Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 231: Warrior, you have a catastrophe

   Su Lun still doesn't know that the dark tide is surging outside the auction room, nor does he know what the "Super Robot Warrior" warrior drawings mean to the two empires.

   But he guessed that to attract so many big names, this auction will not be easy.

   The auction continues.

   Those who can go to auction must be fine products.

   Old Ling Dun are all ancient relics, many out of print orphans, many of which are not available outside.

  Because of the normal auctions, many wealthy people from outside came to the auction, and the price of the lot was pushed up very high.

   Those arms dealers who are not short of money on the second floor are generous, and often raise prices several times to make these individual tourists on the first floor uncomfortable. .

   Good babies have mostly fallen into their hands.


  Su Lun is not very interested in the reproductive materials, and wants to wait for the auction of the slaves in the midfield.

   also prayed in his heart, hoping that there would be no trouble.

   I didn't think about it. Before the slave auction, there was a secret method that he was very interested in.

   At this time, a girl brought out a tray.

The auctioneer on the stage was pointing to the blue scroll in the tray, and introduced: "The goods auctioned below have a great background... I must have heard of the mystery of the four gods of earth, wind, water, and fire. .. That's right! This volume is one of the secrets of Fire [No Servant]! The starting price is one million gold crowns..."

   As soon as the voice fell, the photographers in the audience immediately began to whisper.

   Obviously, this secret method is really the kind that everyone knows.

   "The Four Servant Gods, the legendary top fire control secret method. It is rare for the Imperial Capital Auction House to be able to display this level of secret method auction."

"Isn't this an exclusive inheritance secret method for the royal family? I didn't expect that there would be this secret method in the auction house... I'm really curious about who the owner of this batch of goods is. There is such a secret method that I can't hide it, and I actually sell it? "

   "This batch of things has a very big origin. Could it be that a certain big thief stole the royal treasure house? Hs...This secret method can be sold, but except for the royal family, other people are not afraid of breaking the ban after learning it?"

   "I think it's a pirate. Only those unscrupulous robbers dare to do this..."


   Listening to these broken words in his ear, Su Lun's face also showed a slightly strange look.

   He knows the [No Servant] secret method is very powerful, but he didn't think it was too special before.

  In Jiulingdon, there are many ancient secrets like this, and he is a master, and he will almost always have one or two assassins.

   Now that I heard these people's conversations, I realized that this kind of secret method seems to be very rare in the ground world.

   Su Lun also moved his mind to buy it.

   Although he knows part of the [No Servant] secret method, it is after all fragments stripped from the corpse.

   The people of Old Lingdun can't break through the third level, no matter how powerful they are, they can only practice a part.

   is probably like a cheat book with ten layers, which can only be practiced into three layers.

   And what Sulun stripped was still part of the triple.

   Now that the complete secret law scroll appeared, I naturally didn't want to let it go.

   But... the price of the exercises is also a bit outrageous.

   The starting price is one million gold crowns?

   I didn't think about it. For the rich, it is not only not high, but also low!

   As soon as the starting price came out, the high-profile guys on the second floor instantly raised the price to two million gold crowns.


   Watching the price soaring, Suren’s eyelids jerked.

  Sure enough, prices are all regional.

   The prices in Old Lingdon are very different from those in the outside world.

   He thought he was quite rich, and sold things that he could sell. It probably counted 1 billion 800 million risos (not including secrets and classics)...

   Buying a secret book now costs several hundred million?

   The pace of the auction is very fast. At this time, the auctioneer said rightly: "Okay! The distinguished guest in Box No. 3 bid 2.3 million gold crowns. Is there any higher bid?"

  Su Lun looked at no one to increase the price, and raised the card once, increasing the price to 2.4 million.

   You can earn more if you have no money. I really missed this time. I don’t know where I can get the complete secret.

   As for the "Secrets of the Royal Family"...

   This is an ancient secret method from archaeology. Adding a "Royal Inheritance" does not allow others to practice it?

