Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 192: Alibi

Latest website: Su Lun put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

As soon as he appeared in the corridor, he noticed a gaze of observing himself.

No hostility, more vigilance.

"Very strong, it should be Lena's guard..."

Su Lun felt it for a while, and besides this line of sight, there was no one else.

He didn't show anything unusual, walked directly to the door of the next room and knocked on the door.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!


"Miss Lena, it's me, Zorro."

Not long after, the door opened.

Lena, who had changed into a home dress, opened the door, looked at Su Lun, and said with a smile: "It's Mr. Zorro. Are you here to see my aunt? She is taking a shower."

"Yeah. I suddenly remembered something urgent to find her..."

Su Lun looked at Lena and nodded gently, but Yu Guang glanced at the room, paused, and said: "Can I come in and wait for her?"

Although Lena felt it was impolite to let a strange man into the room late at night, but when she heard there was an "urgency", she also responded, "Please come in."

After closing the door, the gaze outside the door disappeared.


Su Lun walked in, but did not wait on the sofa.

He listened to the sound of the water in the bathroom, looked over, and shouted, "Sister Qiantiao, when will you finish washing? I have something to look for you."

I don't know if it was just finished. When Su Lun entered the room, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped abruptly.

At this time, "Chijo" wearing a bathrobe just came out of the bathroom.

She looked at Su Lun and asked lazily: "What's the matter, Su Lun boy?"

There is nothing unusual in his expression.

Su Lun looked at the lazy expression on his face, and even suspected that he was thinking too much.

However, looking at the tight chest covered by the bathrobe again, he felt that something was wrong again.

Gambling addicted young women will not defend themselves.

Especially the method of strapping the belt... is not a habit of Qianjo at all!

"Um... something is really wrong..."

Seeing this, Su Lun was still talking, but without any hesitation in his hand, he suddenly drew his gun.

He pointed the muzzle at the head of "Qianjo" in front of him. As long as she moved slightly, she would definitely be blown out of her head, "Who are you?"

At the same time of questioning, his left hand was scratching in the void, and an invisible living corpse wrung with a sickle appeared beside him.

Su Lun thought that these "Thousands of Articles" would quibble a bit, but she didn't think about it, she just glanced at it lightly, raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh... I was discovered."

Lena in the room looked at Su Lun and raised her gun suddenly. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed on the soft carpet.

Su Lun's light glanced at this scene, and his heart was suddenly startled.

He was horrified and didn't realize that he didn't even see how the opposite woman made the move!

A fatal crisis hit my mind instantly, and I didn't even have the idea of ​​pulling the trigger.

It seems that the opponent suddenly has no flaws, even if the sickle and the musket are in hand, as long as the shot is taken, it will definitely fall through.

He had experienced this feeling before.

That was when Mr. Hei and his group of people were besieging the fifth Tier.

Facing those top professionals, they will have a sense of suppression.

This woman...

Very strong!

Very strong!

"Chijo" always looked calm, completely ignoring the threat of the sickle and muzzle, walked straight to the sofa, and greeted Su Lun casually, "Sit down."

From beginning to end, I didn't feel the hostility.

Su Lun suddenly got rid of certain thoughts in his mind, and his tight nerves loosened, and he put away the musket and the living corpse.

He glanced at the woman on the sofa, sighed slightly, and tentatively said: "Mr. Jing?"

Even if it is not, it must be a member of the mirror organization.

"Chijo" looked at Su Lun and smiled non-committal. "How did you guess it?"

Su Lun listened to this tone, his eyes a little complicated.

He had never thought that the counterfeit Qiantiao was actually the leader of the mirror organization.

Mr. Mirror...


It turns out that her ability is mirror image imitation?

Although I don't know whether "Mr. Mirror" is a man or a woman, looking at her expression, as long as she is not a lady's boss, there is a high probability that she is really a woman.

Su Lun: "I can see that some of your habits are different from Chijo..."

"That's it..."

When Mr. Jing heard this explanation, a meaningful arc overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Su Lun asked again: "Are you here?"

He used honorifics because he was almost certain that Mr. Jing would not be young.

After all, it is Mr. Hei's teacher called with honorifics!

He was also curious, why did Mr. Jing come here, and where did the real Chijo go?

