Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 207: Do you want a cloak

After the three of Kay left, Suren did not stay in place at the central prison site.

According to Celia, now that [Isaac's Alchemy Heart] is on her body, the fallen angel has sensed it and will come to her at any time. Only with Mr. Jing by his side can the danger be minimized.

He sent a signal to Mr. Jing, and then, in the opposite direction of the three, he went to the depths of the ruins to find a safe place and waited.

It is a fairly solid tower building.

Su Lun jumped in. The view here is very wide, with broken windows ventilating on all sides, and the situation can be discovered in time.

But not long after he stopped, a mysterious person who couldn't see his face appeared out of thin air. A beam of light like a projector shines in and people come.

Looking at the gold-patterned cloak, Su Lun knew it was from the mirror organization.

Hmm... Seeing this is a more weird method than teleporting, it is most likely to be Mr. Mirror's deity.

He has probably figured out some of Mr. Jing's abilities now, she seems to be able to imitate anyone's appearance and abilities.

This is obviously an extremely rare talent ability.

Most of the knowledge system in Old Ling Dun was excavated from relics, and there are dynasties and incompleteness. The introduction of talents is also incomplete, and there are some omissions.

Especially for the S-level talent, there is almost no record or description.

Su Lun didn't know what Mr. Jing's talent was before, only thought that it should be rarer than A Grade.

And just now, he harvested a book of "The Awakening of Human Talents" in the cursed space. He curiously flipped through the first few pages and saw a talent-[S-011-Mirror Guardian].

It is a talent that can imitate "almost" any ability as long as it can be understood.

Obviously, Mr. Mirror is such a talent.


The man in the cloak saw Su Lun and asked, "Did you see her?"

As soon as he heard the tone of his mouth, although he could not distinguish between men and women, Su Lun knew that this was Mr. Jing, and responded: "Yeah."

As the cloak listened, he let out a faintly melancholy sigh.

Su Lun probably knew what she was feeling sad.

One of the reasons for the cursed space is the fall of the ancient powerful, the special space left over by those powerful residual thoughts and energy.

That [Dawn Central Prison] cursed space exists, in a sense, it is actually Seleya's "cemetery".

She died when Dawn City was destroyed.

This cursed space dissipated, which meant that there would be no trace of Seleya's existence in the world.

Su Lun looked at the same expression, but he was a little weird in his heart.

He had previously determined that this Mr. Mirror and Seleya from a thousand years ago really knew each other.

It also means that there is an "old monster" who really lives a thousand years.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary humans can extend their lifespan through professional advancement or some special means, but the difference between two and three hundred years old is the limit.

I haven't heard that I can live for a thousand years.

Su Lun thought of the exaggerated healing power after Mr. Jing was injured before, and thought: Is it possible that she is not a human?

Suren now knows that the intelligent life in this world is not limited to humans, but on the ground there are dwarves, goblins, orcs, elves, half-orcs, trolls, sea races, giant dragons...

There are also various strange mythical races, special races on other planes...

Oh, the "god" of fallen angels who don't know what the situation is.

But Mr. Jing, he is definitely not an ordinary human being.


Mr. Mirror, who was wearing a cloak, looked more mysterious than the one who had become Chijo before, and also had a cold feeling.

I don't know if it is the reason for her body breath or her own character.

She glanced at Su Lun and seemed to have guessed his doubts, but did not explain, just asked: "Do you know what happened?"

Su Lun nodded, "Yeah."

Su Lun knew that Teresa would definitely come to him. He wanted to find out the strength of the enemy, so he was prepared, so he asked, "What strength does he have now?"

Mr. Mirror: "It's hard to say."

Su Lun: "It's hard to say?"

Mr. Jing said: "We have found other limbs in advance, but he has also obtained a small part. It has probably restored the level of Tier 4. However, that kind of Tier 4, the understanding of the law, is definitely not an ordinary human Tier 4 energy. Than."

Su Lun could understand it as well.

It's like he only has the level of a Tier 2 professional now, but his understanding of the law has reached a level above Tier 3, and his normal combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the same tier.

Mr. Jing pointed to the sky, and didn't mean to elaborate, "If you don't mention this, the problem shouldn't be a big deal."

With that said, she didn't mean to leave anymore, just sat down cross-legged not far from Su Lun.

Neither of them clearly refers to the fallen angel.

God is very sensitive and can hear some whispers about Him.

Su Lun understood the gesture.

With this big boss by his side, he didn't worry much.

That Sir Isaac has laid out for a thousand years, naturally there are other means.

At this time, Su Lun suddenly thought of the intelligence that had been stripped from the soul of "Forensic Doctor" Servis Gerrard.

He felt it necessary to speak out, and then said: "Mr. Mirror, I also know a little other information. Duke Raphael has suspected that Teresa is an'evil invading'. In addition to those in the Duke's Palace, there seems to be another one. Exorcism team from outside."

