Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 247: pirate

Source of "Mechanical Alchemist":

Before the smuggling gang reacted, Su Lun sent Jike on board Lu Ying's merchant ship.

For his own disciple, Su Lun felt that he had done everything he needed to do, and he had to go on his own for the rest of the road.

Su Lun left the pier, changed his outfit, and got in the crowd again.

As for the smuggling gang's revenge, Su Lun didn't care too much.

Not to mention that he has been very careful, the other party probably does not know his existence.

What's more, even if someone else finds it, it's not a big problem.

I've inquired before that the boss of this gang is only Tier 4.

In Old Lingdun, the gangs are for survival, and the harsh living environment also makes the three big gangs have many ruthless characters in the hidden dragons and crouching tigers. .

In the world on the ground, gangsters are mostly lazy, and few have real skills. At least, this is true for gangs in small cities like Blizzard City.

Even if he can't beat him, he still has a certain degree of confidence to protect himself.

After a few days of not going out, Su Lun did not rush back, but went to the market for a tour, planning to buy some alchemy materials.

The magic core in the north is high-quality and cheap, which is much richer than the pure dark energy element of the curse crystal, and can meet more alchemy needs. There are also some consumables for enchanting runes, which also need to be supplemented.

Then I went to the black market and picked some scattered charts from several sailing shops, and then there were adventure maps in the "Silent Forest".

That's right, it's the black market.

The fine nautical charts and maps of this world are all prohibited items for military use. Cartographer is also a very rare and noble profession, exclusive to major nobles. Except for Lu Ying's official, anyone who dares to print privately is a felony of "espionage". Therefore, most of the charts in the world are hand-painted versions of seafarers and adventurers, with low accuracy and many deviations and errors. Still very expensive.

But something is better than nothing. Su Lun feels that it is always good for someone like himself who may run away at any time to prepare more maps.

After shopping around, Su Lun also found a lot of useful materials.

The death of No. 20 and 30 in the Blacksmith Hotel was probably also known to the "smuggling gang" high-level officials, and you could see all kinds of **** looking for people everywhere on the street.

Su Lun didn't have the slightest worry at all, so he found a hotel and opened a room.


Early the next morning.

Suren arrived at the pier in Blizzard City early in the morning.

The group of slaves from the "Sun Slave Firm" will cross the sea to transport Lu Ying today.

Surun deliberately came a quarter of an hour early, and strolled around the dock, confirming that the Daru tribe was on the slave ship.

Yuta, who was in the crowd, also smelled the scent of the tribe.

The two pretended not to know each other, and boarded the boat one after another.

Suren also took a special look at it. He spotted one of the three before and followed Uta to the dock.

But the guy didn't get on the boat.

Su Lun didn't think that those people had given up tracking.

On the contrary, this is a very clever alternate tracking method, which confuses the public.

At this time, even Su Lun couldn't tell who was the stalker in the crowd.

However, he became more curious, what are these people doing after Yuta?

Not long after, the fleet set up anchors and sailed, and three-masted sailboats left the harbour.

It was almost the same as when I came, and there were ten boats traveling together. But the big trading houses like the Sun Chamber of Commerce have their own **** teams, and they don't need accompanying adventurers, so Suren and Uta are mixed on the merchant ships behind.

The voyage to Lu Ying is not short, and there are many opportunities for hands-on.

Surun's original plan was to wait for a dark night with high winds or stormy weather, and use the cover of night and sea fog to pass over the sea and directly hijack the ship containing the demi-human slaves.

He has [Steinitz's Chessboard] and [Shroud of the Iceman of Oz] in his hand, which is hard to find. Even if the **** leader of Tier 4 was on the ship, he could be subdued without causing too much movement.

The ideal situation is to hijack the slave ship and leave quietly when no one notices it.

However, the only thing that makes Suren feel variable is the person following Youta.

If he couldn't figure out the other party's purpose, he became more cautious.

