Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 34 Contact And Explosion And Destruction

A civilization that can go to the universe has at least ten thousand years of civilization history.

And the higher the civilization level, the civilization.

The history of their civilization is longer.

The advancement of technology is from easy to difficult.

There is no doubt about this. The mechanical world has a history of billions of years. They have been stumped by countless scientific problems and eventually became a fifth-level civilization.

As for the Redu civilization in the Great Magellan galaxy.

They were trapped in the face of beam technology, light speed engine and other technologies, causing their civilization to stagnate.


It's been different these days.

pioneers of civilization.

The Pioneer starship of the Redu civilization has brought back information about encountering other civilizations to their planets.

Fear and excitement filled the hearts of everyone in Redu civilization.

They have long expected to encounter alien civilizations in the universe.

It's just that they didn't expect it to be today.

Are "they" the enemy or are they?

Of course, this is also the source of their fear and excitement.

Every time a new civilization is encountered, there will be huge repercussions within the society of Redu civilization.

But the civilization they encountered last time has been destroyed by them.

The civilization that was destroyed by them made their technology advance again.

In theory, the second-level civilization controls the technology of light speed engine and beam weapon.

Leidu civilization has mastered these two technologies, but they are not easy to carry.

Moreover, in the engine room of their civilized starship, the light speed engine often occupies more than half of the space of the entire starship.

During the interstellar voyage, the engine occupied the space of the cargo warehouse and other modules, making their spaceship extremely narrow.

There is no doubt that plundering the technology of other civilizations is the fastest shortcut in the universe.


The reason for Redu civilization's excitement is the explosion of technology.

But there is a strange phenomenon in the universe.

The technological explosion of every civilization erupts in a certain period of time.

Perhaps this is because of the accumulation in other time periods before the outbreak.

For example, during the industrial revolution of mankind, the outbreak of two consecutive industrial revolutions is actually an extremely rare event in the entire universe.

For Redu civilization, discovering a new civilization means learning advanced technology from other civilizations, and too much, enslavement or short peace...

In this way, their civilization can advance and become one of the great civilizations in the universe.


Accompanied by fear.

Facing any foreign unknown civilization, I believe that every life has such a feeling.

At this time, the high level of civilization is the same.

They found the spy fighters of the mechanical world!

The spy-type mechanical warriors distributed in the Great Major galaxy are analyzing the entire galaxy 510 system and exploring every corner of the galaxy.

Of course, a large number of second-level civilized spy mechanical warriors in the mechanical world are also dying!

The universe is dangerous.


The Redu civilization has seen the difference of silicon-based life, those "spaceships" that are like meteors and individually navigate the stars in the universe.

That's right!


In their eyes, silicon-based life is a spaceship, but who calls silicon-based life a metal!

They can't understand silicon-based life at all,


It's no secret that silicon-based life exists outside the nearby Andromeda galaxy.

Some civilizations already know the power of silicon-based life.

The high-level leaders of Redu civilization are not idiots. Of course, they know that they can discover this unknown alien civilization, and the other side is also the same.

In other words, Du Wenming was also exposed to unknown civilizations.

But no matter what, Redu civilization must protect their civilization.

They have thousands of years of historical civilization, and it is impossible to allow them to be destroyed.

Thousands of years ago, their ancestors evolved into highly intelligent life, and now they have become the greatest civilization on the planet Redu.

Ruler of Planet Redu!

There are countless wars that have been experienced.

And the battle for the unification of the Redu planet almost destroyed the planet they survived.

Not a single civilization!

Moving toward the future is peaceful.

Redu civilization is a high-temperature planet, and the outer layer of their skin automatically has a layer of high-temperature resistance, but due to the violent climate of the planet, the Redu people have a hot temper.

They are short, dark, with bulging eyes and broad foreheads

Perhaps it is because of the use of electrons and the climate that the weird structure of their eyes evolved.

However, at least with a human form, some civilizations and even evolution paths are completely different.

This moment.

Above the orbit of Redu planet.

The three-meter-high body, the satellite solar wings on the back, the sensitive period and the humanoid head inside the metal dinosaur head all show that this mechanical warrior has the shape of a Tyrannosaurus rex body and a satellite body.

Empty eyes have hidden the fire of the soul.

In the icy universe, it is extremely cold, and it revolves with the rotation of Redu planet, as if it is a satellite on Redu planet.

At the same time, the dragon icons on his body all indicate that this is a mechanical warrior of the Dragon Sect.

Wang Daqian!

At the age of forty-two, he was subjected to great changes on the earth, and now he is used to becoming a silicon-based life.