"Exorcist team?"

Mr. Jing listened, pondered for a moment, and seemed to think about something.

Since that team avoided the Umbrella Organization, it was obviously coming in secret, and the people in the Mirror Organization did not get any news.

"Um... you really have to be careful."

She thought about it, took out an alchemy ring like a communicator, and explained a few words.

Su Lun looked curiously at the ring-shaped communicator.

Probably because she was familiar with her and knew she wouldn't mind, she gave it a look.

[Dags Goblin Communicator]

Detailed explanation: The alchemy product of the myth goblin era, the real old antique; it can ignore a certain degree of space obstacles, and ultra-long-distance directional communication. The'Dagus Splinter' is a peculiar creature that existed in the age of mythology. The mother worm can perceive the position of the splinter and accurately communicate signals to each other. This kind of insect was once widely used in secret intelligence in the goblin civilization of the mythical period. transmission;

"Good stuff."

Su Lun looked at it and murmured in his heart.

This is more advanced than any communicator he has ever touched.

The communication that ignores space barriers feels a bit like an "encrypted satellite phone."

No signal tower is needed yet.

It looks like it should be the exclusive communicator of the mirror organization.

Mr. Jing naturally saw Su Lun's gaze. After sending the message, she magically took out a ring of the same style and threw it over.

Su Lun looked at the communication ring in his hand, slightly surprised, and asked "Mr. Jing, gave it to me?"

"Well, it's easy to contact."

Mr. Jing nodded and added: "There is not much of this stuff. Lose one and one less. Be careful not to lose it."


Su Lun put the ring on her hand and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

With the exclusive communicator, is this a member of the "Mirror Organization"?

However, why didn't you send me that kind of cool cloak?

Also, isn't the entry threshold the second awakening of talent?

Without waiting for him to think about it, Mr. Jing asked directly: "Either the cloak?"

The tone is relaxed,

But these words,

Obviously he was asking if Su Lun wanted to join.

Before he could answer, Mr. Mirror continued: "The Mirror is a loose organization with no special responsibilities or obligations. It is for the common goal of the tower to complete certain tasks. In the future, it will be like Like the "Rosicrucian" of the last era, it was a pure high-end alchemy academic exchange circle..."

A few words clarified the meaning of this organization.

Su Lun didn't think much at all, and responded, "Yes."

This golden cloak is a good thing.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is in close contact with several big guys in the mirror organization, Qianjo, the 19th, Mr. Mirror, Mr. Hei...

Even if it is not, it is in the eyes of others.

Listening to the response, Mr. Jing casually threw him another golden cloak.

Although it is also golden, there are common alchemy symbols such as snakes, eagles, lizards, fire dragons, and thorn flowers.

However, there are obvious differences in the details from the few pieces that Sulun has seen before. There are some more "exclusive" signs, such as a sickle, which represents the death reaper?

Is this already ready?

Suren put away his cloak.

With just two simple sentences, he joined the current Old Lingdun No. 1 Reactionary Organization.

Both of them are calm.

At this time, Su Lun remembered something again, took out [Vulcan's Furnace Lamp], returned the object to the original owner, and said: "That... Mr. Mirror, this is the copper lamp that I brought in..."

But that heart has been refined into the [Isaac Alchemy Heart], and it has been sealed, and I can’t take it out.

He wanted to explain, "That heart..."

But I didn't think Mr. Jing seemed to care at all, and interrupted him by shaking his head.

She saw the ring in Su Lun's hand, and the light in her eyes disappeared for a moment, and she only said lightly: "I know."

Hearing this, Su Lun didn't say much.

Sure enough, Seleya was right. She gave [Isaac's Alchemy Heart] to Suren, Mr. Jing wouldn't mind.

After the exchange, the two were not talking.

They meditated cross-legged, waiting for that Teresa to come to the door.


Before in the Cursed Space, Su Lun had been listening to Seleya's teachings, and didn't even think about his gains.

Now I have the mind to check it out.

This meditation immediately felt different from before.

Many kinds of thoughts can work in the mind at the same time, and the thinking is clear. What kind of experience is it?

In order to suppress other emotions in his brain, Su Lun had to stay awake even when sleeping.

Now that negative emotion is completely released and impacts the development of the brain.

Su Lun now clearly felt that the speed of his brain was taking off, and the whole world became clear.

What works is naturally the secret method of spiritual power.

Even in ancient times, the secret technique of mental power was a very high-end secret technique.

Just like pranayama, there are differences in quality and effective use.

There are also differences in the secret method of spiritual power. The spiritual power of Sabina that Su Lun has also seen, the spiritual power of the succubus is charming, soft, and can evoke people’s primitive desires; Mr. Hei’s spiritual power is very sharp. "It's like acupuncture, which can snoop into the secrets of people's hearts...

