Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 212: Back to the city

     "Sir, you..."

   Sabina listened to Su Lun's words with an incredible expression on her face.

The information    heard was so incredible that she didn't even know how to speak.

   Although she doesn't know how powerful "Forensic" Servis Gerrard is. But judging from the previous information, that guy's ability is very strange, he must be the top powerhouse in the old Ling Dun, and has the strength far surpassing the ordinary third-order powerhouse.

   But now, he was killed?

  Who can kill him?

   Could it be that the people from the mirror organization helped?

   For a time, countless doubts popped up in her mind.

   Although Su Lun did not explain the meaning of the process in detail, after all, he had agreed with Sabina when he signed the agreement to recognize the master, and said: "Gerald really died in my hands."

   Although Sabina would not question the "master", she was shocked when she heard this. .

  He...he killed it himself?

   How strong is my master?

   Thinking again about the trace of the third-order law understanding she had realized during the previous secret practice, she suddenly understood something.

   My own master is far more mysterious and stronger than I have seen.

   is not at the level of an ordinary second-tier professional at all!

   The shock in his eyes flashed for a moment, and Sabina's expression returned to normal.

   She knows where she is, so she won’t ask if she shouldn’t.

   From the time she signed the master and servant contract, she knew that she would depend on this "big devil" in the future.

   The stronger the master, the more promising her future.

   Thoughts flew in her mind, Sabina suddenly felt relaxed all over her body, and she whispered in her heart: "Kill it..."

   The old hatreds were so heavy that they disappeared.

   She suddenly felt that the world was the only one in front of her.


   The tent light glowed faintly.

   Sabina's graceful figure was completely exposed to the air, because the skin was white and smooth to the extreme, under the dim light, it was glowing white like a jade sculpture, and the eyes were round and round.

   The two were chatting, but they didn't stop.

   The light flickered, and the curvaceous shadow on the tent seemed to sway gently with the light.

   But because the conversation was a bit serious, the rhythm of Sabina's waist swing became gentle and soothing. The big waves and long hair that were red like a waterfall shimmered with oil, some were hidden on the chest, some scattered on the scented shoulders...

  Su Lun also clearly felt her body temperature suddenly rise a bit.

  In the small single tent, there is a clear and audible faint breathing.

   This charming gangster sister-in-law will always show just the right charm in any atmosphere.

  Su Lun also enjoys this cozy and relaxing time, this succubus maid will always bring him the ultimate enjoyment.

  He continued: "Gerald died, Teresa's army was wiped out. There may be big moves on the dark tower this time. Be careful yourself."

   Needless to say, Sabina, a senior intelligence chief, naturally knows how to hedge herself.

   There was such a big incident this time, and the daughters of the dignified duke died here. Not surprisingly, Old Lingdon would suffer a major cleansing.

   However, the problem is not too big.

   Because he guessed, Mr. Jing and they already have a plan to "rush the tower".

   There were too many shocked news, but Sabina was completely calm.

   When she heard this, she replied: "Yeah~"

   sounds like a response, but the coquettish tone is more like a compliment for some kind of pleasant experience.

   She knows some information about the Duke’s Mansion.

   But because her authority is mostly in the outer city, she still can't access the detailed information. Estimating the entire umbrella organization, the top officials headed by the leader Gerald knew the specific information about Princess Teresa's hunting underground.

   Although she felt that no one in Old Ling Dun should be able to kill Princess Teresa and her party.

   But the master said that it was killed, so it must be killed.

   She didn't ask more.

   Now that people are dead, what she wants to consider is to make some arrangements in advance and find ways to prevent herself from being chased in.

   At this time, Su Lun thought of something, and said: "There is one more thing...I want to ask you, what are your plans in the future."

   Although the tone was still calm, Sabina heard the seriousness in this statement and blinked at him.

   Su Lun did not hide it, and said, "You know, there is a vast world above the black tower..."


   Su Lun said in a few words the biggest secret of Old Ling Dun.

   This underground is a place of exile, and these people are all "miners" of Duke Raphael.

   The outside world is huge, and Su Lun must go out to see it.

   He felt that it was necessary to tell Sabina: "So, I want to ask you, what do you think in the future."

