Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 229: Curse script

   Everyone on the street was stunned.

   No one wanted a dignified earl to kneel before a woman in full view, and he didn't understand why he would do it.

  In the Luying Empire, not only the aristocracy is supreme, but the big family with a little background, and the hereditary inheritors are also men.

   Except for the queen, there is no female nobleman who has a higher status than the earl.

   "Earl of Wuyue" Osaka thought that his old friend was confused by others, and quickly asked, "Antonio... are you okay?"

   Antonio glanced back at him and shook his head.

   This old friend's eyes were firm, he didn't seem to be a mental illusion, and Osaka didn't know what to say.

   Now this situation has become very strange, his son is still hanging in the air, his fingers dripping with blood. . The leaders of the territory are still looking at the jokes.

   He still didn't understand the meaning of Antonio's "Ancestor Lord". He thought that Mr. Jing was probably also a high-ranking noble, and he whispered in his heart that his **** son caused a big trouble.

   But after all, he is also a dignified earl. Osaka swallowed that breath and said, "Since your Excellency is also a noble, then if you have any misunderstandings, you can go to the noble arbitration court..."

   The nobles of the British Lu British Empire broke the law and would not follow the ordinary judicial system. They had special noble courts.

  The great nobles seldom tear their faces apart, there are contradictions, and most of them are resolved through mediation.

   Either set up a battle, rather than kidnap one's offspring.

   But before he finished saying this, Mr. Mirror didn't speak, but Antonio intervened and said in an unquestionable tone: "Primo offended the ancestor, and the crime deserves a million!"

   As he said, Antonio did it himself without waiting for others to say anything.

   He suddenly raised his hand and scratched with five fingers, as if the air had been scratched. Five sharp scratches appeared under his fingers.

   The next second, the wailing of the fat pig in the sky stopped abruptly.

   A huge head fell to the ground.

   Seeing his son being killed, Osaka's expression immediately froze there, "This..."

   He wanted to get angry, but his reason also told him that it was definitely not easy to let his old friend do such "unthinkable" actions. Although he felt that he was humiliated, he also felt that it was not the time for the attack.

  Mr. Mirror was completely uninterested in going to see the corpse, and asked, "What do you think of him?"

   This naturally refers to the Earl of Ozark.

   The character of his old friend, Antonio naturally knew, and said truthfully: "Sin does not lead to death."

   "Hmm. That's it."

   Mr. Mirror listened, and didn't say much, turned around and left.

   This is just an ordinary nobleman, and it's not too evil.

   In the final analysis, what is wrong is the deep-rooted and corrupt system.

  Su Lun also felt that the development of the matter was quite dramatic, and he thought it would be a fight. But the fat pig was killed by Mr. Mirror's blood, it was also an earl, and it was Osakar's friend.

   can't seem to fight anymore.

   Seeing Mr. Mirror about to leave, Su Lun also walked out of the encirclement.

   But suddenly, Mr. Jing seemed to perceive something, his eyes narrowed, and he gave a soft drink: "Someone has fiddled with destiny!"


   half a minute ago.

   In a small building in the distance, the woman with purple hair who watched the excitement looked at everything in front of her, her face full of gusto.

   She suddenly thought of something, and murmured: "Could it be the blood clan that the group of pirates in Beihai were looking for? No, this one is more than Tier 6..."

   She looked at the situation that was about to calm down in the distance, and said to herself: "It's just solved, it seems very boring. Would you like to try it?"

   The purple-haired woman turned her eyes and made a decision immediately.

As she said, she took out a black notebook, took out the pen, and wrote a paragraph on the rusty note: "Earl Osaka was so ashamed and indignant, watching her son die tragically in front of her, listening to the leader. They whispered, he felt a great humiliation. He decided to protect the family's face, and gave an order:'Catch them up'!"

   After the purple-haired woman wrote down the plot, a few lines slowly appeared on the note: "It fits 71% with reality, and the story is true!"

   She looked at it, and she narrowed her eyes, "Oh, this kind of story is ups and downs..."

   If Su Lun is here, he must be able to see that this notebook is a "forbidden object".

  【Curse Script】

  Quality: Legend

   Description: The characters in the script have no souls, so it must be a bad drama;

Cursing features: you can write a plot that conforms to the status quo and change the direction of the story; the more rigorous the logic of the story, the easier it is to affect the reality; those who do not master the relevant rules use this note to tamper with the fate of others, and need to sacrifice different souls, tampering with the fate of the target. The more, the greater the price to pay;

  Detailed explanation: In the dawn time, a curse made by a great alchemist of ‘screenwriter’s occupational sequence’. He believes that the screenwriter is the creator of a story world, and the world in the book can evolve into a real world as long as the logic is meticulous enough and the rules are perfect; it can be used as an advanced material for the soul-related series of professionals.


   Seeing the person in front of him about to leave, Earl Osaka didn't know why, and a group of ghost fire sprang up in his heart inexplicably.

   A dignified earl, he was killed by someone in front of his son, yet Yao watched them leave?

   This Catalunya port is the domain of his Ackerman family!

  He is the Lord Lord who has everything!

   Listening to the whispers of the leader, he felt a great humiliation, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he suddenly blurted out: "Catch them up!"

   At this order, the knights around the street swarmed up.

