Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 165: New Structure (Fifth Watch)

Complex 4 labs.

As soon as you walk into the laboratory.

Fang Che took out the arm and leg of the third-level civilized mechanical warrior-the ground tiger from his backpack.

"A level-three civilization-level mechanical warrior body! You really hunted down a level-three civilization-level mechanical warrior!"

Follow up j01.

She was taken aback and looked at it in disbelief.

You must know that she immediately judged that this was the arm and leg of a mechanical warrior of a third-level civilization.

Works even for j01.

Due to the different functional metals.

Every functional metal has its performance characteristics.

"Of course, but I only share 30%. This is an arm that can only swing a gravity punch. There is a very high possibility that there is a gravity weapon module in it!"

Fang Che took out the black liquid metal while talking.

The black liquid metal placed inside the special metal is motionless at this moment!

It's like a real piece of metal, but with a square mouth.

This is a living thing.

And it's a creature that lives on metal!

"Although I have already analyzed it in the Licheng laboratory, I think there is a repairing nanostructure in it! If I can find this repairing structure! Then I can arrange a new nanoatomic structure, master bionic self-repairing technology, and perfect my nano-smart super hard alloy!"

Fang Che said excitedly.

"If I go further, I will get new materials!"

At this moment, Fang Che doesn't care whether j01 understands or not.

A person was talking to himself, as if his whole body was trembling slightly.

While being full of interest in these two things, he also endowed him with great sustenance and hope.

Fang Che got into it completely, sharing his joy.


Hearing this, j0 walked out of the laboratory silently.

This is not a subject she can relate to.

Fang Che talked about biology, gravity, 417 materials science, surface materials...

A few minutes later.

In the laboratory equipment, the materials of the land tiger body were analyzed.

Fang Che looked at the analysis report and muttered to himself, "Electricity? Sure enough, this kind of functional metal is hard, and it also has the specific function of electricity. It's no wonder that at that time, the ground tiger used natural disaster weapons, like a tiger with wings added."

To be precise, it is an electrical functional material, which is used to amplify natural disaster weapons. This is a method of body modification.

Warriors have different functions.

However, Fang Che's body is resistant to extreme environments, high-density energy storage, light weight, high energy absorption, and deformation performance. It can be said that the direction of his transformation is completely different from that of Land Tiger.

"Light? It turns out to be an electro-optic functional material?"

To put it simply, it is to apply a layer on the surface of the body, which is equivalent to the coating technology in understanding.

In this way, new buffs can be given without changing the material structure!

It is as if the shoes are stepped on in the water, but the water is still very dry and will not be affected in any way.

Thinking of this, Fang Che began to study.

Functional materials themselves are also nanostructures.

Of course, it is possible to arrange units smaller than nanometers.

Like atoms! Like quarks?

It depends on whether the electron microscope in the Fu 4 laboratory can observe it.

If the atoms cannot be observed, then everything is meaningless, and it is impossible to imagine the structure of the ... atoms of a material out of thin air.

"Only by knowing the structure can we arrange them, and then find the corresponding elements and mix them to get the desired materials.


An atom becomes larger under a microscope, and if you can see it, you can easily discover the structure of the material.

Although with the help of good microscope equipment, it seems (cbei) very easy.

But coupled with the mixing of various elements in proportion, it takes a long time to do it.....

As for functional materials, such as the electro-optical functional materials on the ground tiger body, the characteristics of refractive index, transmission and power amplification must also be considered, and a slight mistake will be fine.

It's actually an extremely complicated thing.

Secondly, after research and development, we must also consider the process, whether it can be produced!

"Although we know the atomic structure of this new material, we don't know what metal elements and how many metal elements are mixed. This makes it impossible to produce and replicate this material!"

Fang Che sighed.

What a pity!

But it is also a harvest to be able to apply this atomic structure in the future.

[Drip, you have mastered the new technological atomic structure, nano-electro-optic functional atomic array!]

at this time.

Fang Che was overjoyed that he had a new atomic array structure.

He can make his body have new performance technology in the future.

In words that can be understood - the stability of his body has increased, it has conductivity, and the control function of the module has been enhanced.

It can be understood as an auxiliary buff material!

Of course, the body of the mechanical warrior of the third-level civilization is definitely not nanometer, and the microscope in the Kofu 4 laboratory can only observe atoms.

Maybe there is a material that could be a unit of quarks?

That's a structure made up of smaller components than nanomaterials...

