Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 209: God must not look directly

     Since Su Lun knew that another team had come secretly and planned to exorcise the Princess Teresa, Mr. Mirror would naturally not ignore this information.

  After all, the means of God cannot be figured out by ordinary humans, even if it is sealed with Divine Fire, I don’t know what he has abilities that ordinary people can’t understand.

   Therefore, instead of hitting the thunder yourself, let the enemy try it first, so as to weaken the enemy's strength.

   Those guys in the Duke's Mansion thought that Princess Teresa was an ordinary "evil invasion".


   Suren was talking with Pestoya, and there was a scream from a distance on the ring that Seleya gave.

   It seems that some existence wants to manipulate Pestoya to take off the ring, but Pestoya is struggling, seeming to fight her own will but strongly resist.

   This is something her mother gave her.

   Besides, the ring doesn't seem to be taken off.

   Before struggling more, Pestoya's figure disappeared suddenly.

   seems to have returned to Princess Teresa's body.

   Su Lun listened to the movement in the distance, and looked over.

   thought for a moment, and quickly followed.

  There is Mr. Mirror's mirror technique, so I don’t have to worry about my life for the time being.

   He wanted to see the battle,

   also wanted to try his luck.

   After all, there are a lot of Tier 4 and a Tier 5 guard next to Princess Teresa.

   What if a few corpses are found by any chance, and some soul fragments are stripped?

  Su Lun's current mental power is not weak, and he is very sensitive to mental power fluctuations.

   Feeling the creepy pressure coming, he knew that it was the **** who showed his face.

   The "exorcist team" in the Duke's Mansion seemed to be quite good at it, and it directly forced the soul of the fallen angel to show up.

  Su Lun didn't know what Mr. Jing did before, but it seemed that he had succeeded in getting the fight over there first.

   He leaned forward cautiously, and after a distance of about one kilometer, he found a sturdy shelter and hid.

   Mr. Jing's warning that Su Lun hadn't forgotten, he closed his right eye and just watched the battle with his left eye with the [All-Knowing Eye].

   He also now knows that this talent also has a filter protection function, which can prevent him from seeing things that he can't see.

   Mortals should not look directly at God.

   This is the warning left to posterity after Isaac fought the fallen angel.


   It can be seen that the exorcism group from the Duke’s Mansion is also well prepared.

   When Su Lun came over, she just watched hundreds of people surrounding Teresa, as if they were approaching an enemy.

   But there are only 20 people who can really get close to the Princess Teresa within 100 meters, all of them are masters of Tier 3 and above.

  , the old man with a big red beard in a white robe is holding a cross with dazzling silver brilliance, and he looks like an exorcist.

   Su Lun glanced at the seven-pointed star under his feet, and saw that this guy was also a Tier 5 professional.

   After another appraisal, the [Paladin’s Exorcism Cross] in the hands of this old man was actually a treasure of the forbidden object level.

   The silver brilliance of the cross shone on the body of Princess Teresa, and there was a ray of black air.

   It seemed like light dispelled the darkness. Normal people didn't think about the silver brilliance, but the princess had a hideous face, as if she was suffering from great pain, and her mouth was screaming.

   What's even more terrifying is that the black air on her body is evaporating, and the holy light shines, as if she is about to be burned.

   Teresa was scorched by the holy light, trembling all over, and roared in pain in her throat: "Stupid humans! You are blaspheming another great god!"

   Everyone smashed their faces with the cross, and the fallen angel knew that he couldn't hide it, so he didn't hide it.

   But listening to this, the people in the Duke's Mansion were completely unmoved.

   The red beard exorcist even sprayed a mouthful of old blood toward the cross, and the intensity of the holy light suddenly skyrocketed.

   "Theresa", no one takes it seriously, and evil spirits are not uncommon in this world.

   Those spirit bodies formed for some special reasons will boast of themselves as gods at every turn to deceive people's hearts. Exorcists have long been accustomed to seeing them.

  In fact, it's just a higher level of mental body.

   They thought that the situation of their princess was almost the same.

   But Su Lun knew that these guys were going to be out of luck.

   After all, this once was a real god!


   The people in the Duke’s Mansion dragged on for so long, just to wait for the forbidden object cross to come and be foolproof.

   This thing is indeed very useful, it can drive away the abnormal spiritual body in the human body.

   After all, the fallen angel who has lost the sacred fire and body is not a god-level after all.

   The sacred attribute of the cross happens to cause great damage to the dark creatures.

  How long did the holy light not shine, the black energy on Teresa's body slowly condensed into an evil spirit phantom.

