Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 215: Mechanical puppets, hair, soaking

   killed several people from the Regardi family, and the feeling of being remembered in Su Lun's heart finally disappeared.

   He returned to the official road, once again mixed in the crowd who had returned from the fleeing, and walked towards the old Lingdun city in a hurry.

   Looking at the towering city wall, Su Lun couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

   was chased and killed so desperately that he fled the city in embarrassment to hunt and seek refuge.

   This time when I came back, this once mysterious giant city was completely unveiled.

   black tower, mine, slavery, exile...

   This is the "truth" that the gangster would never have access to in his eyes.

   It turns out that the scenery seen from a high place is indeed different. .

After    entered the city, Su Lun did not run around.

   He went to the site of the South City Cross and returned to Green Street.

  He is the most familiar place here, and it makes people feel comfortable to stay.

   Fortunately, his face has not been filed in the Umbrella Organization, and he won’t be spotted when he wanders on the street.

   The city is still lively, the steam boiler of the factory is buzzing with white smoke, and people come and go on the street.

   There was such a big accident at the Ruins of Dawn, and many people would die in the inner city. But for the civilians in the outer city, the masters of the inner city and them are two worlds.

   You should eat, you should drink, the days seem to be the same.

  The big thing does not prevent them from earning the salary of 2,000 liso a month.

   Suren found an inn near Green Street and started a regular life again.

   Now he always feels that time is not enough, he needs a lot of time to meditate, study, manufacture, research, practice...

   Although he is currently a second-tier player, he is considered a first-rate master in Old Ling Dun. Even if it is against the third rank, there are some chances of winning.

   But at this level, it is far from the ground world.

  Mr. Tingjing meant that after Qianjo and the others advanced to Tier 4, they would rush to the tower.

   Time is running out, Su Lunyao improves his strength as soon as possible.


   This is a few days.

  Su Lun stayed in the hotel room and did not go out.

   During this period, Sabina also came once and brought a lot of top secret news.

   The news of Princess Teresa's death has been confirmed. The inner city was turbulent, and many people died.

   The top management of the umbrella organization was almost eliminated in half.

   And because Sabina made some preparations in advance, instead of being implicated, she was promoted because she was a Tier 3 professional. Because of Peacock, a high-ranking official in the inner city, she was promoted to the inner city and became the small group of people at the top of the umbrella organization.

   This also provided Su Lun with more top-secret information.

   On the other hand, after the ruins came back, the long house of the Reyes family suddenly changed from a stable operation. The owner, Carnegie Reyes, began to sell his own property frantically, selling company shares, and gathered a huge amount of cash in his hands.

   Others don't know why, the desolate hunting team of Reyes Longhouse who thought it was destroyed, this is going to be devastated.

  Su Lun knew that he was about to get out of the tower.

   The Reyes family was supported by Mr. Mirror with one hand, and they will naturally go out together this time.

   this day,

   Musketeer Hotel 303 room.

   Various materials and mechanical accessories are densely placed in the room, and there are countless threads of various materials hanging in the air.

  Su Lun is playing with the eight-armed spider spear, a mechanical puppet with a [PZ-911 mechanical limb] modification. This is the "Iron Man IV".

   There is no precise laboratory conditions in the hotel, no air circulation and filtration system, and the room is filled with a volatile poisonous gas that smells like rust. Su Lun is wearing a crow beak gas mask and is installing a mechanical arm with a miniature steam boiler on the mechanical puppet.

   There is a white spray paint with the words [BHⅦ steam hammer] on the mechanical arm.

   This is the spoils of the group in the Duke’s Mansion.

  Even in the ground world, it is also the world's most technologically advanced robotic arm.

   With this air hammer installed, the mechanical puppet can hit the power of a Tier 3 meat professional with a single punch, and it can easily penetrate the plate armor of an armored vehicle with a single punch.

   While his hands were busy, the manipulator Spider Lance behind Sulun also took out a heather stem soaked in grease from a flask not far away. We weighed, cut, calculated the dosage, and then threw it into the burning crucible on a side table, and put the excess back into the bottle to prevent oxidation. After stirring, another spider spear adjusted the fierce fire, and the orange-yellow metallic liquid in the cauldron boiled fiercely...

   Multitasking has become more and more mellow, and the brain can handle more things at the same time.

   He alone is worth the work efficiency of ten others.

   Suren calculated the time, brought out the freshly refined solution in the cauldron, and took the special rune pen, dipped it in the golden liquid, and began to draw runes on the mechanical puppet...

