Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 695: Kill the Mirror

"Now you are left! You should not be a sundial!"

Yang Feng didn't look at the alliance formed by the warlocks of more than two hundred days. His eyes fell on the body of the Mirror, and he was cold.

At this time, there were more than a thousand four-level main battle robots who were besieging the magic mirrors in a crazy way, but they could not hurt him. There are thirty-six diamond prisms suspended around his body, and the thirty-six diamond prisms are engraved with mysterious magical spells.

The attack of the main battle robots blasted on the thirty-six diamond prisms, and 90% of the forces were directly bounced. Only 10% of the power could attack the Mirror.

Under the siege of the thousand various types of four-level main battle robots, the Mirror Mirrors showed the fighting power far beyond the ordinary Sundial Warlocks, and destroyed dozens of four-level main battle robots without any damage. . If you give him plenty of time, destroying a thousand four-level main battle robots is just a matter of time.

In the eyes of the Mirror, the singer of the sorcerer’s eyes sighed: "I am the Mirror of the Ningjing Mirror, the true Mirror of the Sea, the real power of the sea! Thunder, give me the sun **** in your hand." I can use all the resources of My Mirror Mountain to exchange. No, I can hand over the entire Mirror Mountain to you, as long as you give me the Sun God Emperor!!"

Originally, the Mirror Guardian did not look at the Sun sorcerer in this area of ​​Yang Feng. He did not want to talk to Yang Feng. However, within this Helios, even if the power of the sea is suppressed at the peak of the sun, he can only bow and negotiate with Yang Feng. For the sun **** flower, He is willing to give everything, even if he really handed the mirror to Yang Feng, he did not hesitate.

Mirror Mountain is a powerful warlock group that is not inferior to the top ten sects of the Dayun dynasty. It is also the power of the Mirror Supreme Master who spent thousands of years working hard and has countless resources. For the Sun God Emperor Flower, He is also willing to abandon the entire Mirror Mountain, which is the precious place of the most beautiful heaven and earth.

Of course, that is also the strength of Yang Feng is tyrannical, and the Mirror Mirror will condescend to negotiate with Yang Feng. If Yang Feng is not strong enough, he has already shot and killed Yang Feng.

"Magic Mirror Supreme, Zehai Power! Interesting, let me teach you the skills!"

Yang Feng's eyes brightened, his figure shook a little, and he appeared in front of the Mirror Mirror, extracting the power of the world, and a chaos bursting his fists directly at the Mirror.

A chaos burst, suppressing the horror of the terrorist forces in the heavens and the world, blocking the void, with a horrible pressure to crush a world, and rushing toward the Mirror.

"Reflection mirror!"

In the eyes of the Mirror, there is a dignity in the eyes of the Lord, and the meditation of the mantra, countless curses appear suddenly in his body, and the cohesion forms a side engraved with nine thousand ninety-nine kinds of curses, dark as ink, as from hell. The magic mirror that was born is in front of him.

That chaos shattered and punched on the reflection mirror. In an instant, the horrible fist was twisted and twisted, and the strange bang was on the body of Yang Feng.

Numerous blood spurted out of Yang Feng's body, turning him into a horrible blood man, and flew backwards for dozens of kilometers.

The Mirror Guardian just wanted to chase, and dozens of undead II type main battle robots appeared in front of him and slashed at him from different directions.

"Get out!!"

The Mirror Guardian was furious and screamed, and a slap-sized reflection mirror appeared around his body.

The dozens of undead-type II main battle robots were cut on the reflection mirror, and the blades were very distorted, squatting on their bodies and pulling out a huge mouth.

Only after the dozens of undead II type main battle robots were pulled out of a huge mouth, they still screamed at the magic mirror.

A series of wounds continually emerged on the body of the non-dead-type II main battle robot, but made the Mirror Lord more and more anxious.

"Great, it’s a great power of Zehai! It’s too rude to not take all the strength to deal with you! Cover!"

Yang Feng runs chaotic immortality, and between the three breaths, he recovers all injuries. He took a deep look at the mirror of the Mirror, and ordered coldly.

Tens of thousands of fogwalkers suddenly decomposed and turned into thick fog covering a thousand miles.


"I can't see it! Those thick fogs completely hinder the detection of spells!"

"What does he want to do?"


As soon as the thick fog appeared, the sundial warlocks who used various spells and attempted to peek into this battle, found that their spells completely lost all effects.

Numerous mantras appeared on the body of Yang Feng, and they formed a set of white warfare armor.

The secret law of war is that Yang Feng has been exposed to the most suitable secret method for him. It can increase his combat power by five times and can defend against various attacks.

