Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 721: Promote powerful power

Yang Feng looked at the black night light of the incarnation, and dominated Moganotte in the darkness of the thousands of kilometers. He took a deep breath and clenched the bow of the sky, the crazy extraction of the ring of the world. The power of the world of nine small worlds in His body.

An arrow with the power of the horror world is formed within the arch of the sky.


The night dominates Moganotte and sees the arrow that contains the power to see the world of horror. His eyes flashed a horror of fear and screamed.

In an instant, the arrow with the power of nine worlds suddenly shot, shooting to the night of Mogano.

"Damn! Block me!!"

The night dominated Moganotte with a roar, crazy burning of divine power, a big hand wave, a powerful power level of the "night shield" suddenly appeared, blocked in front of him.

From the [Night Shield], there was a wave of dark whirlpools that seemed to be able to devour everything, a crazy rotation.

It contains the power of nine worlds, as if it can penetrate all the world, suppressing all the enemy's shooting arrows, immersed in the dark vortex, inch by inch into the night vortex, it is very difficult.

In an empty void, an invisible Liyang-class interstellar warship's main gun flashed, and an incomparable beam of light instantly slammed into the body of Moganot.

The body that dominated Moganotte in the night disappeared instantly and quickly condensed in the darkness that was several kilometers away.

The night dominates Moganotte, who has just condensed his body, and a black and ink-like angel's sword pierces into his chest. The madness of the angelic flame burns and burns his flesh and soul.

"Damn! If it's not here, you can't kill me if you join forces!!"

The night dominated Moganotte and made a sound of unwilling roar, a blood shining, his head was immediately degraded by Yang Feng's **** incarnation.

Then [Night Shield] fell to the ground, and the arrow that shot the bow of the sky turned into a streamer, and it pierced the night to dominate Moganotte's body.

At that moment, all the believers who believed in the night of Moganotte lost their connection with Him, and a statue of God was broken.

The night **** country began to collapse, and a huge cave full of astrological atmosphere appeared, completely engulfing the huge night of the gods.

In addition to Yang Feng’s godland, dozens of warships were suspended, and the gods’ corps from the saints of the Saliya gods rushed out, exerting their own power to bombard Yang Feng’s enchantment.

The **** of Thunder, the **** of thunder in the Titans, stood proudly on a warship, watching the gods of the Seliya gods attacking Yang Feng’s enchantment.

The **** of light, Prados, shrouded a sacred light, standing in front of the **** of the Thunder, Bega, Shen Sheng: "Bega, please help me, let us join forces to break this Yang Feng's enchantment!"

The **** of the Thunder, Bega, sneered: "Prados, this is just a little guy with a weak power. Can you not break the gods of a small guy with a little guy? It's really disappointing!"

The two great gods of the Saliya and Titan are the true hegemons of the Faso plane. The Elven gods, the orc gods, and the rest of the gods need to unite to be able to compete with them.

The gods of the Saliya gods and the gods of the Titans smothered in the battles of the gods tens of thousands of years ago and made countless deaths. Even if the Treaty of the Gods was concluded, in the tens of thousands of years when Faso planes remained peaceful and turned to other planes, they also clashed and smothered in the mortal world. The relationship between the two sides is naturally extremely bad.

The **** of light, Prados, said: "The weak divine power? He has strengthened the power of the gods and spent more than the gods of ordinary powerful power series. This power enchantment barrier is not the enchantment that the ordinary powerful gods can release. ""

Yang Feng has seized a large amount of divine power from the treasure house of the two blood dukes of the blood family. He also seized a large amount of divine power in the treasures of the major warlock groups in Ghost State, Zhangzhou and Mingyue. The amount of divine power is not lost to the power of the elves. I want to break through Yang Feng’s enchantment in a short time, unless there is a strong man of the Holy Spirit Warlock.

The **** of thunder, Pegasus: "Why can I help you?"

The **** of light, Prados said: "We can conclude a peace treaty for thousands of years! And as long as you help me to rescue Tames, I can promise you, and help you to do it under the guarantee of my own safety. Things. We can make a vow to conclude a Styx!"

The **** of the Thunder, Bega, can't help but have some heartbeat. With the power of the **** God Prados, as long as the two gods are united, there is hardly anything that can't be done on this Faso plane.

The **** of Thunder, Bega, immediately broke the line: "Good! I promise you!"

