the black thread also surrounded him.

Originally, Lloyd's [Puppet Theater] was a very interesting battle scene.

Whether it is melee, legal system, assassin, mechanic...any other profession, in this "theatre", it is his marionette.

Even if there are methods that are not controlled by the black line, then you will have to face countless black lines and an army of "puppets".

A puppet can't kill at all, even if it has a broken limb or arm, it can kill...

In the end, the energy of the people trapped in the theater will be consumed alive.

This is the tricky part of this profound meaning.

However, if both of them are puppet masters, especially if they are both fused with the same [Thousand Silk] alchemy cloak,

It's very boring to fight.

Su Lun hadn't felt that he could beat this puppet master in puppetry for a long time.

When this one met, he directly gave up the puppet tactics. Then there were countless silver hair strands, and the other party's "puppets" were all tangled up in a simple and rude manner.

Suren’s witch has an unlimited number of hairs, but Lloyd’s Natistia has a limited number of iron worms!

In this entanglement, neither side should play puppets, just concentrate on wrestling.

When it comes to puppet manipulation, Su Lun is far inferior to this puppet master.

But when it comes to wrestling, he is worthwhile.

Moreover, after Su Lun controlled all the black lines of the cross on his head, he was able to distract and control his puppet.

He also felt that he was "controlled" and the enemy should do it too.


Sure enough, just after this entanglement, Lloyd's shout came from the darkness: "Damn, he really blended'infinite hair', you guys get started! This kid is weird, I can't last long!"

I was holding a trace of luck before.

It's useless to think that Sulun got the head of the witch.

After all, the dark gold-quality "unlimited hair" curse has very strong characteristics, and it requires a very high tolerance value to refine it into a cloak.

Even if Danze wants to merge, he can only retreat and choose some inferior ingredients to refine, lower the containment value of the finished product, and forcibly refine the dark gold main material into a gold product, so as to ensure that after the fusion The body is not deformed.

But try it now,

The hair's tenacity, strength, tension... are all exaggerated and amazing.

Lloyd immediately realized that this was definitely not a retired costume!

Gold level?

No, it's definitely a dark gold level!

If anyone knows what Lloyd is thinking at the moment, he will definitely think that Suren is a monster.

Danza Oliver is the young master at the top of the inner city. He has the best breathing method and the best training resources. He has to retreat in order to be able to fuse alchemy outfits, a wanted criminal in an outer city, why can he successfully fuse?

Only the puppet master can truly appreciate the power of this "infinite hair".

If you don't kill him here today, he will grow up to be truly terrifying in the future!


In the thick smoke, I didn't even look at things.

With this loud shout, it sounded like Lloyd had been anxious and careless, exposing his position.

The two sides wrestled, Sullen's position couldn't move, and Lloyd couldn't move either.

Exposed the position, this was originally the best chance to kill.

As long as he slashed his sickle, he seemed to be able to kill the dwarf master easily immediately.

But Su Lun was not fooled. Instead, he looked terrified and focused on his surroundings.

How did he not know that that guy had a very special alchemy item in his hand, just to restrain [Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night]?

The news of the Oliver family seeking to restrain the curse of the black sickle can be hidden from others, but not from the Umbrella Organization. They thought that they could be sure of the yin man's methods, but they didn't want to have passed through Sabina's mouth to Su Lun's ears.

This stern shout is simply to "attract firepower"!

"Tsk tut, old yin is forced..."

Su Lun really wanted to slash the past, not only couldn't kill the dwarf, but because of the moment he shot, he was attacked by several other second-tier players in the space.

Thinking of this, a sarcasm flashed across his eyes. Pretending not to notice, Manipulating Abomination raised the black sickle, acting as if it was about to cut in the direction where the sound came from.

Now there is developer powder on the living corpse, and its movements can't be concealed.

Even at this moment of action, the enemy's reaction was extremely fast.

Su Lun suddenly felt a needle-like killing intent coming from behind, and said in his heart: "Come!"

The malicious speed approached extremely fast, and appeared behind Su Lun in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, when the person arrived, the ears heard a series of explosions of crushing steps on the air, "snap" "snap" "snap"...

If the knife were to be cut forward, no matter how fast Su Lun reacted, there would be no time to return to defense.

Must be attacked by people behind him.

However, what the sneak attacker didn't expect was that Su Lun was a vain stab. As soon as he lifted it up, he suddenly changed his direction and slashed behind him.

With this speed, don't think about it, the person here must be the "venomous snake" Bright Giles in the intelligence.

A Tier 2 professional assassin who is very good at sneak assassination.

The timing of the knife swing hit this Bright.


Seeing the black sickle that suddenly turned around, Bright was also blindfolded.

Before he could kill the killer, the black sickle had already hit his forehead. The rushing momentum gave him no room to look back, he just instinctively held a dagger in front of him.

Normally, even if a melee professional is discovered in a sneak attack, he can retreat completely after a barrier.

Unfortunately, this black sickle is an exception.

A knife fell and cut it extremely smoothly.

The famous weapon dagger was cut into two pieces, and then a palm-wide blood port was drawn on his neck along the way, and blood spurted out from the fracture.

Bright didn't even have any room to react, and his body completely lost its vitality.

Su Lun only silently counted: "Four knives have been taken, and one more knives will trigger the curse backlash."

Killed the assassin, but he didn't take it lightly.

The reality did not give him a chance to breathe.

