Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 48 Reference (Seek Everything)

This Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior seems to be dismantling and transforming the body at the same time.

The body, which was seven or eight meters long just now, has been transformed into about eleven meters after being disassembled for a while.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is enough metal, it can be transformed infinitely.


The mysterious flame in the head will prompt you to unlock the body after upgrading.

Does it mean that the flame is the prerequisite for supporting a large body?

The white flame can support small and medium-sized bodies!

Blue Flame supports three models of airframes: small, medium and large!

The green flame is unknown!

There seemed to be a flicker of green light in Fang Che's eyes.

At the same time, Fang Che was taken aback.

I saw the Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior, after dismantling the wings of the pterosaur-type mechanical warrior.

follow closely.

The back of the Allosaurus mechanical warrior was transformed into metal wings?

It's just that the wings are extremely miniature!

About a meter long metal wings.

And it's still stirring, like a fat western lizard dragon, whose wings are too small to fly...

It seems that the Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior also feels that such a modified body is not good.

This should interest Fang Che who rushed out.

His fist loosened.

For a while, he was not in a hurry to rush out.

Fang Che comforted Dongdong, and Dongdong also stopped moving forward.

The two of them continued to observe.


In an instant, on the newly transformed wings of the Allosaurus mechanical warrior, two machine guns were transformed on both sides...

Fang Che looked more and more unbelievable.

"Whoever tells him that mechanical warriors have no brains, he must be in a hurry with someone!"

Fang Che complained inwardly.

But he nodded secretly.

Such a transformation is barely enough.

However, from this point of view, the body is not fixed, and it can be transformed into anything it wants.

Just like the Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior on the ground in front of him, others have a good idea, add a wing to himself!

But the Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior seems to be very dissatisfied with this shape.

The modified metal wings and the machine guns on them disappeared in the next second.

The body suddenly swelled by another three decimeters.

Obviously, the idea of ​​​​wings was abandoned and the transformation was made on the body.


"That's kind of interesting."

Fang Che turned his head and glanced at Dongdong.

Dongdong seemed to feel deep malice, and took a step back.

It seems that the whole body is saying that he is fine now, don't reform him casually...

What's so bad about wings?

This Allosaurus mechanical warrior needs wings at least twice its size to fly.

But if there are factors such as power and sufficient thrust, maybe the wings can be smaller.

Besides, flying is not as easy as imagined.

Body size will affect the flight, and the airflow will cause the flight to be slow, shake and unstable cycle.

Just like the planes on Earth used to be...

What canard wings, streamlined body, etc., will fly out many transformation branches.


Fang Che continued to observe.

It was discovered that this allosaurus-type mechanical warrior is really a tangled silicon-based life.

After collecting alloy metals that decompose a large number of pterosaur-type mechanical warriors, the wings were changed again!

"Why be so entangled! Ugly is ugly, you already have the idea of ​​​​machine guns on the wings."

Fang Che complained and complained.

Isn't this a good idea? Mobile fire output!

I took a few photos as a souvenir!


Da da da ~!

At this moment, the machine gun on the wing of the Allosaurus mechanical warrior suddenly fired a row of bullets.

【warn! Danger! 】

[Scanned successfully! 】

[I-level bullets! 】

[After 1 millisecond, 150 I-level bullets will hit your head! 】

A row of data text flashed quickly.

It seemed to take a long time, but the moment the Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior shot out.

Fang Che received the prompt.

The reaction force quickly fell backwards.

Dodge fatal head injuries.

But under the weight of falling backwards, his legs kicked up.

Bang bang bang~!

Immediately, a row of more than a dozen bullets hit the reactive armor piece on his leg.

But under the blockage of carbon fiber composite materials, it did not pose any threat.

Just the bullet holes on the reactive armor pieces.

And this is explosive reactive armor, the bullets of the i-level model will not detonate the reactive armor to offset its power.

It is equivalent to a slightly damaged, insignificant reactive armor piece, which can still be used.

Of course, it can be better to dislike the new explosive reactive armor piece.

But Fang Che is not so wasteful.

"Fuck, use labor and capital as a target experiment!"

Fang Che knew that he had been discovered, after all, it was inevitable to be discovered from this distance.

He doesn't think peeping is a shameless thing.

In the mechanical world, learning from other people's modified bodies is not a part of making oneself stronger.

After all, the more reference data, the more perfect your body will be!

But now it's different!

Since this Allosaurus-type mechanical warrior is used as a test target for body transformation.

Then you can't continue to refer to it.

"Go to Dongdong!"


Fang Che instantly started the dual engines, and the ten liters of diesel went down to two liters, quickly solving this large body.


Soar into the sky now!


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