Mr. Mirror said directly: "The leader of the Umbrella Organization, "Forensic Doctor" Servez Gerrard, came in person. The guy has awakened his thinking ability and is very capable of solving crimes. Because of some clues, Chijo and the Reyes family are now suspected. So, I have to let this trouble be dealt with tonight. "

"Sister Chijo is suspected?"

Succinctly and concisely, Su Lun understood immediately.

He thought of the middle-aged man with glasses who murdered in the casino that day, and his expression was a bit solemn.

Although it was only a suspicion, for the Reyes family, it was definitely a catastrophe.

This time there was such a big thing, and a Tier 5 professional died.

Judging from the attitude of the Black Tower towards the major families in the inner city, a little "suspicion" is enough to destroy the clan.

Moreover, if Chijo is really exposed, it means that he will be exposed too.

If it weren't for this big boss to sit in front of him calmly, Su Lun knew the news and was afraid that he was already planning to run away at the moment.

Mr. Jing picked up the tea on the table and took a sip: "I'll know in a while. It's not too much trouble."


Listening to Mr. Jing's tone, Su Lun just breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the abnormal situation suddenly arises!

He suddenly noticed that a ring on his finger was starting to get hot, and his face changed drastically.

This is the special secret code left by him and Sabina, and ordinary information will be transmitted through other channels. Once this alchemy ring gets hot, it means one hundred thousand rushes.

Su Lun glanced at Mr. Jing, who was calmly drinking tea, and said very fast: "I got the news from the insider, the people from the umbrella organization are coming to me!"

Hearing this, Mr. Jing still took a sip of tea without rush, as if he had known it a long time ago, and said lightly: "Well. We were followed when we left the manor."

Su Lun listened and said in his heart that it was true, and said nothing.

At this time, Lena, who collapsed on the ground, also slowly opened her eyes. She seemed to have completely forgotten what happened before the coma, and said blankly: "I...what's wrong with me?"

Su Lun has quick eyes and quick hands, and he leaps forward, very gentlemanly helping her up, "You are probably too tired recently, and you were in a coma just now..."

Then this little Lena really thought she had just passed out, "Oh, I have really slept very little lately."

She frowned and murmured, stood up, without thinking, politely replied: "Thank you. I made you laugh."

Su Lun nodded, which was considered a response.

After a pause, Lena looked at Su Lun again and asked, "By the way, Mr. Zorro, I remember you came to see my aunt, do you seem to be in a hurry?"

Upon hearing this, Su Lun was a little weird: "This..."

There were three people in the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

He had originally suspected "Fake Thousand Articles" before, and wanted to come to find trouble.

Now things have reversed. Although he is sure that this is indeed a fake, it is almost the same as the real one.

Moreover, I don’t know who this "fake thousand articles" is.

Now that he knew that he was the leader of the umbrella organization, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Without thinking, "Chijo" patted the position beside him, "Zorro, come and sit here. Help me wipe my hair..."

Hearing this, Su Lun walked over and quickly entered the scene.

His mentality is also very good, if the boss dares to shout, he dares to sit.

He sat down next to Qianjo, and the two were as close as before.

After all, something is going to happen tonight.

It's safer to be closer to the boss.

He also guessed that this big man was going to create an alibi for Sister Qian Tiao.


Su Lun casually found an excuse to fool the past.

The three of them chatted without a word, and not long after, there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Miss, it's not good, something has happened!"

Upon hearing this, Lena went to open the door immediately.

At this time, an old man with the appearance of a housekeeper twisted a box in his hand and said anxiously: "Someone just brought Miss Yulia's head over."


When Rena heard this, her face shook completely and lost her blood.

She looked at the blood-stained box in the housekeeper's hand, shaking all over, "This... she..."

"This old housekeeper is a Tier 3 professional, and the Reyes family really has some background."

Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the old butler who was showing off his aura. I also guessed that this should be the expert who had been secretly protecting Lena outside the door before. seems to be the blonde girl who wanted to help Lena at the reception before?

Unexpectedly, he was killed.

The butler continued: "I heard the sound of fighting from the Blue Moon Hotel before. Miss Yulia's guard didn't hold on for long. There should be Tier 3 professionals in the opponent! It may be those of the Oliver family. They probably did it. You are here, Miss Chong. I think we must leave the camp right now..."

