[You have mastered the nano-bullet, unlocking weapons and ammunition-level ammunition!]

Nano munitions are lightweight.

The bullet core is replaced by nanomaterials.

The armor-piercing ability of bullets will become stronger!

Therefore, the difference between high-grade bullets and high-grade bullets lies in these materials, and nano is the material of ili ammunition.

However, since it is ammunition, gunpowder is still used to use the firing pin in the shell case, causing a series of reactions, and it is ejected at supersonic speed...

A small bullet is produced!

This is the real nano-unit bullet.

Wifi-level ammunition, nano-bullet technology. But the caliber is too small, the damage is not enough, and the damage to our body is minimal. "

j01 appreciated and said: "But the idea is good, if you can add chemical corrosion,...you can consider chemical attack!



Fang Che has always neglected the importance of chemistry, physics and material science have always been the knowledge he wants to have.


This is a new way of thinking.

Nano-warriors use chemical attacks, too, for them.

To put it bluntly, nano-warriors are also a type of robot.

Just like the drones on the earth, except that the nano-warriors are controlled by sound waves.

Any sound wave will do, infrasonic, ultrasonic...it will do!

"The damage is completely enough, don't worry."

Fang Che felt that the damage of nano ammunition is enough, after all, if a nano soldier enters someone else's body, it would be terrifying...

It is equivalent to a mechanical warrior with a small body, such as an ant.

In other words, in the palm of Fang Che's palm, there is an army of nano-soldiers of a thousand people!

With his scientific database exploding, the inevitable—

Those nano-warriors will be different then too.

Fang Che thought excitedly.

With the strength of the mechanical warrior's own body, it is impossible for the nano-bullet to pose a threat to the hostile target in an instant.

But the inside is completely different.

Even Fang Che dare not say that the inside of his body is 100% safe.

It can be said that once the enemy enters his body! The consequence is that his body is paralyzed.

"What's more, as long as there are enough nano-soldiers, the firepower will be suppressed!"

Speaking of this, Fang Che moved his mouth, under the sound wave control system, instantly, a thousand nano soldiers received the information.

da da da ~!

Micron weapons burst into flames,

It seems as if it appeared out of thin air, like that kind of little spark.

But under the radar, the figure of the nano soldier can be seen clearly, it is a tiny red dot

It's so small that it's almost invisible to the naked eye.

And also heard the sound waves from Fang Che.

But that's just the human organs can't hear and can't see!

As silicon-based life forms, infrasound waves, ultrasonic waves, or audible sound waves, etc., cannot escape the functional scanning modules of their bodies...

Swish Swish Swish~!

A nano-alloy plate used as an experiment in front, and the bullets from the micron gun held by the nano-warrior hit the same place precisely.

I saw that the nano-bullet was as fast as a meteor, and pierced through the nano-alloy plate at the speed of sound, leaving an invisible nano-hole!

But the first shot, the second shot, the third shot... the effect of ten thousand nano-bullets is no longer an invisible hole, let alone a nano-soldier equipped with a machine gun, and after a burst of shooting, the newly produced nano-bullets on the table will be empty in a blink of an eye!

After hearing the sound and seeing the movement of the nano-warrior, j01 looked at the nano-alloy plate.


Seeing the appearance of the alloy plate, j01 suddenly said, "I see."


The nano-material grade alloy plate in front of me has been beaten into a brush!

a big hole!

If it hits the mechanical warrior, the meaning will be different, and the bullet enters the body, and it may even damage the internal modules of the body!

iii. The penetrating ability of the ammunition cannot be blocked even by nano-material alloy panels.

This is the horror of nano ammunition! Level 4 and level 5 ammunition are believed to be incomprehensible ammunition!

That's why there are all kinds of armor...

But these are all secondary. It can only be said that the meaning of Nami is extraordinary, and this hot weapon is barely enough.

From now on, it will be armed to the teeth...

Maybe all kinds of armor can now protect against nano-warriors, these tiny mechanical soldiers or weapons?

That said, it's not too strong.

But the future is bright!

at the same time.

Not surprisingly.

"Congratulations, honorable three-level academician of the Academy of Sciences!

World Elite!

Dragon faction leader Fang Che!

It is the first among the people on earth to develop the initial product of the second-level civilization———-level III ammunition, and the machine world rewards 100,000 energy coins!"

The book immediately changed to: 460,000 energy coins.

After all, this is a technology owned by the mechanical world, and it is already very good to have 100,000 energy coins.

There is nothing unsatisfying.

However, the world chat channel.

"One hundred thousand!"

"Oh my god! It's one hundred thousand energy coins!"

"It's one hundred thousand energy coins!"

"Big Brother Fang Che lend me some money, I need energy stones!"

"You need it, and I need it too.


However, Fang Che was stunned when he saw this.

Is one hundred thousand energy coins a lot?

Fang Che was immediately puzzled...

One hundred thousand energy coins, traded in the free market of the mechanical world, can only buy one loneliness!

"Boss, lend me 50,000 yuan today, and in the future, I will surely repay you!"

"Fang Che is really rich!"

"I've wanted to buy a car body module for a long time, it's handsome!"

"You haven't modified the body yet?"

"Why remodeling? There are so many handsome mechas in the free trade market, not to mention that the mechas cannot be remodeled after remodeling. I want to be more handsome."

"For the sake of being handsome, you really don't want to die!"

"Handsome is my hope of living..."

"I don't have an energy coin yet!"

"Boss Fang Che already has 100,000 energy coins..."

"This is the gap between you and the boss."

at this time.

Only then did Fang Che understand why they were so surprised and sighed, it turned out that some guys didn't even have 100,000 energy coins!

Fang Che took a look at the various body modules in his backpack. The sonic combat module, which was rewarded twelve days ago, was worth hundreds of thousands of energy.

It can be regarded as one of the more valuable body modules in the first-level civilization!

What's more, he has consumed millions of energy coins!


"It turns out that I... am so rich, I don't even know it.

Fang Che thought with a look of shock.


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