Su Lun's perception could not cover the next few ships. He was not sure whether there were any masters beyond his ability, so he kept observing silently.


During the day, the wind was sunny, and the fleet sailed smoothly.

Probably God was also helping them with the robbery plan. Soon after nightfall, the sea was filled with heavy fog.

The air suddenly became damp and cold, and Su Lun, who was reading in the cabin, immediately realized something.

He looked out of the vent of his cabin, and a faint weapon gradually floated on the surface of the sea.

Su Lun felt the humidity in the air, and it seemed that the fog had a tendency to thicken.

This is a good sign.

Obviously the navigator on the ship also discovered the anomaly. At this time, the second mate on the ship also notified the adventurers in the cabin one by one: "We have entered the foggy area, everyone, beware of pirates!"

It is normal to encounter fog on the sea, and both sailors and adventurers with the ship are very calm. It's time to sleep, to brag.

Su Lun estimated that the fog would take about an hour or two, and it would be thickest until midnight, when it was the best time to do it.

He didn't even think about it. He didn't wait until the fog became thicker to start, but someone did it before him!

He was reading the book, and suddenly, he heard violent fighting from the ship behind.





It was the sound of gunfire and sword touching.

Immediately, the entire fleet began to riot.

"Alert! On alert!"

"Everyone, get ready to fight!"


The sound of rapid footsteps on the deck suddenly rang, and the sound of filling ammunition came from the artillery compartment.

"Shoo", "shoo" and "shoo" shot out flares in the sky.

Soon, everyone saw clearly what happened.

"Damn it, it's Hozi! He's robbing the slave ship again!"

"Oh~ I was shocked. I thought I met a pirate. Hozi is not a pirate. They will only rescue slaves, not normal merchants. Don't worry too much."

"But we signed a joint defense agreement. If we don't help, and the guy robs the slaves of the'Sun Firm', we will also have to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages!"


Su Lun followed the crowd onto the deck, and when he heard that the person doing it was "Fist of Justice" Hodge, his expression became even more weird.

He suddenly realized something, the clue fragments in his brain, immediately connected together.

Too many coincidences come together, which may be intentional.

"It's not that the person who followed Yuta is Hozi's subordinate?"

The more Su Lun thought about it, the more possible it became.

Blizzard City has many slaves going out to sea every day, so many slave ships are not intercepted, but this one is intercepted?

Suren thought that the only difference between these slaves was that there was a high-ranking druid among the Daru tribe-Youta!

But what is the purpose of this?

To win the favor of the Daru tribe to achieve a certain purpose?

According to some information recently obtained by Sulun Lenovo, that Hozi was active on the front line of the "Slavery Liberation Movement" and had a good reputation among the foreign races, and he also pulled up a huge team.

"Tsk tsk, interesting..."

If it really came to liberate the slaves, then Su Lun really admired this Hozi.

But now it seems that this guy's motivation is not pure.

The people who tracked Yuta are obviously professional spies, which is not something ordinary forces can cultivate. From this point of view, Hozi is no longer a single-handed "hero of the slave liberation movement". Behind him, there is probably a huge force secretly supporting him.

Those who have the strength to play this way are either a certain top nobleman or the Lu Ying royal family.

Su Lun narrowed his mouth when he thought of this.

Don't think too much, those people do it for the purpose of such a vast land of the northern ice sheet and these alien races on the ice sheet.

And the reality did not wait for Su Lun to think about it, the fierce battle on the sea attracted his attention.


Surun’s eyesight was much better than that of the others. At a glance, he saw that in the mist, some people were fighting on the ship under the banner of the "Northern Chamber of Commerce".

They want to seize the ship.

Some people resisted again.

However, the battle is almost one-sided. Because the strong man on the deck wearing the silver lion armor is exactly the Tier 5 professional "Fist of Justice" Hodge.

The big bounty hunter who once killed more than 100 million pirates!

He was there, and the guards and adventurers of the small chamber of commerce had no room for resistance.

