Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 275: Reverse

The surrounding space scene changed and turned into a black and white chessboard.

Since he chose to do it, Su Lun would not give the enemy any chance. He threw the black umbrella in his hand quickly, and the double surgeon Yin quickly changed, intending to directly expand the perception of the place where the "night field" was stripped, and then kill quickly.

The man in the windbreaker looked at him as he was drawn into the space, his expression also stunned.

But this was a royal elite with rich combat experience. Even if he knew he was facing death, he didn't panic and reacted to the battle immediately.

His hands also quickly condensed the seal of the warlock.

At the same time as Jieyin, a strange scene was staged at the same time.

Originally, Su Lun didn't think that his chessboard + black umbrella's ultimate move could be easily cracked.

But he watched the blood color on this guy's face quickly faded, and instantly, patches of bluish-black corpse spots appeared, and a touch of strange color was also revealed.


"Talent [C-008-Plague]?"

Su Lun's eyes caught the enemy's state, and immediately guessed that this was a natural ability.

People with this kind of talent have been weak and sick since childhood, but as long as they can survive, correspondingly, their plague resistance will be very high.

This is a talent that fits very well with the "Venomancer" profession.

Su Lun didn't dare to care, even though it was the first time he had encountered a Venomancer, he didn't know what tricks this guy had.

But looking at the order of his seals, and the increasingly manic fluctuations of the plague law, he immediately thought of a famous technique of the plague system.

"Flesh Alchemy·Whale Blasting Technique?"

Su Lun looked at his eyelids and twitched slightly.

This is a technique that means it literally. After the professional performs this operation, it will be like a sudden explosion of the corruption of the giant whale's corpse. A large number of corrupted tissues containing germs splash around, contaminating everything around it on a large scale.

One of the most disgusting techniques!

Exploding in this chessboard space is definitely a disaster like **** and face.

This trick directly replaced passiveness with activeness.

Getting started is to "blow", and you are not afraid of killing it. Even if you are hiding in a fighter armor and resisting from the front, the armor will not be corroded and corroded.

Now it is for Su Lun to consider whether to unlock the space, otherwise he can only hard-wire it. .


The enemy reacted so quickly, obviously he was prepared.

For an instant, the sorcerer seal in Sulun's hand continued, and he thought: "It seems that the previous battle exposed some means. This guy has long been guarded against the black umbrella and battle armor."

At almost the same time, the man in the windbreaker not far away quickly swelled like a rotten body, and his entire belly swelled like a balloon.

Su Lun looked at the opponent's warlock seal that was irreversible, and decisively chose the knot to unlock the chessboard space.

The two returned to the tunnel again.

In the next moment, a muffled sound of "bang" rupture of the skin drum rang through my ears.

A wave of foul air that could be smelled through the gas mask instantly spread over the surface.

Su Lun teleported and retreated quickly.

But even so, the airtight passage added a directional diffusion boost to the plague airflow, and Sulunduo opened a frontal wave of shock, and the aftermath still swept his whole body.

The crow's mouth mask allowed him to breathe without hindrance, but that, directly burned through his clothes, penetrated the barrier condensed by the law of death, and slapped him on the right arm.

In an instant, a fiery tingling sensation instantly hit his forehead.

Su Lun glanced at it, and a large burn-like erythema appeared on his arm, and a large number of blisters and pustules appeared.

"The'annihilation property' of the plague law!"

Su Lun secretly made a terrible cry.

The plague law is small, but once mastered, it can be far more evil than the conventional law. Just this super strong "law penetration" ability that can corrode the elemental barrier can make professionals of the same level suffer a big loss.

Fortunately, before exiting the board space in time.

Otherwise, you can resist this move from the front, even if it is blocked by a mechanical battle armor, this move will probably rot the enchantment and coating layer of the battle armor by 70% or 80%.

Fortunately, Su Lun has a physique modified by Serum X, and he wears a crow's mouth mask all year round. The toxin resistance is not low. Otherwise, this infection of his arm will probably kill him in a short time!

Su Lun didn't dare to delay, took out a powerful detoxification and burst it on the wound, flushing the contaminated skin.

At the same time, he stared at the incense burner in the distance, and he dared not relax at all.

He didn't think that the matter was over like this.

Just when the foul-smelling explosive shock wave extinguished, the piebald python retched again and spit out a naked man with a pale face covered in mucus.

Su Lun looked at that guy, and muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, he didn't die..."

Moreover, this guy is not alone!

At the same time, another man in a trench coat with a monocle appeared.

The other party probably didn't expect that Su Lun forced his accomplice to blew himself up as soon as he met him.

But astonishment cost surprise, that guy didn't act slowly, the double surgeon pinched the seal, and an eight-pointed star array lighted up under his feet, and he sighed softly: "Human Separation Technique·Solution!"

There was no time to dodge, as if speaking out, Su Lun watched his body being cut into three parts by a sharp object.

"Seventh-order spell? Wrong... it's illusion!"

Seeing the eight-pointed star formation, Su Lun was shocked in an instant. The huge pressure that made him unable to resist made him think that he was a top professional. Or maybe the opponent has a restricted object like a black sickle.