   Almost without any consideration, Sabina responded: "Sir, the servant is your servant. Naturally, wherever you go, I will go."

   In fact, as a lieutenant general of the Umbrella Organization, Sabina also knows some fragmentary information and has some guesses.

   The failed uprising fifty years ago, as well as many subsequent anti-export operations in these years, are kept in secret files within the umbrella organization.

   She actually guessed some truth.

   But because this is a taboo topic, no one dared to think deeply.

   Now that I heard this "fact" from Su Lun's mouth, Sabina knew that this underground world might usher in tremendous changes.

   Own destiny will also have a huge turning point.

   However, she is more aware that there will never be a lack of women around the strong.

   Those who have the ability, his followers must also be the strong.

   This is an old proverb circulating in Old Lingdun.

   To be valued, there must be value for existence.

   After a pause, Sabina seemed to be a little tired, changed her posture, and lazily glued her entire upper body to Su Lun's chest.

   Gentle touch, squeezing distortion.

The waves in her beautiful eyes continued to say: "Sir, what the slave servant is good at is intelligence work. I can be your ears and eyes. As long as you give me a little time, I can build an intelligence network for you wherever you are. Forces The more complicated the place, the easier it is. If it is possible, I think the imperial capital of the Lu British Empire you mentioned is the most suitable place..."

   Su Lun listened, this answer also made him show a thoughtful look.

   He has no doubt about Sabina's ability. After hearing these simple descriptions, the woman seemed to have planned her future direction of operation. As always, Su Lun didn't need to worry about it.

   Although she is the master and servant, Sabina's ability is very appetizing, and she has strong execution ability. Su Lun feels it is very easy to use.

   But if it's just a maid who warms the bed, it's really dispensable. It is impossible for Suren to bring a vase with him in the future.

   It's just right for her to say so now.

   Although Su Lun didn't know what he would encounter in the future.

   But as a traverser, he is very clear about the importance of information.

   No matter what he will do in the future, intelligence is indispensable.

  Su Lun nodded, confirming the statement: "Yeah."

   Sabina understood Su Lun’s "satisfied" eyes and smiled like a flower, "Oh, sir, there seem to be a lot of strong people outside, I have to work hard..."

   Su Lun smiled, the succubus's spiritual talent...really good.


   Sabina is the big sister-in-law of the Steam Party after all. It is okay to sneak out, but she can't stay too long.

   After tossing for an hour or two, in the single tent, a man with a cloak slipped out quietly.

   The people in the camp are mostly exhausted, and there are snoring noises everywhere.

   No one cares about this figure disappearing into the darkness.

   Sabina’s massage skills are impeccable, and Su Lun is refreshed.

   He originally planned to continue meditating, but without warning, a small fluorescent head suddenly appeared on the canvas tent.

   This scene is really weird.

   There is no movement at all, even Su Lun’s perception is so sensitive that the sound of mosquito wings within a certain range can be detected, and someone can detect it by looking at him a little...

   can be wrong, how close, but I didn't notice it at all.

   "Mr. Sulun, are you finished?"

   Waiting for the silver bell to chuck in his ears, Su Lun opened his eyes suddenly, instinctively startled.

   I saw the strange little face clearly for a moment, recognized the person coming, and the vigilance in my heart disappeared in an instant.

   "Pestoya, why are you here?"

   Su Lun's eyes twitched, still a little embarrassed in his heart. The ghost state is really easy to go anywhere.

   However, she is going to come a few minutes early, guessing that Sabina hasn’t left yet, so she just broke in...

Pestoya blinked and saw that there was no one else in the tent. Then she moved her body in and said, "I originally sensed that you were here and wanted to come to you. But Ophelia said you were busy. Talk about things, let me come later..."

  Su Lun: "..."


   Mr. Mirror really is that...

   Hearing the name, he immediately knew who the ghost lady was referring to.

   But at the same time, my heart became more and more weird.

   In front of the boss who is suspected of being a Tier 7 professional, it seems that there is no privacy.

   There is a feeling of being watched live by someone who tossed with Sabina just now.

   Pestoya said, she seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and she murmured in a slightly bitter tone: "Why are you talking about things for so long..."

   eagerly came to talk to you, but found that he was busy.