Hozzi jumped onto the deck and shouted as Hong Zhong: "I am Hozzi Soriano. We are here to liberate slaves and not hurt the lives of innocents! But if you dare to stop us, you will be regarded as dirty slaves. Shang’s running dog, let’s kill him!"

As soon as this word came out, the whole world was overwhelmed.

On the other ships that were not from the Sun Trading Company, the support gunshots were immediately extinguished.

Not to mention anything else, this guy's reputation is not bad. Although the slave merchants hated him deeply, in the eyes of ordinary merchants, there is no bad impression. As he said, he is here to rescue the slave. In order to protect the rich man of a big business, it is obviously unwise to fight against such a big master.


A Tier 5 professional suddenly appeared in the fleet, and Su Lun frowned.

However, there is no sense of crisis.

After all, it wasn't for him.

What's more, no matter what Hozi's motive is, those people's purpose of saving slaves is the same as Sulun.

Having such a Tier 5 master shot, it also saved him time.

Su Lun didn't plan to show his face at this juncture either.

He was on the deck, with the others, watching the play with great interest.

And at this time, Yuta, who was in the crowd, also used the communicator to call, "Mr. Sulun, I'll go and see my people first!"

Su Lun think about it,

Huo Qi wanted to save people and get good feelings, so he would definitely not hurt those mainland masters.

It's not dangerous to go to Yuta.

He replied: "Well! Pay attention, that person may have sent someone to follow you recently."

Yuta's response came from the communicator: "Okay!"

With that, a figure jumped into the sea.


The battle didn't last long, and the people led by Huo Qi quickly quelled the resistance.

Not long after, Su Lun watched the three slave ships and the slaves were also released.

At this moment, in the mist not far away, a few boat shadows slowly appeared, seeming to be the people who came to meet Huo Qi.

Su Lun felt that it would be nice to end this way.

I was rescued anyway, saving myself a lot of effort.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Su Lun Erguo moved slightly and heard a "quack" from the sky.

In the night, the dark birds were not very eye-catching, even with his eyesight, he only saw some black shadows flying from a distance.


Su Lun looked up, but frowned.

When he was in Old Lingtown, he committed suicide by a guy who raised crows, knowing that this kind of bird's habits heralded unknown.

Crows cannot fly long distances.

Now that crows appear on the sea, it means...someone is domesticating them on a nearby boat!

Moreover, listening to the sound of the flapping wings became denser and denser, obviously there were a lot of them.

Su Lun had a vague premonition in his heart.

At this moment, more than a dozen red-eyed crows had fallen on the mast of the ship's deck where he was staying.

Seeing this red-eyed crow, Su Lun immediately thought of a person he saw in the Pirate Tavern three days ago-"The Crow Godfather" Gwenbu Mari!

"not good!"

He just realized something, his pupils shrank suddenly, before he had time to say anything, the group of crows flashed red in their eyes, and suddenly they flew down, thumping Yao about to attack the people on the deck.

When encountering an attack, the adventurers on the deck did not respond slowly, and in the yelling, the random guns had been shot out.

It crackled, and the sound went out in an instant.

Just kill a few crows, everyone didn't care at all.

"Unlucky! Why did you encounter crows at sea!"

"Haha, I'm good at marksmanship, this silly bird shoots two at once!"


They didn't see that the crow was hit by a bullet, splashing into a cloud of blood in the air.


"Really that technique..."

Su Lun squinted at the blood mist, and had already determined the origin of the crow in his heart.

He has been hit by a trick before, but he is too familiar with it. This is the curse technique [Curse of Plaguecrow's Blood Stagnation]!

He didn't know the principle of this technique before, but now he felt it clearly. At the moment when the crow burst into blood mist, fine soul particles like a sandstorm appeared in his eyes. During the extreme time, the entire sea was filled.

This blood is the medium of the parasitic curse!

"The fleet is in big trouble..."

Upon seeing this, Su Lun immediately changed his circus and put on a crow's mouth gas mask as if he changed his face.