But in a flash, he saw through the essence of this technique.

This is just an illusion!

He glanced at the monocle he was wearing, and immediately realized something.

[Robert's monocle]

Description: Let the world experience your pain!

Cursing characteristics: Alchemy imaging can actually present the scene in your mind into a ready-made illusion picture, which will cause real deception to the target's sensory system; the pain the target endures must be your personal experience;

Detailed explanation: the name of'Robert Lorrain' is engraved on the brass frame of the lens; the former genius magician, because he was jealous of his talent, framed and lost everything; he struggled to rebirth in a hellish life and refined this Alchemy eyes, vowed to let the enemy experience the pain he had experienced in those years;

This is another curse with a very special effect.

The people of Lu Ying's royal family really have no shortage of treasures.

Although Su Lun saw through that it was an illusion, but the strange thing was that the pain of the body being cut was very real!

As if a real sharp blade had cut the skin and flesh, the heart-piercing pain instantly made his forehead cold and sweaty.

Although this is illusion, Su Lun knows not to be underestimated, because illusion can also kill people!

There are two ways the human body feels pain.

The first is normal. The nerves in the limbs feel external stimuli and then transmit the signals to the brain;

Another is that the brain directly feels the wrong signal and thinks it is painful.

The second is the essence of almost all "illusions".

Although it is not the pain that the physical body really feels.

But the consequences are also serious.

Not only pain, but also cold, scorching, splitting, corrosion, fear, pleasure... etc.

All sensory experiences can theoretically be simulated by illusion.

The tingling or other sensations can make the body respond instinctively, leading to some terrible consequences. Such as "to death", "scared to death", "mental breakdown"...

For example, if you die with a frozen illusion, the autopsy result will be exactly the same as if you were frozen to death.

Moreover, there is an ultimate topic that cannot be proved in the professional circles of the illusion department: How do you make sure that the world you are in is real?


Su Lun didn't think about himself instead of the advanced philosophical topic of ‘brain in a tank’, he only knew that this guy was very tricky right now.

The pain of body tearing may make most people lose their combat effectiveness instantly, but for Su Lun, it is not a big problem.

His eyes were cold, directly shielding the pain.

He knew that he would be recruited, and he might not necessarily have a higher mental power than himself. But that guy's profession and attire must have a very high degree of compatibility with illusion.

Humans are different from monsters like Mind Reavers, especially alchemists. Knowing how to use tools is the alchemist's greatest advantage, which can increase their combat effectiveness geometrically.

The man in the trench coat is very clever in illusion, not only a spiritual illusory scene, but like a projection, the reality is presented.

"The curse of this monocle is really strong..."

Su Lun didn't care about his body that had been cut into three sections. With both hands and ten fingers scratching the void, Su Lun let out a soft voice in his heart: "The Secret Method of Silk Control·Abattoir!"

Almost at the same time, dense light blue silk threads appeared around the illusionist's body.

The sharp wind element looming on those silk threads is the moment when the entity is condensed, it is violently collected. In an instant, the man in the windbreaker was cut into pieces.

But what is surprising is that there is no blood splattering picture. It was like a reflection in the water, cut open, and instantly restored to its original state.

The illusionist looked at the silk thread in the tunnel, and a sneer smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The expression seemed to speak: This trick was useless to me.

Looking at it again, the illusionist was divided into seven, becoming seven identical people.

Upon seeing this, Su Lun's pupils shrank slightly.

There was also a look of surprise on his face without any flaws.

But in fact, he had already expected this result.

This guy's illusion can almost be fake, even in the perception of space, there is a "person" standing there.

But before Su Lun did it, he knew it was an illusion.

Others can be simulated with illusions, but Soul Fire cannot.

In the soul perception, he clearly knew that a group of soul fire was nearby.

The reason for deliberately cutting the wrong is to confuse the enemy.

He also didn't know the illusionist that he killed in one hit.

Su Lun is very clear about his current situation, and the other party has mastered many of his methods. Can't kill with one hit, the enemy will be more and more troublesome later.

Before the previous encounter did not kill the Venomancer, Su Lun lost the opportunity to make a quick fight.

Now the first thing he needs to do is to protect himself.

If the other party doesn't know that he has soul perception ability, the illusionist's alertness will be very low. Sooner or later, the opportunity will be caught.


The enemy is not only the two in front of you, but also the third person!


The Venomancer blew himself up just now, probably using some special method to avoid death, but his strength was also greatly damaged. He did not participate in the frontal battle, but continued to want to extinguish [Annistora's Poisonous Incense Burner].

Suren was controlling the puppet and was fighting fiercely with the seven illusions created by the illusionist.

No matter how you kill it, the illusion can be reborn immediately.

It seems that if it continues to consume, sooner or later Su Lun will undoubtedly lose.

Su Lun could have used space displacement to withdraw to the maze, but he didn't want to look at the seal that these guys simply broke. Thinking of not coming to Tier 5 professionals, you can still fight for the last time.

The illusionist in front of Su Lun did not seem to be a threat.

He himself is also good at mental illusions, those illusions, with precautions, be careful, the problem is not big.