The face of the bright **** Prados flashed a touch of joy, and then was shrouded in endless anger and looked into the distance.

I saw in the starry sky, a star that seemed to burn an endless flame suddenly appeared, shining in all directions. A huge astral cave appeared behind the star and completely swallowed the huge star.

"The **** of fire, Tames, is falling!!"

"It's too ferocious! The gods of the four powerful powers are so depraved!"

"It's terrible!"

"The Yang Guo's godland is really a terrible place!"

"The gods of the four powerful power series are degraded, which means that the gods with four powerful power levels are in the hands of Yang Feng! It seems that Yang Feng can quickly create an amazing power. Human gods!"


A neutral **** hidden in various places looked at the godland of the gods of Tames, who was engulfed by the law of the stars by the laws of the astral, and the complex thoughts flashed in one heart.

The enchantment of the Kingdom of God, which was shrouded in the kingdom of Yang Feng, suddenly opened up, revealing the pits and shackles inside, all over the wreckage, full of tragic battlefields.

When the enchantment of Yang Feng’s kingdom was opened, the gods of the Saliya gods and the Titan gods looked at the country of Yang Feng, and no one dared to enter it.

At this moment, from the front of Yang Feng’s Kingdom of God, there was a vast and infinite sense of divine power, and the horror of the powerful gods of the gods came out of Yang Feng’s Kingdom of God.

"This is someone who is promoting a powerful power!!"

"Yang Feng, this is Yang Feng's divine power fluctuations, he is promoting a powerful power!!"

"Now no one can stop him from promoting a powerful power!"


Among the neutral gods, those gods sensed the breath released by Yang Feng, and each of them flashed a strange color.

The gods of powerful power series are the horrors of the vertices of the Faso plane. Each strength is powerful. Under the mad burning of the power of the gods, a **** of powerful power series can even resist four Zhou Haiqiang. The siege of the people.

A **** of powerful power series can even be alone into a **** god country with weak spiritual ranks, killing each other with absolute power.

In the battle of the gods, the gods with the same powerful power series broke into the **** country of the middle **** power series gods, and paid a huge price to kill the other side.

The elf gods are only one of the gods of the powerful power series, and the elves have become one of the four races of the Faso plane. Among the Faso planes, almost all of the neutral gods are eager to be promoted to become a **** of powerful power series, but there are very few that can be done.

At this moment, the fog of the Kingdom of God, which was shrouded in the kingdom of Yang Feng, suddenly opened. Everyone could clearly see that in the center of the Kingdom of God, Yang Feng was sitting proudly on a throne, rising in his eyes. From the mysterious curse of the mysterious, the power fluctuations of a powerful power series slowly spread from his body.

Standing in front of Yang Feng, the Jacques Chia wearing the [堕 Angel Armor], holding the sword of the angel, proudly looked into the distance, like the powerful and powerful patron.

The bright **** King Prados's eyes are calm and waveless, but his face has a hint of anger, cold and cold: "It is arrogant! This is inviting us to go in battle with him!"

At this time, Yang Feng chose to be promoted to become a powerful power. If the Saliya gods and the Titan gods did not want him to promote a powerful power, they would only be able to enter the Kingdom of God and fight with Yang Feng.

However, among the gods of Yang Feng, four gods with powerful power levels have been degraded. The gods of the gods Prados and the **** of Thunder are far superior to the ordinary powerful power, but they dare not easily enter them. A deadly battle.

The **** of Thunder, Bega, has some regrets and sighs: "Interesting! Unfortunately, this is his kingdom of God. Otherwise, I really want to go in and fight with Him!"

The gods of any gods are the dragons and tigers. If there is no absolute advantage, few gods will step into the gods of other gods to launch a decisive battle.

The gods of the four powerful power series are almost invincible in this Faso plane. Even if they meet the strongman of the Warlock's king level, the four of them can also fight together, even if they are not, they can retreat.

The gods of the four powerful divine power ranks fall within the kingdom of Yang Feng, and have proved that Yang Feng’s kingdom must have a place of terror.

The **** of light, Prados said: "Yang Feng, return the goddess of Tames to me! Otherwise, our Saliya gods and you will not die!"

Within the kingdom of God, Yang Feng said coldly: "Since the goddess of Tames is in my hands, it is impossible to return it to you. If you are not dead with me, then you have all the Saliya gods. Going to death! In this way, we can easily break the hate chain!" (To be continued~^~)

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