  Su Lun didn't think so much, because he would have been.

   This secret method is very special. From beginning to end, several arms dealers on the second floor are increasing prices.

   There was an offer on the first floor this time, as if an abrupt conspiracy atmosphere enveloped the audience, and the whole auction hall was quiet.

   It is very strange that no one increases the price anymore, and Su Lun successfully photographed the secret method.

   At the same time, in box three, the middle-aged man in a suit smoking a cigar sneered.

   was robbed of the lot, so he was naturally unhappy.

   It’s not a question of money at all. I just want to reclaim the secrets that have been left out. It’s just a matter of quarreling among the emperor’s relatives on the second floor. Didn’t you think that there are people who do not have long-sighted people asking for a price?

   The middle-aged man flicked his fingers and flicked his cigar on the wall, sparking sparks, "Oh, not everyone can learn the royal secrets."

   As soon as he said this, a strong bodyguard next to him immediately said: "Member, then go down and take a look?"

The middle-aged man's anger flashed away, and he immediately realized something. Turning his eyes, he whispered: "I know that it is the secret of the royal family, and I also know that I am shouting, and I dare to spend such a sum of money to buy it. Isn't it simple... This time we are looking at the blueprint. Is it a competitor's set?"

   He thought for a moment, and then said: "Um...find a snake and explore the situation first, don't get involved with us."

   Bodyguard: "Yes. Senator."

  The middle-aged man is called the Carlyle Fisher family, the big boss of the "Cobra War Equipment Company", the three major arms dealers in the Imperial Capital, and a member of Congress.

   Hundreds of years of war with Marfa brought huge profits to these arms dealers, and their intertwined network of relationships made them an indispensable part of the Lu British Empire. This is the real power, and stomping is a big man in Old Ling Dun.

   The super mechanical warrior technology in the hands of Grand Duke Raphael was actually coveted by other lords and even the Royal Family of Bona for a long time. But the lord has his own rights, and the Grand Duke is already a top nobleman, no one dares to pay attention to this technique.

   Now that there is this "unexpected" opportunity, they naturally want to take it down.


  Su Lun went to the trading secret room, exchanged some items, and then replaced the complete volume of [No Servant] secret method.

  The goods at the auction are not getting more and more expensive, but there are also ups and downs. The volume of "No Servant" is considered the most valuable item in the front market.

   When Su Lun returned, he didn't wait long, just in time for the slave auction in the midfield.

   A group of demihumans were sent to the auction table, and there were twenty or thirty samples in a large iron cage.

   They wear chains on their hands and feet, and explosive collars around their necks.

   The male demihumans are as majestic as tigers and leopards, and the females are graceful and graceful.

   Old, weak, sick and disabled with poor quality, they were killed during the raid a long time ago.

   This is a normal product at auction.

   As soon as these slaves came out, the wealthy businessmen who had been waiting to buy slaves also made a noise.

   "Oh... wild, more flavorful than those domesticated demihumans."

   "Hey, the quality is very high. This batch of goods must be of the quality of these rabbit-breed demihumans. If you adjust it, it will be a big fire, and you can make at least ten times the profit..."


  As the human beings under the stage pointed and pointed, the demimen slapped the iron cage, and uttered an unyielding roar like a beast.

  Su Lun's gaze also fell on those demihumans, wanting to see who Mr. Jing said that might have a very special identity.

   But it looks a bit blind, one type, it seems that they are all the same.

   The starting price was released together, and soon the price began to rise.

  The price of subhuman slaves is higher than that of humans. Usually, as long as the quality is not bad, the wholesale unit price of auction houses is about 300,000 to 500,000 risos/piece. In other words, for this batch of two hundred, the total price is not more than one hundred million to be considered reasonable.

   After all, demihumans have to be tamed, the stronger the wild, the harder it is to tame.

   Two hundred will survive in the end, I don’t know how many.

