Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 139 Rewards For Nano-Body


Properties panel!

[Equipment]: 3D printing production center, first-class battery storage power plant production line, jet fighter production line, compound 4 laboratory. …

And various module technologies equipped by faction members "Dragon Pai Base".

Of course, those technical modules are not the focus.

Fang Che looked at the built 3D printing production center, which looks like a factory building, but it is an unmanned production line.

Open the 3D Printing Production Center.

Of course, it is said to be an unmanned production line, but there must be a silicon-based life to control and set what products to produce.

Production-level ammunition: Consumable material x1, 400 energy points.

As long as the Longpai database and Fang Che have learned first-level and second-level civilization technology modules, they can be produced in the 3D printing center.

Machine gun modules, cannons, primary and secondary ammunition, wiring, and modules for producing various materials and more!

Of course, first-class civilized household appliances, not to mention.


cell phone?

And there is!

And it can also be used as the body module of silicon-based life.

But Fang Che didn't buy the relevant technology, so it couldn't produce it.

After all, the mechanical world is a complete circle of civilized life.

They have the same entertainment, but less entertainment.

But that doesn't mean there isn't...


Fang Che didn't think too much in this direction.


He looks to the production of important weapons modules.

Beam Saber Weapon Mod!

Tactical Shield Module!

And the Vulcan cannon module researched after the complex 4 laboratory analysis!

[Production requirements of beam saber module]: Matter x6, energy 300 points.

[Tactical Shield Module Production Requirements]: Matter x15[Energy main thousand points.

[Vulcan Cannon Module Production Requirements]: Material x11, energy 2300 points.

In the 3D printing production center,

The resource requirements for producing the three modules are quickly shown.

The smaller the module, the lower the material requirements, but the technical level requirements are extremely high.

But fortunately, the beam saber is a technological product of the second-level civilization!

It is also within the production range of the 3D printing production center to meet the production requirements of the Light Speed ​​Saber.


Fang Che also breathed a sigh of relief.

The base can now generate 28,000 energy per day.

To maintain the daily operations of the base requires 8,000 energy points:

Therefore, only 20,000 energy points can be used to maintain the operation of the production line.

As long as you plan together, you don't have to worry about the lack of energy.

And now there are not many members.

Even if the 3D printing center produces four or five modules per day, it will be enough for everyone to equip after ten days!

Don't worry too much about energy.

It's just that you're running out of energy.

next second.

While waiting for the 3d printing center to produce modules.

Fang Che's nano-smart alloy body has finally been remodeled.

This time, the time it took was several times that of the previous modification of the alloy and steel body.

You must know that his body was transformed almost instantly in the past.

With the technical process requirements of the material.

It will definitely take more time to modify the body in the future.

So Fang Che was not surprised.


It is almost equivalent to giving super cemented carbide various buff properties.

This is the case in the language of online games.

Nano-intelligent alloy body material technology, deformation, high energy absorption, lightweight, extreme environment resistance, high-density energy storage.

This is nano smart alloy smart material.

Fang Che's super cemented carbide has been reorganized and changed to nanoscale!

It is like rearranging atoms and transforming them into nanostructures.

It's a pity that it would be perfect if there is a bionic repair function.

Speaking of which, in the original body powder of Steel Fist, repair materials were indeed found.

But it is a natural functional material, and now the mechanical world has already exhausted its resources......

Fang Che sighed, the not-so-perfect nano-smart material.


at this time.

[Ding! Successfully signed in, consecutively signed for 73 days, and rewarded with intermediate biological knowledge!"

Another day passed.

Biology again.

"Maybe biology can find the answer to bionic repair! What if there is a living thing that can repair itself? For example, the healing of human skin!"

Fang Che thought thoughtfully.

Although you can't feel the changes in the hardness and toughness of the body!

But Fang Che knows how terrifying his nano-intelligent super-tungsten carbide body is!

Nanostructure arrays, density changes, hardness and toughness needless to say.

His body can also store energy! This means that energy consumption can be saved in the future.

And his tonnage has become ten tons because of the lightweight of the material.

【Name】: Fang Cheiv-level silicon-based life


[Energy]: Level III battery x2 (20000/20000)

【Faction】: Fighting faction, Dragon faction

[Title]: World elite, third-level academician


【Life Point】: 300


【Movement speed】: 2450km/h

【Response speed】: 713/1 second


[Equipment]: monopulse radar module, leader module, leader module, complete power module, agile module, turret tower module x1, machine gun x1), supercomputing module, ammunition accumulation technology, airborne photoelectric sighting system, active reaction armor system, liquid cooling radiator, flame storm, spear module, shield module, turbine engine, three-sided active phased array radar, missile weapon module x2, electromagnetic stealth system, tracking system, expert exoskeleton armor

[Skills]: Elementary maintenance technology, elementary dismantling, five tigers breaking doors, wormhole teleportation, anti-shock, sound waves, overclocking strike, military boxing, weapon control system, leader characteristics, majesty.

The first humanoid form: the flying speed is 85km/h.

The flying speed of the second bully (dehaohao) king dragon is 63km/h.

The third form of sonic fighter is 2450km/h.

His current attribute panel has changed a lot.

Defense attribute increased from 62 to 162.

Of course after activating the expert exoskeleton armor.

Fang Che's strength attribute will become 493 points! Defense will also increase to 262 points! Doubled.

Without the exoskeleton armor, naturally there is no increase in these attributes, which are displayed on the attribute panel.


.Congratulations to Fang Che, the world's elite, you have become the first second-level civilized fighter among the people on Earth! To encourage you, the mechanical world hereby rewards you with a nuclear power module!"

"Attention! The galaxy battlefield is open to you!"

This rewards the father!

Energy power module?

Seeing this reward, Fang Che couldn't help laughing.

"In the future, I will finally no longer have to worry about energy!"

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