Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 203: teacher

"you're awake?"

Su Lun opened his eyes, and a soft female voice asked.

This is an alchemy workshop with a high floor height, about seven or eight meters in height.

The decoration in the room has a strong classical style, with golden aristocratic elegance, and a mysterious style unique to the alchemy workshop.

All kinds of classical magic lights hung in the air, round, square, diamond... the room was bright.

There are bookshelves on one wall of this room, densely arranged with various alchemy books.

Those glass jars filled with light yellow liquid contained various biological materials, such as eyeballs, brains, organs... weird biological materials, and most of them did not look like human body tissues.

On the alchemy workbench, all kinds of bottles and materials are everywhere.

Test tubes of various colors of medicine are neatly placed on the shelf. Purple flames are heating in the beaker, the viscous green liquid is boiling and bubbling, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of medicine.

A woman in a white palace dress was working on this potion.

The most striking thing is naturally the eight crystal clear spider spears on her back.

Unlike Su Lun’s dark golden spider spear, her spear spear gives people a back-to-virtual feeling. It doesn’t feel savage at all, but when you look closely, you will feel that there are all kinds of mysterious flowing on it that make people unable to look directly at it. Rune gloss.

Spider Lance is like her arm. It flexibly and accurately removes various drug test tubes from the shelf. You don't even need to accurately measure, just drop a few drops, fill in two spoons of powder, and add a few solids...

Just looking at this refining technique, Su Lun knew that this refining potion was very advanced.

In his current cognition, the process of refining medicine that uses eight materials to react at the same time is beyond the reach of the "master-level" pharmacists in Old Lingdun.

Su Lun has been to this [Dawn City Central Prison] eight times before and after, but this is the first time he has entered this room.

However, this is not the first time I have seen this gentle woman with an eight-armed spider spear.

She is naturally the target mission of Suren's trip, the founder of the puppeteer profession, the wife of Sir Isaac, the mother of Pestoya, and Mrs. Celea.


"Hello, Mrs. Celea."

Su Lun responded.

He woke up, but found that he could not move except for his eyeballs.

I have lost consciousness all over.

He quickly recalled the previous battle in his mind, and he understood that most of the muscles and body tissues had collapsed.

Yu Guang glanced at the runes of the alchemy formation on the floor where he was lying, and the identification showed that this was a sixth-order life alchemy formation.

Mrs. Celea seemed to have calculated the time, just when the last piece of material was put into the beaker, and the magical reaction occurred. The viscous green liquid gradually became clear and completely turned into a qualified medicine.

She walked towards the place where Su Lun was lying, and poured the potion into the alchemy array.

For a time, the green light flourished.

Su Lun immediately felt the majestic vitality digging into his body.

Like the withered trees regained their vitality, the broken muscle fibers and various exhausted organs have also been restored with an exaggerated efficiency.

Seleya poured the potion, and said: "Your brain development is good, probably improved by 5%. This is already very rare."

After a pause, she added: "Your talent is very good. It is indeed a career suitable for'Puppet Master'."

Su Lun felt relieved when he heard this, and said, "All thanks to you, Madam, for imparting the secret method..."

This growth is also expected.

The average person's brain development rate is 2% to 8%, and most of the top scientists in Su Lun's previous life are only about 12%.

This data will increase slightly through certain acquired exercises, but generally it will not increase more than 2% for life.

Su Lun is now about 16%. Don't underestimate the increase in data. At some level, it is the difference between 59 and 60 on the test.

The well-informed Mr. Black, who has specifically searched for advanced materials, is only about 18%.

"Yeah. This secret method really seems to be my own hand. After all, no one else but me should know..."

Seleya's face always gave people a kind of gentle and wise feeling.

It was like watching Mr. Hei, it was a kind of erudition that brought no confusion, as if there was no secret that the world could hide from her.

She glanced at Su Lun: "Now, you can tell me what happened to the letter you gave me before. Also, what's your intention."

Su Lun said directly: "Do you know that the current central prison has become a ‘cursed space’? My name is Su Lun and I came in a thousand years later..."

As he spoke, he said concisely and concisely.

Before entering the cursed space, he took a moment and handed the lady's letter to "herself".

This is what he got after he came in before and gained trust through communication.

The plan is to try the secret method that Mrs. Seleya personally told him, which can improve the development of the brain.

Don't dare to try other places, no one controls the boundaries, completely let go of the depressed emotions in his mind, Su Lun will undoubtedly die.


This Mrs. Celea has a high degree of wisdom.

For other cursed spaces, if Su Lun wants to say this, the NPCs will definitely ignore it selectively.

