Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 254: Space barrier

The people of the slave hunters never expected that there was only one enemy, and they made such a big movement!

My goodness, one person controls hundreds of puppets, how is this possible!

Also, what is that overwhelming silk thread?

What happened to Marfa's Fighter A?

Is this a puppet master?

Is it just a third-order?

Everyone was shocked.

Moreover, having closed this space, did that guy want to kill everyone here? !

At this moment, everyone in the slave hunting group felt the desperate "crazy" revealed by the enemy.


The battle broke out in an instant, gunfire broke out, and weeping all over the field.

But the puppet has no flesh and blood.

No matter how fierce the gun fire is, they can't let them back down half a step.

The battle became fiercer and fiercer, and it was a complete killing.

Flames, oil spray, dense smoke, obstructed vision...

Familiar routine.

This is the beginning of despair.

The puppet does not need to breathe, is not hindered by perception, and has endless silk control and perception. It has already occupied a seven-point home court advantage without a fight.

The desperate atmosphere continued.

They don't even know where the "enemy" is.

Everyone knows how to deal with the puppet master, and some people shouted: "Damn, this guy is a puppet master! Don't worry about the puppet, kill that guy's body first!"

Unfortunately, how could Su Lun let them be killed so easily?

Even in the face of enemies several times its own, the Puppet Legion has no fear.

Unified command, tacit cooperation, fear of life and death, can you imagine the combat effectiveness?

What's more, in the current Puppet Army, except for some old ones that are too late to be replaced, the new ones are all inscribed runes of Tier 3 and above...

Combat power is no longer the same.


Suren's manipulator puppet began to slaughter, and the red light in his eyes became more and more hot.

The killing made him nervous, and the crazy secretion of hormones made his body more and more excited.

There is soul perception and silk thread perception, and the vision is clear.

In the puppet theater, he is behind the scenes in control of everything.

But he did not forget that the two Tier 4 professionals who threatened him the most were present.

Celtic, the head of a melee system, "the thorn bear", and a magical spell "Elemental Witch," Frida.

However, Su Lun didn't mean to fight them head-on.

It's not easy for Nacelt to be cloned from the battle of the mechanical armor. . Even if he was able to withdraw for a while, Su Lun's current void displacement ability was not so easy to be caught.

And it was he who manipulated the puppet legion, and the woman hiding in the tree finally made a move after a face-to-face hitting the slaves and those who were caught off guard.

She tolerated for a long time, waiting for the timing of the sneak attack.

But I don't know that this timing was deliberately given to her by Su Lun!

The woman had absorbed enough elemental power and suddenly appeared, her warlock pinched her seal, and whispered in her mouth: "The Profound Truth of Wind·Thousand Wheel Strangulation!"

In an instant, countless small wind blades suddenly condensed in the air, and these wind blades spun into a ball of "wind whirlpool" the size of a bowl.

It is densely packed with thousands of them.

As the windswept pavement hit, Su Lun felt that his skin was scraped by the blade of a knife.

The tricky part of this technique is that its power in a confined space will also double.

Scope coverage is inevitable!

That woman obviously made this idea!

Seeing this technique, Su Lun's eyes were full of sarcasm.

He didn't dodge or avoid, and with a finger grab, a puppet appeared beside him.

As soon as the puppet raised his hands, a black spiral appeared in the palms of both hands. The huge suction force made two cyclones visible to the naked eye. Before the overwhelming wind blades could be fierce, they were all absorbed into it.

Now the [Black Hole Doll] inscribed with the fourth-order Rune rune, no matter the space reserve or the suction, it is not the same as the old version.

Even the fourth-order arcane magic style can be easily inhaled.

After absorbing it, the puppet seemed to have another mouth, and another round of the same wind blade spit out at the woman.

"What kind of puppet is this?!"

The black-faced woman's face changed drastically when she saw it.

The sneak attack failed, and her feet on the tree trunk quickly absorbed the power of the wood element, and the whole person was integrated into the tree trunk.

In the next instant, the wind blade came, and the tree trunk was directly twisted into powder.


Su Lun felt the soul fire run away quickly, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

With this ability to escape, it is not easy to kill.

In a blink of an eye, he turned his gaze on Celtic the "thorn bear" who was fighting with the mechanical armor.

