Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 161 Thrilling Hunting

The technology of the third-level civilized mechanical warrior.

Despite being suppressed by the mechanical parent star.

But it is not a second-level civilization-level mechanical warrior, which can be challenged casually.


【Your iii battery module has reached a critical point!】


The fist hit the top of the ground tiger's head.

The energy shield was broken, and the ground tiger wanted to rely solely on unknown body materials... It was impossible to block Fang Che's fist if he wanted to block the overclocking blow!

Nuclear power overclocking!

The power is poured into the electric power system, the diesel engine and the turbine engine are all in operation, not to mention the number of Fang Che's ii-level batteries x6,

Master overclocking, how cool you can be.

Just like destroying the ancients, blasting into the ground tiger's head!


next second.

Fang Che was taken aback!

When I thought it was all over,

Does the ground tiger have no soul fire in its head?

But Fang Che had no time to think about it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's you again!"

I saw that the land tiger roared like an immortal god of war. He was repeatedly broken by Fang Che, a second-level civilized mechanical warrior, as if he felt humiliated.

under anger.

The ground tiger grabbed his own head from the top of his head with his left hand, and grabbed Fang Che in his head.

This scene.

It does look spooky!

But this is the truth.

Silicon-based life is not afraid of any wounds,

As long as the soul fire is still in the body to control the whole body, and there is still energy, he will be able to fight like a perpetual motion machine without stopping!

【Your level III battery is scrapped!】

Fang Che frowned, he didn't expect that even premium-grade batteries couldn't kill ground tigers!

Looking at the hand reaching out to grab him, Fang Che was beating in the ground tiger's head,...

"Tiger! Your opponent is me!"

Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of, Ba Zhentian made a move, obviously because he had modified more weapon modules, and his melee combat ability was not as good as that of the ground tiger.

But an energy weapon is really enviable!

He is worthy of being the lord of a city.

Energy weapons are simply at your fingertips, and these are just used weapon modules.

Of course Fang Che wouldn't be so stupid as to think that Ba Zhentian only had such a few weapons, those high-level destructive-level weapons, even the ground tiger didn't show them.

Not to mention Ba Zhentian, a silicon-based life form that has finally been transformed into a weapon.

Obviously, the ground tiger is more inclined to melee transformation.

Neither melee nor ranged can fall.

Fang Che thought in a flash.

[Your overclocking starts with one click!]


A punch hit the ground tiger's head at the approximate position of the nose, and Fang Che immediately dodged the ground tiger's grasping hand.

But in the case of the terrifying operation of the power explosion in the body.

I saw that Fang Che's entire body seemed to be under high temperature.

But fortunately, nano-smart materials are resistant to high temperatures, otherwise they would have melted long ago.

【Attention, your liquid cooling system is already at the moderate limit!】

【Your body temperature has exceeded 530 degrees!】

【One of your level II batteries is scrapped!】

The text prompts kept flashing.

Nuclear powered energy, converted to electrical energy, supercharged battery-powered operation.

However, the destructive level weapon must be locked.

Otherwise, when life and death were at stake, the land tiger might have used a destructive weapon to end it all.

when looking at the data.

Fang Che pierced the spear module with his left hand into the big hole in the ground tiger's chest, and threw the shield wolf wolf with his right hand.

The whole person is like other second-level civilized mechanical warriors, hanging on the super-sized body of the ground tiger.

The ground tiger's entire body was shaking.


The energy shield rose again, but it was immediately shattered by Ba Zhentian's energy weapon.

"Landhu, you're not going. Your energy was already exhausted when you used the disaster-causing weapon just now!"

Zhen Batian said excitedly.

He had never been so close to killing a ground tiger.

"It seems that you really can't do it this time!"

"Ba Zhentian, you want to hunt me down!"

The ground tiger stabilized the body, and the purple electric current suddenly flickered on his left fist, making a sizzle like a thunder god.

"The end of the crossbow!"

But at this time!

【Warning current magnetic field interference!】

【Module closes automatically!】


Fang Che radar is gone.

Those modules of the weapon control system are automatically turned off.


[Overclocking Strike has started!]

...asking for flowers...

"Go to hell!"

Numerous hegemonic faction members hanging on him, all kinds of weapons took turns, hanging on the ground tiger's strong body material like Fang Che, destroying the opponent's body.

If normally, these mechanical warriors hanging on his body, the land tiger will definitely be able to teach them to be human.

But now!


Zizi's natural disaster weapon swept over him, and the members of the Overlord faction on his body seemed to be infected as if the whole body was infected, and the electric current exploded!

next second.

fell to the ground.

The ground tiger directly crushed these second-level civilized mechanical warriors.

Interferenced by the current and magnetic fields, Fang Che's radar and supercomputing modules were automatically turned off.

In fact, Fang Che has a shielding interference module to prevent magnetic field interference, but it has little effect in the face of this terrifying natural disaster weapon.

But even without the assistance of these modules.

Overclocking can still be overclocked!

"One overclock!"

"Second Overclocking!"

"Three overclocks!"

"Quadruple Overclock!"

Quadruple Overclocking!

The temperature seems to have reached thousands of degrees Celsius!

But for the superhard alloy body of nano-smart material, the damage is almost zero.

But Fang Che knew that his liquid cooling system had exploded!

Absolutely scrapped!

Land Tiger seems to have detected the threat of Fang Che by its own body, after all, his top computing module is still in operation.

With a wild warning.

The land tiger's fist swept towards it with a purple thunder light.

Fang Che ignored it directly, the only place where the ground tiger is intact is the heart.

Obviously this position is the life gate of the ground tiger!

Deadly gate!

After Fang Che analyzed it, he punched him down without hesitation!


The fist shattered the ground tiger's chest, Fang Che directly passed through the ground tiger's body, and he passed directly, and saw the ground tiger collapsed, and the orange-white soul in the heart was instantly swallowed by Fang Che unceremoniously.

The soul fire in his head suddenly turned a lot more transparent.

Fang Che devoured the opponent's soul flame in one fell swoop, and eliminated the opponent, he could no longer control his body anymore!

With a bang, it fell towards the ground. Fang Che's third-form fighter jet skimmed low, narrowly avoiding the ground tiger's fallen body. .

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