Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 244: Accepted 1 disciple

   Jike calmed down a lot.

   Although I have only seen him once before, Su Lun has a good impression of this little boy who is enthusiastic, cheerful, polite, smart and studious.

   But now Jike is dumbfounded like a puppet.

   He followed Su Lun silently with a walking stick, silent.

   After walking a few steps and leaving the central square, Jike still couldn't help but said, "Are you Mr. Nicholas?"

   Because of the freezing stiffness, his voice shivered.

  Su Lun said lightly: "Yeah."

   "It's really you..."

   Jike listened with mixed feelings. .

   He had no relatives in Blizzard City, and now his father died, the chamber of commerce has become the vicious lady's men, and no one will come to save him.

   Never thought that the gentleman who had been rescued at sea would come to rescue himself.

But after another thought, Jike thought of something, and worried: "Mr. Nicholas, thank you for your help. But... you shouldn't come out to save me. I'm not dead, and the dog and man will send someone to chase me down. You will also be implicated."

   " doesn't matter."

   Su Lun smiled disapprovingly.

   He naturally perceives the two sneaky guys behind him.

  The level of tracking is very amateur, far worse than those of last night, looking like a blizzard bastard.

  Jike heard this, his eyes full of anxiety.

   Although he knew that Mr. Nicholas was a great rune teacher,

   But... Raman is a very strong Tier 3 professional!

   Su Lun didn’t explain much, and asked casually: "What happened, how did you become like this?"

When Jike heard this, grief and anger surged into his heart, "The dog and the man murdered my father at sea. An old servant tried desperately to stop me. I jumped into the sea and escaped because of the inflatable life raft you sent me. Luckily survived...then I came to Blizzard City and wanted to expose the vicious face of the dog man and woman. I didn’t expect that woman was prepared for a long time. As soon as I showed up, I was almost caught... The bomb, a broken leg, escaped my life..."

   The plot is similar to what Su Lun guessed.

   The Raman captain and Jike’s stepmother Marianne have hooked up long ago. Even the two of them were male and female thieves, disguising their identities, specializing in seducing the rich, and then making accidents and seeking family property.

   Benson didn't intend to take his son Jike on a voyage. He couldn't hold the pillow wind from Marianne, so he brought it along.

  Only when the heir is also killed, as the widow, can she inherit the Benson family property.

   But now, there was an accident, and Jike was not dead.

   also means that if you don't kill him, the couple will not get Benson's property.

   That Raman was just an ordinary Tier 3 profession, and Su Lun didn't take it seriously. Instead, he was more interested in Jike's affairs and asked: "The bomb you used in the hotel before was made by yourself?"

   Jike nodded: "Yes."

  Su Lun remembered the previous liquid bomb that was more powerful than conventional explosives, and asked: "You made the special nitro compound used in the bomb?"

Although Jike didn’t know why Sullen asked this, he nodded instinctively, and said: “Yeah. I found an incomplete ancient goblin explosive formula in the college library. Later, I tried it many times and just got it. Out."

  Su Lun finds it very interesting. In this case, this guy's talent for tinkering with explosives is really not low, "Don't you want to be a designer? How do you like tinkering with explosives?"


   Hearing this, Jike fell silent.

As if thinking of something, there was sadness in his eyes, he sighed, and then said: "No, that is actually my father's expectation. He wants me to become an architect in the future. You know, even in the upper empire. Society, designer is also a very decent profession. My father does not want me to play with those dangerous explosives, I..."

   Saying this, Jike's eyes are already full of tears.

   My most beloved father is no longer there.

He was sad, and his face was full of contradictions and hideousness: "But in fact, my real ideal is to be an'ammunition expert'. My dream is to make the most powerful bomb in the world. I like the burning and blooming of gunpowder. At that moment, I..."

   As he talked, his expression darkened, and his voice suddenly weakened, "If I could make a more powerful bomb, my father wouldn't..."

   Su Lun listened blankly.

   Hatred is often the biggest driving force for people to make progress. What Jike bears now may not be bad for him in the future.

   Having said this, Jike glanced at Sulun again and asked, "Mr. Nicholas, do you know... that vicious woman was blown to death?"

   "No. She only had one leg broken."

  Su Lun shook his head, perceiving something, and added: "Otherwise, I won't send someone to stare at you."

   Hearing this, Jike also understood something, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

   At this time, Su Lun had led him into an alley among red-brick houses.

   He turned his head and found the two amateur stalkers. Before he wanted to say something, he watched the two people who were chasing into the alley suddenly stopped there.

