Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 201: Hormonal runaway

Latest website: PS. First draft, look at it in 20 minutes.

The middle-aged man wearing glasses walked out of the darkness of the prison step by step.

He took off half of his gas mask, it was a middle-aged face with a very ordinary look, and his pale face was a little sick.

But such a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, when he walked out, gave people a feeling that he couldn't ignore it.

His expression is too calm, as if everything is out of sight, out of tune with this battlefield.

The person here is not someone else, but the leader of the umbrella organization, "Forensic Doctor" Servez Gerrard.

This name is rarely known.

And his appearance, even the top of the umbrella organization, has rarely seen him.

When he walked out, everyone in Oliver's two major families immediately became alert.

This guy and that SS Wanted Su Lun feel too similar. In their eyes, there is a kind of indifference that looks at people as if looking at corpses.

Moreover, listening to the conversation between the two, it seems that they still know each other?


This tone, this arrogant tone, is obviously not "friendly".

Moreover, this guy suddenly appeared at the back of the team, making people from the two big families have to crystallize.


Gerrard completely ignored the gunpoints pointed at him.

He walked towards the front step by step. As he walked, he took off his jacket, revealing the proper shirt inside. As if he felt that fighting clothes would affect his actions, he began to roll up his sleeves again.

During the whole process, he looked at others as nothing, only Su Lun was in his eyes.

Gerrard asked while rolling up his sleeves: "I'm curious, how do you know I'm here?"

The tone couldn't hear the slightest wave, like a greeting between two old friends who reunited.

"Guess it."

Su Lun narrowed his eyes and stared at the middle-aged man in the distance, only he could feel the killing intent surging under that calm expression.

However, the Hongmang in his own eyes is not afraid, instead there is a kind of eager battle will, "I think if I were you, I would definitely follow Reyce's long room... After all, this is the most reasonable. Clue. Didn't you also guess that I will show up?"


Gerald smiled, with an indifferent expression on his face: "You know that I'm coming. It seems that you also have a very reliable source of information."

He had seen it a long time ago that the two are the same kind of people, and one look is enough.

"Guess what?"

Su Lun glanced at him with a smile.

This kind of person can't hide it at all. With a little clue, the truth of many things will be opened up.

Gerrard obviously guessed something, and pushed the glasses that fell off the bridge of his nose with his hands.

He didn't say much, smiled again, and said faintly: "Since you showed up, you must be sure to kill me. But these are not enough. I am also very curious about what else you can do."

"Not sure. But I want to try."

Like the last calm before the storm, Sulun smiled evilly, as if reason is no longer there, but said extremely calm words: "Whether you kill Mr. Gerrard, or if you kill Mr. Gerrard, , Thinking about it makes people feel excited..."

The two talked about life and death in a calm tone, as if they were talking about the life and death of others.

Gerrard's face was rarely seen with a smile of sympathy, "Your stunning methods really make people understand the laws of spatial ability, puppeteer, super-level position... whichever is one, you can't call it a genius. Old Ling Dun There are many people here, but among the people I have seen, no one can match you."

After a pause, he said again: "It's a pity, if it's not the enemy, we can still have a good chat."

Su Lun grinned, "Yes, it's a pity."

As soon as these words fell, the aura of the two men grew higher and higher.


The two of them just chatted without others, and they were a little baffling.

That kind of weird atmosphere, no one dares to intervene,

They also seem to want to hear something from the conversation between the two.

The two big families are in a strange situation now, with Su Lun alone in front of them, and another one in the back.

Both of them seemed to exude an invisible thrust, and they squeezed the hundreds of people back steadily.

Gerrard completely ignored the people of the two big families, but after all, he walked out from behind the crowd. If he wanted to go out, he would naturally come close.

The young Ellie who is still alive has been forced to the corner.

The commander watched Gerrard coming, and there was absolutely nothing wrong.

But listening to this person doesn't seem to belong to the Sulun group, he can only bite the bullet and ask: "Who are you?"

The delicate balance of the atmosphere was broken, and Gerrard glanced at him, as if the tiger was interrupted while eating, his eyes suddenly drenched.

The murderous aura that had originally targeted Su Lun alone suddenly turned to the commander.

All of a sudden, it was like a needle piercing one's eyes. The moment the commander met this gaze, he seemed to see an endless sea of ​​corpses and blood in his eyes.

Gerrard's aura suddenly broke out, and the same light blue cold flame as Su Lun's body burst out all over his body, it turned out to be [No Servant]!

With a flick of his fingers, his nails turned into sharp blades like scalpel blades.