   Su Lun also raised his cards twice, and the price quickly rose to more than 80 million.

   Then there were fewer people bidding.

   But he didn't expect that this time the third box on the second floor offered another price: "100 million!"

   That guy directly pushed the price to a high price that normal merchants would not dare to be interested in.

   Su Lun looked at him, and calmly raised his card again, "One hundred and ten million!"

   If it is an ordinary slave, he really has no interest.

   But he promised to help Mr. Jing to save these demihumans.

   No matter how high the price is, you have to buy it.

   It's really going to be taken away by someone else, that's even more troublesome.

   "One hundred and fifty million!"

   "Two hundred million!"

   "Two hundred fifty million!"

   Box No. 3 also increased the price many times, and Su Lun followed up again and again.

  Su Lun knew that it was probably because he took [No Servant] before, and the other party was testing his attitude and identity.

   But after all, it is a group of slaves, no matter how high it is.

   Afterwards, each time Su Lun increased the price very high, it gave people a feeling of deliberately driving up the price.

   He knows very well that his family background is not qualified in the eyes of that kind of big arms dealer.

   The other party doesn't care about this small amount of money, but he definitely doesn't want to be "taken advantage of".

   But Su Lun was bound to buy those slaves. Only with the legal possession certificate could he send those demihumans out to sea.

   But this behavior is in the eyes of others, that is, it is more serious to fight with the people in the third box.

   Everyone else is watching the excitement.

   Box No. 3 bids more and more carefully.

   It was probably suspected that Su Lun was a nurse specially invited by the pirates, and the third box also disappeared.

   In the end, he bought the slaves at a price that was twice the market price.


  Su Lun paid the money and left the auction house without waiting for the last lot of auction items.

   Although he guessed that the finale was the [Super Mechanic Warrior Drawing], he was also very interested in taking a point for research. But looking at the situation, his financial resources are not at all mixed.

  Furthermore, the increasingly solemn atmosphere in the auction room also gave Su Lun a guess: The neuro-mechanical technology secretly researched by Grand Duke Rafael is probably of the first-class level in the world on the ground.

   Otherwise, it would definitely not attract so many big arms dealers, as well as ambassadors from mechanical holy sites like the Marfa Empire to bid.

   He had a faint hunch that no matter who took the drawing, things would not be that simple.

   Not long after, Pier 7 in Port Catalunya.

   This is a general cargo port. Su Lun bought a sea boat before and stored sufficient fresh water and food.

   After a while, the auction staff drove a steam trailer and sent several large iron cages covered with canvas to the dock.

   The porter unloaded the cage and pulled the canvas apart. In the cage, it was the group of 200 Asians that he had photographed.

   There was a sudden light in front of his eyes, and the undomesticated demi-people showed fierce gazes, staring fiercely at the human in front of them.

   Killing intent and hatred are as real.

   If it were not for the chains and iron cages, these demihumans would probably tear the human in front of them.

   The staff member pointed to the label on the cage and said, "Sir, this is the goods you photographed."

   He looked at Su Lun alone, and kindly reminded him: "Sir, do I need to help you arrange transportation on the ship?"

  Su Lun shook his head, "No need. Give me the key."

   "Huh? Oh..."

   The staff was taken aback, didn't ask much, and handed over the keys.

   This is the key to unlock the slave chain and the explosive collar around his neck.

  As the staff walked away, Su Lun looked at the demi people in the box and asked, "Does anyone know the lingua franca?"

   Those demi-humans ignored him at all.


  Su Lun sighed helplessly, and muttered in his heart: Mr. Mirror clearly said that the Druids of the Daru tribe should be able to speak lingua franca.

   I hope I didn’t buy the wrong person.

   Su Lun changed his way of thinking, and then grumbled a strange sentence: "&*%ф%¥ё¥..."

   This is an oath that Mr. Jing told him when he signed the contract that year. It meant: "The agreement reached cannot be torn apart. Beauty is only a blooming flower. Friendship is the rock that will last forever."

