Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 184: Tier 5 professional

After talking about the secrets of the black tower, the topic returned to this mission.

Qianjo seemed to be a little lacking, and closed his eyes and said: "Boy Su Lun, be careful when the time comes. Although Mr. Hei’s plan has never been accidental. But for that level of battle, I can only try to ensure that I am not dead. Probability won't care about you. Be careful, don't die."


Su Lun smiled as he listened.

Not to mention anything else, this young gambling addict has always taken good care of him.

Still digesting the amazing information he heard tonight, suddenly he thought of something.

Now that the topic was over, Su Lun didn't hesitate to ask, "By the way, Sister Qianjo. Does the ‘§’ symbol on your cloak have any special meaning?"

With that said, he drew the two S shapes of that symbol in the air with his fingers.

If it was Mr. Black, even if Su Lun was curious, he would not ask.

But Chijo is not that different.

If she can't say, she will just say "can't say".

If it can be said, it means that it is not too secret information.

Qianjo also responded to this question: "A talent represented by that symbol——[S-003-Master of Destiny]. This was the talent of Sir Isaac's awakening. A thousand years ago, it was also Dawn City. A symbol of a special organization of the United States. As you might have guessed, our organization does have some relationship with Dawn City, but..."

When she said this, she stopped suddenly, and then replied: "As for the others, you can ask the leader at that time."

"That's it..."

When Su Lun heard it, he said in his heart that it was true.

When he was cursing the space at the [1911 Hotel], when he watched Edward the "Magic" perform a half-kneeling knightly ceremony towards the cloaked man, he guessed that Mr. Black and the "Mirror Organization" and the special operations team of Dawn City. What is involved.

And this symbol represents talent, he is not surprised.

When I saw one of the five statues in Stormwind Manor with this symbol, Su Lun guessed that it was some kind of S talent.

But to a slight surprise, Sir Isaac, who was originally known as a "demi-god," is the awakened talent that sounds strange.

[The Master of Destiny]?

One rank higher than his [Death Reaper], what special ability does it have...

Su Lun was a little curious.

However, the "Mirror Organization" uses this symbol to indicate identity, which obviously has some special meanings.

Qianjo didn't say it, so he didn't continue to ask.

Having said this, Chijo seemed to think of something, and suddenly smiled, "Last time [1911 Hotel] I heard that you were doing well. The chief also mentioned you to me in particular~"

Su Lun smiled when he heard it.


The hidden identity of the "Mirror Organization" is the biggest secret in Qian Tiao's heart. Tonight, I will tell you that Su Lun is really his own.

The two chatted and talked.

From the secret of the black tower, to the alchemy, and then to some private topics.

The two chatted in the middle of the night, and the relationship instantly became closer.


Early the next morning, the biological clock made Su Lun wake up from meditation on time.

Chijo in the next half of the bed was still asleep.

This gambling-addicted young woman really didn't defend Su Lun at all, that sleeping posture... really bold and unrestrained. Under the loose pajamas, there are only simple white leggings, this one can be seen clearly.

Su Lun smiled and pulled the quilt over her without waking her up, so he buried himself in his daily work.

Look through alchemy books, make puppets, study mechanical gadgets...

He also needs to prepare for that interception.

Although he is not the main force, but in case of an accident, he has to think about how to escape.

Su Lun has spent most of the time in this way recently, and he didn't think there was anything in the house.

Busy and fulfilling, time flies quickly.

It wasn't until the afternoon when the Qianjo sister made a move to turn over.

It seems to make up for the sleepiness of two days and one night,

She got up with sleepy eyes, rubbed her eyes, and murmured: "Ahhh... I said, how do you always dream like a mouse and gnawing. It turns out that it was your kid who smashed these things early in the morning. wood..."

"It's afternoon now, Sister Qianjo..."

Su Lun thought she was talking to herself again, and looked back.

It turned out that the gambling addicted young woman didn't mean to look at him at all, as if sleepwalking, she floated directly behind her.

Probably because he was used to getting up in the morning to take a shower, Qianjo immediately took off his bathrobe, threw it on the bed, and went to the bathroom naked again.

Su Lun watched, helped his forehead, and turned his eyes back to his puppet.

Then, I heard the patter of showers.


After a while, the sound of water stopped.

Su Lun listened to the footsteps of someone coming out of the bathroom, and did not look back, continuing the manipulator Spider Lance to concentrate on making his own puppet.