No one could see what was going on. They only felt that the blade flashed by for a moment. The armored commander of this knight in heavy armor dropped pieces of armor, without any reaction, he knelt on the ground. The whole person seemed to have been fished out of the water, and the whole body was wet with profuse sweat. Although there was still a breath, his eyes were already hollow, as if his soul had been drawn away.

There was a disagreement, and suddenly he started, without reason.

People from the two big families also worked together.

For a time, the gunfire broke out.

A weird scene happened.

Gerrard looked like a drunkard, dangling around, giving the impression of a ghost in front of him, and for a while he couldn't capture his exact position.

In the blink of an eye, there were phantoms of him everywhere.

The ghostly body moves through the crowd, splattering blood.

Along the way, the corpses were all over the floor.

Upon closer inspection, the wounds on the corpse were very precise, as if a scalpel was slid over, a gap was cut in the artery in the fatal part, and blood shot out. But even a mechanical warrior with a large area of ​​armor covering his entire body, no one can survive a face-to-face encounter.

Whether it is the first order or the second order.

No one can live as long as he blocks his way.

Gerrard walked along the way, and the body fell down like mowing.

The young Ellie was so scared that he had a diabetes collapse and was forced into a corner, waiting for his death

Surprisingly, Gerrard did not intend to kill all these people.

It's not impossible, it seems to be troublesome.

No one stood in the way, so he didn't kill.

He also ignored the people of the two big families, and stopped not far from Su Lun.

Even standing with his back facing everyone, no one dared to shoot.

Jedla patted his hands, and suddenly a red alchemy circle lit up under his feet, and he seemed to be muttering something.

In the next instant, the blood on the corpses behind him seemed to be drawn into the formation.

With the technique, Gerrard sucked the blood greedily, with a happy expression on his face. His body became excited unconsciously, exposing the muscles of his arms, and unexpectedly became awkward.

This look was exactly the same as Su Lun who was not far away.

There was a thick morbid madness in the eyes of both of them, and the red mans were flourishing.

But at this time, as if the spirit of the riot had reached a threshold, a black and white clown mask appeared on Gerrard's face.

Looking at it again, the clown mask became red and black again.


"Scared scared scared scared..."

There was a low voice in Su Lun's throat not far away.

As if he was laughing or howling, he tilted his head and looked at Gerald in the red mask not far away, and licked his lips: "Red-faced clown, I was underestimated... I heard that Mr. Gerald still has The strongest black face state?"

Gerrard responded: "I hope you have a chance to see it."

He wasn't in a hurry, he seemed to be waiting for something.

Red eye and red eye, the two patients have a kind of understanding that is hard to find.

After the last exchange, Su Lun slowly closed his eyes.

The light in front of him gradually narrowed into a gap, and the trace of reason in his eyes dissipated into the darkness.

Suddenly, his eyes, ears, nose and nose were bleeding, and his hands spread out, as if to embrace the whole world.

For the first time, he completely opened up the restraint in his heart, letting the emotions that had been suppressed for many years finally get out of control...

The beast in my heart jumped out of the cage.

Su Lun opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes red.

In an instant, with him as the center, an invisible mental force exploded.

He looked around, as if he was looking at this new world, and said with a grinning smile: "It turns out that it feels like this..."

As soon as the voice fell, a "bang" exploded.

A ring of air ripples visible to the naked eye shot out under his feet, and there was a delay of a second before dense cobweb cracks appeared on the bluestone ground.

The movement of the stabbing air was much stronger than before, and Su Lun's foot seemed to have trampled the entire space, making everyone feel the air around him shaking.

This time, the air step was several times faster than before!

Emotional release is not just a change in mental strength, but also enters that kind of hysterical state at the same time, the hormones in the body will be violently secreted.

This will open the safety valve of the muscle fiber, allowing the muscle to explode several times, or even ten times the strength!

Among Tier 3 professionals, who would dare to say that his physical fitness is ten times stronger than that of Su Lun who has been transformed with X serum?

His current body can also withstand a stronger outbreak than ordinary people.

This is a terrifying speed that even Tier 3 professionals can't reach.

Looking at it again, the moment the movement rang out, Su Lun, who was covered in cold flames, had already rushed to Gerrard, and the fist pouring in golden paint blasted directly on the middle-aged man's lower abdomen like a cannonball.

Avoiding it, Jadra flew out and fell into the crowd of the Oliver family. With this blow, several people vomited blood and flew upside down, knocking out a huge hole in the wall.

This terrifying speed shocked everyone on the battlefield.

Everyone thought that the battle was a winner,

But she didn't want Jedela to stand up from the cracked brick wall like a okay person.

