Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 217: Rush or not

   The battle in the inner city became more and more dynamic, and the flames of war spread across the city at an extremely fast speed.

   The explosive shock wave of the mass destruction firearms was higher than the waves, and piles of mushroom clouds were lifted up. The tall buildings collapsed in the violent explosion. The roar was endless like a thunderstorm, and the fire was red for half of the sky.

   The bustling inner city suddenly fell into chaos.

   It was midnight when the pirates attacked. Those people were in their dreams, and were suddenly awakened by the violent movement.

Because the pirates had found out the information in advance, they knew that the richest living in the uppermost part of the city, when they rushed in, more than a dozen division captains led tens of thousands of vicious pirates, rushed into the mansions of various big families, and it started. Looting.

  The guards that the big family usually raises have second-tier and third-tier professionals, and they are well equipped. They are already the top defense force in Old Lingdun. They thought it would be enough to deal with any robber...

   But in front of this group of pirates whose captains are all Tier 5 professionals, they are like papers, and they are simply vulnerable.

   The pirates are like a group of evil wolves, rushing into a group of sheep that can't resist. .

   "Brothers, hurry up, the boss has spoken, take two days first! Girl, treasure, whoever grabs it!"

   "Hahaha...the opportunity to make a fortune is here!"

"The women under the ground are really **** soft, they are a hundred times cooler than the women on the ship whose skin is so rough that they can be used as sandpaper! My dear, those high-ranking nobles in the legendary empire, I'm afraid that will be the case. .."

   "Quack... brothers, rush!"


  As Suren and the others judged, the pirates did not have the ability to occupy the territory, they just came to looting.

   But the ships from the Duchy of Raphael have to support them, and the warships will take three days at the earliest. It also means that in the past few days, the pirates can let go of burning, killing, looting.

   The nightmare of the residents of Old Lingdon is coming.


   In the seventh district of the inner city, at the highest building, there is a luxurious mansion with a white stone statue fountain and a colorful tulip garden.

This was once the property of the Reyes family, but because of the recent news of the "rushing tower", the owner, Carnegie Reyes, sold the property frantically, and this property representing the status of the first chaebol in the inner city was also sold. go out.

   And now, this place has become the base camp of the former rival Anderson Consortium.

After the battle of   , the major forces in the inner city have reshuffled, and the Anderson family has a vague atmosphere of the first consortium of Old Lingdun.

   Patriarch Anderson is hosting guests today, Clark, Oliver, David, Smith... Patriarchs, ladies and ladies of the major families gathered together to push the cup and change. It was so lively.

   They celebrate the victory of years of struggle.

   The Reyes family has sold various important assets, and has since been out, and there is no chance of turning over again.

   From then on, they had the final say in the inner city.

   It was unexpected, it came very suddenly.




   The fierce fighting from the center of the black tower bewildered the group of upper class people wearing luxurious dresses in the banquet hall.

   Someone attacked the Duke’s Mansion?

   The inner city area is not small, and the news of the appearance of pirates has spread to various big families.

   "Master, madam, it's not good! A group of robbers rushed out of the ducal mansion, and they killed anyone when they saw it."

   "Where is the guard? Call the guard!"

"Master Bert, something is not good! A bunch of bandits seem to be coming towards our seven districts. Among them are super-professionals. They are very strong... The city defense team couldn't stop it at all, and it was dispersed in an instant... "

   "It's not good, the culprit has already rushed into the building, and Chief Guard Mark has been killed. The guard can't stop it!"


  The bad news continues one after another, and the changes are overwhelming.

   A few minutes ago, upon hearing the movement, these big figures in the inner city could still remain graceful and calm.

   Although they don't know what the so-called "robbers" are about, they are used to being ruled by the Ducal Palace, thinking that a powerful city guard can defeat the robbers.

   After all, in their eyes, the Black Tower Guard has the power to destroy everything.

   I never thought that every time it was sent, it was bad news.