Is there anything wrong with being silicon-based life?

No need to eat or drink!

Isn't all food turned into energy after it is finally digested?

Not to mention he was born a scout.

Wang Daqian changed the third form into a satellite, relying on experience, making him very suitable to be a spy mechanical warrior.

In a faction, the spy mechanical warriors are often unique in the faction. They play a big role in wars, in the detection of hostile targets, in infiltration operations, and so on.

What's more, the skill points for each silicon-based life evolution, some of the skills selected belong to the skills of spy mechanical warriors!

For example, Wang Daqian's skills include camouflage and fast shadow skills!

The two skills of camouflage and fast shadow are easy to understand, and they can disguise themselves as something in a civilization.

Xunying is the same, the speed of engine growth is several times that of other mechanical warriors.

Therefore, Wang Daqian became a mechanical warrior of the Dragon School.

You must know that for any mechanical warrior in the mechanical world, their career is determined by the choice of skill points that have evolved to determine their future.






But no matter what department it is, it can play a big role in the war of mechanical civilization.


Here and now.

Even Wang Daqian didn't know that he had been exposed to Redu civilization.

Naturally, with the technological level of Redu civilization, it is impossible to see Wang Daqian's satellite camouflage.

But the Dammajer Galaxy is not the only civilization of the Redu Civilization.


Redu civilization is a very strange planet!

Redu people can receive the so-called "God" revelation!


A second-level civilization of Redu civilization still believes in gods, but they do believe in a protoss named "Guy".

And they can talk to "God". .

A Gay protoss who can respond to their wishes and communicate with them!

This makes the social structure of the entire Redu civilization somewhat similar to the structure of theocracy.

It can be said--

The Gay protoss in the Redu civilization taught them a lot, and they have grown up with the Redu people since ancient times.


The mythology and history of the Redu people have a lot of traces of the Gay protoss.

Like the legend of the Gay protoss who gave fire from the sky, the Redu people learned to use fire...

After hearing the apocalypse from the Gay Protoss.

Naturally, the Redu people will not hesitate! All the high-level people of the Redu civilization have chosen to believe in their gods—the Gay Protoss!

In the holy place of planet Redu, a hall held the highest meeting of the entire civilization.

The 180-degree seats in the hall were full of senior Redu people, and the elders of the Redu people in the middle trembled: "The Gay protoss who taught us did not abandon the Redu civilization. They gave the latest instructions, and another civilization appeared in the Great Magez galaxy!"

The first elder of the Redu people paused here.

All the high-level Redu people actually know very well in their hearts that the Gay protoss may be a powerful civilization that is much ahead of them, but it is obvious that they have not yet touched the cruel laws of the universe.

Likewise, they knew they could rely on the Gay protoss to make their Redu civilization strong.

Between civilizations!

Even such a civilization is nothing more than a relationship of mutual use.

Any civilization that still exists in the universe, no civilization will be as pure as a little white rabbit.

but now!

Another civilization!

All Redu executives gasped.

They know what it means, slaves, a large number of slaves from different civilizations, as well as wars, meritorious service, money, glory...

Too much.

Civilizations that can travel in spaceflight (cbfe) undoubtedly have a pioneering spirit and are full of aggressiveness at the same time!

If you don't even have this brave spirit, Leidu civilization is not qualified to enter the universe at all.

And that would be a failed civilization!

"They will be a brand new life. The Gay Protoss instructed us that it is silicon-based life, and we will have a battle with silicon-based civilization."

Of course, Redu civilization does not know that silicon-based civilization is called mechanical civilization.

The Large Major Galaxy is not called the Large Major Galaxy in their mouths either.

None of this mattered, though.


The Redu civilization is in action, and a civilized war machine is activated. It is conceivable that the spaceship fleet is mighty...

But at the same moment.

Those humans who have turned into ant-shaped mechanical warriors are the best spy mechanical warriors.

Long ago, under the arrangement of Fang Che, he lurked into the Redu civilization.

A war of infiltration began long ago.

But now, due to the enlightenment of the Gay Protoss to Lei Civilization.

Fang Che's infiltration plan has clearly failed.

But it is also a second-level civilization, and it is no problem for thousands of second-level civilization mechanical warriors to destroy a carbon-based life-like second-level civilization.

It can be said that a mechanical warrior of a second-level civilization is equivalent to a second-level civilization!

Their technology pool is not much worse than that of a second-level civilization.

After receiving the instructions from the Gay Protoss, the second day.

The Redu began their investigation of their planet.

