Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 6 Dimensional Space


[Dear third-level academician of space science, welcome to the city of science. 】

As soon as he stepped into the city of science, a prompt message appeared on the text light screen panel.

This is equivalent to being detected.

Your own identity information is uploaded by your own light screen panel~.

Don't be too surprised, this is a very normal thing.

As a silicon-based life, the information age is many, many years ago; and the information data in the mechanical world is better developed and transmitted faster.

bang bang bang~!

Switch to first humanoid form.

Fang Che stepped into this city that does not belong to any faction.

He doesn't attract the attention of many silicon-based beings.

Generally speaking, the third-level mechanical warriors are academicians of about one or two disciplines.

Because of the technical blockade.

They need to break through the bottleneck of civilization by themselves.

But such an approach is undoubtedly a dream, if you can rely on yourself, there will be no technical blockade.

You can see many Level 3 Civilization level Mechanical Warriors here.

How to judge?

Naturally, it is because of the materials on their bodies, as well as the organisms—I have never seen them before!

For high-level mechanical warriors, their bodies are more streamlined than those.

This is completely visible to the eye.

not far away. Fang Che saw a mechanical soldier, and detected a burst of energy without even scanning with radar. It is obvious that this third-level mechanical warrior does not have a better shielding module, or his body material does not have shielding performance.

This is like the thermal imaging technology on the earth, there will be infrared radiation.

In fact, Fang Che does not have such a shielding module.

"Recruiting academicians!"

"Academician, follow me!"

"Follow you? Is your base safe? How about the equipment laboratory! How much do you invest? Secondly, how much of the module technology can I get!"

"My c-level faction! Benefits are good! The laboratory is better, academicians join us!"

"I am a series of city defense robots, warning, please don't make radical moves in the city of technology!"

Into the city.

Fang Che listened carefully, although some of them were third-level mechanical fighters.

Possibly even a faction leader!

But everyone understands the role of academicians of science, and no one wants to recruit more academicians of science.

"I need a third-level academician of materials science, and I am willing to pay 100 million energy coins! Just help me research it, there is no limit, and you can leave freely!"

"Break through the bottleneck of the third-level civilization, sensor technology, are there any academicians who are interested in this project, and once they successfully break through, they are willing to reward the energy city with 10 billion!"

Since this is one of the only roads that the city of science and technology must pass, there are many second-level mechanical warriors who recruit passing academicians here.

Sensor technology?

It must be a technology of the fourth-level civilization!

Hearing these recruitment information, Fang Che had to say that academicians of science can earn a lot of energy coins by doing research.


Not suitable for Fang Che.

Scientific research is not so easy.

Especially for scientific research projects with higher bounties, the difficulty is by no means unimaginable.

And this method of earning energy coins has a long cycle.

No one knows how many years it will take.

If you are lucky, a year or two, a few months.

And bad luck? Tens of thousands of years are possible!.

did not expect.

The mechanical world still has such a traditional recruitment method!

Fang Che thought slightly surprised.

Enter the city of science and technology.

However, in the task system, there are many scientific research tasks that can be accepted by individual academicians.

These silicon-based life are only attracting the attention of top scientific academicians.

The city is also not 9...

In fact, many cities in the mechanical world have such regulations.

Level four, level five!

Academicians of science are likely to meet in the city of science and technology.

It can be said here - anything is possible.

This is the same as online and offline. Sometimes offline is always easier and the probability will increase.

Amazing metaphysics!

But just stepped into the city of technology!


Fang Che unexpectedly discovered that the world has become flat.

He has become a shadow!

"Two-dimensional space!"

Fang Che was a little surprised.

He walked forward like a shadow, just like the content on a piece of paper.

The mechanical warriors around him are all two-dimensional in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Many silicon-based life around me are so surprised.

...seeking flowers 00

"It's the first time to come to the city of technology!"

I just heard the silicon-based life passing by say to my companions: "The entire city of technology is built with dimensional technology.

"Therefore, many silicon-based life forms also call this city the City of Dimensions."

"Dimension. Isn't dimension technology only mastered by the civilization of the gods?"

"In a sense, the dimensional civilization is indeed counted as the civilization of the gods! But it's just based on our civilization level!"

"If we had such technology back then, then our civilization would not be helpless in front of the mechanical world.

"It should be counted as a pseudo-theistic civilization!"

"I don't know! This is not a technology we can understand now..."

While listening to the conversation of passers-by.


next second.


Followed by as if to another area!

"Come to the third dimension."

A second-level civilized mechanical warrior beside him pointed to the new space and said.

The surrounding silicon-based life is magically looking around.

"Is this the third dimension?"

Fang Che looked over in disbelief?

"Don't we just live in a three-dimensional space?"

"Uh uh uh...I forgot."

"I feel like you're kidding me!"

"No, big brother is definitely not! When I was a carbon-based life, I was a two-dimensional space life!"

"Is there really life in the two-dimensional space?"

"Why not! Why not! Am I not?"

"That kind of dimensional space is really boring!"

"Dimension discrimination?"

"Is there dimension discrimination here too? Do you know that it's not easy for me to understand the three-dimensional world? I'm damn!"


Fang Che shook his head, what he was expecting was a four-dimensional space.....

four dimensions!

That is a dimensional space that human beings seem to be unable to touch in their entire lives.

Just like beings in the 2D world will never understand 3D unless they come to 3D!

Three-dimensional? Many people know the length, width and height.

There's nothing surprising about the three-dimensionality of Tech City.

Not even that area of ​​the two-dimensional dimension is as attractive.

After all, life in the three-dimensional space, going to the two-dimensional space will feel very fresh and zero!.

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