Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 227: Kill slowly

   Su Lun and Mr. Mirror were choosing materials in a shop called "White Whale Alchemy Shop", but at this moment, the whole street suddenly became quiet. Pedestrians on the street consciously avoided the sides, bowed their eyebrows, and did not dare to look directly at the mighty group of people coming not far away.

   The crowd was very large, and there was a group of guards in silver and shiny armors leading the way. The guard leader's hands also led two ice giant slaves who were led by chains, like walking a dog.

   In the center of the team, there is a big fat man with big fat ears and a proud face. The fat on his face is drawn out of a horoscope, and his eyes are seamed with micrometers. The visual inspection exceeds 300 jin.

   The nobles of the British Lu British Empire can be recognized at a glance, besides the pomp, they also have their clothes.

   In order to distinguish them from the common people, the nobles specially made a set of complicated noble costumes to distinguish the rank of nobility.

   The guy in front of me wearing a red and yellow woolen coat with three rows of silver buttons on his chest and silver leaves on his hat is a viscount. .

  According to the noble ranks of the empire, the lord Gadurante is a hereditary earl, and the lord’s son is a viscount.

   Don't think about it, this fat man is Viscount Primo, a second master who plays with women in addition to eating and drinking.

   The reputation of this Viscount Primo in the territory is not very good, and Su Lun has an impression from the few sea snake gang gangsters that he stripped before, one word: hungry ghost in the color.

   With the right in his hand, this guy has done nothing less to commit adultery with her maiden women.

   However, in the Luying Empire, the status of nobility cannot be violated.

The lord of    is the earth emperor again.

   In this aristocratic law of centralization, the leader is private property, and it is legal for him to do so.

   What's more, this Primo is always surrounded by a bunch of slackers and horses who have chosen what he wants.

   There is some dirty work, and some people from the Sea Snake Gang come forward.

   Although there have been several minor accidents in the looting of women,

   There is no major problem either.


   Sulun bought a lot of materials in this material shop, and the young steward who was in charge of receiving them had already regarded them as major customers. Seeing the group of people coming, he kindly reminded him: "The two are from outside, and that is Viscount Primo, you must not offend. Also, the lady had better avoid some... "

   Guan Shi said very vaguely, but Su Lun also understood.

   Those people are here to "hunt the beauty".

   But he knew that even if they wanted to avoid it, they couldn't avoid it.

  Because Su Lun saw a guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek in the distant team. He had stripped away the memories of the Sea Serpent Gang before, and he also knew that this guy was the city gate squad captain Pence.

   In fact, Su Lun had noticed a malicious look on them before.

   just shortly after dining out of the airship.

   Those are two guys in peaked caps, and their stalking methods are not too clever. Now they are still under the awning of the shop across the street, glancing into the shop from time to time.

  Prime Viscount and the group of people came, and the two of them cast a wink at Burns in the group.

   That guy has already seen both Sulun.


  Su Lun can find them, and Mr. Jing can naturally find them.

   She didn't speak, obviously she wanted to see some "monsters and ghosts".

   This is also the meaning of Su Lun.

   Although he doesn't think he is a jealous person, he can't rub some sand in his eyes.

   Especially, this kind of thing.

   I spent so many years in the previous life in the juvenile in charge of the office, and countless times introspected the order.

   But Su Lun always felt that even if he re-lived once, he would definitely stab those hooligans to death.

   How similar are the eyes of those people to these people?

   I really fell out, and I will really become a pirate in a big deal.

   Afraid of being wanted?


   may have scruples for others, but for the old fritters on the wanted order like Su Lun, it is a small problem.

   Although pirates on the ground are wandering, they are a hundred times more comfortable than the living environment in the outer city of Old Lingdon, and there is nothing unacceptable.


   Half an hour ago, Captain Pence left the city gate and returned to his secret hut happily.

   I thought that the people of the Sea Snake Gang would keep the beauty in here as before.

   I didn't want to go there for a while, there was no one!

   I asked a few little **** again, "Viper" Pollet did indeed do something. But they weren't tied up, and the team of them somehow couldn't get in touch. Even within the Sea Serpent Gang, there was no news of them, as if they had disappeared completely.

   Pence immediately guessed that he might be in serious trouble.

   can make a Tier 2 professional disappear silently, and can also make him disappear.

   The more I think about it, the more frightened he becomes.

   He is a small captain, but he can't provoke big people.

   But Pence is also a little bit ghostly thinking. The reason why he hasn't had an accident for so long is because of his courage and cautiousness and his backing.

   Therefore, he intends to cause trouble.

   If you can't afford the trouble, you can let Viscount Primo, the "backer".

   No matter how big the background is, you have to lie down in Kaduront!

   Pence knew that in addition to eating, drinking, and having fun in the daily life of that Viscount Primo, he went to the streets to "hunt for beauty" to find freshness.

   used a little trick to guide that person to this street.

   No, as soon as he walked over, under the guidance of the two bastards, Pence saw the two of Sulun. He leaned in quietly, and said thiefly, "Master Primo, look there!"