   Dawn Ruins harvested thousands of elite memory fragments. His rune drawing skills are now proficient, he has reached the "master level", and he is also very proficient in drawing Tier 3 runes.

   But he still behaves cautiously now, layer after layer, the more complicated the painting becomes.

   The runes were outlined, and the magical scene was staged in his pen. Those runes glowed with golden light, as if they had come to life, rotating in a special pattern.

   This is not an ordinary rune, but a variant of the wind rune in the "Rune of Rune"-[Super Load Rune].

   Rune Rune is a kind of divergent thinking. It takes a lot of experimentation and wonderful inspiration if you want to work out the rune you need.

   But, as Sir Isaac said, this is the best time.

   Standing on the shoulders of giants gave Suren too much convenience. Those ancient alchemists compiled their research into a book. There are many finished rune drawings in the classics he brought out from the cursed space in [Dawn Central Prison]. You don't need to delve into it yourself, you can use it directly.


   Not long after the partial runes were drawn, Su Lun also let out a long breath.

   It is several times more difficult to draw Rune runes of the same rank than ordinary runes, and a little mistake will fall short.

   He looked at the results before him, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

   One-handed five fingers grasped the void, and the mechanical puppet slowly stood up. The boiler started, and the rune luster on it also lighted up at the same time, and the strong wind element condensed around the puppet, supporting the hundreds of kilograms of body.

   "The data calculated before is really okay. The load rune has reduced the weight of the puppet by 90%, barely reaching the level of flexibility. Energy consumption is also within an acceptable range..."

   Su Lun tried to make the mechanical puppet move, moved the joints, it was still flexible, and his brows gradually eased.

He recorded some data of this attempt in detail in his notebook, and then analyzed to himself: "The mechanical puppet hasn't been heavily armored yet, and its attack ability is almost the same, but if it is to reach the level of combat, it still needs a large scale. As the weight increases, Tier 3 runes cannot achieve the current results. Moreover, ordinary refined steel cannot be engraved with such complex runes. It must be a high-level magic guide material. If you want to mass manufacture, not to mention the cost, the material is a big one. problem..."

   Thinking of this, Su Lun rustled down again in his notebook.

   This was originally an attempt.

   Now facts have proved that his direction of thinking is completely okay.

  Through technology, runes and some special materials, it is completely possible to create mechanical puppets that can be manipulated flexibly.

  The mechanical shortcomings are really obvious, clumsy, slow response, low sensitivity...

   But the advantages are also obvious, power, defense, cost...

   But it has magical effects that cannot be ignored in certain battles, such as siege! positional warfare! People sea battle! Large-scale mechanical warfare!

   As a traverser, Su Lun does not reject mechanical technology, because technology is constantly innovating and developing. Like alchemy, potential is also unlimited.

  Alchemy + machinery, can definitely collide with magical sparks.

   "The technical level is still a lot worse. If only the research materials of the'Super Robot Warrior' can be obtained. Unfortunately, it is the top secret of the Duke's Mansion, and Sabina can't access it..."

   Su Lun muttered in his heart, and he also knew his own shortcomings.

   Thinking of this, another thought came to his mind: "After the mechanical technology of the Luying Empire is still relatively good, Marfa is the holy place for mechanical alchemists, and you must visit it if you have a chance."


   After finishing the test of the mechanical puppet, Su Lun began to fiddle with his rune puppet and silk thread.

   A few days ago, he stripped off the soul fragments of the fifth-order assassin and mastered [Wind Elemental Cutting]. After researching these days, Su Lun found that this ability is also very compatible with his profession.

   He originally wanted to use the cutting ability of silk thread to pass it on to the puppet and improve the puppet's armor-breaking attribute. But after some attempts, he found that the effect of using it directly on silk thread is also very good!

  Under normal circumstances, no matter how tough the witch's hair is, it is impossible to withstand the condensing of wind elements that exceed the second order. It would be the soft meat thrown into the meat grinder, which was grinded.

   But the toughness is not enough, you can use the toughness rune to get it together.

   Engraving runes on the hair is a difficult technique.

   Fortunately, Surun’s rune skills are solid, and this attempt has actually become a reality. It’s just that the efficiency is a bit low. With the eight-armed spider spear and both hands, after a busy day, you can only carve about twenty to thirty meters in length.

   Su Lun wore a single-eye loupe commonly used by mechanics, and carefully carved on the hair with the magnified image several times. After another busy time for most of the day, a silk thread overflowing with special silver brilliance was in his hand, filled with wind elements, and the hair was suddenly sharp, like looking at the blade of a knife, which was visible to the naked eye.


   The completion was good, and Su Lun let out a sigh of relief.

