Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 26 Titanium Alloys

[Incomplete Skill Sound Wave]: It can make a huge sound and loses many functions.

[Complete strength module]: attribute module, after equipped, strength increases by 25 points!

A new full attribute strength module.

Fang Che directly replaces the strength module that adds 15 attributes.


The strength attribute skyrocketed to 53 points.


The physical attack power of one punch has been significantly increased.

Come on!

If it wasn't for the addition of the power attribute module, he wouldn't be able to destroy the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior so easily.

After all, his attribute is 53 points, which is equivalent to 10,000 kilograms.

You know, the world record for human strength on earth is 1105 kg.

In theory, as long as his arms can bear it, he can reach even higher.

Fang Che thought.

He shook his fist.

In other words, a little strength is equivalent to adding 200 kilograms of strength.


Mechanical warriors will not be negatively affected by muscle, fatigue, etc...


And the skill Sonic!

It must have been judged to be damaged during the battle just now.

It's a pity.

At that time, the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior roared.

The radar function of Fang Che was affected.

Now it just turned into a loud effect.

Fang Che shook his head.

But still choose to equip.

next second.

He clearly felt that there were more parts and equipment in his throat.

But it can't be changed.

The fact that this skill just makes the voice a little louder...


"Speaking of which, what is the difference between this skill and a megaphone?"

Fang Che walked towards the corpse of the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior depressed.

It was like a blow from an S-level skill to a D-level skill.

But the only consolation is——

This corpse is the real treasure!

Alloy body!

Other unknown skill modules of Tyrannosaurus rex! As well as machine gun thermal weapons and other useless weapons, none of these directly exploded.

It can only be disassembled by his dismantling skills.

Primary dismantling skills are like gambling on luck.

Fang Che was greeted by gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

"Whether the face is black or not depends on this wave!"

Fang Che gritted his teeth.

The long alloy knife stabbed into the head of the juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior corpse.


It was extremely difficult to pull the long knife.

The alloy long knife is made of the same material as the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

They should all be titanium alloys, and they are all ordinary grades.

It takes a lot of strength.

See here.

Fang Che gave up dismantling from this direction.

Instead, choose from the Tyrannosaurus rex wound——

Go in that big hole.

It can be seen that there are black burn marks on the edge of the hole.

This was obviously attacked by a thermal weapon.


The Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior is about seven to eight meters in size as a whole.

Fang Che's body squeezed in, it wasn't obvious during the fight just now, but now it's actually a bit crowded.

He remembered that the thermal weapon of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior - the machine gun, was at the shoulder of the forelimb.

That is to say close to the head.


"Dongdong! Come out."

Fang Che shouted inside the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

He hasn't seen Dongdong come out of here since the battle ended!

Nothing will happen!

Fang Che was slightly worried, after all they had been together for several days.

A loyal subordinate like Dongdong made him feel very warm in his heart.



Fang Che breathed a sigh of relief when there was a cry that seemed to be complaining.

But when he saw Dongdong.

Fang Che frowned.

Half of Dongdong's body has been crushed by gears.

Only the front half of the body remains!

Once the head is crushed, that is true death.

"Fortunately, you didn't hurt your head."

Fang Che comforted himself.

So, he hugged Dongdong's body out.

Such injuries are no longer repairable by primary maintenance skills!

But it can be repaired by body modification.

Just resolved the titanium alloy.

[You initiated the analysis of titanium alloy! 】

[Consume 500 grams of titanium alloy, you successfully analyze the titanium alloy, you have mastered the titanium alloy material. 】

"You transform it into a perfect titanium alloy!"

Fang Che comforted Dongdong's head.

It can only be like this!

Let Dongdong's body recover intact by relying on the power of transformation.

Three tons of titanium alloy material, fleeting.

Dongdong's body is not big, it belongs to the small and medium-sized body type, and it does not consume many materials.

[Your subordinate, Dongdong has successfully transformed into a perfect titanium alloy body! 】

【Name】: Dongdong?

[lv]: Level 9 (432/1100)

[Loyalty]: 100 (will not betray)

[Energy]: I-class battery (30/100)

[Faction]: Allegiance to Fang Che

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Civilian

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 45

【Maximum speed of action】: 40km/1h

【Reaction speed】: 60/1 second

[Defense]: 30

[Equipment]: Ordinary strength modules, incomplete agility modules.

[Skill]: Elementary dismantling

Fang Che was overjoyed to see Dongdong resurrected with full blood.

At the same time, he equipped Dongdong with the extra common power module.

A blessing in disguise!

Dongdong's attribute has soared, which has become a good thing.

Strength and defense are almost doubled.

can imagine.

Dongdong has been helping him more and more.

At this time, Dongdong came over and rubbed Fang Che's feet.

Fang Che felt a warm heart from the bottom of his heart.

Unexpectedly, Dongdong also learned the "primary dismantling" skills.

This slightly surprised Fang Che.

After all, Dongdong has dismantled the body a lot these days.

In this way, it is not surprising that Dongdong has dismantling skills!

And Dongdong with a perfect titanium alloy body.

Dismantling the alloy body of the juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately became easier.


[You disassemble and get large diesel engine parts +1]

[You disassemble and get large diesel engine parts +1]

[You disassemble and get large diesel engine parts +1]


Instantly Fang Che regained his spirit.

As if digging a mine, disassembled the juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex body.

The more you disassemble, the more excited you are!


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