At this moment, this guy has already untied his Tier 4 colony [Gong Xiong Needle Clothes], and the needle-like fur has special effects of breaking the gang, which can pierce the elemental barrier of Tier 4 professionals. It can still be like a hedgehog, untouchable. Being able to play and defend is very tricky for ordinary Tier 4.

Unfortunately, although this thing is sharp, it has no effect at all for the fighter armor of the mechanical body.

To kill, this goal is the first choice.


Professionals in the melee department can fight and run, are alert, and have strong survivability.

After a while, Su Lun did not find a suitable opportunity to kill him.

The most ideal hunting plan was to control the silk thread and block the entire space.

In that way, no matter how Celtic can resist, the living space is gradually reduced, and sooner or later it will be a dead end.

Unfortunately, he was in control of hundreds of puppets at the same time, "Lan Liang" was in a hurry.

"Dark spiritual power is far from enough..."

Su Lun didn't have any accidents, just a little regretful.

He also realized that when the teacher Seleya told him, the puppeteer's demand for dark spiritual power will increase in the later stage.

Now controlling more than two hundred puppets, the skill is barely enough, and the dark spirit is stretched out.

Thinking that this problem can only be solved if the [Isaac Alchemy Heart] is integrated after the fifth rank.

It is foreseeable that when he has an unlimited amount of blue, his combat power will be amazing.

The thoughts in his mind flashed away.

In the current situation, it is not Su Lun who is anxious.

In this kind of hand-to-hand combat, the most he lost was some reproducible puppets.

The elite of the slave hunting group is about to be slaughtered.

Those two Tier 4 will find ways to kill themselves.

Sure enough, as soon as the woman left in the sneak attack, Su Lun watched Celtic the "Prickly Bear" rushing towards him.

Seeing that the violent steel needle showed signs of firing, Su Lun immediately realized what he was going to do, and the thoughts in his mind told the operation, and immediately thought of responding.


After fighting for dozens of rounds, the two fourth-tiers of the Sun Slave Group also knew that Sulun was not easy to kill.

After all, it is the head of the regiment and the deputy head of the delegation.

Even if they don't communicate, they know what to do with each other.

Although the black-skinned woman's sneak attack was fruitless, it also created a chance for Celtic. He watched as Su Lun was manipulating the puppet, broke out decisively, got rid of the entanglement of the mechanical armor for a short time, and rushed towards Su Lun.

Far away, his warlock pinched his seal, and the steel hair on his body suddenly grew longer in the wind, and shot out like a feather arrow.

"Swish" "swish" "swish"...

One foot-long steel needles were overwhelming.

Su Lun also had some impressions of his iconic method.

"Secret Technique·Thousand Needles Rain", a range spell, is this guy's big move. The broken steel needle can easily pierce the elemental barrier of Tier 4 professionals, hard connection is not a choice of name.

Accumulating for a long time, what I'm waiting for is now.

The steel needle seals almost all the roads in the front, and human instinct will choose to avoid blind spots.

But Suren also knew.

This also happened to the man's strategy.

The front is a killer move, and there is also an ambush to avoid dead ends!

"Tsk tut... pay attention to this..."

Su Lun's attention is not all just in front of him.

The woman underground, I'm afraid she always thought she was hiding well.

Don't you know that her movements are under Su Lun's control all the time.

Su Lun remembered that the two seemed to have a tacit understanding of their attacking skills, and they had jointly killed many powerful enemies.

But what I got was fragmented memory, a little fuzzy.

Follow the enemy's plan to dodge, obviously unknown.

Su Lun instantly analyzed the best option in his mind.

He concluded that this steel needle has a high probability of not being able to kill himself!

And as long as he kills the opponent's Tier 4, the situation will be reversed from the stalemate immediately!

The other party is not a fool, and obviously also collects intelligence.

Su Lun clearly remembered what methods he exposed.

The black sickle opponent didn't know what it was, but a Tier 4 died, obviously prepared.

The spatial displacement ability is also likely to be understood by others.

Silk thread and puppets are now in use.

But what they don't know is...

Not all puppet masters are "weak chickens."

Su Lun's melee ability is not bad at all!