   As soon as these words came out, the demi people in the iron cage immediately calmed down.

   The killing intent in their eyes instantly turned into doubts, looking at Su Lun, puzzled.

  Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, as if the money was not in vain.

   But he only speaks Daru, and then he is gone. Instead, he said in lingua franca: "You should know what this sentence means. I am not malicious."

After a pause, he took out the mammoth amulet he had previously obtained from the sea snake gang, and said: "Entrusted by man, following the covenant of the year, I will rescue you now. There is enough water and food on board. You can take a boat back to the North. Of course, if you don’t know how to sail, I can help you hire some sailors..."

   paused, he looked at these dazed demihumans, and asked, "Do you understand me?"

   There was another awkward silence.

   Looking at those confused eyes, these demihumans really didn't understand.

  Su Lun felt that if they didn't understand, things would be a little troublesome.

   Although he didn't feel the killing intent now, he didn't dare to open the iron cage.

   I didn't think about it. At this time, a bear species over two meters high spoke up, "Excuse me, where did you hear this sentence?"

  Su Lun asked, "Are you a Druid of the Daru tribe?"

   Black bear demi-ren nodded and said, "Yes. You can call me Pasu."

   He looked at Su Lun with complicated eyes, and said in a lamenting tone: "The current human beings all call us ‘subhuman slaves’, but no one calls us the Dalu anymore."

   Being able to communicate is a good thing.

  Su Lun also let out a sigh of relief.

   He always thought that the druid should be a wise man like a little old man, but he didn't expect it to be these five big and three thick bears. If I remember correctly, he was temporarily passed over on stage just now.

   He didn't know how to introduce Mr. Mirror's identity. After thinking about it, he showed his [Seleya's blessing].

  On this ring, there happens to be the coat of arms of the Isaac family.

  He only said: "That person has other things to deal with now, and can't do it for the time being. She asked me to tell you that someone still remembers the covenant that year. The friendship between mankind and the Daru will not die."

   Su Lun felt a bit unreliable when he was so flirty.

   After all, slave arrest is a very **** process.

   These are the strong, old, weak, sick and disabled, who have been killed during the arrest.

  In other words, it is not an exaggeration for humans to have annihilation against demihumans.

   is definitely not a word that can clear up the past.

   I didn't think about it, these people are unexpectedly good at communicating.

   Hearing and seeing the coat of arms on the ring, he immediately understood something. Hearing these words again, the black bear demihuman nodded in approval, with a completely convinced look in his eyes!

   Then, he said something to the other demi-humans in the iron cage.

   The status of this druid seems to be extremely high. Hearing what he said, the Daru tribe immediately calmed down. Then they looked at Su Lun with the same inconceivable, grateful, shocked, and friendly complex eyes.

   In these gazes, Su Lun felt no trace of hostility anymore.


   Su Lun couldn't understand what "covenant" could be so powerful, and actually let them immediately put down their genocide.

   However, this is a good sign, so he opened the iron cage without hesitation, and then handed them the key to unlock the explosive collar.

   The collar on the neck fell off, and those Daru people were also a little unbelievable, and they were free again?

   Then, the Daru people bowed to Surenzi and performed a breast protection ceremony, "Thank you for your rescue. The Daru people will always remember this kindness."

   Su Lun felt a little awkward when he heard "Warrior" vocabulary this time. He just gave a little money, but he wasn't a warrior.

   The one who really deserves to be thanked is Mr. Mirror.

   He thought it was the spoken language of the Dalu tribe, but he didn't care, and didn't dare to take credit.

   This is not the time for small talk.

   Fortunately, these people can sail the boats themselves, and there is no need for them to hire sailors.

   After a few greetings, Su Lun sent these people onto the boat.

   Raise the anchor, Yang Fan.

  Although the ship was full of demihumans and the steward of the dock looked a little weird, Suren had a complete set of slave certificates and was not troubled.