   He moved his fingers slightly, and the hair fluttered down in the air.

   When it landed on the wooden table leg, I didn't even use a little bit of force to easily cut the table leg off.

   Seeing this effect, Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly.

   The flowing wind element is like a high-frequency rotating cutting machine. It looks unnoticeable, but it is the sharpest thing that Su Lun has ever seen in Tier 3.

   Although the hair is still very brittle, but the sharpness is the ultimate. The third-order wind system condenses this kind of special hair, which can easily cut through the defenses of steel armor and third-order professionals.

   When it's used, cutting professionals below level 3 is like cutting melons and vegetables.

  With this invention, Su Lun can be regarded as a new killer.

   Su Lun didn't plan to go out, but he had planned to get a few more meters of rune hair.

   I didn't think about it, but at this time the communicator rang, and it was a young woman who was addicted to gambling about to drink.

   "Sister Qianjo has advanced to Tier 4?"

   When Su Lun heard the communication from the communicator, he also guessed something.

   The last time I left the ruins, I never saw her again.

   But thinking that I got so many [Sun God Stones] before, it should be a breakthrough in retreat.

   Thinking of this, Su Lun did not stay in the hotel anymore, packed up the materials, and walked out the door.


  Kay lives in a basement not far from the Suron Hotel.

   He and Su Lun’s work and rest are similar, and they stay in the basement every day for crazy training.

   Chijo had also made an appointment with him, but the guy's blue skin hasn't disappeared now, and he didn't have a face to go out, so he didn't get together.

   Su Lun rode his motorcycle to Norton Street alone.

   The casino on Green Street was destroyed, and gambling stalls, pubs, and custom baths were all moved here.

  I haven't been here for a few months, and it's getting busier and bustling here.

   This is the site of Chijo.

   Her apparent identity is still a cadre of the Cross Society.

   parked the locomotive on the side of the road, a few leather-punk-style **** squatted on the side of the street, looking at the stranger Su Lun.

  Su Lun felt very familiar. This was his job on Green Street.

   He knows how to show the fare to the Cross Society who was watching, and then asked casually: "Hey, brother, did you see Sister Qianjo?"

   The little boss with explosive head and lip ring listened for a moment, and the one who could interrogate in a tone, obviously someone on the road, responded: "Sister Qiantiao is in Casino Lisboa..."


   When Su Lun heard it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

   Sure enough, it was right not to go to the agreed pub.

   The young woman who is addicted to gambling has money in her pocket and can't walk past the gambling stall.

   He walked straight to the photo of the gambling stall that was shining in the magenta light in the distance.

   Along the way, various pimps came forward to strike up a conversation.

   "Sir, do you want a girl? The top goods just delivered from the inner city, the real noble lady~"

   "Brother, drink? Our Blue Moon Pub has the best girls and the best wine."

   "How many psychedelics are there? They are produced by a licensed pharmacist, and they are guaranteed to be good..."


   The environment is very noisy, here is the luxury of feasting and drinking, and there are blackmail, beatings, murders and dead bodies in the dark alleys not far away.

   Su Lun always had a relaxed smile on his face. This is the outer city and the environment he is familiar with.

   entered the gambling stall, changed some chips, led by a revealing girl, and easily found a thousand gambling in the VIP room.

   is still in a combat kimono, showing her big flowered arms that are scornful.

   "Seven o'clock! Seven o'clock! Seven o'clock! Oh, damn..."

   Seeing Su Lun coming, she was still fainting seriously.

  Su Lun thought that after Qianjo advanced to Tier 4, it should become very cold. After all, in Old Lingdun City, Tier 4 is already a super master. But the reality is that she hasn't changed at all, and she still has that big-hearted character.

   Lost the card, just watching Su Lun come, she motioned to her side and greeted warmly: "Come, here~"

  Su Lun walked over, Chijo, as usual, put his arms on his shoulders, "What's the next move?"

   Last time in the hotel of the waste hunting camp, the two stayed together for a few days, and the young gambling addict never treated her as an outsider.

  Su Lun watched her gambling happily, and didn't say much, just sat next to her to gamble with her.

   In the end, the appointment was not finished, and I gambled for several hours in the gambling stall.

   Sister Qianjoo lost another clean chip.

   Only then was Su Lun pulled out of the gate of the gambling stall reluctantly.


   It was already twelve o'clock in the evening when it was out of the gambling stall.

   But in Norton Street, it's the lively time.

   As soon as Chijo came out, he still read the game just now, and said in a broken mouth: "Oh, I knew I should go when you came, and I won at that time."