There are also some offensive subtle and mysterious methods, which are very overbearing.

Different subtle and mysterious methods have different mental powers that are finally formed.

Su Lun learned the secret method of Seleya's puppet master, an epic secret method handed down from the last epoch-[Starry Sky Visualization].

The mental power visualized by this secret method will be very scattered, but the emphasis is on "many".

Like the stars in the sky, the stars are dotted.

Used to manipulate puppets, it's perfect.

In the past, Surun's mental power was like a pool of loose sand.

His "reason" is like a small sand castle built on the beach, very little can be used, and the extra mental power is still a burden.

But now, with this secret method, Su Lun obviously feels different.

When meditating, he could clearly feel that the mental power in his brain was condensed and formed and turned into a "willow tree" shape.

All the spiritual power was fully utilized and condensed into a tree trunk.

And the mental power tentacles can still spread out like wicker...

This is perfect for the profession of puppet master.

As long as his mental power is strong enough in the future, this "wicker" mental power tentacles will infinitely increase and grow infinitely...

Moreover, Su Lun can not only increase his mental power through visualization.

It can also grow by harvesting the remnants of the corpse through [Death Reaper].

This secret method is very compatible with talent!


Su Lun learned the secret method of mental power, and the heavy burden in his mind had completely solved the hidden danger of being killed by mental power backlash.

Now he can also control negative emotions, but it is not "blocking" but "diminishing".

Those extra mental power fluctuations created by negative emotions directly become the nourishment of the mysterious method.

I can really sleep well in the future.

And the negative emotions disappeared, and it seemed that Su Lun had lost a desperate means.

actually not.

Negative emotions can control the excessive secretion of hormones in the body.

Like before, in the cursed space, Su Lun completely released his emotions, breaking through the safety value of his body, and he even had the useful third-order or even fourth-order combat power.

Now the irritable negative emotions are gone,

Because Suren has mastered another method, "Forensic" Gerrard's unique alchemy [hormonal runaway]!

After Su Lun digested his memory, he discovered that besides being the leader of the umbrella organization, this guy was also a true biological genius.

His research on human anatomy and physiology has reached a very high level, especially the research on cadavers. The whole Old Lingdun is absolutely unparalleled and outstanding.

Su Lun used hormones in the past to use it savagely. He opened the valve and roughly estimated the intensity. Then he was left to fate.

But Gerrard is in precise control!

He can control his pores to breathe, and he can control the precise secretion of his hormones, so as to achieve a better combat power improvement than Su Lun's method.

The "white, red and black" tri-color clown is the three stages of the hormone runaway that he has researched out.

In the first stage, the body is excited, the second stage is doubled, and the third stage is dangerous.

This method is far more scientific than Sulun's savage method.


And thinking of this, Su Lun suddenly felt

Researchers usually have the habit of keeping a research diary.

Gerrard is no exception.

Su Lun found the results of his years of research in his storage ring.

Dozens of research diaries are densely numbered.

Su Lun opened the first book, number 001.

Lines of neatly written research diaries greeted the eyes.

"I like to study corpses, they are communicable to me..."

"I found that when people have different emotions, the hormone secretion in the body is different. Fear, joy, excitement, sadness... certain hormones will obviously improve combat effectiveness. I want to figure out the relationship..."

"The exclusion of the limbs of xenobiotics..."

"For dying people, hormone secretion will be very disordered. I try to choose living targets, torture them, and record data until death..."

"Experiment number #771, fear will be secreted..."

"Experiment No. #1222, I finally mastered a method to absorb hormones from other corpses. I named this procedure [Blood Qi Extraction]. External Qi and blood can make up for the lack of hormones produced by the body..."

"Since hormones are controlled by sensory emotions, can controlling emotions be able to control the continued secretion..."


More than ten lines at a glance,

Just listened to the endless sound of page turning, clear and melodious.

So fast that each page only stayed for a second or two.

But it didn't panic while listening, and there was a slight sense of rhythm.

The entire page of notes is almost just a glance and then turned over.

Even if there are some content that needs to be understood, he can quickly deal with it in his mind. Even if it takes time to calculate, it doesn't affect his speed of flipping through.

The brain will allocate a part of energy to concentrate, and other thoughts will continue to look through and accept new content.

This is the 5% increase in brain development, and the wonderful benefits brought by the release of mental power...

With the addition of [Isaac Alchemy Manuscript] and [Seleya's Order] double learning aura bonus, Sulun's current learning efficiency has reached a level that makes ordinary people incredible.

Su Lun was completely immersed in this wonderful and novel feeling,

Reading, learning, mastering, thinking...

He generally absorbs knowledge.

Hearing the sound of turning pages, even Mr. Jing who was meditating didn't notice it.

She glanced at Su Lun, paused for a moment, and then slowly closed.

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