Because at the same time as the hands, the other three directions also sent "malicious" at the same time.

Right in front of him, he heard a rapid sound of "chicks".

This is impressively the violent jet movement of the individual steam boiler.

Even if he couldn't see it, he knew that a mechanically modified warrior was rushing towards him!

The energy storage of the steam boiler is very dynamic, and the friction of the mechanical arm's joints can't hide from the master, so just now this guy has been hiding and did not dare to make any movement. Only after charging up, it can rush forward, so this is half a beat slower than the assassin.

Moreover, not only the front, but also the violent elemental fluctuations from both sides of Su Lun at the same time. Red and purple lights flashed through the thick black smoke.

In the blink of an eye, a hot chain of fire, a flash of thunder and lightning, has already arrived.

At this moment, Su Lun had no other emotions in his eyes, only a nearly numb calmness.

His brain is like a high-speed machine, manipulating his body to make the most correct response.

As soon as the spider spear took control, [Black Hole Puppet] both arms outstretched and turned into a horn shape, a black cyclone appeared, and the flame chain and the thunder light were quickly sucked in.

The puppet opened his mouth again, and the thunder and fire spell sprayed on the face of the mechanical warrior who rushed up.

At this moment, the benefits of more hands are immediately reflected.

While touching the puppet, Su Lun drew his gun with lightning with his right hand, and pulled the trigger continuously to the left.




The special blast of three alchemy bombs blasted the eardrums.

On the left is Refael-Jemha, on the right is Hofanidam David.

In such a situation, it is obviously inadequate to shoot a "quadruple shot", but using a "triple shot" to hit a crispy Thunder Warlock is completely okay.

Su Lun did not see the location of the two of them, but also judged the direction of their movement.

After three shots were fired, a muffled grunt was heard, and it was obvious that someone had been shot.

Su Lun didn't care about them, there was [Black Hole Doll], and the magician of the magic system was abolished by 70%.

Moreover, it was too late.

Because at this time, the mechanical warrior right in front of you has already rushed right in front of you!

"Iron Tiger" Rhein Root, a retired second lieutenant in the inner city of Old Lingdon, currently the captain of the Oliver family's guard.

This guy has a high degree of mechanical transformation and a high technological content. Mechanical armor covers the whole body, as well as advanced magic resistance runes and enchanting plating. The two weakened spells did almost no harm to him, and did not stop him from the momentum of the impact at all.

Su Lun did not expect the two spells to block the mechanical warrior in front of him, but the black sickle behind him had just been cut off before he could withdraw it.

At this moment, the ability to "multiple tasks with one heart" has reached its limit.

As he fired with his right hand, his left hand yanked at the same time, and the countless silk threads in front of him gathered into a dense huge net bag.

A heavy explosion-proof puppet was involved and stood in front of him.

It was this short moment that the mechanical warrior Rhein slammed into the net bag arbitrarily, relying on the powerful power of the jet propulsion device. The machine body lags behind for a while, breaks countless threads, and rushes out of the net. With the inertial force, he blasted forward with a punch, and blasted the explosion-proof puppet to pieces.

After two interceptions, he had exhausted 70%.

But even so, this guy rushed to Su Lun.

Rhein knew that he had only one chance to punch, and the steam boiler had no time to accumulate too much power, and another punch hit Sulun's chest.

He is very confident that although this punch is not strong enough, it is enough to make ordinary non-melee Tier 2 professionals die on the spot!

Even the presence of the alloy baffle is clearly felt under the fist!


Su Lun fisted with a punch in the chest.

He couldn't hold back the hot throat, and a mouthful of muddy blood spurted out.

However, at this moment, a smile appeared on the corners of his bleeding mouth.

When he got the information before, he had calculated the kinetic energy of this guy's mechanical modification in detail, and the injury of this punch was still expected.

It has to be said that in terms of defense, speed, and power, mechanical warriors do have advantages that other professionals can't match.

But in response to sudden stop and change direction, the gap of stagnation is also obvious.

He didn't die in this blow,

The other person is dead.

Su Lun's physical resilience is not enough to withstand such a punch.

He didn't make unnecessary movements either, the spider spear hooked, and the hatred around him had already turned and waved the sickle down.

The appearance of space cracks unreasonably made a cut and smooth trace on Rhine's indestructible mechanical armor.


Rhein Root had his head cut off directly after the blood rushed.

Another dead.

And at this time, it happened to hate the living corpse and cut out the fifth knife, and the curse backlash was triggered immediately.


I felt the state of blood collapse through the body bag.

Su Lun took a couple of breaths and looked around, but found that hatred hadn't turned into a corpse.

It's a good little surprise.

This means that hatred once again survived a five-knife backlash, and the wound is healing quickly.

Su Lun squinted at Lloyd's direction in the black smoke, with a teasing smile: "Tsk tsk... It seems that luck is good."

Six second-tier professionals in the space now killed the two most threatening melee professionals.

After Refael Jemha was shot, he did not know his life or death.

There are three left: "Juggler" Lloyd, Firefanidam, and "Blood Raven" Longfellow, a cadre of the Crow Gang...

Of course, even if the hatred is dead, the problem is not big.

There are also two ordinary living corpses in the storage space of Surun.

Before, because there was no storage space, the living corpses were inconvenient to carry, so I didn't get much.


There is no shortage of living corpses.

What's more, even if they don't use the sickle, the remaining legal professionals are not very threatening.

Today, it seems to be a big harvest...

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