It's like someone traveling through time and space. He takes a note with your handwriting and tells you that this is a parallel world you wrote, and you have to believe me.

It's definitely hard to accept being a normal person.

But this remnant thought of Seleya was easily figured out and accepted the reality.

Like several times before.

She muttered to herself: "So I am dead..."

Hearing this, Su Lun felt a strange feeling again in his heart, as if he was a living person in front of him.

It is impossible for the NPC to recognize that he has died and is cursing the space NPC.

Sulun thought she was the same kind of special existence as Pestoya.

But she said she was not.

She is still an NPC who cursed you in the space.

Like the previous few times, Su Lun asked again: "Can you recognize that you are dead?"

He wanted to hear if he could ask any different results.

Mrs. Seleya did not express any abnormal emotions because she realized she was dead: "Actually, it is not difficult to understand. When you are alive, you foresee the destined death ending in this destiny, and many things can be done. I understand. When you come, it means that disaster has happened."

Su Lun was lost in thought.

He has heard the same thing three times.

But I still don't understand it.

Seleya easily believed Su Lun, smiled, and went directly to the subject: "Today you came, there should be something to find me. For example, what tokens do you give me? What do I need to refine?"

"um, yes."

When he said these few words, Su Lun found that his body was already working.

He opened his storage space and took out the golden card and the sealed box.

Seeing this ability, Seleya raised her eyebrows and said: "Spatial ability? It's really suitable for puppet masters. However, the level of law you understand is too low, and it is easy to be targeted by law when encountering high-level professional space."


Hearing this, Su Lun looked a little strange.

He wanted to say in his heart that this is no longer the city of dawn where there was a demigod a thousand years ago.

Now the most powerful professional in Old Ling Dun is the third rank, which is the level of the chief jailer in this prison.

At least so far, Su Lun hasn't encountered the kind of "high-level" she said.

Seleya took out the golden card and looked at it. It seemed that some special encryption method was used to read the content on the card, and her eyes became complicated.

Like seeing things and thinking about people, seeing the card, there was a touch of tenderness and melancholy in her eyes.

After groaning for a long time, she muttered to herself: "So it's like this..."

With that said, Seleya condensed a surgical seal and sighed softly: "Solution!"

The runes engraved on the rune secret box suddenly lit up, and the layers of golden seal formations lit up. They are like chains, tightly wrapped tightly. Together, the unblocking technique collapsed layer by layer.


Several times before, Su Lun had taken out this box.

But none of them opened.

Celea said that once opened, this cursed space would no longer exist.

The two big families were smashed, and the "forensic doctor" Servez Gerrard had also died.

Su Lun's brain development has also been completed, and now the goal has been achieved.

Naturally, it's time to proceed to the last step.

He had previously identified the runes on this box, which showed "super", and knew that it was at least a rune of rank six or above.

Looking at it now, it really is.

But a closer look reveals that it is not the same.

The runes he recognized are flat, but the runes lit on the secret box are out-of-body structures.

Seeing Seleya's expression is very relaxed, thinking that there is nothing to disturb.

He asked directly: "Madam, what kind of rune is this, how does it feel different from ordinary runes?"

Seleia explained smoothly: "This is the Rune of Rune, also called the Alchemy Talisman. It is probably equivalent to the "Profound meaning" in the art. This is the rune system created by the alchemist in the mythical period. The improvement of the alchemist has become a huge knowledge system. It is a system, but also a kind of thinking. It puts aside the old-fashioned rune routines and delves into the variants and extensions of runes. Very complicated, and the difficulty of research will be doubled. . But the research is thorough, the power is also several times of the same level, and there are some unexpected effects..."

Su Lun also understood.

The difference between Mathematical Olympiad and ordinary textbooks.

They are all topics of the same grade, and the difficulty cannot be the same.

The most important thing is not the text body, but the direction of thinking that diverges.

Su Lun was a little greedy when he heard: "Madam, what are the requirements for learning Rune of Rune?"

With such a powerful rune, he harvested so many fragments that he had never heard of it.

I really have to learn that the effectiveness of the third-order rune may be more powerful than the ordinary fourth-order, and this is very useful!

Stupid puppets, weapons, armor... Tier 3 has Tier 4 effects, isn't this mighty power?

This is the true interpretation of the meaning of the phrase "knowledge is power".

Celea seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and she smiled: "This is generally the advanced rune knowledge that can only be accessed by highly talented professionals. The third row of the bookshelf has several introductions. If you are interested, You can take a look. Your level of brain development is very high, and it will be easier than others to understand that level of knowledge."

Su Lun was delighted when he heard this.

"Learning talent", in a sense, is equated with brain development.