   How dare Su Lun dwell on this topic.

  In terms of seniority, this is his senior sister, or junior sister.

   He turned to ask, "Pestoya, are you coming to me for something?"


   Pestoya seemed to remember something, and said, "I'll say thank you~ Thank you for the ring."

   said, she brightened the ring on her hand like a baby.

   The tent is very narrow, but fortunately, the little ghost girl is not tall, so she floated in front of Su Lun.

   seems to be very interested in everything in the tent. She fiddles with the tent lights from time to time and looks at the piles of books on the side.

  Su Lun said, "Don't thank me, the teacher entrusted me to you."

   As he said, he opened his hands and revealed the ring on his hand.

   It seemed that Mr. Mirror's plan was very successful, and Pestoya seemed to have recovered completely.

   Pestoya touched the ring, and said, "Ah~ Mom accepts you as a disciple?"


   Su Lun nodded.

   Pestoya, who has untied her heart, looks very cheerful, with a happy smile on her small face.

   She said, her eyes blinked and blinked, "Are you my junior?"

  Su Lun was not too serious, and smiled: "Um...Senior brother. After all, the teacher said, let me take care of you."

   Pestoya pulled her lower eyelids with her index fingers and made a grimacing face with her tongue out, she said unwillingly, "No, you are obviously a thousand years younger than me. You want to call me Senior Sister!"


   Su Lun smiled and shrugged, and didn't care.

   Not surprisingly, this Miss Ghost will be scary in the future.

   There is a high possibility that oneself will be covered up. If you call a senior sister, you will be called senior sister, and you won't suffer.

   The two chatted a few more words. At this time, Pestoya suddenly took out a butterfly brooch, "Hey~ I'll give you something too. Don't lose it again this time."

   After all, Su Lun is the only friend she has made after a thousand years of depressing imprisonment.

   has an extraordinary special status in her heart.


  Su Lun looked at the brooch, slightly embarrassed.

   originally said that he had found it back, but the body of that Teresa blew herself up, and there was no more information.

   didn't expect to fall into the hands of this girl again.

   I identified it, and this time there is no more incomprehensible information, just an ordinary brooch.

   He also put it away.

  Su Lun also noticed that Pestoya's spirit seemed a little tired, and after a few words, she seemed a little sleepy, and she couldn't raise her eyes.

   "I have been working hard, I wanted to talk to you, but you have been delayed for so long..."

   Youyou complained, she couldn't hold it anymore, and said, "I'm not going to talk about it, I'm going to sleep. This time I may have to sleep for a long time. When I wake up, I will come to play with you."


  Su Lun guessed that it was probably digesting what the fallen angel left behind.

   Pestoya waved her hand, "See you next time, Mr. Sulun."

   "Well, see you next time."

   Su Lun said, and habitually touched the head of the ghost lady.

   Pestoya didn't mind, she grinned and showed her little tiger teeth, and smiled brilliantly at Su Lun.

   Then, her figure became completely transparent and never seen again.

   Suren looked at the empty tent and raised his brows.

   I thought that Mr. Jing was nearby, contacted him with a communicator, and went out.

   After all, I still have previous trophies on my body, and there are many [Sun God Stones]...


   Because of the eruption of fog in the Ruins of Dawn City, the monsters in the entire cave are very active.

   After a short rest for a few hours, the fleeing team was harassed by monsters and continued on the road.

   In the next few days, I also encountered some small-scale monster attacks, but the problems were not big.

  Su Lun followed the team, and life became very regular.

   He had obtained a large amount of alchemy materials and professional classics of "Puppet Master" in the [Dawn Important Prison] Cursed Space before, and he needed a lot of time to study.

   Now that the brain is developed, he can focus all his attention on learning without suppressing negative emotions. Su Lun finally feels the joy of learning.

  With gains and a sense of accomplishment, the brain will be happy to accept new knowledge. Rather than the previous state of being completely incomprehensible after watching for a long time, and persuading you to retire.

  The complexity of high-level domain alchemy knowledge doubles, especially the knowledge after the third level, dense data and theoretical knowledge, which can be seen.

   But Su Lun watched it with gusto.