The young gambling addict seemed to have taken a bath, and then became sober, and put on clothes in the room again.

She watched Su Lun manipulating eight spider arms to make puppets at the same time, and she was a little curious, and said, "Oh~you are a good way. One person can do seven or eight people..."

"I'm a puppet master."

Su Lun responded.

At the same time, he raised his eyes and glanced, in the full-length mirror, he was looking at Qianjo wrapping his chest cloth.

He only took a glance and then withdrew his eyes, faintly said, "Sister Qiantiao, don't always be wrapped up. From a medical point of view, this is not good for development."


Qianjo snorted indifferently, walked over and picked up a half-finished [Nightmare Doll] on the table to take a closer look, and said, "Your rune skills are very good. You can draw second-order runes so skillfully. In Old Lingdun, he is also considered a first-rate rune enchanter."

"It's still far away..."

Su Lun replied casually.

It is not modest, this level is indeed far from the level of Mr. Hei.

The two leaned very close together, and his skin touched, and he could clearly feel the body temperature of Qianjo.

Although this young gambling addict does not use perfume, Su Lun also smelled a faint fragrance.

Hmm... the smell of saponaria shampoo.

Qianjo only took a look, and didn't seem to be interested in the puppet, so he let it go.

She walked to the full-length mirror and tied her lush green hair with a red string.

The whole person suddenly became full of heroic spirit.

Chijo does not make up or dress up, and is extremely efficient when going out.

She put on the sleeves of the kimono, covering her full back with tattoos and big floral arms, and then waved her big hand at Su Lun: "Go~ Su Lun kid, I'm out."


Su Lun thought it was time to take action, so he packed up and followed her out.

I didn't think about it,

Qianjo took him straight to the gambling stall,

Another big bet.

Sure enough, the gambler had money in his pocket, so he was thinking about gambling.

But fortunately, the thousand articles left over 9 million last night, not long after they went there, they lost everything.

She died now.

In the next few days,

The two of them stayed in the hotel room honestly.

Su Lun didn't think it was any different if there was one more person. Life is still very regular, what should I do.

Even many times, he can ask a thousand questions when he has knowledge related to top professional fields.

But this young gambling addict was very boring. Without gambling, she would yell "I'm not happy anymore", or just sleep a lot.

Hmm...and that is, she's getting less and less of herself as an outsider who shares a house.


Six days later, news of Mr. Hei came.

Finally, the team of Princess Teresa from the Duke's Palace set off.

Sulun and Chijo left the camp and headed for the predetermined ambush spot.

It is worth mentioning that the team at the Duke's Mansion did not take the three routes that the caravan had already walked, but chose a secret road.

It was the secret path that Sulun passed through when he came across.

There has been no news about this secret path, and Su Lun thought that only he knew it.

In the end, I didn't think about it. Not only did the people in the Duke's Mansion know it, but Mr. Hei also knew it all.

The map is very detailed.

Suren has an eight-armed spider spear, Qianjo is also a top professional, the speed of the two is very fast.

But most of the day, he has arrived at the scheduled ambush location.

It is an empty grotto.

The area is large enough and there are some passages that can be evacuated at any time.


Su Lun looked at the environment and immediately found a place suitable for hiding and sneak attack.

Qianjo pointed to the huge grotto and said, "Okay, just stay here, find a place to hide, and be careful not to find it. Then we will lead people over and do everything according to plan."

This young gambling addict wears a battle leather armor today, and when she speaks, her face shows a seriousness she has never seen before.

When he set off before, Su Lun felt that she had been accumulating sword energy.

The aura on his body has become more and more dangerous.

Even if she was deliberately restrained, Su Lun stood with her, as if she was struggling with a sharp blade, faintly palpitating.

The plan is already well-known, and there is nothing to explain again. Su Lun nodded: "Yeah."

"Be careful yourself."

Thousands of words exhorted, without saying a word, the figure disappeared in the depths of the cave.

The first ambush location is not here, this grotto is just the ambush location.

Su Lun looked at the grotto, then unbuckled the cloak, and controlled the eight-armed spider spear onto the rock wall.

He hung himself upside down on the rock wall with silk thread, and the invisible living corpse was also hidden nearby.

There are no pitfalls here.

The plan was also simple and rude. Someone attacked Princess Teresa's opponent, but the actual target was a guard.

Bring people here and kill them.

In Mr. Hei’s words, the simpler the plan, the less likely it is to be seen.

