Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 146 Extraordinary Significance

"A breakthrough in space folding technology!"

"Oh my God!"

"Our Yu faction, there is no technology to restrict the fighting faction anymore!"

"This is change!"

"Upai, get ready!"

"A new war is coming!"

"It tipped the balance!"

"Warrior faction!!!"

"Long live Fang Che third-level science~academician!"

"Father of Wudoupai space folding-folding technology."

The balance that has been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years has just been broken.

No one knows what this represents, a new war, or what.

Zeng Yupai used this as a constraint to maintain a relationship with the Wudou faction.

In fact, they have long expected that sooner or later the fighters will break through space technology, and this day will come sooner or later.

I just didn't expect it to be——today.

Therefore, Yupai and S-class air school are very close, of course, this is the reason for the blockade of space technology.

The relationship is too complicated.


【You have won a new title, the father of space breaking technology of the martial arts faction!】

"Take science and technology as the truth. Walk into the wonderful world, knock on the door of the world, and arouse the hope of life!

And science never stops!"

Fang Che muttered to himself, this sentence in front of the military faction's science department.

It turns out that this is the impact of technology.

The significance to the martial arts faction is more due to

[Father of Space Folding Technology]: Title! You will be followed and respected by the Fighting Faction! You will always be recorded in the history of the Fighting Faction.

You will be forever recorded in the Science Hall of the Mechanical Mother Planet!

Together we salute the great science!

Such a title!

There is no real reward, more like an honor.

It's just what the content behind it means, does it mean that I will be recorded by the mechanical world forever!

Will always be remembered by the mechanical world.

Like the history books on Earth.

Like the people in the school classroom who are recorded in the books.

[Congratulations to Fang Che, a third-level academician of science, because you are the first earthling to be permanently recorded in the history of the mechanical world, I hereby reward you with a quantum communication channel! 】

"Record the annals!"


"We will be forgotten!"

"But Mr. Fang Che... Even the mechanical world will always remember his name!"

"No, there is no name in the mechanical world! It is a number, and his number can be queried...

"Will the Martial Arts School think of him every time they use the Space Folding Technology?"

"Of course, who do you think of when you use the light!"

"I... think of Edison, don't I!"

"I thought of Tesla..."

"Otherwise, why is someone called the father of space folding of the Wudou faction!"

"But how did he research it..."

"I am a Ph.D. expert. I want to copy the car on the earth. I copied an old antique car from the 1970s and 1980s!"

"This...Fang Che! It directly involves space science on the high level!"

However, Fang Che just glanced at the World Channel.

Switch directly to your new rewards.

[Quantum Communication Channel]: It is a communication channel unique to its own faction, and members can communicate with each other in it.

"This...isn't it something like a radio!"

Don't think that taking the prince's correspondence is tall.

But after all, it is quantum communication, which is definitely much better than radio signals. It is not easy to be disturbed, and it is undoubtedly difficult to crack the quantum communication channel.

【Have you opened the quantum communication channel!】


【You have opened the quantum communication channel!】

[Did you pull all the members of the Dragon faction into the quantum communication channel. 】

"That's kind of interesting."

Fang Che moved his hands quickly on the light screen panel.

Establishment of Longpai Quantum Communication Army Tyrannosaurus Rex Corps Quantum Communication——Sub-Channel!

Establishment of Longpai Quantum Communication Air Force Jet Fighter Quantum Communication——sub-channel!

Each of these legions has its own channel.

"Steel Fist!"

Fang Che tried calling out.


"Who the fuck is calling you Grandpa Steel Fist!"

Steel Fist screamed and shouted: "What is pulled into the quantum communication sub-channel? What the hell is this! There are so many weird things in the new era, hell, garbage. Who is it...

"it's me!"

Sitting on the head of the base, Fang Che said lightly.

...asking for flowers...


Steel Fist was stunned for a moment, "Great leader...! Ah.... Whose voice is so strong and full of domineering! It's amazing! As expected of a leader, you can clearly hear the leader's concern from such a distance!"

Fang Che seems to be used to it, "This is quantum communication technology! Hmm... But, you probably don't understand..."

In a blink of an eye.

Quit quantum communication.

What Fang Che thought of was the meaning brought by the collar communication.

In the event of a war, the quantum communication dialogue function is extremely far away, and it can even be done between planets in the universe.

It is far from being comparable to things like radios and walkie-talkies.

After all, quantum communication is a technological product of a second-level civilization!


With such a channel.

In the future, quantum communication can be used to directly transmit instructions to the Dragon faction members on the battlefield.

And members can also exchange tactics in various team ways...

It can be said that the military use is even greater.

Everyone knows the importance of conveying the commander's order, as well as the communication of members...

I believe that even the ancient steel fist will get used to the benefits of quantum communication in the future.


Fang Che didn't expect that the space folding technology would bring him another reward.

Science seems to belong to the highest level in the mechanical world!

"I'm a member of the Academy of Sciences, and I have a vaguely transcendent status."

Fang Che was talking to himself.

next second.

[Ding! Sign in successfully, sign for 74 consecutive days, and reward basic botanical knowledge! 】

Is this Knowledge Week?

Everything is knowledge!

Fang Che is a bit depressed, this has been known for a few days!

"Could it be that the next sign-in reward explosion is related to knowledge?"

No way!

No way!

To be honest, Fang Che was deeply influenced by this knowledge, for example, after he acquired the basic knowledge of botany, the grasses and trees he didn’t know before now know their names!

for example--

Not far from Yunyi City, camel thorns growing in the desert can be seen everywhere.

As soon as he saw it, Fang Che knew that camel thorn belongs to the leguminous family, deciduous shrubs, and other inexplicable knowledge came...people....

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