   As long as the ship leaves the harbor, things will come to an end.

   It is also the first time that Su Lun and these demihumans have met. There is no friendship, except for being polite, there is nothing to talk about.

   I didn't think about it, but when he was parting, the demiman of the Pasu Black Bear tribe made a prayer on the deck, and his hands glowed with gleaming green light.

   opened his eyes again, and there was a wise luster in his eyes that was completely incompatible with his majestic size.

   Su Lun looked a little puzzled, and didn't understand what he was doing.

   Never thought, Pasu said at this time: "Warrior, the prophecy tells me that you will experience a death in the future. But... the ocean will protect you."

   Suren's eyelids twitched slightly: "..."

   Death Tribulation?

  Professional talents do have prophetic talents, but the market says that they can predict, and ninety-nine percent of them are liars.

   The so-called prophecies are some inferences after listening.

   But, Mr. Mirror said, the Druids of the Daru tribe are really good at prophesying!

   Suren watched the ship leaving, instinctively asked: "Mr. Passo, what do you mean by this prediction?"

   Pasu shook his head, did not speak, only smiled and blessed: "Warrior, the goddess of nature will bless you."

   said, a group of demi people on the boat also made a gesture of holding fists and praying, as if to give Su Lun a blessing again.

   Prophecy has a price, and it is not small.

   Seeing this, Su Lun didn't ask too much, and shook his hand at the ship slowly leaving the port.

   But he thought that he was an alchemist, not a god.

   He didn't think that the goddess of nature would shelter him.

   However, Su Lun did not despise the prophecy made by Pasu just now.

   Since it is a "death robbery," then the problem is not small.

   "The ocean will shelter me?"

  Su Lun frowned, and wondered in his heart: "Is it because there are dangers on land and I should go to sea as soon as possible? Or do I have to jump into the sea when there is danger?"

   There are many myths about "prophecy" in this world.

   If it is not for liars and inadequate technology, prediction means something will happen.

   In other words, I must have encountered a death catastrophe?

   Su Lun immediately took it seriously.

   And just now, chances are that hostile eyes have been swept over him.

   "A member of the Sea Snake Gang?"

  Su Lun looked at the guys who looked like gangsters in dress,

   These guys are not "death" to him.


  The Sea Snake Gang is a local snake in Kadurant, but this kind of gang is far behind the chaotic three big gangs in the outer city of Old Lingdun.

   These guys also engage in petty theft, smuggling, and blackmail outsiders.

   Although there are several Tier 3 professionals in the gang, and the cadres are Tier 2, their strength is very average.

   After all, they don't have any pressure to survive, they are gangsters, and they are pure and lazy. Those with a little ability are thinking about going to the nobles and wealthy merchants to find a future.

  Su Lun watched several guys in leather jackets coming over with muskets, without any panic on his face.

  His eyes were not on these few guys who seemed to be walking vainly, but a lot of them.

   a total of eight people were sensed, six of them surrounded, one looking out, and one was aiming at him with a sniper rifle on a high tower in the distance.

   These guys are very familiar on the dock. When they come, the keeper of the dock disappears.

   Several people gathered towards Su Lun.

   is the head of the explosive head, and there is an impression in the memory that Sulun stripped off. The deputy leader of the Sea Serpent Gang, Frank "Poison Fang", is a Tier 3 assassin who is good at using poison.

   Su Lun saw that there was no other troublesome existence, so he didn't have to jump into the sea even thinking about it.

   He intends to see the situation.

   The other party saw that Su Lun did not change. Frank stopped not far away and asked, "Brother, where are you from?"

   Su Lun was also very on the road, and asked, "Where is the offense?"

   "Yo... or someone on the road?"

   Frank was slightly surprised, but a touch of contempt passed in his eyes.

   People on the road, in other words, are not nobles anymore.

  His tone is no longer polite: "You have offended a big man who shouldn't offend. Someone is asking you for trouble, and if you have a family, you can quickly explain it, otherwise..."