But Fang Che is already very satisfied. With the electro-optical performance of the body, it can increase the anti-interference, and it can also prevent the ground tiger, a natural disaster weapon of lightning, from harming his body.

It almost has anti-electric performance...

But Fang Che is not in a hurry to endow himself with new electro-optical properties for the nano-smart super-tungsten carbide body.

Then it's much easier.

From the liquid organisms, the amplification of the biological result atoms... almost exactly the same process.

It also takes a lot of patience!

It took seven days.

It was only on this liquid creature that Fang Che found the atomic structure he wanted.

After all, the atomic structure is very small, and the structure is also different.

This is the result of an electron microscope magnifying a hundred million times. Of course, it is impossible for an atom to magnify one hundred million times!

The 100 million times here refers to magnifying the material to 100 million times.

Some say that every atom is a miniature universe!

Inside the atom the primordial form of the universe can be seen...

And it needs to be magnified hundreds of billions of times to see it.

Maybe the microscope in the mechanical world can do it...

However, the magnification of Fu 4's laboratory has exceeded the performance of this microscope by hundreds of millions of times.

The electron microscope is magnified 100 million times below!

The performance of liquid organisms is clear at a glance, and the activities of organisms and dense cells can be seen.

But Fang Che didn't want that.

He splits liquid metal-like creatures!

When it is separated and fused like gallium, it shows the characteristics that Fang Che wants!


"Sure enough, it has the characteristics of self-healing."

[Drip! You have mastered the new atomic structure, nanometer self-healing technology!]

Fang Che excitedly arranged two atomic structure arrays in his body.

In this way, two more functions have been added to his body, electro-optical function, and bionic self-repair!

These two properties make him in the case of injury, the nano-smart material will start self-healing properties, just like this liquid metal creature!

Of course, it is more like the function of Iron Man's late battle suit in complex 4.

And immediately followed by transforming the new functions of the body.

At the same time, Fang Che disassembled the ground tiger's body.

His only hope now is to disassemble the gravity module perfectly.

With the device, the probability of damage to the module will become very low.

In the laboratory, under the magnification of another optical microscope, it is impossible to go wrong!

After a few hours.

Fang Che found an object that looked like the latest gravity module, just like a memory stick.

In fact, there is no need to doubt how many times the microscope in the mechanical world can magnify. After all, the world that can produce such modules does not need to worry about its production line technology!

It is entirely a question of whether there are energy coins to buy, and whether they can still be bought!

Equipment and craftsmanship cannot be bought with money.

Such as the lithography machine on the earth!

Technology blockade, unless you break through yourself, you can break the technology monopoly!

Fang Che concentrated on looking at the laboratory's smart housekeeper—————— small a, which automatically controls and divides this module under the condition of a thousand times magnification of the optical microscope.

The progress is slow, but the module can be harmless.

After all, Gravity Technology is a blockade technology of the A-level faction, the Tiger Faction.

It has been out of stock in the free trading market, this is a weapon module that cannot be bought with energy coins!

But another day passed.

[Ding! Successfully signed in, signed continuously for 96 days, and rewarded Gauss rifle! 】

More than ten days have passed!

Finally, more than ten days later, Fang Che spent eight days finding the electro-optic atomic structure technology on the ground tiger's broken leg!

It took seven days to find a bionic repair atomic structure from a liquid metal creature!

It is worth mentioning that there are many kinds of atomic structures, and the arrangements are also different. It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to find the atomic structure you want from the many atomic structures of a material.

At the same time, in one day, Fang Che found the gravity model he wanted on the ground tiger's broken arm with great care!

And on the right arm there is a second level civilization stealth module, optical camouflage!

This surprised Fang Che a little.

Another day passed.

Fang Che's nano-intelligent super-tungsten carbide body has also been modified. Because of the bionic repair technology, it can be said that his body already has the characteristics of a main-level civilization.

Fang Che was pleasantly surprised, the harvest of this G-level mission, "Gravity module! Optical camouflage stealth module! And two new two kinds of technical performance structures!"

Excited, Fang Che felt that his nano-smart material body was perfect!

He dares to say that his body is the strongest among nanometers.

The electro-optical atomic structure is a functional material structure, not performance!

Finally, after eighteen days, Fang withdrew from his laboratory.

eighteen days!

seems like a long time,

But for scientific research, it is not too long. There are too many technologies that cannot be found or broken through in hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand years.

It often even takes countless generations of life to search for different material structures.

And this is just like an epic masterpiece...

ps: Fifth watch, thank you Xinfu, Snake for your rewards, flowers, and evaluation votes, thank you.

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