Before this was finished, the butler suddenly seemed to have discovered something, "Someone is coming!"

With a scream, the whole person disappeared in place.

Immediately, there was a loud shout from the old housekeeper outside the hotel: "Huh! This is the property of the Reyes family, who are you!"


Su Lun also heard the movement outside, and it seemed that there were a lot of people coming.

Sending people's heads over naturally wanted "Qian Tiao" to take the initiative to counterattack and expose.

When the third-order master came, she couldn't hide it.

Only then did Su Lun understand why, Mr. Jing is coming here tonight.

In addition to protecting Lena, it is more important to use this Tier 3 old man to block for a while.

The three of Su Lun quickly went downstairs and watched the old man confronting the people of the umbrella organization.

The head of the person is surprisingly the middle-aged man with glasses.

This person is naturally the leader of the umbrella organization, "Forensic Doctor" Servis Gerrard!

At this moment, this guy's linen suit was stained with blood, and there was still a touch of morbid enjoyment on his face, as if he had just enjoyed a **** feast.

From this guy's eyes, Su Lun saw a brutal force that was difficult to suppress.

He glanced at the group of fully guarded windbreakers in the shadows, and found that several Tier 4 professionals had come!

As soon as "Chijo" showed up, he unceremoniously replied,

With a clatter, like a conditioned reflex, the opponent suddenly became tense.

The face of the middle-aged man with glasses is more like a face change, and a black and white [clown mask] with a very penetrating smile appeared with a "swish"!

As soon as this mask was put on his face, Servez, the "Forensic Doctor", suddenly changed his temperament, and the violence was suppressed in an instant.

Indifferent as if not human.

"This clown mask seems to be a very powerful curse..."

Su Lun did not dare to identify, he also drew out the gun, playing the identity of the bounty hunter Zorro.

Although he didn't look at the people around him, he was also curious in his heart. This "Mr. Mirror" could even simulate a thousand alchemy costumes perfectly?

Moreover, the aura on her body is not too strong, almost at the second-order level.

The two sides didn't bother at all, and they fought directly.


The umbrella organizations on the opposite side did not indicate their identities, probably because they thought that if they had trouble with Oolong, they could still use this incident as a robber attack to fool them.

After all, it's just a guess.

Moreover, the Umbrella Organization is not a black tower. The law enforcement agencies like them attacked and killed a top family in the inner city and needed some normal reasons.

The guards Leina brought were not weak, except for the Tier 3 old man, there were also two Tier 2 in the hotel.

Faced with the group of windbreakers, there will be no wind for a while.

Because... none of those Tier 4 was shot!

"Sure enough, it's just a suspicion, did you come to test..."

Su Lun muttered in his heart.

His character is a gunman, so he doesn't have to go to close combat. Just hide next to Lena and put a cold gun.

In the battle group, the third-order butler was entangled by the "forensic" Serves wearing a clown mask.

On the battlefield, Chinjo is the subject of focus.

Fortunately, she swung her arms so tightly that she was able to use her sword well, and she didn’t...

Su Lun's Yu Guang glanced over and was amazed again, this "thousand articles" really couldn't be more real.

The way of the sword is exactly the same as Zhen Chijo!

But after all, outnumbered, "Qian Tiao" faced the key care of several Tier 2 professionals, and actually fell behind.

The people of the Umbrella Organization were originally suspicious, and now looking at Qianjo's full-scale battle, it is only at the second-tier level, and it can't help but be a little puzzled.

In this situation, disguising strength is completely unnecessary.

They wanted to increase their efforts to test it out.

But I didn't think, at this moment, a huge movement suddenly appeared in Stormwind Manor.




This violent spell fluctuation is exaggerated and scary, and it is not something that a Tier 3 professional can issue...

Surprisingly, someone attacked the residence of Princess Teresa!

A long distance away, I saw several cloaked men rushing forward, and behind one of the cloaked men, the phantom of the "Raksha Woman" was so eye-catching!

"Not good! It's been calculated!"

Hearing this movement, everyone in the Umbrella Organization, as well as the gang of Tier 4 who was hiding in the dark, changed their colors when they saw it.

Why didn't they understand that the enemy took advantage of the emptiness of the defense and attacked the princess?

They didn't care about what was here, and disappeared into the battlefield instantly.

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