Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 197: Central prison

Latest website: The prison a thousand years ago is not much different from the prison in Old Lingdon.

The dark and confined underground space, the cramped prison cells, the cold rune iron fence, and the large chunks of bluestone like bread made the walls. A few meters apart, there was a dim gas lamp on the wall.

The air was slightly moist, and there was a rotten stench like a sewer.

Probably to get rid of the damp and stench, there was a blazing brazier in the corridor outside the fence, and the firewood was crackling.

There was intense gunfire in the ears.

The prison seems to be very big, with gunshots coming from far away.


The dark spiritual power in the prison is already very strong, so strong that it makes people seem to be deformed at any time.

Kaye ignored the gunshots outside and took a few greedy breaths.

The rich dark spiritual power made him feel very comfortable.

Although the thigh was punched, it did not prevent him from suddenly pulling out the dagger, and easily cut through the throats of two elite players in the Clark family uniform in the same cell.

It's also a coincidence that in the prison opposite him, there are actually Rena and the old butler of Anthony.

Seeing the changing circumstances, the old butler firmly held Rena's hand, and then let go.

Suddenly being drawn into the cursed space from the fierce battle, the eyes of the two of them were obviously a little surprised and dazed.

However, they naturally also saw the murderous Kay of the opposite supervisor.

Although they don't know who this blue monster is, they also know that this is a friend and not an enemy.

Across the iron fence, Anthony asked, "This little brother, what is going on? What about Mr. Zorro?"

Kay was dealing with a gunshot wound on his leg. The super resilience brought by "X Serum" made his broken flesh tissue healed visibly.

Hearing the question, he raised his head and glanced at the two of them, with a slightly weird tone, "Zorro? Hmm... he should be coming soon."

Having said this, Kaye looked at the old housekeeper who seemed to be trying to test the strength of the iron fence, and stopped him: "Oh, yes. He told us to come in and stay in the cell and don't go out, otherwise we may be in trouble. The jailer outside cannot kill. ..."

Hearing this, Anthony recollected for a moment, obviously startled, and quickly asked: "Mr. Zorro activated the cursed space just now?"

Kaye didn't mean to hide it, and said casually: "Yes."

Upon hearing this,

Lena and Anthony were both shocked.

I thought it was an accident, but it was too coincidental to think about why it was somehow involved in the cursed space during the fierce battle.

It turned out to be artificial?

Moreover, isn't this a "T-level" space? Listening to the tone of the weird person in front of him, Mr. Zorro seems to know some "secrets" that others don't know.

At this time, Lena looked at Kaye, who was treating the wound, and said: "Sir, the penetrating injury on your leg is accompanied by elemental damage, which will prevent the wound from healing. I have a targeted healing agent here. If you need it..."

Before he finished speaking, Kay was not polite, grinning with a bright smile: "Thank you."

Lena threw the potion over and nodded: "I should thank you... By the way, what do you call your sir?"

She knew very well that the strength in front of her was very strong, and if he hadn't stayed before, he wouldn't be involved at all.

The injury was also because of her.

Kay poured the potion on the wound, and introduced himself: "Miss Rena, you can call me Kay."

After a pause, he shook his head and said disapprovingly: "You don't have to thank me. "Zorro" asked me to replace him and protect you, Miss Lena, by the way."

When he said this, a light smile appeared on his face, and he glanced at Lena: "You want to thank him, thank him later."

"Oh... you should be thankful."

Rena was a little confused when she heard it.

Even Mr. Zorro has no friendship.

If it is because of Qian Tiao's relationship, it seems a bit far-fetched.

That Mr. Zorro seems to be too kind to himself?

Rena thought about it and said, "I'm sorry to have you involved in such a troublesome incident."

Kay smiled non-committal.


When my own lady spoke, Anthony, as the housekeeper, would not presume to interject, but listened silently.

He was also secretly guessing Kay's identity.

Suddenly, thinking of something, Anthony looked at what Kay thought of, and tentatively asked: "Mr. Kay, take the liberty to ask, are you the one who hurt Geiger before?"

As a housekeeper, Anthony will naturally deal with all the information held by the family.

He knows so much more than Lena.

In fact, he thought of something when he saw Kay violently before.

Such a powerful professional must not be an unknown person.

Moreover, there are not many professionals who can "take empty steps" in Old Ling Dun.

Then, he thought of the mysterious lone ranger nicknamed "Hyena" in recent intelligence.

The "lunatic" who once slaughtered the "Steel Cannon Hunting Group" and almost killed the "Tunnel King" Geiger, seemed to have a ghostly posture.

Although it was only a Tier 1 professional in intelligence, there was a gap between him and the one in front of him.

But those who dare to oppose the big families in the inner city seem to have no one else.

Kay glanced at the old butler, as if thinking about it for a moment, and faintly spit out a word: "Yes."

With this said, Anthony's pupils shrank slightly, and the stormy sea had already turned up in his heart.