   The gang of gangsters are like a torrent, unstoppable.

After    the Duke’s Mansion was breached, the city guard was not able to stop it at all, and the group of bandits unexpectedly slammed into the building at a speed that made people completely unprepared.

   After realizing this group of old ladies, they began to flee in a hurry.

   But it's too late.

   Moments after the news came, a few pirates who had untied their wings and colonies landed on the roof, blocking everyone's path.

   The banquet invited the president of the Wild Hunter Guild, the third-tier professional "Majin" Meg Owen.

   This is the strong man at the tip of the pyramid in Old Lingdun.

   He looked at the uninvited guests and exclaimed, "Who are you?"

   I never thought that before the words fell, a human head fell on the ground.

   One face, the third-order strong, die!

   The pirate captain in the red turban killed him, wiped the **** knife in his hand, and was full of disdain.

   During these few breaths, several subordinates around him also killed those first-tier and second-tier guards.

A group of old ladies who stayed crowded in the banquet hall shivering.

   The pirate leader in the red turban had a greedy smile on his face, and he was not killing anyone.

   He swaggered into the banquet hall, grabbed a handful of meat on the table full of rich food and fruit, stuffed it into his mouth, and ate his mouth full, "Tsk tusk, you guys will enjoy it..."

   took another sip of red wine and enjoyed it all over his face.

   At this time, he watched a gorgeously dressed lady not far away, and walked over with lustful eyes.

   The lady in the blue low-cut long skirt has been retreated to the corner, unable to retreat.

   The red turban pirate grabbed her, and in front of the hundreds of people in the banquet hall, with a pair of big rough hands, he roughly touched the woman's chest along the chest. He seemed to enjoy the strange smoothness, and grinned with a mouthful of smoky yellow teeth, "Hey, this scorpion is so **** smooth..."

   The woman screamed in surprise, trying to break free, but the red hooded pirate tore her long skirt with a loss.

   With a "stab," the long skirt was torn apart.

   The lady was naked in the air for the first half of her voice.

  Looking at the lady who was panicking and covering her breasts, and the few pirates beside her, laughed.

   While watching the lady's humiliation, the gentleman-looking man stood up.


   But as soon as he was about to say something, a blood line appeared on his neck, and his head fell to the ground.

   The human body fountain was staged in front of my eyes. More than a hundred people in the banquet hall looked like scared quail, no one dared to speak.

   This group of pirates, with their absolute strength, let the top aristocrats of Old Lingdun know what is called "weakness is the original sin".

   "Is there anyone else to talk?"

   The red turban pirate looked around, "No one Yao said, then listen to Lao Tzu!"

   He sneered, and drank loudly, "I am the captain of the seventh division of the Fourth Fleet under Lord Oleg. Now I will give you a chance to survive and pay for your life..."

   The pirates have full experience in robbery, and they are very skilled in kidnapping and extortion.

   They know very well that controlling these "big men" is much more efficient than finding treasure on their own.

   There was blood everywhere in the banquet hall, and the human fountain on the ground was still twitching. The old ladies have long been scared and dare not cooperate...

   This scene is being staged throughout the inner city.

  The mansions of various large consortia became the first places for pirates to visit.


   The pirates looted the city.

at the same time,

   The secret laboratory in the first city district of Old Lingdon.

   This is a secret base for researching mechanical warriors, and even the top of the umbrella organization has no authority to contact it.

   After the black tower was broken by the pirates, the inner city guards were vulnerable. The only place in the city where there was decent resistance was the Mechanical Research Institute.

   With the help of the heavy mechanical gate and the mechanical warriors in the factory, the people in the research institute are still resisting stubbornly.

   A group of pirates attacked in a desperate manner.

"Damn it, attacking this laboratory, wasting Lao Tzu's time! The guys of the seventh division, the treasures grabbed the storage ring and couldn't fit them. The ladies rushed to their legs...waiting for the general to break open this damn. I have to put the head of the guy who ordered the door to close!"

