[Congratulations on your successful sign-in, sign-in for one day! 】

[Reward an alloy sword! 】

Hand sank!

A silver broadsword appeared in his hand.

[Silver Broadsword: Cold weapon, ordinary alloy product. 】

And there is a line of small characters at the back. The materials are divided into steel, alloy, composite, micron, nanometer, functional metal, and Titan. The more precious the material is at the back.


"In this way, I can be ahead of others and have a greater chance of surviving in this world."

Fang Che looked at the big knife that suddenly appeared in his hand in surprise, and heaved a sigh of relief.

In the early days, when everyone was unarmed.

Get a weapon first.

Even if it is a cold weapon, it still has the advantage of leading others.

Fang Che glanced at the sun, the east, and discerned the direction.

Close the light screen panel and head towards where the sun is rising.

"Consume 2% of the energy every ten minutes? It seems that the earthlings who were born into silicon-based life are all light energy."

Fang Che looked at the properties panel.

Can it be recharged automatically when there is sunlight?

Light energy?

If the energy is exhausted, does it mean that you will fall into a deep sleep and cannot act.

You need to wait for the solar energy to automatically charge before you have the ability to move.


Sure enough, they all became like robots.

While food is no longer needed, energy is still needed.

Can that be understood as a robot without energy? Just like people are hungry!


Energy Retrofit inside the Retrofit!

Does it mean that more advanced energy can be transformed, such as nuclear energy...

Just, how to unlock it?

Fang Che thought about this, and his thoughts stopped.

After all, you are just newborn in the mechanical world, and you need to explore everything by yourself.

But there is no need to worry too much.

all will be good.

Walked for about half an hour.


Fang Che bent over and leaned against a stone, the joints made an unpleasant rusty sound.

The energy consumption on the properties panel is six percent.

When you stop and walk, it will automatically turn into a charging state!

Just like charging a mobile phone, it shows the pattern of the battery status.

"With full energy, you can act for about 9-11 hours!"

After a rough calculation, Fang Che calculated the consumption.

But the more intense the action, the faster the energy consumption will be.

Such as running ~!

It is twice as fast as walking!

In this way, every step of action, how much you walk every day, you must plan your energy consumption.

Keep yourself mobile enough.


Fang Che sat on the rock and charged for a while.

Who knows if there is any danger in this world?

If there is danger at that time and there is no energy to act, the enemy will laugh.

go further.

It will cross a piece of lush grass and weedy grass half the height of a person.

Shua Shua~!

There is something faintly shaking Baicao inside.

If there is something unknown because of this, wouldn't he be finished?

That's why Fang Che stopped.


There are many tiny things moving around on the ground.

It immediately caught Fang Che's attention.


Mechanical little ant!

Looking at mechanically constructed ant robots?

It was climbing up from his feet to the top of his head.

Fang Che hesitated for a moment, stretched out a finger to press it!

If this little guy bites his circuit, he is not a sad reminder.


Fang Che didn't hesitate, and pressed down hard.


On the closed light screen panel, a reminder suddenly flashed.

"You killed the civilian-level ant-shaped mechanical warrior!"

"You get 1 point of experience!"

See tips.

With a bang, Fang Che jumped up.


"The natives of the mechanical world?"

I couldn't help being afraid for a while, the mechanical world is indeed a data world, similar to the game world.

But gaining experience means that this small ant robot can also hurt him!

Thinking of this, Fang Che felt lucky.

No hesitation.


"You killed the civilian-level ant-shaped mechanical warrior!"

"You get 1 point of experience! You get 1 gram of common-grade material iron! You get 1 percent of the ant-shaped mechanical module!"


step on ~!

"You killed the civilian-level ant-shaped mechanical warrior!"

"You get 1 point of experience! You get 1 gram of common-grade material iron! You get 1 percent of the ant-shaped mechanical module!"


"You killed the civilian-level ant-shaped mechanical warrior!"


trampled to death! Step on! Step on!

Immediately, the dozen or so ant-shaped mechanical warriors in the long line turned into his fifteen points of experience.

And fifteen grams of common-grade iron material?

Equivalent to 0.03 catties of key points.

at the same time.

【Ding! 】

[Material transformation, unlocked successfully! 】

[R&D of iron element, successfully unlocked! Analysis can be initiated! 】

[The modified body is successfully unlocked! 】

[Research and development of an ant-shaped mechanical warrior body, successfully unlocked, and research and development can be initiated! 】

"It turned out to be unlocked like this!"

Seeing the disappearing reminder, Fang Che suddenly realized.

That is to say, the body can be transformed into an ant form, from a human form to an ant form!

But this ant-shaped mechanical warrior body,...

Fang Che is not interested!

Who wants to be an ant?

His current body is at least 1.8 meters, and he ran to become an ant?

Being kicked by someone else?

What attracted his interest was——

This meant that there were still many organisms for him to explore.


"Kill 50 ant-shaped mechanical warriors, and you can upgrade to LV2 with 1 point of experience!"

I don't have much experience, but the victory lies in the low risk factor!

Fang Che's eyes brightened, and he began to look for the ant-shaped mechanical ants on the ground more carefully.

But at the same time, be very careful. Ant-shaped mechanical ants have a small physique. Think about the consequences of letting a small group of ants climb onto the body?

To be honest just now, it was very dangerous.

This kind of ant-shaped mechanical ants are abundant, and they can be seen almost everywhere on the ground just like the ants on the earth.

Find a team!

Fang Che stepped on it without hesitation!

"You killed the civilian-level ant-shaped mechanical warrior!

"You get 1 point of experience! You get 1 gram of common-grade material iron! You get 1 percent of the ant-shaped mechanical module!"


In this way, there will be prompts soon.

【Ding! 】

"You have upgraded to level lv1!"

Seeing the prompt, Fang Che couldn't wait to glance at the property panel:

【Name】: Fang Che?

[lv]: Level 1 (0/75)

[Energy]: I-class battery (95/100)

[Faction]: None

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Civilian

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 5

【Movement speed】: 10km/1h

[Reaction Speed]: 25/1 second

[Defense]: 3

[Equipment]: None

[Skills]: None


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