   Without warning, the head fell to the ground.


   Jike didn't know how Sulun did it, but was stunned by the scene before him.

   He never thought that killing would be such an understatement. He looked at the human fountain in front of him, and was stunned, "You...?"

  Su Lun walked over, cleaned up the corpse very skillfully, and greeted him calmly: "Let's go."

   Blizzard City does not allow the use of force, but the premise is to be discovered by the security guard.

   If you can kill people silently and the corpse is processed, the murder case will not be established.

   Jike looked at the back of the man who left calmly after the murder, and was deeply moved.


  Su Lun found a hotel nearby and settled Jike down.

   The injury on his body is not a major problem. After using a medicine to solve the frostbite, he will recover in a few days.

   The rest of his life Jike was wrapped up like a mummy, and he was grateful, "Thank you for saving me, Mr. Nicholas."

  Su Lun took off the rubber gloves used for the operation, and said lightly: "No. You and your father once rescued me."

   He looked at Jike, but he was injured but broke a leg, which was also a big trouble.

   Thinking of helping people to the end, Su Lun took out a steam mechanical leg and said: "If you don't mind, I plan to install a mechanical prosthesis for you."

   This is the finest item among the spoils seized in Old Lingdun. Although it is not neuromechanical technology, it is no problem to satisfy daily life.

   Jike looked at this mechanical leg, his eyes straightened immediately.

  He is not an ordinary civilian. There is a special steam machinery course in the Preparatory Academy.

   Seeing this well-made mechanical leg, his eyes straightened immediately: There is actually a miniature steam boiler? This is probably a military-grade advanced mechanical leg!

   He wanted it, but he thought of something, he hesitated: "This...I... But Mr. Nicholas, I don't have the money to buy such an advanced mechanical leg now."

  Su Lun shook his head, "No. For you."

   said, began to disassemble the mechanical leg mounting device.

  Su Lun’s reserves of mechanical knowledge allowed him to easily disassemble the finished mechanical leg. He even took out some parts and modified them on a temporary basis, making them more suitable for small people.

   After a short while, the mechanical legs are installed.

   Jike immediately went down and walked, running and jumping without hindrance, except for the slight mechanical sound, the action is not much different from that of a real person's legs. And there are some attack devices that charge up and sprint.

   After so many days, a smile appeared on his face for the first time.

  Su Lun felt that he had done everything he needed to do, and the favors were still over, so he didn't plan to stay any longer, and exhorted: "Live well in the future. Don't even think about getting killed with that kind of person. It's not worth it."

   Jike watched Sulun leaving, with too many words of gratitude in his heart, but at the moment he felt that they were very much said, "Wait, Mr. Nicholas!"

   Su Lun looked back at him.


   Jike became stammered from nervousness.

   After a moment of hesitation, he bowed abruptly, finally plucked up the courage to speak, "Please accept me as a disciple!"

   Where did he not find out that Mr. Nicholas in front of him is not only an excellent rune teacher, but also proficient in medicine and very sophisticated mechanical technology.

   There is no better candidate to be a teacher than such a polymath!

   The most important thing is that the figure that calmly murdered before has been firmly imprinted in Jike's heart, and he finally knows what kind of person he wants to be in the future.


   When Su Lun heard this, he thought about a lot of things in a flash.

   The talent is good and the temperament is good, he is just afraid of the trouble of accepting disciples.

There were not many surprises in his eyes, he said lightly: "My identity is a bit special. If you become my disciple, you may be involved in countless times more trouble in the future than now. And even if I accept you as a disciple, I may I won’t have a lot of time to teach you. Have you thought about it?"

   "I'm thinking about it!"

   Jike said firmly, "If my father is dead, I don't have any relatives anymore. Please accept me as a disciple!"

   As he said, he knelt on one knee and spread his hands forward. This was a mentorship ceremony. Means: Teacher, please grant me knowledge.

   Su Lun thought for a moment when he saw him giving this great gift: "Okay! From now on, you will be my disciple."

   Jike respectfully yelled: "Teacher!"

   The first time that Su Lun accepted an apprentice, he was a little bit stunned and didn't know what to do. He thought of his teacher Seleya and asked: "What do you want to learn?"

   Jike was also a little surprised to hear. Didn’t the teacher teach his disciples what he was good at?

   He also responded nicely: "Whatever the teacher teaches, what the disciple learns."

Su Lun said: "I have learned a lot, alchemy, runes, medical treatment, machinery, various types of art, occult, pharmacy...I know a little bit. Alchemists must be knowledgeable. But human energy is limited. , The future path, you need to make your own choice."