"Captain, Grand Duke Raphael's'Super Robot Warrior' has been very popular in the war, and the big lords on the black market have sold this drawing to a sky-high price. This is the most valuable thing. I heard that it can be exchanged in the Marfa Empire. A dukedom..."

   "Haha, that's right. No wonder Duke Raphael is so rich that there is such a pit... now we can develop! By the way, is the general here?"

"almost there."


   Research all mechanical gates, and most of the buildings are underground.

   After closing the door, the guns were hard to destroy.

   Unfortunately, there are Tier 6 professionals in the pirates.

   These indestructible mechanical gates for Tier 3 and Tier 4 professionals, under the attack of Tier 6 professionals, will not last long.

   Not long after, a bald woman who was nearly two meters away came to the entrance of the institute.




   A crowd of pirates said hello.

   This man is impressively the deputy captain of the Fourth Fleet of the "King of the North Sea". He is offering a reward of 881 million rissoles and is known as "Lieutenant General of the Sun" Gretis Olmedo. For Tier 6 professionals, the awakening is a very rare talent [A-036-Yan Girl], a variant talent of the fire element. The legend is derived from a female demon who controls lava during the mythical period.

   When she came, she didn't talk nonsense at all, and the double surgeon pinched it, and she suddenly burst into flames. Looking at it again, the whole person turned into a state of magma. With every step, the flowing magma burned holes in the ground.

   She put her hands on the mechanical door, and uttered softly: "Alchemy·Volcano!"

   A scarlet seven-pointed star array lit up, and suddenly her arm was like a volcanic eruption, and hot lava emerged.

  坨坨 magma dripped on the nearly one-meter-thick alloy, and it started to melt visibly...

   The pirates looked at the door that was gradually opening, with a fierce glow of excitement in their eyes.


   The inner city was very noisy, but the outer city did not receive any influence.

   The street was full of crowds watching the lively, pointing at the war in the inner city.

   The group of pirates seems to know the goods.

   The outer city is full of low-rise houses and post-war Syrian-style slums, and there are a lot of factories with billowing white smoke. No matter how you look at it, there is nothing to grab.

   No pirate came to the outer city.

   The pirates seemed to have planned a long time ago. After breaking through the black tower, several small teams directly grabbed several city gates in the inner city, blocking the possibility of the inner city people from escaping, and came to catch a turtle in the urn.

   Two days, enough time for them to conquer a wave.

   The three big gangs of the Cross, the Steam Party, and the Crow Gang, as well as various unions with extraordinary professions, have also taken action.


   After the news was sent, the North City Shadow Alley was black market.

   Suren also learned later that the black market is the base camp of the mirror organization in Old Lingdun.

   And the organizer who once thought that the extremely mysterious was Mr. Mirror.

   In the secret basement deep underground, when Sulun and Chijo came, there were already three people wearing golden cloaks.

The cloak of the    mirror organization looks similar, but Su Lun now also knows that they can actually distinguish their identities by the gold pattern of the cloak.

   There are three people in front of them. The one with the “mechanical gear” pattern is the number nineteen, the “fist” symbol is the second-stage red demon Kai, and the one with the “book” pattern is Mr. Hei.

   When the two came, they nodded to each other and did not speak.

  Because Su Lun is a new member, the three of them gave him one more look.

   But looking at the "black sickle" pattern on the cloak, everyone seems to have guessed the identity of Su Lun.

   After waiting a few minutes, several more came.

  Not Mr. Mirror, there are only eight people in the mirror organization.

   Except for the person with the "Rot Flower" logo on the cloak, Su Lun has seen him.

   The atmosphere is serious.

   It was these people who stood together, and an invisible sense of oppression in the secret room instantly enveloped Su Lun.

   Even if there is no action, the strong aura of these people makes people feel like breathing is stagnant.

