Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 22 Alloy Materials

【You initiated new research】:

The progress of titanium alloy is one percent.


In the world chat channel, no one chatted about flames.

Even if we talked, no one talked about devouring flames.

They just thought it was strange to have such a flame in their heads!

It seems that no one knows that evolution is possible!

Maybe someone knows.

But there are many people like Fang Che who don't point out, but I don't know how many there are.

After watching the chat channel for a while.

Fang Che continued to switch from the light screen panel to the R&D panel.

Titanium alloy, a very familiar alloy material!

Many people on earth should have heard of it.

Fang Che just couldn't think of it for a while..., but now there is a titanium post.

He suddenly realized that titanium alloy has high strength, good corrosion resistance, and high heat resistance...

It is said that the most used places are aircraft and rocket accessories.

Obviously it is a very suitable material for transforming into a body!

At least two alloys are now available as options, titanium alloys and zinc alloys.

Fang Che was very happy, and the new body gradually became brighter.

Advance the grassland again for another 1,000 meters.

One thousand meters, the slightly larger mechanical warriors, did not escape the combined killing of Fang Che and Dongdong.

The level has also been successfully raised by one level!

Reach level 17.

Hunting and killing several medium-sized beast-type mechanical warriors at the same time, the day passed like this.

But Fang Che got a lot of materials.

This grassland area.

Almost all the areas where steel mechanical warriors live!

Every mechanical warrior with a steel body is more or less storing the metals they have collected.

After killing a gorilla-like mechanical soldier again, Fang Che got another metal as he wished.

Tungsten, Tantalum, Titanium, Molybdenum, Zinc!

When it was dark, there were already five kinds of metals unconsciously!

Light up the black technology of five alloy materials.

An alloy is a material in which two or more metals, or rich metals, are fused together!

Fang Che came up with a whim, if these five metals could be developed together!

Technically yes--

And indeed!

When Fang Che separated the five metals a bit, and added the sixth metal iron...

【You discovered a new alloy】

【You initiated new research】:

Super cemented carbide research and development progress 0.1!

This is a material obtained by mixing hard particles of carbides such as insoluble metals tungsten, tantalum, titanium, molybdenum, and iron element powder, super cemented carbide!

Super Carbide!

Fang Che seemed to tap the air a few times, but in fact he was tapping on the light screen's transformation research and development.

"Fuck! Things have gotten worse!"

Accidentally collect five metal materials...

Fang Che can't laugh or cry, but the best is the best!

Give up all five kinds of alloy research and development, all research and development - super cemented carbide!

Research and development progress: super cemented carbide alloy research and development progress 11%!

Research and development does not require much material.

A large amount of material is needed when the steel body is changed to an alloy material...

After all, when the iron body was changed to a steel body, the number was already astonishing.

But with a height of 1.8 meters, 15 tons is not much.


Fang Che rested patiently for a day, waiting for the reserve power to be fully charged.

Radar modules and skills are extremely energy-intensive modules.

He needs to assemble more reserve battery energy.


According to the radar, there is a huge red dot 300 meters away from the temporary camp!

This is the largest red dot information that Fang Che has found so far.

It may be the aborigines of the large body!

Fang Che looked at the dark night sky in the distance.

To humans, it may be night, but to mechanical life, the world is like data.

Fang Che lay on top of the dead orangutan body, turned off the radar to recharge his energy.

The solar energy at night cannot withstand the consumption of radar.

The solar energy conversion device on them is very ineffective, and it is not that kind of black technology device at first glance.

"Dongdong goes on patrol!"

Dongdong nodded humanely, turned around and disappeared into the grass.

Dongdong can be regarded as a person who can't speak!

However, what Fang Che likes is the loyalty of 100 on the property panel of Dongdong...

This location is only three hundred meters from the unusual red dot.

Three hundred meters seems like a long way.

But this distance is not a problem at all for the mechanical warrior's body that doesn't feel tired.

But in the huge grassland, where is there a truly perfect station!

Can only rely on their own investigation.

With Dongdong's vigilance, Fang Che can finally go to the World Channel to watch the chat messages...


ps: Thank you for your support, thank you everyone, thank you Xiaohuahua

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