  Su Lun knows his own way and it is not suitable for others. Others do not have the talent of [Death Reaper].

   Not everyone is an erudite Mr. Black.


   Jike heard this, and immediately felt strange in his heart.

   How could anyone do everything?

   If he hadn't known that Su Lun had demonstrated his profound knowledge of machinery and runes, he would definitely think this was an unreliable teacher.

  Think about him and said: "Teacher, I want to learn about runes and mechanical blasting!"


  Su Lun also nodded, thinking it was good, the future upper limit of mechanical thermal weapons will be infinitely high, "Since you are accepted as a disciple, then I will give you a small meeting gift."

   Dynamite is actually a side door in the branch of alchemy pharmacy.

   Once in ancient times, an alchemist discovered that in the process of refining medicine, certain materials were mixed in proportion to cause an explosion, and then it slowly evolved into a specialized subject.

With that said, Su Lun took out a dozen thick classics from the storage space, which were nearly half a person tall, and said: "These are classics of first-order runes and introductory mechanical knowledge. You can take a look first. The magic knowledge content of these classics may not be the same as the knowledge system you have learned before. If you don’t understand, you can ask me."

  Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something again, and took out some mechanical drawings he had studied, "There are also these introductory drawings, you can take a look if you feel interested..."

  Jike is now a graduate of the Preparatory College, which is the level of a "mechanical apprentice", these classics are long enough for him to digest.

   Teaching is the task of the teachers in the academy, which is very cumbersome.

  Su Lun didn't plan to teach Jike hands-on, nor did he have this time.

   So, he plans to "stock".


   Jike looked at some of the classics that Su Lun had taken out one after another, his eyes getting more and more wrong.

   You must know that the alchemy knowledge classics belonged to the aristocracy in the Luying Empire.

   In addition to various preparatory colleges, there are some channels to obtain some introductory knowledge. The follow-up advanced knowledge can only be obtained by going to the Royal Academy or loyal to a certain nobleman. Circulation is also prohibited on the market.

   He thought that what Su Lun had brought out were "textbooks" with only vague theoretical knowledge, but he didn't even think about it, but was stunned.

   Especially things like alchemy formulas and mechanical drawings, which are protected by patents on the outside and will never be circulated.

   is in front of me at the moment, but like selling waste paper, I was thrown out by my teacher in a pile.

   The value of these blueprint formulas is invaluable!

   Surely most of what Su Lun brought out were "textbooks", but the textbooks of Old Ling Dun were different from those of the outside world.

  In order for Grand Duke Raphael to make Old Lingdun his secret research base, many textbooks are "super-class" and have no "barriers". What's more, there is the knowledge that has been independently researched after the excavation of ancient ruins. Anyway, they are all in their own mines, and knowledge cannot flow out, so textbooks are almost unlimited, and they contain a lot of rare knowledge from the outside world.

   This is also the most important reason why the technological level of the underground city is much higher than that of the Luying Empire as a whole.

   However, Jike naturally didn't know all of this.

   He is just getting more and more surprised, what is the source of his own teacher?

   Jike has experienced a great fall in his life these days, and he thinks that probably nothing will shock him.

   can look at the "little meeting ceremony" in front of him, he vaguely feels that the origin of his teacher is a bit wild...

   And, the most terrifying thing is that the teacher can answer whatever you ask yourself!

   "Teacher, I didn't kill that person with the bomb before. Is it because the amount of medicine is low?"

   "It's not a matter of the dose, but you misestimated the crisis response ability of Tier 3 professionals. But if the dose is larger, it will indeed be better."

   "But that is the limit I tested. No matter how much the medicine is, it will be very unstable and the explosion will be out of control."

   "To solve this problem, you can start with runes. On page 119 of "Introduction to Machinery", there is a record of the section "The relationship between runes and the stability of directional explosion"..."

   "Teacher, are you [a polymath] or a [generalist]?"

   "No, I am [Puppeteer]."

   "What kind of professional is that?"

   "I have a chance to tell you later..."



  Su Lun gave those "meeting gifts", and Jike was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

   This guy does have a talent for learning, and he reads those boring professional knowledge with gusto.

   As a teacher, Su Lun also stayed in the hotel until noon, and solved many of Jike's problems.

   It's not that he is very idle, but because of this time, the tavern area in the city will open.

   He is going to get some news and needs to go to a special tavern.

   Blizzard City’s entertainment industry is very developed. Most of the people in the city are adventurers and businessmen who are willing to spend money. Because it is the place of origin of slaves, the Fengyuechang here is also very famous.

   is in Dongcheng, there is a lively entertainment district, and there is a humble pub called "Sailor Tavern" on the street.