  With the dual learning aura brought by [Seleya’s Blessing] and [Isaac Alchemy Manuscript], reading is like a divine aid.

   Now he can keep his brain awake for a long time, and he often "enlightens", and his learning efficiency is extremely high.

   After harvesting the soul fragments of the two elite groups of Clark and Oliver last time, he has a solid grasp of the knowledge below the third level.

  With these foundations, fourth-order knowledge can also be quickly introduced.

   He is still learning "Runes of Rune", planning to get himself a new batch of puppet dolls...

   also plans to try to enchant and engrave runes for the witch’s hair, so that the silk thread has the sharpness and toughness of a blade...

   The runes on the living corpses can also be used with more advanced runes that make the corpse stronger and more dexterous...

   Every moment of time is precious. Su Lun studied like a swallow, and his knowledge reserve was also skyrocketing visible to the naked eye.

   On the other hand.

   Sabina’s "cultivation" is also very hardworking.

After    camped, Su Lun's tent would always sneak in a mysterious cloaked man.

   may be late, but will never be absent.

   also added some fun to Su Lun's slightly monotonous study life.

   Moreover, what is amazing is that Sabina has worked hard for a long time, and she has successfully broken through the long-trapped Tier 3 bottleneck!


  The fleeing team is also getting bigger and bigger. It has grown from thousands of people to tens of thousands of people, stretching for dozens of kilometers.

   The ruins of dawn have been completely destroyed by geological survey, and the misty underground has become a paradise for monsters. This time the mighty nationwide hunting has also come to an end.

   No one dared to go to the depths of the mist-shrouded cavern again. The mist may last for many years.

   Many secrets are also buried underground.

   On this day, the escaped team finally arrived at Old Lingdon.

   Old Ling Dun city wall.

   A white-faced teenager, surrounded by a group of brawny men in suits, scrutinized the people entering the city.

   By the side of the young man, a maid carefully took a few drops of blood from his fingers with a fine needle, and then handed it to the black-faced old man in an expensive robe.

   The old man smeared blood on the crystal ball in front of him, muttering words in his mouth. This is a very clever "blood divination technique."

   The Regardi family not only came here to exorcise Princess Teresa.

   There are also these few people.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo with the appearance of a housekeeper hurriedly walked up the city wall and reported to the white-faced youth exchange: "Master Evan, just got the accurate news, the ruins are in fog, and Princess Teresa's team is missing. The family is looking for it. Master Matick, the master of exorcism who came here, has no news, depending on the situation, there is a high probability of an accident. I don’t know if it is due to the fog wave or the evil spirit..."

   "Forget it, those are not important anymore."

   Hearing this, the look on the face of the white-faced youth has always been ugly, and he turns to: "Is the investigation clear? Is Fick the wanted man named Su Lun?"

The steward said again: "It's confirmed! Both the inner city and the outer city have been found out by divination, and he is not in the city. And the divination shows that he is still alive. Will follow back..."

   The white-faced young man listened, frowning even more, "This coup failed, Bona’s regime is restored, and the queen comes to the throne. The clan’s clan will definitely regain power. Never let that guy go out alive..."

   The butler silently listened to and nodded from time to time.

   And at this time, the divination just ended.

   The white-faced youth turned his head and asked, "Master Card, what is the result of the divination?"

The black-faced magic robe warlock shook his head and said: "I have changed three methods of divination, but the results of this interception are still very vague. I speculate that there may be a high-level curse on Fick's body. The only thing that can be What is certain is that as long as he appears within three kilometers, I can determine his location..."

   The white-faced young man nodded his head after thinking of something, "Thank you very much, Master Card."

After a pause, his tone was slightly disdainful, "It should be the [Supnos’ Black Scythe of the Night]. I heard that guy used this black scythe to kill many Tier 2 professionals. Dun's name is not small."

  The robe warlock shook his head slightly, "Master Evan, my divination has never happened before. It should be more than the black sickle. I don't think it can be careless."

   The white-faced youth disagreed, " good does he count as a third-order? Commander Milo, in order to be foolproof, when you find that guy, please take action, be sure to kill with one blow!"

   Hearing this, the white-faced young man's light and shadow flowed around him, and a cold response came out: "Yes, master!"



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