He habitually wanted to push his glasses, but found that he was wearing a mask on his face and muttered to himself: "Tsk, it's interesting... I thought only I knew this technique, so you know."

Jedla patted the dust on his body, and the double surgeon pinched: "Fresh Alchemy Hormone Runaway!"

As if something had changed, his whole aura suddenly skyrocketed.

In the next instant, the entire figure suddenly collapsed in place.

Almost at the same time, a harsh metal tearing sounded through the entire prison.

Look again,

After the change, Jedra turned out to be faster than Suren.

It's so fast that the second-tier professionals present can't capture it!

Bladed nails glided across the golden lacquered skin like lightning, the fire was splashing, and the sound of "stabbing" became a piece.

Jedla was like a wisp of wind, and Sulun kept flashing around, front, back, left, right...

The deadly blade and claws made a sharp spark on him.

This [King Kong] is a flesh-and-blood alchemy of gold elements. As long as the dark spiritual power is enough, it is almost impossible for a Tier 3 professional to break open forcibly.

Jedela could easily hit the second-tier professional, and wrapped the claws of [No Servant] cold flames, but it could only bring some skin injuries to Su Lun.

But suddenly, Su Lun felt that there was something wrong with his state.

Disordered limbs?

Hormonal disorders?

Jedra's attack was not purely physical damage.

This "forensic doctor" has a very deep research on human body structure, nerve control and secretion of certain hormones.

The blade pierced the skin of the body, and the bioelectricity produced immediately interfered with Suren's brain's control of the limbs. The brain clearly wants to move the left hand, and the signal is sent, but the right hand is moving; it is the fingers that obviously wants to move, but it is the toes...

And fighting this guy, the body hormones will be unconsciously affected, some negative hormones like fear and emotion will be secreted artificially...

If a normal person is against this one, this disorder is like adding a "weak state", and it is already weak by three points without a fight.

Although Red-Eyed Su Lun lost his sanity, his fighting instinct was still there.

Now his emotions are as if there are multiple people in his mind calculating the battle at the same time, and the "body confusion" can be overcome in an instant. As for emotions...everyone uses emotions, and Jadra, who has mask restrictions, is not necessarily more crazy than Suren.

There is no advantage in speed, and melee combat can't hurt people for a while.

Su Lun's double surgeon pinched the seal and condensed [Puppet Theater] again.

Silver silk thread wrapped around the space, and dozens of puppets attacked at the same time.

This time, the [Puppet Theater], which is known to have no solution at the same level, also showed its deficiencies in the battle of higher levels.

A single thread can be easily cut by a knife's nails, condensed into a bunch, and he can flexibly avoid it by relying on the ghost body method...

Jedra was like a fish swimming flexibly in the aquatic plants. This witch's hair didn't cause him much trouble.

As the main attacking force, it is the puppets.

Su Lun is multi-tasking, controlling dozens of puppets to attack at the same time, as if one person has dozens of hands and dozens of feet.

But the [Nightmare Doll] that can affect the mentality of Tier 2 professionals is useless to the leader of the umbrella organization. Moreover, this guy's method of peeling armor can easily disassemble them into parts without breaking the dolls.

Not long after, it was like a horrible slaughterhouse, with the stumps of various dolls floating in the air...

She had a broken arm and attacked madly at Jedra who was still facing.

There is numbness on both sides as if they don’t know the pain,

And in this central prison, the dark spiritual power is very strong, breathing in and out, enough for Su Lun to persist for a long time!

What's more, there is also the super resilience brought by "X Serum", which makes it impossible for him to lose in a short period of time.

The two fought fiercely together.


When the two were fighting, everyone on the side was stunned.

An inexplicable heads-up, completely turned into a fairy fight.

The people in the two big families realized that this ordinary-looking middle-aged man with glasses turned out to be a Tier 3 professional, and a strong Tier 3!

Looking at Su, they also understood how powerful this second-order SS wanted criminal who didn't use the black sickle was.


"What's the speed! Even President Nero is not as good as the two..."

"Both of them are used, especially Na Su Lun, he's afraid he won't live long..."

"Hurry up! No matter which one of them wins, it will be very unfavorable to us!"

"Yes, think of a way first to crack this cursed space and go out."


The remnants of the two families did not watch the battle and chose to escape.

At the entrance of the second floor, the three Kaye saw the red-eyed Suren. Although they were worried about the battle, they did not hesitate to enter the second floor of the prison.

PS. There should be another update later, don’t wait, I don’t know when it will be posted, I have not been writing smoothly recently.

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