   But... What everyone did not expect was that the "evil spirit" phantom was not just a human figure, it had a pair of jet black wings spreading several meters on its back.

   As soon as the wings were out, an evil but majestic breath suddenly descended.

   Looking at the image again, it turned out to be exactly the same as the fallen angel in myths and legends.

   Others are unknown, so they are all shocked.

   Not far away, Su Lun looked at him, and murmured psychologically: "So this is the fallen angel..."

   The red beard exorcist has a full exorcism experience, and he yells, "This is the illusion of evil spirits. Keep your mind and don't be fooled by it!"

   His six disciples also cooperated tacitly, standing as a six-pointed star, and the ropes that bound "Theresa" in their hands were also stretched straight, giving him no chance to break free.

   At this moment, the old man holding the cross stomped his feet, and the seven-pointed star formation became white under his feet. A sacred door of light suddenly lit up behind him, which was obviously a big move.

   And then he took out another crystal glass bottle, and then poured water on "Theresa".

   The holy water splashed on the phantom of the fallen angel, like sulfuric acid, smashing and smoking.

   Looking at the posture, he intends to directly save this "evil spirit".

   "Ah... humble humans, you successfully angered me!"

   "Theresa"'s voice became extremely terrifying, in addition to anger, there was also the overwhelming killing intent.

   If it is an ordinary evil spirit, even if it is not burned to death at this moment, it should be driven away.

   Unfortunately, this is a true god.

   His understanding of various laws is simply beyond the comprehension of these people in front of him.

   was caught off guard just now, and he couldn't get out of his body as photographed by the sacred object of the cross. Now, he has come back!

   Seeing that the soul was about to be driven out of Teresa's body, he made a move that made everyone incredible.

   I saw a ball of black fire suddenly rise from his right wrist, and the silver rope that bound his wrist suddenly turned into pitch black. The dark color was still spreading rapidly from the wrist, and quickly moved towards the two exorcists who were pulling the rope.

   "It's not good, it's elemental stealing!"

   Upon seeing this, the red beard's face suddenly changed: "Damn, how could it forcibly reverse the sacred power of [Spirit-Binding Rope]?!"

   Su Lun in the distance looked no surprise.

   This "Elemental Steal" has been seen by Su Lun once before, the last time Mr. Black and the others besieged the Tier 5 professional.

  Mr. Hei used such a surgical technique to disintegrate a fifth-tier surgical technique with the power of the fourth-order.

   If you want to use this technique, you need to have an extremely deep understanding of the law.

   The level of solidified rune contained in the alchemy [Spirit-Binding Rope] is level 6, which can directly reverse the sacred power generated by this stable rune into dark power, which requires at least the understanding of level seven or eight.

   Others can't do it, but this one will do!

   The Red Beard Exorcist wants to do something more, but at this moment, everything is too late!

   "Theresa" suddenly broke free of her right hand, he didn't hesitate to poke into his chest, and suddenly blood shot out.

   committed suicide?

   Su Lun in the distance was also a little confused.

   At this moment, everyone was obviously taken aback.

   They are here to save people. Now the evil spirits control their princess to commit suicide. What is the situation?

   and the more frightening ones are still to come!

   "Theresa" actually took out her heart directly, and then squeezed it without hesitation.

   With a "boom", it was like squeezing a blood bag, and blood shot all over the body.

   Now, the princess who was originally noble and elegant has become a terrifying blood man.


   You drive again!

   His soul is still there, and Teresa can't die yet.

   Once driven away, Teresa without a heart will undoubtedly die.

   At this time, everyone understood why this evil spirit did this.


  Su Lun, who was not far away, was amazed by this method: "Can God live without the heart?"

   In his mind, he immediately thought of some research reports that he had seen in the notes of "Forensic Doctor" Gerrard.

   That guy has also studied this subject: How to survive if the heart is crushed.

  The solution in the notes is that the heart's ability to pump blood is not needed, and other external forces are used to create blood circulation.

   But it was still in the experimental theory stage, and I didn't expect to see a living example in front of my eyes.

   Su Lun carefully observed the changes in the body of "Theresa" who had a blood hole in her heart.

   Harvested Gerrard's memory, and Sulun now has deep attainments in the study of human anatomy.

   He looked at the signs of faint pulsation in his body, and immediately guessed: "It seems that muscle tissue agitation and dark spiritual power are used to create other systemic circulation... Hiss~ Gerrard's conjecture seems to really work."

  Su Lun, a bystander, looked at it with ease, but the people in the Duke's Mansion were all at once dumbfounded, and their faces paled in fright.

   How come they didn't expect that things would turn out like this, a prepared almost foolproof "exorcism" action, unexpectedly caused the princess to suffer severely?