The "hyena" itself was not a big problem, and the intelligence also said it was a lone ranger with no background.

But he was involved in a big trouble,

That is "SS Wanted Su Lun"!

Legend has it that the two have an extraordinary relationship.

Moreover, there is now news that "Su Lun" is still related to the reactionary organization, and the trouble involved is huge.

That's the kind of trouble that any big family will die if contaminated!


Rena on the side didn't understand anything yet, and looked at the old butler with a doubtful tone.

Anthony didn't know how to explain, he thought about it for a moment with complicated expression, and then he muttered to himself: "It's your Excellency..."

He looked at Kay, and then he thought of something again.

If you can guess his identity, so can others.

He directly expressed his worries and said: "Thank you for your righteous action. However, there may be trouble now. The two families of Oliver and Clark are closely related to the inner city military, and there may be people from the umbrella organization in their team. . If they are allowed to go out alive, they may be in great trouble..."

"Get out alive?"

Kay shook his head, interrupting his worries, and said directly: "No. Since that guy intends to do this, they can't go out alive."


Anthony thought that Kay didn't know the power of top professionals, after all, there were countless Tier 3 professionals in Old Ling Dun.

His worries did not diminish, on the contrary, he explained: "But...the two big families are all elite groups, and they are very strong. The "Wind Thunder Sword King" Nero is very strong, even I think He was not sure of victory. There are also the elders of the Three Plagues. They work together, and among the second-tier professionals, no one can beat..."

Kay shrugged, with a reasonable expression on your face, and said in a relaxed tone: "Mr. Anthony, I also agree with you."

Anthony was even more puzzled.

But after a pause, Kaye's conversation suddenly changed, his eyes became deep, and he slowly said, "Although I don't think it is possible. But what that guy said can never be done."

Anthony frowned when he heard it.

There were too many accidents in today's affairs, which made him feel a little unreal.

He suddenly thought, is it... to use this cursed space?

But this is a "T-level" space, it is a desperate situation for the enemy, is it a desperate situation for them?


And the gunfire in the corridor outside became more and more intense.

Not only are they outsiders in the prison, but also NPC jailers and prisoners.

It sounded that the brigade was fighting with the jailer in the prison. It seemed that they were violently breaking through the prison door and directly escaped from the prison.

Almost all cursed spaces have a common cracking method, which is to directly kill through.

Kay felt complacent when the noise outside was getting louder and louder, but Lena and Butler Anthony seemed very puzzled.

Lena asked, "Mr. Kaye, shall we go out now?"

Kay shook his head: "No. Although the jailers outside are not strong, but the guy said, don't kill, killing will cause big trouble."

Hearing this, Lena thought about it and asked: "That Mr. Zorro... he knows the information about this cursed space?"

Kaye spread his hands, "Don't look at me either. I don't know much more than you."

Without waiting for them to talk more, at this moment, Anthony looked alert and snorted: "Someone is coming."

After waiting for a breath or two, Rena and Kay heard a footstep approaching the two cells in their corner from the sound of gunshots.

The footsteps are very steady, not irritable at all.

I got closer, and then listened to a conversation coming from outside.

It's like a dialogue between NPCs in this space.

"Master jailer! There has been a large-scale prisoner riot in the first and second districts, please give instructions!"

"Well, guard your post. There will be a commando team over there to deal with it. I want to interrogate a few prisoners."



As soon as the voice fell, a man dressed in a dark blue prison uniform and a ferocious iron mask walked over.

Looking at the epaulettes on his shoulder, it turned out to be the talking chief jailer.

The masked man walked to Kaye’s prison, "Walala" took out a bunch of keys, opened the door, and said: "Sorry, take care of something and take some time."

Kaye recognized that the person was Su Lun at a glance. Although he was not surprised, he was still curious, and asked, "How did you become the chief jailer?"

"With this level of identity, it will save a lot of trouble."

Su Lun explained lightly.

He opened Kaye's cell, then turned to open the other iron door on the opposite side.

Because she didn't take off her mask, Reina didn't recognize him, and only asked tentatively: "Mr. Zorro?"

Su Lun seemed to think for a moment, deliberately didn't say anything, and smiled: "Yes. Miss Lena."

But Butler Anthony looked up and down the mysterious masked man in front of him, his eyes dignified.

Why is he a prisoner when everyone comes in, and he is actually an NPC?


Su Lun led the three out of the prison.

The Kaye trio only saw a few armed jailers in the corner of the prison corridor, who seemed not very intelligent.

Under the leadership of the "jailer chief" Su Lun, they just walked over with no one to stop them.

This method also surprised the Kay three behind him.

The gloomy corridor is a bit cramped, giving people a sense of oppression of imprisonment everywhere.

After walking for a while, seeing no one around, Su Lun explained: "Although the jailers on the first floor are not strong, it will be troublesome to kill. The jailers on the lower floors are very strong. Wait for them to take action. No one can survive the escape. Especially those who kill the jailer."

Hearing this, Kay's trio also understood.