Just like the scene in the movie, the Redu people were divided into countless teams, and they used a special instrument to detect the disguised members of the dragon faction mechanical warriors.


Complete failure loomed over Fang Che.

In just one day, the dragon-pai mechanical spy fighters who had been arranged to enter the 3,000 early stages of the second-level civilization lurking on the Redu planet were hunted down by the Redu people and killed most of them.

This is simply more loss than the Hong faction going to war.


Because the distance is too far, and because of fighting on different planets, no one collects their soul fire.

But the lower the level of soul fire, the longer it leaves the body, and it will face the danger of dissipating.

This will be

Many soul fires were captured by Redu civilization.

Although Redu civilization does not know the role of soul fire.

But they are not fools.

After a mechanical warrior's body is damaged, both the engine and the weapon can benefit the Redu civilization endlessly. At the same time, isn't the flame in the body strange enough?

for a while.

A large area of ​​small-scale battles broke out on the planet Redu, but unfortunately, the second-level civilization mechanical spy fighters mass-produced by Fang Che did not have civilization-destroying weapons "not even nuclear weapons."

Ammo is not equipped.

And how easy is it to obtain destructive level civilization weapons!

Those naturally depend on the members of the Dragon faction to earn energy coins or obtain them by their own opportunities.

What's more, destroying the civilization-level weapon storage technology itself is a troublesome matter, and the Lianzhi technology cannot be mastered in a short while.

However, Wang Daqian is organizing the remaining dragon sent mechanical spy fighters to rescue those companions who only have soul fire left.

After all, they are very clear about the role of soul fire.

Only with the fire of the soul can the mechanical warrior be resurrected. The damage to the body has become unimportant.

The damaged body can be rebuilt, but if the fire of the soul is gone, then it is really gone.

After a few days.

A dark energy stealth guard-class starship in the mechanical world appeared in the Great Major Galaxy.

The entire black hull seems to be integrated with the universe, carrying the 30,000 second-level civilized mechanical warriors of the Dragon School to the planet Redu.

When Redu civilization discovered this starship.


Dragon Pie!

Fang Che's first war against a civilization begins.

Much faster than expected.

Not long after entering the range of activities of Redu civilization.

Redu civilization detected it.

There are countless unmanned starships in Redu civilization, I don't know how many, this kind of low-cost stuff, began to be used in wars in the late stage of the first-level civilization.

Of course that period was drones!

The technological level of unmanned fighter jets of Redu civilization is obviously much higher.

The missiles are endless, as if there is no gap!

Launched towards the dark energy guard class stealth warship.

this moment.

All the mechanical warriors of the Dragon School's second-level civilized assault system on the dark energy guard starship felt the feeling of suffocation.

Just face the second level civilization!

Such a war, where is the human experience.

The short silicon-based life experience allowed them to experience far less wars than other factions. The mechanical warriors of other second-level civilizations in the mechanical world have rich war experience.

If it was those silicon-based beings who became second-level civilized mechanical warriors by their own strength, they would not be affected by the scene in front of them at all.

But Steel Fist doesn't care about it, Tai Wuinterest said: "It's boring! Activate the energy shield!"

"Open the ship door, you! There are a few of you who go out and destroy this group of gadgets."

Steel Fist's rich combat experience finally came into play at this moment, and he commanded rashly.

As if this place belongs to him.


The energy shield is on!

Those missiles exploded on it, so that the dark energy stealth starship did not suffer any loss, perhaps a little energy wasted.

Ho Ho Ho ~!

As soon as the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors came out of the ship gate, they switched to the dragon-shaped body. Suddenly, the seemingly mighty fleet of unmanned fighter jets exploded like a line of fire in the universe.

In just a moment, even the Redu Civilization Mothership that controls these unmanned fighter jets was violently torn apart by a Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior sent by the dragon.

Thick metal arms, a body more than 20 meters high, metal collisions!

bang bang~!

As if the bell of the universe rang, it was obvious that the Redu civilization had no resistance.

The senior members of Redu Planet Redu saw this scene.

"This civilization is too powerful, it is one of the strongest fleets of civilization,...  

Elder Leidu's face changed drastically.

It can be next second.

A space jump.

The dark energy guard-class starship jumped to the Redu star system.

But they didn't move forward, after all, they were just the vanguard of the base of the Great Magez galaxy built by Fang Che.

A year has passed, and the Dragon faction, which has been exploding all the time, is so little a second-level civilized mechanical war king.

there are more!

Fang Che is more like rehearsing the first Civilization War of Dragon Pai.

PS: Finish the book quickly. .

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