The more complicated the trap, the easier it is to make mistakes.


After Su Lun hung on the net, it was like a spider patiently waiting for its prey, and there was no more movement.

During the period, he even saw two waves of three-person assassins rushing past.

He knew that this was a professional assassin scout by the loser in the princess team.

They are here to check road safety, remove traps, and ensure the safety of the team.

Su Lun didn't dare to take any care, letting go of perception and listening intently to the movement in the cave.

Finally, after waiting for nearly a whole day, the sound of the mountain and the ground cracked from the depths of the cave.


Hearing the movement, Su Lun's spirit came instantly.

The movement of the battle came from the cave, at first it was unnoticeable, and then it sounded like thunder rolling in, making the scalp numb.

"Hiss~ This movement is too exaggerated."

Su Lun took a breath.

Although he was mentally prepared, he could feel the violent elements in the air fluctuating, and he also felt a trace of heart palpitations.

Before seeing it head-on, the hair that was irritated by this movement stood upside down, and I can think of the horror of the battle.

In Qianjo's words, ordinary Tier 3 professionals have no chance to escape under the hands of that "target"!

He took a slow breath, and then suppressed his presence to the lowest level.

When his emotions were restrained, there was only a numb calm in his eyes.


After a few breaths from the battle, a few figures rushed out.

Before the person arrived, Su Lun listened to the surging sound of the mechanical propulsion device, and immediately guessed that the person here was a super mechanical warrior-the 19th!

Su Lun didn't dare to look directly, his eyes faded, and he saw a burly red giant followed by the nineteenth.

"The awakened [Red Devils] of the second stage of talent?"

Su Lun looked at the man and immediately saw his talent.

But this Red Devil is much stronger than the Red Devil that Sulun had seen before by the Cross Society!

Not only was his skin red, he was covered with a layer of lava armor, and the flames overflowed a foot. The whole person feels like a giant lava coming out of a volcanic crater.

Next to these two people, there is another one, the cloaked man.

At this moment, behind her appeared a phantom of a six-armed Rakshasa girl with a vertical flame. Even if the cloak covered her face, Su Lun knew it was a thousand pieces.

At this moment, Qianjo showed her six-sword and six-armed state that she had never been in front of others, and her aura had reached the extreme.

But it was such three top-level powerhouses who joined forces, and they were fleeing in embarrassment!

Whether it's the second stage [Red Devil] or the nineteenth, there is almost no enemy of one.

When you touch it, you fly upside down, smashing down all the rubble.

The sound of shelling came from the cave, which was the movement of the three of them being thrown into the air from time to time.

The three of them worked together to cover each other, and they were barely killed!

Behind them, golden light flooded.

Su Lun didn't dare to look directly at the "target", but just the golden light power, like a landslide, made people feel instinctive fear of seeing great horror.

If it wasn't for Su Lun to control his emotions, he would be scared to be exposed in an instant if he changed to an ordinary Tier 2 professional.

"So domineering, is this a Tier 5 powerhouse..."

Su Lun murmured in his heart.

In just a few seconds, a few people have already arrived in the grotto.

The target arrived at the ambush site, and suddenly a purple light curtain appeared in the surrounding space.

"Space barrier?"

Su Lun looked familiar.

What surprised him even more was that at this moment, two cloaked men came out of the darkness not far away.

Yes, it came out of the darkness!

Not knowing what methods they used, they walked straight out of the shadow of a stone. It's like a space door, but it doesn't feel the fluctuation of space at all.

Su Lun hid for a day, but he didn't find two people tens of meters away!

One of them started with a super-order spell [thorn entanglement].

Looking at the proficiency of the shot, there is a high probability that he is Mr. Black!

As soon as the other man in the cloak appeared from the shadow, his whole body turned into a purple light, and then he was no longer visible. Surprisingly a top assassin!


Su Lun looked at the shadow on the ground, and only then took a general look. The golden light seemed to be a golden lacquered giant more than two meters high.

Mr. Black's [thorns entanglement] took root under the golden light target's feet, and immediately trapped him tightly.

But only persisted for a moment, and the golden lacquer giant tore off the entwined thorns.

He looked at the cursed space around him, and said angrily: "So your goal is mine..."

As he said, his arrogance as a Tier 5 professional made him not look at the few people in front of him at all, and he snorted: "Unexpectedly, it hasn't been cleaned in a few years. The mouse in the gutter is so fat..."

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