  Su Lun knew that, except for him and the nineteenth, the other six people were Tier 4 professionals who had awakened their secondary talents.

   can awaken the talent for the second time, this must also be a person who has experienced life and death, and has a killing aura on his body.

   This is a group of people with tigers in their hearts.

   In the words of Mr. Mirror, professionals who can awaken the secondary talent were very rare a thousand years ago.

   usually means that they have the ability to advance to the seventh level and truly spy on the growth possibilities of the top alchemy field!


   Everyone did not speak.

   The pirate attack came very suddenly, and the information they knew was very limited.

   In the communicator, Sabina continued to report the situation in the inner city.

The Umbrella Organization has a huge intelligence system in the inner city and has a clear grasp of the movements of the group of pirates.

   Except for the hidden power of a few secret laboratories, there was hardly any effective counterattack organized in the city.

   "Several huge haters appeared in the Biological Research Institute No. 7, and the pirates were entangled, but a Tier 5 professional killed it..."

   "Machine No. 1 researched all the large numbers of mechanical warriors participating in the battle, and temporarily dragged the pirate. But there was also a very strong professional in the pirate, using the lava ability, they are about to break the research institute..."

   "The group of pirates is very cruel. They kill people when they see them. The residents of the inner city suffered heavy casualties. Especially in the wealthy area of ​​the upper city and the residences of the major chaebols, the pirates went to them..."


  Su Lun shared the real-time information, and listening to the information, the atmosphere in the secret room became more solemn.


   After a short while, the mirror light flashed, the light and shadow condensed, and suddenly a person appeared in the secret room.

   This kind of weird way of appearance seems to be taken for granted by everyone, no one is surprised.

  The person here is naturally Mr. Mirror.


   Everyone gestured.

   In front of the strong, they all showed great respect.

Mr.    Mirror nodded, without verbosity, he said directly: "The situation has almost been investigated. The good news is that the "King of the North Sea" Oleg has not come. It is his Fourth Fleet. This group of pirates killed off the guards stationed on the Black Barrier Reef, destroyed the defensive prohibitions and traps along the way, and cleared us a lot of trouble..."

   Hearing this, everyone breathed out in their hearts.

   Oleg Legend is a Tier 8 professional, one of the top powerhouses in the ground world.

   Mr. Mirror's strength hasn't fully recovered yet, that guy is coming, and there is almost no room for manipulation in this situation.

   did not come, it is indeed good news.

   And those pirates have cleared the way, which means that the tower will be less troublesome.

   But if there is good news, it means that there is bad news.

Sure enough, after a pause, Mr. Jing continued: "But the bad news is that there are two Tier 6 professionals in the Fourth Fleet, namely "Lieutenant General" Grace Olmedo. One is Gar Popov, the youngest son of the King of the North Sea, the "Frost Troll". The two have strong combat power, and their talents are also very tricky. With my current strength, I can deal with one of them with certainty, but the two will be difficult to entangle. In this group of pirates, there are more than a dozen Tier 5 captains and Tier 4 deputy captains... If you rush to the tower now, the risk will be very high. Therefore, I would like to ask your opinions. "

When    said these words, everyone fell into contemplation.

   Before the rushing tower had to face a personal guard of Grand Duke Raphael. After planning for many years, many arrangements have been made clear, and the problem is not too big.

   And now, things have changed suddenly.

   They have to face an entire fleet of "King of the North Sea".

   It is definitely not that simple to make Mr. Jing talk about the tricky Tier 6 professional.

   After all, the development space of the "mine" is limited. No matter how powerful they are, no matter how talented they grow, they are only just entering the fourth level.

   Even if it is a second-stage talent and some special curses, it will make up for some combat power, and it is barely considered a fifth-tier.

   is also very different from the sixth order.