Su Lun did not choose to avoid the dead end of the steel needle, but when he saw his feet slam on the ground, his body disappeared in place after a pop of air.

The afterimages collapsed, and once more, he had already rushed towards the steel needle rain head-on.

Celtic's eyes drenched, and he naturally recognized that this was the only secret skill of melee professionals [walking].

But at this moment, he was not when he was shocked. Seeing Su Lun's figure disappeared, he realized that he had used spatial displacement again in a hurry. Avoided the rain of steel needles in front of him.

But the trajectory of the spatial displacement can also be predicted by some actions before disappearing.

"You actually chose to rush over?"

Celt was very puzzled. A puppet master actually chose to face him head-on?

The speed was so fast that at the moment when his thoughts flashed, the figure had already appeared in front of him, and he did not hesitate to punch it forward.

However, it was this inevitable punch that blasted out, and he immediately realized that it was wrong, and his face suddenly changed: "How is it possible?!"

He was shocked to find that this punch actually felt like a "failure".


Not to be frustrated.

But the distance was misjudged!

It was clearly judged that the two were only one meter apart.

But after he extended his arms, he discovered that there was a distance of one meter between the two!

Although the distance difference is not much, the best focus point of the fist is different, and the effect of the attack is also very different.

Not to mention the power of ten to seven or nine, after the original hit, no matter if he took advantage of his strength to return to the defense, or pursued the victory, he could deal with it calmly.

But just one punch "failed" and disrupted all his subsequent combat responses.

Even staggered, revealing a huge flaw.


Although Su Lun received a punch, the power of the punch did not hurt or itchy, and the steel needle on his fist did not even pierce his diamond guard.

"Hey... it's over now."

Su Lun's heart.

It wasn't that the other party made a mistake, but that he had condensed a layer of [Space Barrier] in front of him just now.

It is not a visual deception, but a pure extension of the local space.

This is after he stripped away the fragments of the fourth-order space law, he suddenly got into the technique that he could not cultivate before. Although there is not much room for distortion, it is enough now!

Su Lun looked at the huge flaw exposed by the other party, his eyes full of horror.

The guy reacted extremely quickly, and his steel needle was already upside down, and he instantly entered a defensive state.

It's a pity that Su Lun would not use a meat fist to go head-to-head.

You can pinch, and I will too!

You are two people, I am countless puppets!

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of steam coming from behind Celt, and the mechanical armor had already rushed towards him.

At this moment, Celt was shocked, and he immediately understood that he was plotting against the opponent. The opponent had already thought about the current flanking response when he made a move just now: "How is it possible... he controls so much. Puppet, how could there be such a quick response..."

Unfortunately, one mistake is enough to cost him a painful price.

The mechanical air explosion behind him is inevitable, he can only curl up as much as possible to protect the vitals.


A loud sound of metal touch.

The ship-cutting knife was severely chopped down on Celter, and the trembling blade snapped off countless steel needles, split the skin and flesh, exposing the dense bones. This knife cut a huge gap of tens of centimeters directly on the hind hip.

Celtic didn't resist, and took advantage of his strength to fly backwards, which avoided the ending of being cut in two paragraphs.

He wanted to run away immediately after landing, and his companions would definitely pick him up the first time.

But after this landing, a bit of cold air struck in an instant.

After a glance, several puppets spewing frost were spraying wildly at the place where he landed.

Celtic realized that this was the third attack!

The opponent predicted where he landed!

What a similar tactic.

They all want to force the opponent to expose their flaws, multiple flanking attacks.

But they only saw one step, while his opponent saw the next three steps.

No, it's four floors.

Celtic looked at the floor with frost, his face as gray as death.

Super sticky feeling of Not to mention that he has broken a leg now, even if it is not broken, it will be greatly restricted.

He immediately realized that besides control, this frost had a purpose.

That is to cut off the possibility of his own partner coming to him.

The ability to "escape the elements" is indeed very defensive, but it is not impossible to restrain it.

Just like this large area covered by frost, it is impossible for his partner to escape from the underground to rescue him.

When it comes, it will immediately fall into the same frost situation.

At this moment, Celtic knew that he was bound to die, and finally a thought flashed in his mind: "What a terrifying calculation ability..."

The space cracks appeared, and the head fell to the ground.

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