Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 178: Do??A Dream·Su

In the huge cursed space, the phosphorous fire was still burning.

The high temperature and dense smoke have reached the point where you can't see your fingers.

Fortunately, the silk thread of the [Puppet Theater] is not covered by dead ends, so Su Lun can accurately find the more than one hundred corpses.

In this search, countless trophies were collected.

Hundreds of storage rings, alchemy cloak, professional materials...

Equipment, firearms and ammunition, steam machinery...

If it weren't for Su Lun who had his own storage space, these things really couldn't take away much.

Of course, in addition to the spoils, Su Lun also harvested more than a hundred soul fragments.

It has to be said that the elite team of the Oliver family understands that the quality of the fragments is much higher than that of the outer city.

When the Cross Society and the Steam Party gang fought, Su Lun harvested fragments of hundreds of thousands of people, and a lot of them were mixed, but the quality was much worse than the elite group of 100 people.

In the outer city gangs, most of them are connected with big bosses who don't know a few words. They have a lot of strange knowledge and practical skills, but the alchemy knowledge is almost blank.

And this group of hundred people are almost all people from the inner city.

Not to mention those few second-tier professionals, dozens of first-tier professionals, even those ordinary team members, are mostly literate, and many of them have studied in the academy system.

After this harvest, Su Lun felt that the loopholes in his basic knowledge were filled in an instant.

Machinery, runes, spells of various departments, tracking skills, field experience, monster illustrations...

Bomb proficiency, swordsmanship, rope binding, prison escape skills, cooking skills, teasing girls...

These elite team members are more or less good at their fields,

With this harvest, Su Lun feels that he has gathered a lot of knowledge in various fields.

Of course, the cost of harvesting so many soul fragments in a short period of time is not small.

Su Lun hadn't dared to digest those extra things carefully, so he stuffed it in his head.

But even so, it seems to be drunk and groggy.

After some digestion, I continued to harvest...

He also discovered a rule. After his mental power value is higher, the absorption efficiency will be much higher, and the feeling of drowsiness will become weaker and weaker.


Su Lun kept counting the time.

Ordinary professionals from the camp to here, the full speed raiding is about half an hour. It would take about an hour to take care of the speed of the puppet master who is not too strong in the flesh of Young Master Dan Ze.

Su Lun calmly stayed in the sealed space for half an hour.

After harvesting the spoils, there is still enough world to gather all the corpses that can be collected, and burn them in a fire, destroying the corpses.

After doing all this, he found a direction near the sealed enchantment, opened a space door, and collapsed in one step.

The surrounding scene changed, from a densely smoky environment to a low, rotten building.

Su Lun looked at it, and it was almost the same as the estimated position, which was observed before being sealed.

The opening position of the space door is hidden by a rotten building, just to avoid people's vision.

When he came out, there were already a lot of people piled up outside the barrier, in four directions.

In order to siege Suren this time, the Oliver family arranged dozens of teams in the southern city of the ruins, just to ensure that nothing went wrong.

The barrier can't be opened, and you can't see what's inside.

These belated chasing soldiers were all boring, talking to each other around the enchantment talking about this action.

"Hey, did you say Mr. Lloyd did they catch the wanted man?"

"Then you need to talk about it? With this enchantment, even a fly can't escape."

"It's a pity. I was a little far away and missed this wave of free bonuses. Master Dan Ze said that those who participated in the roundup would have bonuses, but the one who caught that guy was seriously injured..."

"That's right, it's cheaper for those guys in the third group. Eh, you said, that'SS Wanted Su Lun' can still have three heads and six arms? I heard that this round of rounds up, there are no fewer than five second-tier professionals, right? .."

"Who knows. SS-rank wanted criminals must have some means. But I don't seem to know that there are five second-tiers, seven or eight?"

"We will give you a piece of news, you must not spread it. The reason why Master Danze is so crazy is related to the last monastery hunting. I heard that the Master suffered a big loss, was robbed of materials, and was also How about how many second-tier Su Lun killed..."

"Cut, have you blown it? Then, isn't Su Lun just relying on two ‘banned objects’. Give it to me, I can do it..."


Su Lun listened to a few words casually in the rotten building, and before going out, he roughly distinguished the enemy's location.

There are a lot of enemies outside, but without Tier 2, there is almost no threat

There was a steady stream of teams coming back, and he didn't plan to stay here more.

He was about to teleport when he suddenly heard gunfire.

Then, the people outside were quiet.

"I haven't caught it yet, that guy can really jump."

"I heard that the guy killed the 15th team in the north alone. If the patrol didn't find him, he would have almost destroyed the barrier."