   There are many alcoholics dressed as sailors in this tavern, but in fact, they are all pirates!

   This is the "secret meeting place" where pirates big and small in the North Sea meet.

  Sulun wanted to find out when the Daru slaves were transported away. This is the most appropriate place.

   Because it was noon, when Su Lun came, there seemed to be no one in the tavern.

  As soon as he entered the door, he walked straight to the spare room behind the tavern.

   Where there are two brawny men wearing leather jackets with large chest hairs guarding them. Their eyes are very vicious, and it is easy to distinguish the difference between the pirates who wander at sea all year round and the people on the shore.

   Su Lun didn't give them time to doubt, and threw out two silver coins for a tip. It was not like the first time he came, and he walked over in a familiar way.

   through a passage leading to the underground, there is no cave in the sky.

   Suren came to a very spacious underground tavern.

   In the pirate tavern, there is no shortage of good wine.

   There is also a wine counter here, with a dazzling variety of drinks. Looking at the labels on the bottles, some of the rare goods that even high-ranking nobles and even the royal family offer are pirates robbed of thief goods.

   Su Lun sensed that there were still several secret passages extending in all directions in the basement. There is space under the wooden boards in the warehouse, after the naked oil painting on the wall, and behind the wine barrels on the bar...

   This also relieved Su Lun a lot.

   Although there are not many people in the pirate tavern, there are a few wisps of soul fire that are not weak. One fourth-order, several third-orders. Not surprisingly, they are all pirates with bounties on the bounty list.

   The lights here are very dim, and a limited number of people at a few tables are discussing things in their respective compartments. There is a soundproofing prohibition, so they can’t hear what to talk about.

  Su Lun took his seat and ordered an expensive drink, which was regarded as a "ticket".

   After a while, there was a thin man with a red comb head and tattoos all over his face.

   "Hey, where is the sail brother?"

   was a slang term commonly used among pirates, and Su Lun responded fluently.

   The cockscomb head didn't see any abnormalities, so I got to the point.

   "Brothers want to inquire about the news, or do you want to sell?"

   "I want detailed information on the recent shipments of slaves by the "Sun Chamber of Commerce", cargo information, time, **** force, what ship..."

   "Oh, the Sun Chamber of Commerce is not easy to provoke."

   "Add 30% commission."

   "Good! Thanks to your patronage, one hundred thousand liso, half of the first payment."


   "This news is indeed a bit difficult... but I will definitely reply to you within today!"


   Inquiring about this kind of information in the pirate tavern will come the fastest without any trouble.

   Cockscomb left, and Su Lun waited patiently in the tavern for news.

  Looking at him alone, the accompaniment girls who worked in the pub also came over, all of them looked good and dressed very revealing.

   The rude pirates don't just come here to drink stuffy wine. Su Lun didn't behave outrageously. He randomly picked two blonde girls, drinking and chatting.

   "Any interesting news on the sea recently?"

   "The butcher of the Tulip Chamber of Commerce was killed, and there was a lot of trouble in the middlemen circle..."

   "I heard that the red shark pirate group is gone, it seems to have offended a big bounty hunter..."

   "The "Hercules" August of the big bounty hunter has recently come to the north..."

   "The "King of the North Sea" heard that there has been a big move recently and many people have been gathered..."


   Su Lun who is waiting for the news is not in a Those intelligence dealers said that if they can send news today, they naturally have their channels.

   The two girls are also very warm-hearted, and time flies quickly.

   Gradually, the tavern became lively.

   Pirates are not only humans, but also giants, trolls...

   In Sulun's perception, there are many powerful soul breaths.

   just sweep, it is the big pirate with bounty.

   Brando Matic, the leader of the "Iron Cross Pirates" with a reward of 63 million riso; Janic Beasley, the first officer of the "Strange Snake Pirates" with a reward of 33 million riso; a reward of 55 million...

   Many of these big pirates didn't hide their faces after they entered the tavern. It seemed that being recognized was also an honor, and the high bounty was also a boastful capital.

   is simply a bounty for a group of walking.

   Su Lun listened with interest to the group of pirates boasting about their achievements, and soon understood some things in the pirate circle.

   Kejiu drank, suddenly, Su Lun raised his eyebrows and looked towards the stairs.

   Although the guy with the mustache disguised well, Su Lun recognized her soul fire. Isn't it the girl named Katyusha?

  What is she doing in the pirate tavern?


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