Hearing Mr. Mirror’s question, the Red Devil Kai thought of something. He first spoke and said: “From the current intelligence point of view, from the domain of Duke Raphael to the Black Tower, the warship will sail at full speed for up to two or three days. So this There is a high probability that the group of pirates will not stay, and 80% of them will withdraw after two days. We will wait for that time to go out. There will be no defenders and no pirates. It should be the safest plan..."

   This said,

   Everyone fell silent,

   They felt something was wrong, but they didn't figure out what was wrong.

   If it were that simple, Mr. Jing would obviously not talk about it.

   Su Lun frowned slightly when he heard this.

   There is nothing wrong with Kai's analysis.

   But because he lacks some necessary knowledge of the terrestrial world, he has not considered some factors.

   Su Lun harvested some external memory fragments, which is probably the existence that knows the outside intelligence best except Mr. Mirror.

  Thinking about it, he felt that it was necessary to tell him some of the information he thought of, so he said: "I think it is not a good choice to wait for the pirates to leave before rushing to the tower."

   With that said, everyone looked over.

   Suren continued: "After all, we leave the Black Barrier Reef and need a sea ship that can withstand wind and waves. If we wait for the pirates to leave, I think they will definitely not leave us a complete sea ship."

   As soon as I said this, Kay also knew that he had overlooked something, and then he suddenly said to himself: "Yes...there is also the sea."

   After a pause, he looked at Su Lun again and asked: "Do we have to have a boat? Can we swim across? If we need a boat, how big is it? Can we build it ourselves?"

   "Swimming...should not work. Intelligence shows that there are many terrifying sea beasts on the bottom of the sea... The safest one is called a big sea ship!"

   Suren's face twitched slightly, and he said: "The area near the Black Barrier Reef belongs to the storm zone. The nearby wind wolves are very large, and the weather changes irregularly. It is impossible for the boat to safely allow us to cross the sea and reach the land."

   The people in the underground world have never seen the sea and have no idea.

   I don’t even know what the standard of a sea-going ship is, nor does it know how weather, waves, storms affect navigation...

   But after listening to Su Lun's simple analysis, everyone gradually understood.

  Mr. Mirror has been silent for a long time, so he naturally approved this statement.

Hearing this, Mr. Hei also spoke, agreeing with Su Lun's statement, and said: "Well...I also approve of rushing to the tower now. Otherwise, after this pirate attack, the existence of Old Lingdun would be exposed on the ground world. The Duke’s Mansion will definitely send heavy troops to guard it, and its defensive force will be stronger in the future. It is very likely that other forces in the Lu British Empire will intervene. After missing this opportunity, it will be no less difficult to rush out in the future. What's more, this time Princess Teresa The destruction of the team may have aroused the alarm of the Ducal Palace. If it were not for the war between the two empires, Grand Duke Raphael would have personally investigated it. If it is delayed, there may be some unforeseen changes in the future..."

   Hearing this, everyone understood why Mr. Jing said that it was a big risk to rush to the tower, and did not mention the option not to rush now.

   because they have no choice.

  Under the ground, it is impossible for Mr. Mirror to fully recover to her peak strength. She also needs to find some advanced materials from outside ~ Now that she "rushes to the tower", the risk will be great.

   But if you don't rush now, there will be more unforeseen problems in the future.

   may be trapped here forever.

   Everyone understood this, and expressed their opinions one after another.

   Card: "I also think it’s the best time to punch the tower now."

   Chijo: "Yes!"

  雷: "Yes!"


The   Mirror organization is a very loose organization, and members have the right to choose.

   But everyone gets together for the same goal.

  Because of the small number of people and the sharp-minded people here, the efficiency of meetings is extremely high.

   After a few simple sentences, all members voted in favor.

  Mr. Mirror actually meant the same thing.

   In fact, there is only one way to choose.

  Whether you are willing to take risks, rushing to the tower, you have to face death.

   After the vote was over, Mr. Jing didn't say much, and said, "Since everyone agrees to act now. Two hours later, the secret road will gather and prepare for the tower!"

   Everyone: "Yes!"


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