"Everyone, be careful. There is a patrol team in charge of hunting down, so we just need to guard the barrier."

"But having said that, SS Wanted Su Lun's accomplices are really loyal. In this particular situation, anyone would dare to come and die..."


Su Lun frowned upon hearing this.

My accomplice?

As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately thought of something.

During the previous ambush at the trading location, he remembered that someone helped him block the follow-up shooting of the "Tunnel King" Geiger.

Su Lun immediately guessed who it was.


The gunfire went deep into the northern ruins.

Su Lun did not delay, and with a pinch of the double surgeon's seal and teleportation several times, he escaped from the monitoring of those people.

He followed the direction where the gunfire had sounded before, and just saw a ten-person elite team supporting the two wounded, walking back in the direction of the enchantment on guard.

Su Lun originally wanted to go up and "asked for directions", but suddenly, his ears moved slightly and he found something.

Looking again, a figure suddenly rushed out of the fog in the distance, and he was a looming assassin with a hood.

The person was extremely fast, his body style flashed like a ghost.

His whole body was pressed very low, as if he was about to stick to the ground. What is even more bizarre is that his feet are not stepping on the ground, but on the air.

"Huh...take an empty step?"

Su Lun looked at this body technique, and his memory had related cognition.

He had seen it with his own eyes once before, and it was still useful when Qianjo killed Smokey.

This is a very high-end secret body method, which requires extremely high physical coordination and muscle explosive power. The second-tier melee professional will also be a minority.

If this is the improvement in his eyesight before, it is definitely the speed of the teleportation level.

Su Lun raised his eyebrows, and the man rushed past the crowd like a ghost.

When the figure passed through, there was a series of explosions in the air, "pop", "pop", "pop"...

Then, there was a burst of gunfire, "ta", "ta", "ta"...

Sparks sparked everywhere on the ruins of bullets, but the hooded assassin was long gone.

In the crowd, a scream sounded, and a soldier's neck had been cut out of a palm and a half of his neck had been cut out, and blood was dripping. The cutting edge is very tricky, just in the gap not covered by the mechanical bone. Suddenly died on the spot.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The captain's angry face turned black, but he was helpless.

Su Lun saw the man in the cloak clearly, and murmured: "It's really Kaye..."

With that said, he was out of the crowd without delaying a teleport.

Those guys didn't understand what was going on, so the eight spider spears pierced past, and the corpses all fell down.

Sulun knew that Kay was nearby, and greeted in the thick fog: "Captain, long time no see."

Hearing this, the man with the hood,

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, there was obviously a shock in his gaze.

An elite squad, killed in this face-to-face?

Looking at the familiar dark golden eight-armed spider spear, Kay also recognized that this person was Su Lun.

Su Lun cleaned up the spoils on the corpse, and after dropping another incendiary bomb and burned it to death, he said lightly to Kaye: "Let's go, let's change the place."

With that said, he looked at Kay and led the way toward the depths of the ruins.

Hearing this, the hooded assassin paused in place for a moment.

He looked at the figure from behind, and after thinking about it, he followed.


Su Lun walked in front,

Kay followed not far and near, without saying a word.

Two friends who had had a fateful relationship were caught in a very embarrassing atmosphere.

Su Lun raised his eyebrows.

He has a very strange feeling.

The Kay are still alive, but his soul seems to be dead.

Finally, after walking for a while, Su Lun found a place that was not easily surrounded and stopped.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go far, but he found that Kay had a gunshot wound on his body.

Su Lun sat down on a stone pier, and then threw a powerful healing potion.

Kay caught it instinctively, and looked around, as if hesitating.

He also found a stone and sat there, holding the potion in his hand without moving, as if he didn't care about his wound at all.

Not only did the atmosphere not ease, it was even more embarrassing.

Think about it, Su Lun broke the deadlock and said: "Thank you just now."

Whether he blocked Geiger, the "Tike King" before, or came to the enchantment, he risked his life to save people.

Even if he was alone, he tried very hard to save people.

Su Lun knew that Captain Kay was still in front of him.

Kay's eyes drifted a bit. He didn't look at Su Lun, but stared at the outline of the building deep in the ruins, gradually getting deeper.

After a long silence, he uttered three words: "I'm sorry."

Su Lun heard the deep self-blame in his tone, but shook his head: "Captain, I never blamed you. You don't need to blame yourself so much."

Although Su Lun didn't know what happened to Kaye, he also knew that he must be very sad after the accident happened in the escort.

The smoker who trusted like a father became a traitor to the Cross, and once thought it was an opportunity to rise to the top, he also killed his most trusted brother.

Kay shook his head and said, "I have lived till now, just to say'I'm sorry' to you."