   Primo feels that life is getting more and more boring. The maid in the castle, the top card of Fengyuekan, the beauties and slaves sent by various big merchants, are all at your fingertips, and they have long been tired of playing.

   Having fun, it is only the maiden wife who feels the most.

  He enjoys the expression of watching the humiliation and tears of the woman under his hips, and dare not go against the expression of Lord Viscount Tangtang...

   So, I can only look forward to wandering around the city every day to "picking flowers".

   Dad will not harass the resident in the city. After listening to the advice of the guards, he can only come to these places with a lot of people from outside.

   This is the material street for professionals. They are all five big and three rough men. Even if there are women, there are not many good-looking ones. Primo originally thought that he would not meet any good products today.

Unexpectedly, following Pence's guidance and seeing the woman in the red dress sitting in the "Meluga Alchemy Shop", Primo's eyes straightened, and his heart was ecstatic: My dear, there is still in the world. Such a superb woman!


   The steward who served Sulun looked at Viscount Primo's gaze, and said in a dark voice in his heart, he reminded him in a low voice: "Sir, you guys avoid it."

   Mr. Jing was expressionless, Su Lun also smiled and shook his head, unmoved.

   The other party came here specially, and he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to.


   The steward saw that the intuitive team had entered, and let out a helpless sigh, secretly saying that the two outsiders were afraid that they would be in big trouble. But it can't help.

   Watching the fat man enter the shop, the shop owner guessed something. Although he felt bitter in his heart, he had to greet him with a smile and greeted him: "Master Viscount, you are coming to the shop, what materials do you need? Oh, how can you come here in person. My lord, what do you want? , Inform the guards, and the old man will send you to the castle himself."

   "No trouble, just come and have a look."

   Primo asked casually, took a piece of alchemy material on the counter and played with it, absent-mindedly asked: "What good products are there these days..."

   His gaze fell on Mr. Jing not far away, his small eyes narrowed, full of greedy and evil gazes.

   The extraordinary cold and glamorous aura made him tremble with excitement when he glanced at it.

  Primmona's group of dog legs also understood the meaning of the master, and began to conduct inspections on the customers in the shop.

   are nobles after all, it is not good to tie people in the street, they need an "excus".

   The Captain Pence didn't know that Su Lun had recognized him, so he walked over and asked him pretendingly.

   "Who are you, where are you from."

   "We are from Unrogos County and are here to travel. This is my wife."

   "Where is the identification?"

   Su Lun took out his identity certificate, which was stamped with the seal of entering the city.

   He also wants to see what tricks these guys can do.

   Pence looked at the identity certificate, looked at it pretendingly for a while, but couldn't find the fault, and asked: "Are there any blood relatives in the family?"

   Su Lun said lightly: "No."

   Hearing these words, Peng Si's expression was obviously relaxed, and he was no longer verbose, and directly asked in a commanding tone: "You have a problem with your identity certificate. Come with us to the security office and be investigated."


   Su Lun sneered in his heart and asked: "Captain, can you tell me what is wrong with my proof?"

   Pence casually said: "I suspect that you are connected with a previous smuggling case. Please cooperate with our investigation."


   Su Lun sneered while listening to this unwarranted charge.

   nothing new.

A bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes, and he didn't talk with such people anymore, saying: "There were a few gangsters from the Sea Snake Gang who kidnapped my wife before. They said it was Captain Pence you instructed. Excuse me, it's you. Did you instruct?"

   Mr. Mirror has been silent, Su Lun knew that this was going to make a big deal.

   just right, he also wants to kill.

   Especially this kind of person.

   I said this very loudly, and I wanted the Viscount Primo to realize that he was being used.

   After all, fame and reality are two different things,

   What if... you kill the wrong innocent?

   At this point, Pence realized that the other party actually knew him, and felt faint in his heart: **** Pollet, why did he explain everything!

   But he quibbleed in his mouth: "I don't know what you are talking about."

   But obviously, the fat pig is already lustful, but he won't think about any conspiracy.

   He can't take his gaze away from Mr. Jing's body. Seeing that the doglegs are not doing well at all, he can't wait to interject: "Since there is a problem, take the two of them back for interrogation."

   Hearing this, everyone in the shop looked a little ugly. Even if I didn't understand it just now, I now understand what the Viscount Lord is going to do. But everyone knows it well, but they dare not speak.

   Su Lun shook his head, this time he wouldn't be wrong.

  At this time, Mr. Jing on the side said lightly: "According to Lu Ying law, you have no right to detain us without reason..."

   The civilian’s last reliance is the law. She also wants to see if this powerful civilized country on the ground is still useful.

   Primo felt that he was offended, how dare a commoner speak to himself like this?

   still dare to question the authority of the lord?

   The fat on his face twitched, revealing a sardonic smile.

   He hadn't spoken yet, and Pence on the side yelled with a wink: "In Cadorante, the words of the Viscount-sir are the law!"

   Mr. Mirror shook his head.

  Su Lun also raised his eyebrows slightly, just like this kind of boldness.

