Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 152 Recruitment Of Military Ranks

【Military rank! Lieutenant Colonel! Ba Zhentian, I am calling you!】

【Because you are a third-level academician of science, you have the right to refuse to accept the call!】

【Do you accept Lieutenant Colonel Ba Zhentian's call for you!】



Fang Che looked at the information that suddenly popped up on the light screen panel.

Immediately feel amazed!

After all, who would have thought that military rank would have such a role.

You must know that Fang Che has been exploring the role of military ranks, but he has never thought of it.


Does that mean—these new species, high-ranked mechanical warriors suppress low-ranked ones.

They were recruited to guard Licheng, who cares about their life and death.

Who cares about the life and death of cannon fodder!


Fang Che suddenly realized, "So that's how it is, the new "760" spawns were called here just because they were recruited!

And they don't have their own academician status!

Presumably there is no right to choose.

Of course, powerful mechanical warriors can also get rid of the recruitment restrictions!

This is some kind of hierarchy in the mechanical world.


Fang Che took a deep breath, "The mechanical world! It's a civilization with military supremacy!"

Rank promotion? Especially fast in war!

It's not that military rank is useless, it's just that it wasn't discovered before.

After all, no one told him.

Only when you get in touch with it, the regiment will know what effect it has.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Che knew the role of military rank in recruiting.

[Military rank recruitment]: Recruit silicon-based lifeforms of the same faction and wild species with a lower rank than your own, but you cannot recruit mechanical warriors and academicians with a higher civilization level than your own!

Thinking of this, Fang Che was afraid again and again, but fortunately he has the status of an academician.


Fang Che didn't even want to refuse Ba Zhentian's call.

This is like forcibly arresting people.....drawing the other party into your own faction, the loyalty is terribly low!

Defection is possible at any time!

Fang Che really couldn't figure out why Ba Zhentian recruited him.

This rank enlists?

Test the leadership appeal of each faction.

And recruiting can escape. If you think more flexibly, these new species in front of you may have already fled because of fear of war.

But there is a supervising army, and if you escape, you will be in danger of death!

After thoroughly understanding the enlistment of military ranks.

It seems that the rank call is not so mandatory.

However, perhaps when civilizations collide with each other, perhaps the terrifying coercive force of military rank recruitment will be revealed!

This is a military rank function that does not seem to have much power at ordinary times, but is hidden like a time bomb.

After all, it was almost a mandatory call-up.

To put it simply, you can get rewards by accepting tasks and completing them.

But recruiting means nothing, and you have to pay the price of your life.


It should be a product left over from the old era of the mechanical world.

Although the new concept of the times has been born, the class concept of the old age still exists.

This is what every civilization will experience, just like the conflict between the ancient ideas of the earth and the modern ideas, it can only be downplayed. ……

But for the new species that appeared on the battlefield, it is really cruel!

follow closely.

Ba Zhentian seemed to have received the message of refusal, "Unexpectedly, a third-level academician of science really has the right to refuse recruitment! This message is true!"

Ba Zhentian seemed shocked.

"Academician Fang Che, although you have the right to refuse recruitment! But I still hope you accept it!"

The Licheng lord standing in front of him suddenly said to Fang Che: "In this way, I can pull you into the Licheng communication system, and your mission will be considered activated.

"And you don't have to worry, you and I are not in a forced recruitment relationship like the new species!"

Hearing this, after Fang Che looked carefully, he really didn't find the content of compulsory recruitment.

Only then did he realize that he had misunderstood.

Sounds like a contract build? Build something like a contract?

next second.

The option to call up again has arrived again.

And this time,

Feel free to choose to accept.

After all, compulsory recruitment and non-compulsory recruitment are the same as voluntary and involuntary.

There are rewards for not being drafted.

In the next second, a text prompt appeared on Fang Che's light screen panel.

[Your G-level mission support guard Licheng has been activated!]

However, it is the right time to participate in this g-level mission...

Otherwise, when will he know this—the role of military rank!

But Fang Che was even more shocked. Ba Zhentian didn't know that third-level academicians could refuse to be recruited, so he asked in surprise: "You don't know either!"

"Yes! I have only been the lord of Licheng for 10,000 years! It is very difficult to meet third-level academicians... almost all of them are in the Science Department."

a thousand years!

It has been a long time.


"Respected academician Fang Che!" Licheng Lord Ba Zhentian looked over, "I think you already know that as long as you can hold my territory, you can complete the task! You also know about the rewards. All participants can get a reward of 10,000 energy coins, and those who are outstanding will be rewarded with 100,000 energy coins and a second-level civilization-level weapon module!

Hearing this, Fang Che nodded.

After all, to participate in this mission, on the one hand, he wanted to take a look.

On the other hand, it is for the second-level civilization-level weapon module!

But presumably the rewards for the g-level missions will not be so good.

Therefore, Fang Che had already expected it in his heart.

Not really looking forward to rewards...

But the second-level civilization-level mechanical warriors present all came for the second-level civilization weapon modules.

Therefore, presumably, every second-level civilized mechanical warrior will go all out during the war.

A second-level civilization-level weapon module is worth at least one million energy sources!

This is the real value of this task.

Say it!

A lord himself? 1.7

"I don't know if I can issue a mission?"

Thinking of this, Fang Che hurriedly opened the mission system.

Slide over those what destroy civilizations!

Collect planets!

Star Wars and other shocking mission content.

Just when Fang Che was puzzled and couldn't find it.

next second.

It's actually hidden in the upper right corner of the task panel on the light screen. I haven't seen such a big word, but it's good to find it.

"Sure enough, lord missions! Faction missions! I can issue them all!"

Soon, Fang Che found out that his authority can issue tasks, and with the elevation of authority, he can also issue world tasks?

But because he is a small lord and e-level faction.

Fang Che discovered that he could only issue tasks at the G level. .

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