   When Su Lun heard this, his thoughts became active.

  I just came to this city, but there are no old enemies.

   The thing that thought it was the interception of Viscount Primo was tracked down, but it didn't seem to be the case.

   Then at the auction, the one in Box 3?

  Su Lun thought of this, but he was a little bit confused. How many gangsters would be sent by the Imperial Capital Arms Dealer?

   doesn't seem to be right.

   But thinking about it and unable to ask a result, Su Lun walked towards the private person in front of him.

   "Poison Fang" Frank watched Su Lun walk over, and immediately became alert, and shouted sharply, "Hey! You stop!"

  Su Lun didn't care about what he said, and didn't care about the barrels of the guns pointed at him, and it was forbidden to go ahead.

   A few sea snake gangs were suppressed by this momentum. They were here to test. Didn't think that they would not talk nonsense at all, and they meant to do something?

   But, after all, they are gangsters who have been arrogant. In this place, there are still people who dare to do something against them?

   Anyway, the previous ones were planning to get down and ask, and they were talking to them!

   The green poisoned dagger in Frank's hand pulled out a beautiful knife, but as soon as he turned it over, Yao looked at the three people around him with a glittering silk thread on his neck.

   Frank didn't have time to remind the boys, he instinctively leaned back and avoided the deadly thread.

   But the three people around him didn't react, and a **** arrow shot out from the neck, and their heads fell to the ground.

   Frank said "not good" in his heart, and he knew he had met the top power.

   And almost at the same time, with a "pop", the sniper in the distance also fired!

   Frank secretly said a good opportunity, this shot can kill the target without saying it, at least it can create a chance for him to attack.

   Just let his poison dagger break through the skin, no matter how strong it is!

   However, what people did not expect was that the man in front of him tilted his head very quickly before the gunshot, and then listened to the sound of the bullet hitting the floor!

   How could he avoid the bullet of the sniper rifle so easily?

   This shocked Frank beyond repair, at least no one of the Tier 3 professionals he knew could do this!

   What’s even more shocking is that Su Lun raised his hand and drew out the musket from his waist, "touched" two shots, returned one shot, and hit the one looking out for the wind.

   After a short while, I heard a small shot from a tall tower in the distance!

   Blind pistol shot?

   Premium guns!

   and...what kind of marksmanship!

   Frank was horrified, and a retreat was born in an instant.

   He avoided the silk thread, but his feet were not slow, he crossed over, wanting to jump into the sea.

   But Su Lun is faster!

   "Boom" hit the air, Su Lun's figure jumped more than ten meters into the air, kicking the figure that was flying in the air with one leg.

   Frank's fighting skills are not bad, and Su Lun originally had to spend some time in close combat to win.

   But he didn't want to delay any more time on the dock. As soon as the five puppets were pulled out, they hit one in six, and in a blink of an eye they smashed that guy into a blood sieve.


   Su Lun killed the Sea Snake Gang when they met each and didn't give them a chance to signal.

  Looking at the corpse on the ground, he flattened his mouth and murmured in disgust: "It's so fancy...Fighting with a knife?"

   These extra actions can be pretended to be at the same level, but encountering someone with sharp means like Su Lun is purely a life-death action.

   At this level, as a gangster, this Sea Snake Gang has too many amateurs than the Cross Club he had stayed in before.

   Suren harvested the souls of a few corpses, and received no useful information. It is expected that those who want to send them should just try it out at will.

   However, he didn't worry much.

   After all, I plan to leave by boat early tomorrow morning.

   The treatment here is clean, and no one will look at him.

   "Counting the time, the auction house should be over too..."

   When Su Lun thought of this, he had a vague premonition in his heart.


  In the distance, Oak Street suddenly exploded into a fierce battle!

  Su Lun looked over suddenly, looked at the fire in the distance, and then distinguished the sound of the steam boiler explosion, and guessed: "Trouble the group of mechanical warriors to fight with people?"


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