   In their eyes, the lives of nobles are not so valuable.

  Su Lun said: "What if we don't cooperate?"

   Pence saw the conflict, not surprised, but happy. Relying on the large number of people, he shouted arrogantly, "You better cooperate...otherwise you dare to resist and kill you..."

   Before the words fell, I suddenly heard an explosion in the air.


   Just before everyone reacted, Su Lun's figure had already collapsed in front of his eyes.

   "Protect the Lord Viscount!"

   The response of the Tier 3 guards was also extremely fast, and they rushed out of the shop with the Primo in their arms.

   But Suren’s first goal is not the fat pig, but the Burns!

   Everyone only watched the figure collapse, and Su Lun had already appeared a few meters away. He pinched Pence's neck, hung the person in the air, and took a look, "Now?"

   Pence's energy is all used on women. She is a half-professional person. When her neck is pinched by these iron tongs, where did she break free?

   He blushed, and wanted to play tricks, "Dare to attack the Viscount Lord, but... a capital crime..."

   Su Lun sniffed and sneered, the killing intent in his eyes did not waver.

   The reason why this kind of person lives an extra second is to make him feel despair.

   At this moment, he slammed his fist out, and the fist wrapped in the elements of the violent wind blasted Pence's head with one punch.

   "Boom" bang.

   is like a watermelon bursting, splashing scarlet all over the floor.

  Su Lun executed this kind of scum in the most violent and **** way.

   Seeing such a horrible scene, everyone else in the alchemy shop was stunned.

   It’s one thing to be shocked at the scene of the massacre.

   They are even more shocked,

   Someone dared to kill Viscount Primo?

   My god, these two outsiders are dead!


   Suren had asked before that there is a sixth-tier naval commander in the Port of Catalunya.

   There are also several Tier 5 and Tier 4 professionals.

   But those high-level professionals mostly hold important positions in the military.

   There are also many sons of the Earl Wuyue, this kind of ineffective, it is impossible to have high-level generals by his side to protect him from hunting.

   Around this fat pig, only a few Tier 3 guards were brought.

  Su Lun killed Pence, but didn't plan to let the main criminal outside.

   A big fat man of three hundred catties, even if he was supported by a Tier 3 guard, couldn't escape.

   Just as he was about to go out, Mr. Jing said lightly: "Don't worry, kill slowly. I want to see if the Earl Wuyue can find a way for his son to escape the death penalty..."

   Although the words are plain, but murderous.

   The implication is that things are going to be a big trouble, and there are senior sisters.

   If you can't agree, even kill the count.

   Su Lun grinned, thinking it was just what he wanted!

   This is not the "Black Barrier Reef", there is no way to kill people.

   This is land, no matter land or sea, you can go everywhere.

   Don't worry about killing people, and Su Lun didn't worry about exposing his iconic puppet methods. He rushed out, the double surgeon pinched, "The hormone is running away!"

The    warlock seal changed again, and a layer of dark gold elemental armor was condensed on the skin.

   His physical strength is no worse than that of a conventional Tier 3 meat professional. As soon as his hormones are activated, his melee ability is bursting.

   He chased it out alone, carrying a rain of guns and bullets, like a rain of fists.

   When the guards acted as cover for Primo to escape, they had to confront Sulun head-on.

   Although these Earl’s Mansion guards are much better than those of the Viper Gang before, no one is Su Lun’s opponent.

  Professionals of Tier 1 almost punch one punch. Professionals of Tier 2 and above can last several rounds with armor.

   Fists hit the people in heavy armor, like shelling, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... the sound blew up the whole street.

   Kill all the way, all the corpses...


   There are a lot of people in the alchemy market, and there is a lot of noise halfway up the mountain.

   Soon, the intelligence spread through various channels to various places in the Port of Cadurant.

A purple-haired woman was wandering in a jewelry store selling high-end jewelry When she heard reports from her subordinates, she seemed to be interested: "Someone is going to kill Primo? Oh, it's kind of interesting...Go! , Go and see."

In an embassy station abroad, a group of sergeants dressed in heavy mechanical armors also heard the news for the first time. The bearded middle-aged man in the lead immediately realized that something was weird: "Oh, there are still people who dare to be in Catalunya. Hong Kong assaults the son of the Earl? Tsk tsk... bloody! Go, let's go see the excitement too!"

  Earl’s Mansion, Osaka Ackerman, Earl of Wuyue, is meeting with his old friend, Antonio Harris, the "Earl of Blood" from Sinodia Province in the east.

   Hearing that his son was killed in the street, these Count Osakar seemed to have guessed something: "Damn it! It's probably the **** who caused me trouble again!"

   He naturally knows about his son, but for the nobles, that is not a big deal. Some commoner women are the rights that the nobles should have.

  Compared to these, he was even more angry that someone dared to make trouble in his territory. This was a provocation to the authority of his lord!

   He said to his old friend, "Old friend, I made you laugh."

   Antonio shook his head: "Dare to do it in the city, maybe some big pirate has sneaked in, I'll go and see it together, maybe I can help a little bit."


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