Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Fifty-Four Welcome, Private (Seeking All)

30/km speed!

Compared with the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, it is definitely not enough.

Fang Che's movement speed is by no means on the same level as them.

The most important thing is that the Tyrannosaurus Rex-type mechanical warrior has a huge body, and one step is equivalent to twenty or thirty steps of Fang Che's small body!

This speed is the first thing to consider.

But no matter what, Fang Che has already acted.

He told Dongdong to stay where he was.

There is no other reason.

It's just because - do it fast!

With the wound on Dongdong's back, and other factors, the risk will increase with him.

And it was better for him to escape alone.


Driven by the shaking of the grass, the body attacked the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior with two soul fires and few forelimbs!


The tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior discovered Fang Che.

Turning his head, he just didn't take it seriously, and regarded him as an ordinary medium-sized mechanical warrior.


The cannon module on the back, accompanied by the sound of the cannon being ejected, the cannonball was precisely aimed at Fang Che.


Fang Che had no expression on his face, and only used one shell to deal with him?

It's too economical!

"Ahead, a Class I shell is shooting towards your head at a speed of Mach 3!"

"Arrive in half a second!"


Fang Che turned his head slightly, and even felt the shells passing by.

In the next second, he came in front of this tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

"Overclocking started successfully with one click!"

Taking off suddenly, the aiming system automatically landed on the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, the next landing point.

Fang Che punched in that direction.

Punch! Just one punch!

The head of the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior exploded in front of him.


Fang Che received the prompt.

[Your level II battery has been scrapped! 】

【Your auxiliary power, diesel engine power starts. 】

For a while, Fang Che's moving speed dropped to 15km/h!

The airborne photoelectric sighting system automatically looked at his harvest.

The green soul fire of the three groups of Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors.

In the night sky grassland, it is like a ghost fire, extremely eye-catching.

Fang Che swept over, took it away and put it in the backpack on his back.

Run away quickly in the other direction.


at this time!

A hundred meters away, the leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and his men were waiting.

All I could see were three green lights in the distance that disappeared in a blink of an eye!

The two mechanical warriors with large bodies were taken aback.

Are your men dead? He saw the 30-meter-sized... Tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior he ordered to bring back his soul fire, collapsing straight to the ground.


Although as a leader-level mechanical warrior, I may not be a good leader...

But these five tyrannosaurs have been with him for a long time!

They have cooperated in countless battles, and they have saved the soul fire of their companions countless times.

It is even more clear that when the fire of the soul dissipates, it means the death of silicon-based life!


The leader-level tyrannosaurus rex warrior seemed to be furious,

In a few steps, the crossing came to a position of 100 meters.

"Who is it! Destroy our good deeds!"

A large and a small Tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior at both ends stared at the corpse of his companion who fell on the ground.

And the missing three soul fires.

at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Che, who was playing tricks, was discovered.



Fang Che couldn't help yelling, overclocking actually destroyed another power system of his!

You must know that he is now an electric power system composed of two II-level batteries.

It stands to reason that after overclocking and hitting the head of a Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, only one level II battery should be scrapped.

Unexpectedly, two pieces were scrapped!

But that's the downside of overclocking!

Uncontrolled destruction of surrounding module equipment.

As a result, his moving speed dropped to 15km/h!


Fang Che heard the roar of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior behind him.

【warn! Your radar system is jammed! 】

"After half a millisecond, you will be attacked by strong sound waves!"

This - obviously a level of sound wave module higher than his own sound wave skills!

This should be the attack launched by the leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior. He used it once when he tried to attack the building just now.

"You are under attack!"

Fang Che saw the prompt, but didn't even look at it. The strong sound wave directly skipped the reactive armor piece and directly attacked his perfect alloy body.

Only a few small pits were left.

He can still run!

This makes the leader-level tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior mean!

As if seeing Fang Che's difference, "Cover fire attack!"


In the next second, the two tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors attacked in Fang Che's direction with the thermal weapons on their bodies as expected.

Da da da!

Shells, bullets!

The overwhelming ammunition instantly lit up this distinctive night.

【warn! Detected a large number of i-level ammunition, i-level bullets and ammunition - 500 meters per second! 】

[A large number of I-class shells and ammunition - Mach 3 speed! 】

"Arrive in 1 millisecond! There are no dead spots around to attack!"

"That means there is no place to hide!"

As soon as he thought this way, Fang Che was attacked, because the supercomputing had already given him a reminder message, there was no way to avoid it, he could only hold it.

The explosive reactive armor piece on his body also detonated automatically the moment it came into contact with the shell, and the inert explosives resisted the attack of the I-class shell.

I-level bullets are not terrible, what is terrible is I-level shells.

Of course, maybe the effect of level II bullets will be different.

But it's not something you're thinking about right now.

Fang Che was blasted into the air at the same time, and the explosive reactive armor all over his body was shattered...

I can't believe it without this technology!

"I'm alive!"

But at this moment, what Fang Che thought of was this.

But in the next second, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Below is the building that showed its power just now!

I saw that he couldn't use his strength to control the direction in the air.

There is no such thrust engine to change direction, so it can only fall straight down.


Fang Che was terrified.

Do you want to be so unlucky!

He doesn't want to be hit by a laser cannon!

But it wasn't what he thought.

Fang Che just landed on the ground and did not encounter the imaginary attack.

Instead, a gentle female voice sounded.

"Welcome, Private!"


What the hell!

Fang Che has never heard such a warm mechanically synthesized female voice, or is it the voice that could not be approached just now?


ps: Can you give me some free flowers and tickets in your hands?

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