In the Ghost State, there are also a myriad of secrets that can greatly increase the strength of the Warlock, but those secrets have various restrictions. Some need special blood, and some need special secret treasures. Only the magical method of the War of the Devil is the secret of the battle that Yang Feng loves to use.

After Yang Feng condensed the white warfare armor, the power of the nine worlds in the body furiously surpassed him and fell into his body through the ring of the world.

"Give me rest!"

Yang Feng's figure is a vague appearance, appearing in front of the Mirror Respector, a chaos bursting out, and the virtual shadows of the nine worlds suddenly appear, to smash the vacuum, killing all the horror power to the mirror The sages are crushed away.

"Nine virtual worlds! The secret of the inheritance of the Lord of the Nine Realms!"

The Mirror Lord has finally changed his face. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the seals on his body were untied one by one. A horrible breath of the sea level suddenly sprang from his body in an attempt to open the Sun God Palace. Suppression. In the face of the full blow of the power of nine small worlds, even the Mirror Lord feels the danger of death.

A strange and incomparable curse suddenly appeared, and a horrible pillar of fire formed by the condensation of the sun gods sprang from the earth beneath the body of the Mirror, and the sorcerer was completely swallowed by the Mirror.

"No!! I don't want to die!! I will never die!!"

The Mirror sorcerer made a scream of screaming, and countless curses appeared, and a mirror around his body was broken.

Dozens of silver mirrors secret treasures flew out from the body of the Mirror, and they all shattered, and the silvery rays of the spurs came out. Within a few dozen miles, they once again formed the deity of the Mirror.

The demon sage of the Mirror has just condensed, and Yang Feng’s magical method has increased five times. At the same time, the chaos of nine small world forces has smashed his body.

A force that succumbed to the horror of the world spurted out instantly, and the body of the Mirror Mirror smashed and collapsed.

"[Fate algorithm]!"

A blow smashed the body of the Mirror Supreme, and Yang Feng pointed to one piece. A round of engulfing the black moon suddenly appeared, sucking toward the void.

A strange doll, a dead body, a silver mirror, and dozens of strange secret treasures burst into the black moon.

"Thunder, do you really want to kill them? If you kill me, my mirror mountain will definitely not die with you!"

In the devour of the black moon, a nucleus of the sea that carries the soul of the Mirror of the Mirror is flying out instantly, and the soul of the Mirror Mirror is wound around the nucleus of the Sea of ​​the Sea, making a roar of roaring sorrow. .

"Since you want to kill me, you should have the consciousness of being killed! Today is your jealous day. If Mirror Hill dares to provoke me, I will send them down and be buried with you!"

Yang Feng smiled coldly, and he swallowed the black moon toward the soul of the Mirror Mirror. He instantly swallowed the soul of the Mirror Mirror, leaving only one nucleus of the Sea Ocean into his hands.

The mist that enveloped thousands of miles was dispersed, and quickly formed a scent of fog.

"The Mirror Mirror is gone!!"

"It was killed!! A great power of Zhou Hai, he was killed by him!!"

"That is the power of Zhou Hai, how could he be killed by him?"


Those Japanese sorcerers who used various spells to peep into this side saw Yang Feng standing proudly in the void, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

The Mirror Guardian is a true and powerful Guhai Power. Even though it is forced to seal most of its power within this Helios Palace, it still holds countless secrets. It has countless secret treasures and its tyranny. Even a monster-level genius like the Blue Blaster is not necessarily the opponent of the Mirror. It is incredible that He has fallen into the hands of Yang Feng.

Nangong did not disappear and looked at Yang Feng far away. He sighed in a faint sigh, and his eyes flashed a smear of color: "It’s terrible, so within a short period of time he has progressed to this point! It’s really embarrassing!"

When Nangong was not defeated in the hands of Yang Feng, he still had the confidence that if he was desperate, he would have two or three points to kill Yang Feng. Now that Yang Feng has shown his true power, he understands how powerful Yang Feng is.

Yang Feng killed the Mirror Magi, and turned to look at the more than two hundred Japanese warlocks.

The more than two hundred celestial geniuses have been devastated by the siege of the 100,000-level main battle robot and one million enhanced three-level main battle robots. More than 60 people have fallen into the attacks of those main battle robots. Among them. If none of the sundial warlocks are geniuses of monster ranks, and they are proficient in countless strange secrets, they have already been killed by those main battle robots!

"I just killed the Mirror Mirror, after all, some wins are not martial! Now, take you to try my strength to the point of progress!"

Yang Feng swept the more than two hundred Japanese warlocks who were still struggling, and smiled and turned into a round of engulfing the black moon to the more than two hundred geniuses. (To be continued~^~)

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