  If this one dies, Lord Duke will never let them go as guards.

   The matter is over, there is only a deadly battle!

   Not to mention that the princess will be saved, at least the "evil spirit" must be killed.

   The white-faced man in military uniforms decisively ordered: "Do it, get people out first!"

   It's a pity that "Theresa" scratched her heart not just to make the exorcist jealous.

   A large amount of blood gushed out and quickly condensed into a red sharp blade in his hands.

   The blade of the knife is entirely made of red awns, and the scarlet thunder light flickers, like what he is holding is a thunder and lightning.

   This Fallen Heaven uses no alchemy, and there is no alchemy formation.

   But Su Lun keenly saw some white hair suddenly appearing in his hair, and guessed in his heart: "It seems that some kind of secret method of consecrating life span was used."

   The body of Princess Teresa is said to be only second-order, which is still too weak.


   In the blink of an eye, the two sides have fought together.

   Suren also learned about the situation of the abyss plane during the conversation with his teacher Seleya.

   That is a plane with an extremely harsh living environment.

   The harsh living environment in this cave is a microcosm of it.

   Those who can survive in the abyss are the best of their kind.

   This fallen angel from the abyss is naturally not bad.

   Just to see, the combat level of this "Theresa" makes Sulun, the "master of fighting", unable to pick out any problems.

   Not only is the combat experience impeccable, the red thunder knife in his hand is even more weird. When the touch is touched, the lightning explodes, ordinary weapons and mechanical equipment, like cutting soft mud, easily cut into it. Even if it is blocked, the scarlet thunder and lightning will completely turn into a thunder element, killing people by surprise.

Professionals of Tier 1 and Tier 2 were hacked to death with a single stab. Tier 3 can survive a few tricks. Only Tier 4 professionals with an "elemental barrier" can barely have a chance to survive under the Thunder Sword when they work together. .

  Before the people in the Duke’s Mansion were still thinking about capturing the "evil spirit", but in this battle, they discovered that they were too naive.

   Faintly, everyone realized that the evil spirit said that he was a **** before, and it seemed something was not right...

   However, they have been hit, and they have no way to go back.

  As private soldiers in the Duke of Raphael's mansion, all of them together could not be worth the lives of that Miss Teresa.

   There is only a deadly battle!

   How terrifying is the battle of high-level professionals?

   For a time, various high-level arts bombarded the ruins indiscriminately, like bombers dropping intensive bombs, and the shock waves of the battle were higher than the waves.

   Those sturdy buildings that have existed for thousands of years are turned into powder at every turn, stumps and broken arms fly all over the sky, and real blood flows into rivers...

   "This combat power is really outrageous..."

  In the distance, Su Lun looked dignified.

   Even using the secret method of life-saving, this "Theresa" is as expected by Mr. Mirror, only to be able to reach the level of a Tier 4 professional.

   can watch him carry two fifth-tier, more than ten fourth-tier, dozens of second-tier and third-tier professionals fighting...

  Who can believe that this is still Tier 4?

   Those people in the Duke’s Mansion are not badly equipped, it can be said that they are the top elite among the elite. It was several levels better than those from the Oliver and Clark family before.

   Various ancient relics, alchemy objects, cursed objects, scrolls...threw them out like they don’t need money.

   It seems that I heard the sound of "wow!"

   Seeing Su Lun opened his eyes.

   Sure enough, in this aristocratic world, as the wealthiest handful of people, the background of the Duke of Raphael's Mansion is terrifying!

   But even if the banknote ability opens the way, the casualties of the people in the Duke's Mansion continue to increase.

   The corpses were all over the floor, and the "grey mist" seemed to be beckoning to Su Lun, making people extremely greedy.

   This is the guard of the Duke’s Mansion, and everyone who can be selected is one in a thousand.

   Can you imagine the quality of their soul?

   All these knowledge will be harvested, and it is estimated that at least another ten or eight years of accumulated knowledge will be saved...

   But greedy eyes return to greedy eyes, but he dare not move at all.

   Now that the core of the battlefield has become a meat grinder, Tier 3 professionals are not sure about their lives, and Tier 2 professionals are in immediate danger of life.

   Although Su Lun's methods are a bit stronger than ordinary second-order, but he is so arrogant that he can make waves.

   "There are two fifth orders, so many fourth orders..."

   He muttered silently in his heart, comforting himself, those professional soul fragments above the third level are the real good things.

   also prayed, hoping that when Mr. Mirror and the others came, the gray mist fragments had not completely dissipated.


   Although the battle was a downturn, several Tier 4 were killed.