Instead, he was always on guard against the third person sneaking in the dark.

In the soul perception, it was a Tier 4 assassin who was quietly touching the top of the rock wall!

It seemed that the guy was going to stealthily assassinate.

However, Su Lun did a good job of enticing the enemy to kill him physically, but he didn't want to, but a scene he never expected happened!


The assassin touched it, and Sulun watched him pass by the Venomancer.

I thought that guy would continue to sneak closer, but I didn't expect him to suddenly get into trouble at this time!

Without warning, a pitch-black dagger suddenly appeared in the air.

If Suren could not perceive the fire of the soul, he would never know where the assassin was.

Right above that Venomancer's head!

The dark dagger was wiped against the neck of the Venomancer.

The lethality of the assassin before and after exposure is completely two concepts.

An assassin who has not been exposed is "unknown" and can even assassinate a target with a higher rank.

This knife cut the naked man's neck directly, and a burst of green blood shot out.

Although the green blood corroded the assassin's arm, the Venomancer was really dead!

Su Lun looked at the gray mist rising from the corpse, and was surprised: "What's the matter? The den is turned upside down?"

He did not expect that the assassin actually fought and killed his accomplices!

Similarly, the illusionist was also shocked and shouted: "Cortez, what are you doing!"

Regardless of why they fought, Su Lun had an enemy dead, which was a great benefit for him.

He looked at the illusionist for a moment, his expression cold: "Good opportunity!"

He has been showing weaknesses and arranging traps, waiting for now.

"Secrets of Silk Control·Flower Waterfall!"

With a sudden pull on the spider spear behind Su Lun, countless silk threads instantly condensed and formed.

But the target is not any of those seven illusions, but in another dark corner.

The illusionist used the illusion to create an environmental barrier, completely hiding his figure.

But Su Lun deliberately used puppets to fight for so long, just to arrange these threads that made the enemy's wings hard to escape!

It was the moment when the silk thread condensed, the illusionist instantly realized that he had been discovered, and just wanted to act, the silk thread that could have planned for a long time had completely controlled him to death.

It was just this momentary mistake that a spatial crack suddenly appeared on his neck, and it broke.

Seeing the gray mist overflowing from his soul, Su Lun was sure to kill this guy.

However, he did not change, instead, staring solemnly at the assassin from a distance.


The assassin glanced at the illusionist who was instantly killed by Su Lun, his eyes also showed a touch of surprise, and he said to himself: "I didn't expect you to hide such a Sharza puppet. I thought..."

What he didn't finish was: The original intention was to save people, and he didn't think that he didn't need to save himself at all.

Su Lun did not respond to his words, but asked: "Who is your Excellency?"

The assassin shook his head: "It doesn't matter who I am. Entrusted by others, don't let you die."

After a pause, he looked at Su Lun with a strange look, and then said: "It seems that I am worrying too much."

He even suspected that the person in front of him had spotted him a long time ago. Even if you really want to fight three to one, the other party may also have a chance to fight back.

"Be dragged by others?"

When Su Lun heard this, he immediately realized that this was a spy who was arranged in the Royal Legion.

His first reaction thought of someone.

The noble lady with big braids and small freckles.

Able to plant a spy in the Holy Judgment Legion, but few people can do it.

Su Lun had just come out of Jiulingdon, but he didn't know anyone with this energy.

The only one who meets the conditions is Katyusha.

"She would arrange someone to protect me?"

Su Lun felt weird in her heart.

Although it was not necessary, he still accepted this intention.

At this time, the assassin also murmured: "It seems you know who it is."

Su Lun raised his eyebrow noncommittal and didn't say much.

Arranging spies in the royal family is a big crime.

Even if you guessed it, it's best not to say it.

Katyusha kindly saved herself, but he didn't want to cause trouble to that little girl.

However, this kind of ambitious move is not in line with her troubadour or the astrologer apprentice?

Could it be the secret son of her family?

Su Lun didn't think much about it, thinking that she should say thank you next time we meet.

He was also polite, manipulating the silk thread to put away two corpses.

Before using the Reaper phantom frequently, the [Eclipse] Totem is already a bit overwhelmed. He didn't dare to continue using it right now, so he just peeled it off at will.

People of the royal family must have a very high soul quality ~ even if it is a "blind draw", they have also gained advanced knowledge of the illusion profession.

He also put away the monocle.

The assassin was also very sensible, and he kept a certain distance deliberately to avoid suspicion, so that Su Ye was able to take away the corpse of the Venomancer.

Su Lun went to take a closer look at the contents of the storage ring, and got a head start.


Su Lun's purpose is to use the incense burner to attract strangers and prevent those people from cracking the seal here.

Naturally will not leave now.

The assassin looked at the incense burner and said, "I can't stop those people from cracking the seal. You may have a chance this way."

Su Lun was noncommittal.

Now that a wave of people have been killed, at least for the time being, it can be delayed for a while.

But I didn't think, the assassin's voice did not fall, but he frowned, and said softly: "Someone is coming!"

In an instant, his expression changed sharply: "No, it's Barrett!"

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