And Anthony instinctively asked: "Mr. Zorro, how strong are the jailers below? How many floors are there in this prison?"

He felt that as the strongest combat power here, it was necessary to understand the enemy's strength and the Yoshimoto intelligence in this space.

Su Lun pondered for a moment, and then responded with two words: "Very strong."

After thinking about it, they said in a way that they could understand: "This prison has five floors. According to the ancient division, prisoners below the third level are locked in the first floor where we are now. The second-level prisoners are the prisoners on record. They are all'super-orders'. Although most of the energy has escaped after a long time, there are more than third-orders in the second layer. I don't know the situation of the third and fourth layers. But I know, There is an impossible presence on the fifth floor. And this prison is also very special. Its exit is on the fifth floor. So whoever wants to go out has to go underground."

After listening to this series of explanations, the three Kayes behind them were all surprised.

This is another "super-order" and an invincible description...

Lena asked, "So... this is really a T-class space?"

Su Lun nodded lightly, "Yeah."


Anthony's face twitched, his eyes slightly suspicious.

If someone can read the mind, he can definitely hear him saying at this moment: Are you afraid that you have any misunderstandings about the "T-level space"?

T grade means that there is no survivor.

What you describe is in line with this rating.

But your tone is discussing a "D-class" space!

Moreover, what surprised them even more was that since it was a "T-rank", where did this guy's intelligence come from?

Kay knew what he didn't ask.

Lena didn't know why, seeing the scene before her, she felt a sense of familiarity inexplicably.

There was such a person before, always calm and numb at any moment.

Even in a desperate situation, it will give people an indescribable sense of trust.

When she thought of something, she asked directly: "Mr. Zorro seems to be familiar with this space?"

Su Lun said lightly: "Well, I've been here a few times before."


several times?

If someone said that he came out of the "T-Class" space alive, anyone would think that this person is bragging.

Not only have you been here, but "how many times" have you been here?

Hearing this quantifier, the eyes of the three Kaye became very strange.


Su Lun also knew that his experience was unbelievable.

Before, I thought of the "fake thousand articles" method, and wanted Kay to replace the identity of "Zorro" and create an alibi.

And during the time he was freeing his hands, he was not idle either.

Go to the Oliver family to kill a few people and show their faces;

Then he came to Curse Space in advance to check the situation.

Su Lun had those things given by Mr. Mirror, so he came directly in and found "Mrs. Celea" in the prison.

With those tokens, it is not a big problem to come out safely.

But he always felt that since this is a T-class space, it would be a bit wasteful if only to do errands.

And he has the pupil of omniscience, and he can naturally see all the information in this cursed space.

[Central Prison in Dawn City]

Detailed explanation: Super-large space conforms to the cursed space, T-level; once the central prison of Dawn City, there were countless murderous criminals held here; if you want to live, stay in the cell and don't run around; otherwise the jailer will kill all escaped prisoners; Without the warden’s forgiveness, you will never be able to leave the space; you need a specific technique to open; after the space is opened, you will inhale all the living bodies within three kilometers of the vicinity.

The first time Su Lun saw the introduction of "inhaling all life forms within three kilometers in the vicinity" in this space, an idea came to his mind: pit kill!

This is a cursed space with no solution.

Those who enter can only stay in the cell, and if they break the door, they will be treated as "jailbreakers" and killed by the jailer.

But staying in the cell can't do anything.

Either trapped or killed.

So in fact, there is only one way to get out, and that is to jailbreak and push.

But in fact... it's impossible!

After chatting with Mr. Mirror before, Su Lun also knew that over time, the difficulty of the cursed space would also retreat due to energy dissipation and the lack of certain laws, and the NPCs inside would also become weaker.

After this thousand years, the original fifth-order and sixth-order warlock Cannian in the space probably only had the strength of second-order and third-order, or even lower.

This is also the reason why the NPC ranks in the cursed space that Su Lun encountered before were not high.

But here is very close to that "space channel", with strong dark spiritual power, and the cursed space is well preserved. After all, it was a city where there was a “demi-god” position. This dawn central prison held a lot of super powers.

When Su Lun was investigating before, he had seen NPCs above Tier 3 on the second floor of the prison.

On the third and fourth floors, he estimated that there are at least the fourth and even fifth levels..

Therefore, it is impossible to push horizontally!

And If you don't do anything, when Rena and the others come over, their team will undoubtedly die.

Does this happen to solve a lot of troubles?

After seeing the "Mrs. Celea" again, he was more certain of his thoughts after some exchanges, and he wanted to use the space to deal with those troubles.

And Oliver and Clark talked about the eldest master of the family and it did not disappoint. Hearing that Reina was about to destroy the group, she really came to "set down the stone" in person.

Then there was the previous scene.


Several people were walking, and suddenly, Anthony discovered something first and said with a solemn expression: "Someone is coming. It should be for the young lady."

Su Lun's tone is still flat: "Well... just right."

PS. The second chapter is not finished yet, so I will post it later.

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