Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter Fifty-Six: Map (Seek Everything)

new species?

Silicon-based life like them?

"Don't be afraid! Welcome to the Wudou faction egg base. Your data information is now being requested by the Wudou faction to record!"

Listening to the gentle sound of the gurgling stream in the ear.

Fang Che seemed to feel that his nerves had relaxed.

If only he had nerves!


A light screen appeared in the middle of the hall.

Name: Fang Che

Level II silicon-based life

lv: level 22

Military rank: Private

? ? ?

? ? ?



The Fang Che attribute panel appears, but the crucial information behind the military rank is all question marks.

At the same time, he had an option in front of him.

The hello message that follows the request is logged.

Of course, Fang Che chose to refuse.

He doesn't want anyone to know his complete information.

"According to the test information, you are a level II life form, and you are not eligible to join the fighting faction!"

"But for new species, you are still allowed to use the egg base."

The name of this base-egg base.

From the literal meaning, it is to conceive!

And what is this militant faction gestating?


"Me? Or cultivate!"

Everything is possible, Fang Che guessed.

But if you think so——

It seems a bit spooky!

But they are indeed like being free-range, and they are letting the whole world let it go.

Fang Che was even shocked by his bold idea.


Immediately afterwards, the voice guide introduced: "You will be able to trade, buy and exchange what you need here! Thermal weapons, technology modules, unit groups, special metals, and even all kinds of strange and unknown materials."

"If your purchase is successful, it will be automatically sent to your hands."

"If you are a member of the Fighting Faction, you will receive a faction discount!"

"If you are not a member of the Fighting faction, you will be blocked by science and technology, and in the Fighting faction base, the price of everything you buy will be doubled!"

Technology blockade?

Factions may not be at peace.

According to the guide's prompt information, Fang Che quickly deduced an idea.

Just don't know how many factions there are in this world!

And it seems that there are still benefits to joining this martial arts faction.


Fang Che looked at the factions on his property panel in a daze.

But on Dongdong's attribute panel, it is loyal to him!

"Can I also build a faction!"

Just like gang squads in online games!

Just how to build factions!

They without any guiding information.

In this way, by the mysterious and unknown power,...


There are still billions of people on earth who are brought into the mechanical world to fend for themselves...

They can only explore and open up everything by themselves to get the answers they want.



The whole base seems to be unable to join the fighting faction after Fang Che has been tested.

It seems that he has lost interest in Fang Che.

Only one light screen panel remains in the lobby.

The entire light screen is the transaction panel.

But Fang Che is not interested in trading at all, what he is interested in is the map next to the trading mall.

Here's a map around the hatch base!

A map that looks like a satellite map.

You can see from this map that the egg hatching base is located in the middle of the entire grassland.

Continue to go east, out of the grassland, there is a city built by the martial arts faction - Xingyue City.

But the south, west, north, and the other three directions mark a road leading to an unknown road.

As if deliberately, guiding them, these new species, to Xingyue City!

This - too deliberate!

But Fang Che was still excited.

Because this was the first time he saw a map out of the grassland, he knew where he was, and it pointed out the location of a city.

Like many people on Earth in the world chat channel, he wanted to find the city.

Learn more about the mechanical world!


This further verified Fang Che's conjecture.

The Fighting faction is guiding them to Xingyue City.


This might really be an egg base.

They are cultivating new mechanical warriors of the Fighting Faction, so only the location of the Xingyue City map established by the Fighting Faction is left behind!

Of course, it is also a grassland supply base.

And it is reasonable, twenty-five days, Fang Che still has not walked out of the grassland.

One can imagine how big this grassland is!

What's more, Fang Che's traveling speed is not slow, 30 kilometers an hour.

This egg base built deep in the grassland also serves as a supply base, allowing silicon-based life to cross the grassland with supplies!

And on the light screen panels of the trading mall, newborn silicon-based beings like them simply don't have enough money to buy them.

Fang Che clearly saw that it said, energy coins: 0!

A big duck egg, don't be too eye-catching.

In the trading mall, all kinds of items have been classified.

Fang Che clicked on the column of the body on the light screen with his hand.

Fighting faction starship body:? ? ? (technical blockade)

Titan: Material? ? ? (technical blockade)

Functional Metals: Materials? ? (technical blockade)


Really watched a lonely.

Fang Che directly pulled to the bottom and finally saw the low-level material.

Wolf-shaped body: Quantity 1, price 10,000 energy coins.

Provided by Mechanical Warrior Lin Feng.


Ant-shaped body: quantity 20, price 500 energy coins each.

Provided by Mechanical Warrior Liu Xinran!


at this time.

Fang Che finally understood that this is a free market.

Any silicon-based life can be freely traded on it.

Including himself can buy metals as small as a few grams, as large as starships, as long as there are enough energy coins.

All mechanical warriors can buy any materials they want, any heat weapons.

Even a ton of iron is worth 10 energy coins!

Mechanical warriors Liu Xinran and Lin Feng, with names like this, are only named by people in the Dragon Kingdom and around the Dragon Kingdom on Earth.

After careful discovery, those names such as Wei Batian, Tihu, Ningshi Advanced 01, etc. uploaded market transactions...

This kind of people can be found at a glance, which is different from the people on earth.

Does it feel like an aborigine?

After all, no earthling would name Tigress and Parrot 01!

Momentum deals!

Nuclear Fusion Power: (Technology Blockade!)

hydrogen powered...


Energy Trading Panel!

The same bunch of technical blockades.

Nuclear Energy: (Technology Blockade)


Immediately Fang Che didn't have the intention to continue reading.

But if he wants to upload things to trade, every time he buys and sells something, he has to pay taxes to the Fighting Faction!

It turns out that the so-called discount is here!

He has no money, and he is not a member of the Fighting faction.

He might as well dismantle the bodies of the two Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors outside the door.

What's more, here provides him with a safe enough place to evolve into a level III silicon-based life form!


ps: Fifth watch. It is maintained at five changes every day. Ask for other data on flowers...

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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