   When I heard it, I was an old gambler.

   I won’t go, and I’m upset when I lose.

   Su Lun listened and smiled, "Sister Qianjo, why did you ask me to come out?"


  Thousands of thoughts, he narrowed his mouth again, and changed his words: "Forget it, I lost money, I'm not in the mood to drink."

   After a pause, she said again: "Go, please take a bath."


  Su Lun also felt indifferent.

   It's okay to drink or soak in the soup.

   For this total, the two went to pick up the car.

   As he walked, Su Lun asked casually: "Sister Qiantiao, why do you like to gamble so much?"

   This is also a question that he has always been puzzled by.

   It stands to reason that the willpower of high-level professionals is much greater than that of ordinary people.

   Moreover, for a master of Qianjo level, winning or losing millions of dollars, it stands to reason that it will not affect her much, and it should not be so attractive.

   But she never gets tired of it.

   Chijo also casually replied, "Because I like it."

   Instead, she asked: "Don't you think gambling makes people happy?"

   Su Lun looked boring, "I didn't think."

  Theoretically, gambling will indeed bring people a great sense of pleasure. When you win money, the secretion of dopamine may be dozens of times that of sex. This is also the case for gambling addiction.

   She said that, nothing wrong.

   But that is for ordinary people,

   rather than a high-level professional.

   Chijo glanced at him, with a look of disgust that you missed a great pleasure in life, didn't talk much about this topic, and said, "Where is the car key?"

   paused, and added: "My car has just been mortgaged to a gambling stall..."

   Chijo didn't treat Su Lun as an outsider, so he didn't feel embarrassed to say this.


   Su Lun twitched his eyes and threw the key to her.

   Qianjo, the underworld elder sister, wouldn't be able to sit in the back seat. Su Lun didn't mind it, and it wasn't the first time anyway.

   Chinjo's personality is very open in the gang, without cadre prestige, and the helpers are also very familiar. Seeing her with a little white face, the gangs of the Cross clamored.

   "Yeah~ Sister Chijo, are you changing your taste?"

   "Hahaha... This is the first time I saw Chijo, you have a man in the back seat."

   "Hey...boy, come on, we are optimistic about you~"


   It’s a kind of big masters laughing and joking, Qianjo didn’t mind, put up a friendly international gesture, and said with a smile: "Fuck you~ watch the show!"


   The throttle roared, and the locomotive galloped out.

  Su Lun was not as worried as before, naturally he hugged Qian's slender waist, and started with a gentle touch.

   "Go around?"


   They did not go directly to the soup room, but took a drive around the streets and alleys of Nancheng.

  Because it is a big night, leaving the entertainment district, there are very few people in other districts.

   The roar of the locomotive seemed to be the only sound in this silent night.

   The speed of the locomotive is not too fast, and Qianjo has a pleasant face.

  Su Lun, who was sitting in the back seat, was also a little bored. He asked, "Sister Qianjo, are you advanced to Tier 4?"

   Thousands of voices mixed with the wind, and filled his ears: "Yeah."

   was an understatement, so Su Lun didn't answer the topic.

   He thought that Qianyue came out to drink by himself because Yao celebrated his advancement.

   It seems that this young gambling addict didn't take it seriously.

   No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was slightly sneer.

   Chijo probably felt it too, and suddenly spoke again, referring to the previous topic: "Did you just ask me why I like to gamble?"

   Su Lun was interested in listening to this tone, "Huh?"

   After pondering for a moment, Qianjo said, "The Rakshasa girl is a lone star of the gods, and she is destined to be lonely for life, to survive. It is boring to live without any other fun..."


   After listening to Su this is the realization.

   It seems that certain talents do carry some special ills.

  For example, Catwoman is instinctively afraid of dogs, and fire element talents do not like water...

   And the talent of this [A-022-Raksha Girl] is strong or strong, so there is such a particular "Tiansha Lone Star"?


   Not long after, the locomotive stopped at the entrance of "A Kun's Soup Room".

  Su Lun has been here many times, and under the guidance of the waitress, he has cleaned his body familiarly. Because the road is already familiar, no one is required to guide him. Because it was the customer that Chijo brought, the waitress also asked more questions.

   Su Lun went straight to the "Three Springs Pond" for mixed bathing.

   Several times in the past, there are usually thousands of fat ladies in this pool.

   But this time, there is no one else.

   However, there was an unexpected person in this pool.

   "Mrs. Philo?"

   This person is the one-sided fate of Su Lun, the gold master of the Cross, and legend has it that the very mysterious Mrs. Philo.

   Su Lun looked a little strange at this.


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