   "Earl of Blood" Antonio heard this, unbelievable that his old friend would do such an irrational act, and shouted: "Damn it! Osaka, do you know what you are doing!"

   But these words are completely useless, the knights have already rushed over on the lion.

   Su Lun also secretly said a bad sound, and suddenly remembered what Mr. Jing said before: Someone provoked fate?

   Before he had time to react, he was pushed by Mr. Jing next to him, and he staggered forward, and a mirror light appeared in front of him.

   He didn't understand what happened, stood still, and suddenly watched the surrounding situation change, he appeared in a ventilated room facing the sea.

   Looking through the window, you can have a panoramic view of the Port of Catalunya. This is a mansion in the wealthy area on the top of the hill.

   Su Lun seemed to understand something, turned around and took a look.

   Behind him is a dressing mirror.

   The light and shadow in the mirror happened to be a battle half a mountainside one kilometer away.

   "What a magical ability..."

   Su Lun sighed with emotion. It seemed that Mr. Mirror pushed himself out of the mirror.

   Mirror reflection, can move arbitrarily?

   He probably understood the principle of this technique.

   This is very similar to his own spatial displacement, but the rules used are obviously different. One is through the space hole, and the other is through the reflection of the "light element".

  A blood family uses the law of light?






   The battle on the mountainside was very dynamic.

   Legion charge, high-level technical collision, and buildings are destroyed in pieces.

  The army in the port of Kadulangta continued to gather in the city, and even the warships patrolling outside also drove back to the port.

   The Ackerman family has been operating in this seaside city for a hundred years, and there is still some background. The Knight Army has a lot of equipment and various cursed objects.

   There are also some special talents.

   is like the inner city of Old Ling Dun, those rich people like to cultivate some rare talents.

   The population base is large, and people with special abilities can always be found.

   Su Lun was far away, and he saw several B-level and C-level talents.

   Usually those officers who can advance to Tier 4 are not bad in combat power.

  Describe in game terms, at least "Silver level", "Gold level" BOSS.

   Not only are the Knight Army and Navy, mercenaries and bounty hunters in the city will also participate.

   There are also various curses, high-priced weapons...

   In this situation, a general Tier 7 professional is here, and I am afraid they will all be besieged to death.

   However, Su Lun was not even worried about Mr. Jing's safety.

   These days, getting along day and night, he also noticed that the strength of his senior sister is getting stronger and more unpredictable.

After    came to the ground, her kin was shining into the sun. Not only was it not weak, but it seemed that because of the abundance of certain elements, her injuries quickly recovered, and her realm was getting higher and higher.

   was besieged by a group of people right now, and the wind didn't fall a little bit. On the contrary, when the elemental realm came out, it still suppressed that group of people.

   What's more, there is also an equally strong descendant of the earl and his guards.

   However, since Mr. Jing is aware of the intervention of a "third party", he will naturally not continue to fight vigorously, lest he become a **** by others.

   This frame also retreated with Mr. Mirror and her blood, and ended hastily.


  Su Lun watched the entire battle in the mansion on the top of the mountain, and he was relieved as he watched Mr. Jing retreat calmly.

   It didn't take long before he received a call from his senior sister.

  Because she had found the blood, she had to leave Cadurant in advance to deal with some things, and then entrusted Sulun to help her buy the Daru slaves at the auction.

   Buying slaves is a small problem, and it’s okay to spend some money.

  Su Lun realized that he was alone now.

  Although this was originally the situation in the plan, even if they don't leave today, tomorrow Mr. Black and the others will come and they will be separated.

   Su Lun teleported out of the mansion, always feeling strange all the way.

   After a while, he also wanted to understand.

   It wasn't that he had any dissatisfaction with this glamorous senior sister, it was just that he had no protection from the boss, which made him immediately feel a sense of crisis.

   It was like coming out of a heated room for a long time, suddenly being blown away by the cold wind, and the whole person was irritated.

   "No wonder Mr. Mirror didn't recommend me to follow them..."

  Su Lun shook his head, muttering to himself.

   The flowers in the greenhouse can't stand the ravages of the storm.

  'S sudden loneliness also made him discover that he had become accustomed to being sheltered by a big boss before he knew it.

   In the subconscious mind, no matter what happens, there are big guys in the bottom, and I no longer feel the sense of urgency that once was in the gang in the outer city of Old Lingdun and was on the verge of life and death...

   is like killing people on the street That confidence does not come from his own strength, but from Mr. Mirror.

   Now alone, the sense of crisis has regained my heart.

   "Huh...that's how it is."

   There were slack and slack, and Su Lun clearly felt what he needed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   Suddenly, his heart became bright, and he walked on the street, his arms stretched out, and his feet trembled. The suit is changed into a suit of adventurer's leather armor.

   I just made such a big fuss in the city, this face is probably unusable.

   There is Mr. Mirror, there is no problem with any waves.

   I am alone now, if it should be wretched, it must be wretched.

  Su Lun also has no idol baggage, her fingertips shine brightly, and when she touches her head, her dense hair fades immediately and she becomes a big bald head. She used oil paint to apply eye shadow on her face again and again, creating a familiar smoky makeup.

   A handsome and rich young master instantly turned into a punk adventurer.

   Su Lun took the mirror and looked at the bald head in the mirror, and her mouth was flat.

   Hmm... he felt that he would never shave his head again when he reached the third level.


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