But when he said that, he also sighed in relief.

He finally turned his head to look directly at Su Lun, then took off the hood on his head and smiled at Su Lun: "Brother, I am very happy to see that you are still alive, and very happy that you have become so strong... "

There was sincerity in his smile, and gratification gleamed in his eyes.

At this moment, his body finally made people see a breath of life, but these words were more like saying goodbye, the smile gradually dissipated, and the last trace of nostalgia for the world was gone.

Finally, Su Lun knew why he was not worried about his injuries.

The half-faced face full of deformed sarcoma, as well as the ashen mental state, made people seem to see a corpse coming out of the grave.

"I'm like this... Did you scare you?"

Kay smiled mockingly.

Obviously, he knew that he had lived in this state soon.

He didn't want to say more, stood up, and said, "Okay, I have said what I should say. Seeing you are still alive, I have no regrets."

Kay put on his hood, threw the potion back to Suren, and said with a dry smile: "Anyway, I won't live for a few days, so I won't waste a good potion."


Su Lun looked at the medicine in his hand, his eyes a little complicated.

Kay grinned, and finally revealed the iconic bright smile, "I will be your brother in the next life."

But it seemed that he hadn't laughed for a long time, and this expression made him feel strange.

The smile hadn't fully expanded yet, and he closed it back.

After a pause, he was a little uncertain. He glanced at Su Lun and added: "I hope you don't dislike it."

Suren watched Kaye leaving, thought of something, shook his head, and greeted: "Captain, wait a minute!"

Kay glanced back at him with a puzzled look.

Su Lun didn't talk nonsense, and threw out two potions for him.

Looking at the potion in his hand, Kay frowned, even more puzzled.

Without waiting for him to ask, Su Lun said directly: "The blue one is [Distortion Suppressing Potion], which may solve your problem after injection. The green one, you should know it, was the one we robbed the Steam Party convoy together. 'X Serum'."


Kay looked at the two potions, his eyes became very complicated.

Doubts, exclamations, at a loss... more is unbelievable!

Can the distortion be reversed?

But when he saw the green potion, he seemed to recall the robbery, and a look of remembrance appeared on his face.

Now think about it, if it wasn't for Su Lun's super strength, that time really caused a big trouble.

When I thought about it, it seemed like a long, long time ago...

Kay's eyes suddenly became deep.

Su Lun did not give him much time to think, and explained in detail: "After the injection of'X Serum', there is a 75% chance that your physical strength will be greatly increased, and a 25% chance of death. But I took a look, your body The tolerance to distortion is very high, and the success rate of injections should not be low. You can choose to inject'X serum' first, and then inject [even with inhibitors]. Of course, there is a little side effect that will make your skin long Time turns blue."

Generally speaking, once aberration occurs, humans will lose their will and become monsters in a short period of time.

But Kay's state is very special.

Su Lun had seen it once in the Space of the Bell Tower Weird.

It is supported entirely by a will, without complete distortion.

But sooner or later it is a dead end.


To be honest, Kay also has half of those "X serum".

Now that Su Lun is sure of himself, it is only natural to give him one.

Kay's expression became very rich when he heard the words that were unbelievable for anyone to hear.

Now he is in this situation, no matter who it is, there is no doubt that he will die, he actually said that it can be saved?


No, he didn't have it at all.

I just feel... the mood is complicated.

Kay looked at Suren and then at the potion in his hand, as if he had returned to the time when he was still in the Cross.

In those desperate situations, Su Lun always brought him hope of life in an unbelievable way.

Kay thought of something and smiled.

But then there was another wry smile.

The light that just appeared in the eyes suddenly went out again.

He shook his head and did not think about the medicine. Instead, he said: "I am now a peripheral member of the Umbrella Organization. They keep me alive because they want to find your clues through me. I stay alive and want to come and see you. You say'I'm sorry.' Now...I have no regrets. Even if I can survive, I won't continue to work for them."

The smoker arranged for him,

Not what he Lun: "Then defected."

"not that simple..."

Kaye's tone was heavy, as if he was locked in an invisible shackle.

He shook his head and explained: "In order to control some special peripheral members, the umbrella organization will let them take a chronic poison. They must receive the antidote every month, otherwise they will not live long. I will not go back again... ."

Suren looked at Kaye with a slightly weird tone, "If it is the antidote to the Umbrella Organization'Grom Parasitic Toxin'... I think I just have it in my hand."


Kaye suddenly twitched the corner of his eyes as he heard Su Lun directly report the name of Toxin.

Inexplicably, he felt a kind of absurd, but real...familiar feeling in his heart!

This guy seems to know everything and can't trouble him with anything!

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