Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 32 The Gap Is Obvious (Seek Everything)

[Congratulations to Fang Che, who became the first earthling to transform into a perfect-grade titanium alloy body, rewarded with a supercomputer module! 】

When the people who were still alive in the world chat channel saw the announcement of the mechanical world.

"Fang Che? It's Fang Che again!"

Such thoughts appeared in their minds instantly.

"It can't be the same name and surname again!"

"Where do so many people with the same name and surname come from, and this is the same person?"

"Is this world chat channel available whenever you want?"

"I just had a steel body, but he has a perfect titanium alloy body!"

"No! Where can I get alloy materials!"

"I know that the walls of the city are made of alloy, but I dare not dig them. Who will form a team to dig them?"

"I want to die myself! I dig you... m!"


"Go buy it!"

"I can afford it, and I'm still bragging with you here?"

"Brother, there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Everyone upstairs is talented!"


In the world chat channel, a group of people discussed Fang Che.

This was the third time they saw these two words in twenty days - Fang Che!

If it were so easy to join the world chat channel, anyone could do it!

No wonder it's so easy!

That is.

This guy named Fang Che posted three announcements on the world chat channel in a short period of time.

At the same time, he won three rewards from the mechanical world!

In fact, it doesn’t matter what the announcement is, the most important thing is the rewards. The rewards given by the mechanical world every time are black technology or precious and rare treasures for the current earthlings.

With rewards, it can be said that it is equivalent to leading a stage.

Of course, it is best if you can understand how to use the rewards!

Such as the leader module.

be honest.

He didn't fully understand it himself.

Fang Che shrugged helplessly.


" on earth did he do it?"

"Researching technology itself is a time-consuming thing! Everyone has modified the body, and you should know the energy required for the body to collect materials!"

"Our dozens of joint ventures can't match the speed of his transformation alone?"

"How did he allocate the time, the body is still so much ahead of us!"

"I can't even defeat a mechanical warrior with a steel body!"

"Me too!"

"The last time I hunted a leopard-shaped mechanical warrior, it took me a whole day to kill it!"

More and more people are complaining, but they are getting more and more frightened!

How on earth did Fang Che do all this?

Does he have a team behind him?

But if it's really a team, will the benefits be taken by one person?


Fang Che is collecting everyone's information.

It can be seen from the chat.

Twenty days.

The billions of people on earth who have become silicon-based life have died of various reasons all the time.

And it took them a day to hunt down a mechanical warrior with a simple steel-level body!

It only takes a few minutes to know yourself.

Even the alloy body is ignored.

Fang Che unbelievably said a word in the world chat channel.


So, it appeared on the World Channel.

Fang Che: "Is it difficult for you to fight a steel-level mechanical warrior?"

Everyone: ...

"Boss, I suspect that you are pretending to me..."


"Could it be? Boss, it's easy for you to hunt down mechanical warriors?"

"Damn it! Boss, please teach us!"

"My generation of martial arts masters! It takes half a day to hunt and kill a steel-level mechanical warrior!"

"Hehe! I never believe that this guy named Fang Che is faster than me! Everyone come to worship me as a teacher and learn Wu Qinxi! Tai Chi! I believe everyone can speed up the hunting speed!"

"I used to be a Shaolin monk! The Dharma name is Shi Yizhang! It only takes two hours to hunt down a steel-level mechanical warrior!"

"Fuck, are you masters in the mechanical world still there?"

"It's fine if you don't believe it."


Seeing the chats of these self-proclaimed martial arts masters, Fang Che chose to believe them.

Indeed, he benefited a lot from the Five Tigers' Door Severing Knife Technique, which is obviously better than chaotic attacks in close combat!

In the mechanical world, hot weapons are not always better than cold weapons!

Fang Che wrist flower alloy long knife.

He doesn't only specialize in hot weapons, cold weapons will also keep up.

"I only believe in Fang Che! The announcement of others on the world chat channel, why didn't you guys be so good!"

"Didn't we get robbed by Fang Che?"


Immediately after Fang Che turned off the world chat channel, he already got the information he wanted to know.

It turned out unconsciously.

After twenty days, with the help of rewards from the sign-in system!

It has gradually distanced itself from its former counterparts on Earth.

And this distance will only get farther and farther.


Fang Che will not let this slack off at all.

Compared with the silicon-based life that people on earth have become.

The aborigines of this mechanical world? This is the real goal to catch up with!

Thinking of this, Fang Che didn't dare to be proud. He opened his backpack and checked the rewards given to him by the mechanical world!


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