Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 30 Reverse Shock (Fifth Watch)

1. [Equipment Specialization]: Increase the attack power of a friendly faction by a certain percentage, and increase the movement speed by a certain percentage.

2. [Reverse Shock]: Add a status to yourself. Once you are attacked, your enemy will be counterattacked during the activation of the shock, and the body module will briefly fail for a second!

3. [Professionalism]: Improve your hit rate!

Equipment specialization, anti-shock, professional quality!

The first skill should be regarded as an unknown device for boosting the body's power system!

The second shock! It should be defensive equipment!

The third one is not worth looking at. What is the difference between the radar and the airborne photoelectric sighting system? This still needs to be improved!

Looking at it with digital and real-world eyes is after three skills.

Fang Che immediately felt that he had a choice.

Skill points are precious!

Once selected incorrectly, it cannot be refunded.

And I don't know if these skills will appear in the future!

Fang Che repeatedly confirmed the three skills.

After comparison, I still feel that anti-shock is the best choice.

This skill is a defensive skill, and from the perspective of the game world, he has a passive skill that stuns the enemy for 1 second.

Unless the enemy has the corresponding equipment to offset the passive effect of the anti-shock skill module, otherwise it will definitely be a trick!

It can even kill the enemy because of this.

one second!

For mechanical life, it is already very important!

What else is there to choose.

"I choose anti-shock!"

[Reminder: Your skill skill module anti-shock has been put into your backpack, please accept it. 】

[Anti-shock skill module]: Defense module, activate the anti-shock device, energy consumption 50!

Compared with the wormhole teleportation skill, it consumes 10 more energy points.

Wormhole teleport consumes 40 energy.

That's okay too!

After all, the function of the I-level battery is only to allow the mechanical soldiers to operate normally.

Combat modules, these modules consume a lot of energy.

Fang Che understood.

After all, there is no equipment, and no energy is needed to start it.

But maybe there is!

But at least with his current technology tree, this kind of technology branch that doesn't need energy is not lit up!

Immediately afterwards, the skill of anti-shock was added to Fang Che's attribute panel skills.

At the same time, there is an extra device in his abdomen.

And after he became a silicon-based life.

The stomach is empty!

There is an i-level battery in it converted into a power device, and now there is another device, "anti-shock"!


Of course, there is one more thing inside the abdomen.

In itself, Fang Che seemed unconscious.

But as a mechanical life form, the neuron circuit clearly sent a message to his brain - there was an anti-shock device in his abdomen.

It's that simple.

Equipment is skills, and the mechanical world just embodies everything in data.


"I just hate that I didn't study hard!"

"555... Is this the benefit of reading physics and chemistry? The bosses study technology to change the body, and we have to work for others!"

"I just want to get an equipment module."

"Damn it! Isn't it possible for nuclear bombs to be replicated?"

"Huh? Just thought of it now? With your IQ, I advise you not to live."

"Hehe, let's try!"


"It looks like someone from Citigroup?"

"how do you know?"

"IQ crushing, I'm sorry! Think about it slowly?"

"Blindly arrogant~!"

The language of the world chat channel is automatically translated.

Let people from all over the world understand each other's language.

So can chat with each other.

After Fang Che equipped his skills, he glanced at it and turned off the light screen panel.


On a new day, walk three hundred meters forward.

After four days, he and Dongdong finally crossed the grassland area where the beast-shaped mechanical warriors with steel bodies were located.

Reached the area of ​​the alloy body mechanical warrior.

Fang Che's eyes lit up.

Finally found a place to hunt large organisms.

Large alloy body!

It just means that the materials needed for his body modification will come faster!

The red dot shown on the radar.

It's the same as the red dot of the juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior!


at the same time!

Fang Che's new technology worked.

Airborne photoelectric sighting system!

under scan.

As if recognizing it, a series of large body shadows appeared.

Fang Che glanced directly through the grass to see those large machines.

The volume is clear at a glance.

Radar can only show red dots.

However, now it is more accurate to measure the size of the large volume hundreds of meters ahead!

Equivalent to becoming more precise.

Of course, when attacking the enemy, it is equivalent to automatically locking the target.

That red round crosshair!

will automatically move to the target.

At this time, Fang Che has tracked and aimed at a mechanical warrior target with an alloy body.


Dongdong was the first to pounce and bite out!


ps: Today's fifth update is here, thank you for your support. grateful! If you don't know where to send your flowers, you can leave them here...

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