   Gradually, Su Lun also found that the situation was a little abnormal.

   The life span of the human body is limited, which means that the secret method of "Theresa" must be time-limited, and it is impossible to use it multiple times.

   And this is also directly manifested in the battle.

   slapped, "Theresa"'s hair became full of silver hair.

   Those people in the Duke’s Mansion had apparently discovered this too.

   The tighter they push, the faster Teresa will die.

   If Princess Teresa runs out of life and die, there is no point in fighting.

   I want to catch it alive, but I can't do it.

   It's not to hit, it's not to not hit...

   It was this thought of tying hands and feet that allowed "Theresa" to seize the opportunity and kill a few people in a row. Even the two fifth ranks were injured in varying degrees under that strange thunder knife.

   It seems that this is a lose-lose ending.

   It depends on whether "Theresa" ran out of life first, or whether the people on the side of the Duke's Mansion were killed first.


   But no one noticed that "Theresa" killed people almost every time at some special node. The position of the corpse seemed to fit a certain formation.

   Over time, the blood of those who died in the battle was quietly absorbed by the ground.

  Su Lun watched from afar, and the All-Knowing Eye would collect everything in front of him.

   Soon, he also discovered the abnormal flow of blood in the air, and identified it as [a kind of taboo technique that is condensing], and said in his heart: "He is using some kind of forbidden technique?"

   is not a description of super-order, but "taboo", which is...the magic?

   Discovering this, Su Lun didn't feel any surprise.

   As a god-level powerhouse, it is naturally impossible without any means.

   Besides, he also felt that this "Theresa" must have guessed something too.

   I really have to be harassed by these people and try my best to deal with it, and it will get worse later.

   Those fallen angels are jealous of these guys?


   From beginning to end, he was afraid of Sir Isaac who defeated him a thousand years ago!

   Although Mr. Jing and they have not yet shown their faces, some clues have already shown that a conspiracy against him is closing the net.

   Being Su Lun himself, he was already alert.


   Suren guesses that "Theresa" activates that magical technique and requires sacrifice

  Sure enough, at this moment, the sky was suddenly surging hundreds of meters high.

   The dense fog in the ruins gathered in the sky and turned into a whirlpool black cloud.

  The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the center condenses into a black hole with a diameter of tens of meters.

   It was this unusual movement that caused the guards of the Ducal Palace on the ground who were fighting fiercely to stop, and the rest of the light glanced at the sky.

   This movement is too exaggerated, it is not a movement that can be made by the fifth-order and sixth-order alchemy style at all.

   They still don't know what kind of existence they are facing.

   The black hole slowly cracked open a gap, and unexpectedly saw a pupil emitting this weird gloom, it was a huge eye!

   is the moment when this huge eye is opened, a sense of awe that makes people admire, pouring out from the bottom of everyone's heart...

   looks like a **** staring into the world,


   are all ants.

   Seeing the huge eyes, they knelt down one after another.

   Even if they were two Tier 5 professionals, they knelt down in an instant, with no resistance.

   There is only piety and fanaticism on his face.

   Seeing again, these people swung their knives together and killed themselves on the spot!

   Their blood and energy are completely integrated into the ground.

   The crowd in the Duke's Mansion was killed by just one glance.

   At this time, after absorbing the power of the formation, Teresa slowly condensed a pair of solid black wings behind her, which was so powerful that she could no longer look directly at it.

   "The power of low-level creatures is really weak..."

  The whispers from the abyss echoed in my ears, as if there was some kind of magical power.

  Su Lun felt the weird feeling, and his left eye immediately recognized [? ? ? 】, also automatically shielded the taboo power that would make him fall apart.

   He understood in an instant: "God can't look directly... so it is!"

  Su Lun knew that he had been At this moment, the "Theresa" suddenly looked over.

   was just a look, and Su Lun died instantly on the spot.

   However, I didn't see the blood burst.

   is like a shattered mirror, his body collapsed into a little light.

   But just looking at this situation, that "Theresa" just now had a complacent expression, and her face suddenly changed in a blink of an eye!

   Obviously, he recognized the origin of this "mirroring ability"!


   It was when the giant eye was formed in the sky, in the distance, in that tower.

Although Mr.    Mirror didn't visit the battlefield in person, he also felt the power that made people worship him, and he knew exactly what it was.

   After all, she is the only person on this plane who has seen the true "God"!

   She whispered in her heart: "The power of faith... finally used this trick. Without the sacred fire, the only remaining power of faith is used up, and it looks like she is ready to escape back to the abyss."

With    thinking about it, her whole figure disappeared into the tower.


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