Speaking of this, Seleya suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Speaking of which, this rune is still somewhat related to your [Pupil of All-Knowing] talent."

When Su Lun heard this, his eyes were stunned: Is it related to his talent?

Seleya asked: "Are you very confused, why can you understand the things you don't know after awakening [Pupil of All-Knowing]? Where does the knowledge needed for cognition come from?"

Su Lun didn't think that his dual talents could conceal this one.

Moreover, this is indeed a question he doubts.

This is not the game world, but the real world. Where does the "database" come from?

Without waiting for him to think about it, Seleia explained: "'Lun' in the Old German language, the original meaning is secret, mystery, representing the'secret of the universe'. [Pupil of All-Knowing] There was also a name in the mythical period, called "Akasi Records." This term may be very strange to you, but it also has a well-known name in the alchemy academia, called "the original thing". It is the creation of all the first matter of the universe. It contains everything in the world. Secrets, past, present, future... everything."

Su Lun frowned when he heard this.

Suddenly realized that I seemed to have heard very high-end knowledge.

If he changed it, he felt that he would definitely not be able to understand it.

But now that the brain domain has been developed, he faintly feels that he has touched something.

Seleya glanced at Su Lun and said, "Did you encounter something that you can't understand? For example, what's in this box?"

With that, she took out the contents of the rune secret box, which was a heart in a glass jar.

A black gold, still beating heart!

Su Lun would not be surprised to see this thing, after all, he had guessed before.

To be able to extract "X serum", it must be a biological limb, or some kind of organ.

Although he did not expect that this heart is still alive.

I identified it, and what was shown above was expected: the heart of the abyss creature ***.

He asked: "Why?"

Celia said: "[The Eye of All-Knowing] can see through all the secrets in the world. You can't see it now. One is that your talent awakening is too shallow, some can't be seen, some are seen, but you understand No. Second... because it is protecting you."

After a pause, she pointed to the heart in the glass jar and asked, "Do you know what kind of heart it is?"

Su Lun had already guessed, and tentatively said: "The legendary'God Rank'?"


Seleya nodded and confirmed this statement: "This is the heart of a god-level creature. The message of'deity' is not just a few words, but contains laws that are indescribable to humans. The laws of gods. Levels are not coveted by low-level creatures at all. Your pupil of omniscience sees that level of law directly, but because your cognitive level is too low, it protects you. If you force that high level of cognition into your brain , Your spirit will break down immediately."

She showed a wise smile and said: "If, I said, this heart is the heart of a'fallen angel', will you look at it again?"

Su Lun looked at it again and, as expected, the words [Fallen Angel's Heart] appeared in the appraisal.

Seleya's words "defined" the incomprehensible law, and expressed it in a way he could understand.

But at the same time, Su Lun was also shocked.


God with wings?

The existence of myths and legends?

No wonder the "X Serum" injection will make it look good, the original genes come from angels.

Su Lun thought of something and asked, "Madam, is the blood line the source of the talent for awakening?"

"Yes, not all. There is a legend on the market that humans are the descendants of the gods, and the bloodline inheritance is part of the law and power of the ancient gods, such as the elemental talents of earth, wind, water, and fire. .. But in reality this is an inaccurate statement."

Seleya's eyebrows bend slightly, correcting this statement, "Bloodline is only one of the carriers. For example, your [Death Reaper] talent, its carrier is the soul. In fact, the essence of talent is the original universe' Thing', God is just a beneficiary..."


Sure enough, she knew that she was a dual talent.

Now that we talked about this topic, Su Lun also asked all the questions: "What is the difference between the S-level talent and other talents?"

Seleya responded: "S-rank talent, that represents the greatest laws of the universe. Your [Death Reaper] represents the'Law of Death', and [The Eye of All-Knowing] represents the'Law of Wisdom'... Legend has it that we alchemists want to become understand these laws is the only way to go."

The tone of her words suddenly became very serious: "The essence of alchemy is to understand and decipher the truth of the world. We alchemists have been pursuing this truth throughout our lives. From the material structure to the understanding of the law, from simple It's complicated. Only when you master it, can you really create the alchemy of equivalent exchange at will. Therefore, the alchemist must be knowledgeable. You already have the qualifications to become a top alchemist and to pry into the ultimate secrets of this world..."

Speaking of this, Seleya said suddenly: "Although I am dead, I want to accept you as a disciple."

Hearing that, Su Lun endured the tingling pain in his whole body and stood up expressionlessly.

He bowed and bowed,

The expression was calm and solemn and said: "Teacher."

PS. There will not be many updates recently and may be irregular. I also found that I have entered a little writing misunderstanding, let me think about it. If the writing falls apart, it doesn't make sense to have more.

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