The other people on the boat did not react, and had already inhaled a little blood mist.

In the next instant, a strange picture appeared!

Some people on the deck suddenly felt that there was a foreign body in their throats, and they stretched out their fingers to buckle them out.

With this buckle, alive crows came out of the mouth!

More and more people, as if possessed by a demon, staged a weird scene of picking up crows. More and more crows were being vomited out, and it was overwhelming in a blink of an eye.

Su Lun stared solemnly.

This technique was far more powerful than what he had encountered before. He looked at the sky full of crows, and muttered in his heart: "The curse spell released by Tier 4 professionals is really much more powerful than Tier 2."

"Oh, damn, what the **** is this!"

"It's a curse! Everyone, be careful, don't touch those crows!"

"It's a parasitic curse, it won't be fatal for the time being. But if the curse is not lifted, we will be sucked to death sooner or later!"

"Damn it, the'primary cursing potion' is useless! Who has the advanced one, sell me one!"

"Be careful, everyone, it may be a pirate attack! I have heard of this method. Recently, a new pirate appeared on the sea, nicknamed "Crow"..."


Everyone was beaten by this curse technique.

I don't know what happened.

There was wailing everywhere on the deck and in the cabin.


Su Lun is also very puzzled, then Huo Qi will save people, why do they want to come here?

Is Huo Qi the king of the North Sea?

But obviously, it's not.

Looking at the past, the "Fist of Justice" Hodge also stared solemnly at the ships in the mist.

He didn't seem to know it either.

Su Lun followed the guy's gaze and looked over, and then saw the shadows of the big ships in the fog of the night. When I got closer, I could see the hunting flag on the mast, which turned out to be the mace skull flag!

That is the fleet of the King of the North Sea!


It is Gwenbu who controls the crows!

Su Lun guessed something immediately, and as soon as his eyes rolled, he figured it out in an instant: "Huo Qi was targeted by the King of the North Sea?"

He realized that tonight seems to be a "serial game".

Huo Qi came to rescue the slaves, but the people of the King of the North Sea had already stared at him.

Huo Qi's move to rescue slaves has made him become more and more famous among foreign races in the North, and there is a growing trend. This behavior is indeed a big threat to the prestige of the King of the North Sea.

Su Lun felt that if he changed to be himself, he probably wouldn't let him go on making trouble like this.

He glanced at Uta. The curse seemed to have no effect on her druid. She is unleashing spells to disperse the cursed blood mist on the slave ship holding the demihumans.

Seeing this Lun was not in a hurry and watched the situation change quietly.


Before long, the crew on the mast also saw the pirate flag, and shouted: "Pirates are coming!"

This sound immediately caused the fleet to blow up.

"Damn, how come there are pirates?!"

"No, it's the North Sea Fleet..."


The captains of the merchant ships immediately ordered: "Hurry up, turn the rudder, and return! Tell the other merchant ships to line up, prepare artillery, and sink the **** pirates!"

Under normal circumstances, the speed of a cargo ship is not faster than that of a pirate ship.

Especially for ships returning from the North, too much cargo is loaded on the ship, the draught is deep, and the speed will be very slow.

In order to rob, the pirate ship pursues portability.

Therefore, there is a high probability that you will not be able to run away. Only deadly battles may be able to delay reinforcements.

The businessmen can ignore Huoqi, because they know that Huoqi is not a pirate and has a bottom line.

But when you really meet a pirate, you can only fight to the death!

Caught by pirates, except for a few valuable will be left in exchange for ransom. Other people, even if they can survive, especially the female family members, are not as good as dead!

The artillery fire suddenly rang, and for a while, there was a loud roar.


Hozi clearly understood that those people were coming for him.

He knew that he had to stay on the slave ship, these alien slaves would be affected, and all the slaves he had done before would be wasted.

Think about it, he jumped off the slave ship, but jumped onto the merchant ship he had robbed before.

Su Lun saw this and jumped off the boat.

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