Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 6 I-Class Battery (For Support)

【Ding! If you sign in successfully, you can sign in for four consecutive days, and the reward will be upgraded to one level. 】


Instantly, Fang Che was upgraded to level 10.

【Name】: Fang Che?

[lv]: Level 10 (50/1000)

[Energy]: I-class battery (70/100)

[Faction]: None

[Title]: None

[Identity]: Private

[Life]: 100

【Power】: 18

【Movement speed】: 10km/1h

[Reaction Speed]: 25/1 second

[Defense]: 3

[Equipment]: Common Grade Alloy Broadsword

[Skills]: None


properties changed.

Level affects strength?

At the same time, the status changed from civilian to private!

It should be the upgrade of level and identity at the same time to improve the power attribute.

Also at this moment,...

A prompt message came from the light screen panel.

[Congratulations on unlocking the identity achievement system, you need to reach level 30 to upgrade your identity next time! 】

[Identities are divided into: civilian, private, corporal, sergeant, sergeant, micro colonel, second lieutenant, medium micro, captain, major...]

The set of military ranks!


Fang Che is at a loss, but it exists, and it must be useful, but it has not been discovered yet.


Time passed by every minute and every second.

Fang Che did not go deep into the grassland in front of him, and still chose to move around the edge.

The animal-shaped body inside becomes stronger the deeper it goes into the grassland.

In fact, the wolf-shaped body is not something he can deal with, just because of the alloy long knife that cuts iron like mud.

Simply the baby of the moment!

He originally had a long knife that he looked down upon a little, but it turned out to be so powerful.

Immediately, Fang Che no longer had the idea of ​​looking down on this alloy grade sword!


On the fourth day, time passed by every minute and every second.

Most of the people all over the world who have been drawn into the mechanical world have gradually accepted the fact that they have become robots!

More and more people are after body modification.

Reach level ten faster than Fang Che, unlocking the world chat channel.

"Sharing information! Everyone must be careful, some beast-shaped mechanical warriors have thermal weapons!"

"A few of my brothers are already dead, you're only telling me now!"

"Is this fair? Who is making the rules in the mechanical world! We don't even have a knife now..."

"Slap a fart!"

"Don't you know how to run? What about your brains! Tough and hot weapons? Those upstairs are awesome!"

"Anyway, I have transformed a small beast-shaped body, it doesn't matter, my claws are weapons..."

"Don't regret it in the future! Even if I change to a beast-type machine, I still want a wolf-type! Leopard-type! Lion-type!"

"I watch the sun every day, and I roughly calculated my position. I hope... if someone thinks I'm awesome, come to me at 30 east latitude and longitude..."

"I'm a graduate student in physics, found materials, developed gunpowder, ..."

"Big boss, you're really a big boss!"



Fang Che took a deep breath!

here we go.

A man of great learning.

And the knowledge of scientists began to gradually develop weapons on the earth.

Begin to unleash the power of their knowledge!

Gunpowder is just the beginning!

As time goes on, more technology will be copied into the mechanical world...

If there is a chance, we must grab a few and develop technology for him!

Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, knowledge is power!

Fang Che envied for a moment and thought hard.

But luckily he has a check-in system.

Don't be too envious or jealous.


At the same time Fang Che saw the first message.

Beast-shaped mechanical warrior!

Own a hot weapon?

You know, most of the Earthlings are now robots in humanoid form.

Most of the beasts are natives of the mechanical world!

And some aborigines have actually transformed the body to the extent of the era of thermal weapons.

Primitive Age vs. Civilization?

Bare fists against cannons!

How can it be!

Involuntarily, Fang Che became more determined.

Before the machine body is transformed into a steel machine body, it will never cross this grassland.

Although I am curious about what is behind the grassland...

But you have to have that fate to see.


Around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Che quickly cut out the alloy long knife.


The unique luster of metal flashed brightly, and Fang Che killed a fox-shaped fighter that rushed forward with his sword.

The surroundings have basically been figured out, and the wolf-shaped body is the strongest mechanized fighter around!

"You killed a soldier-level fox-shaped mechanical warrior!"

"You get 10 points of experience! Get 150 grams of common-grade material iron! Get one percent of the fox-shaped mechanical module!"

"Get the i-class model battery!"


"As expected of a fox-shaped body, it is almost as fast as a wolf-shaped body!"

When Fang Che was about to swallow the flames of the fox-shaped body, he saw the prompt and stopped!

New thing?

i-class model battery!

He himself is this type of battery.

The function is no different from the battery on the earth, it is used to store solar energy!


Fang Che curiously picked it up.

[Energy transformation unlocked successfully: i-level model batteries can be researched and developed. 】

【I-Class Model Battery】: The non-durable lithium battery can allow the small body to operate for 6 hours, the medium-sized body to operate for 3 hours, and the large body is not applicable!

Is this an aging i-class model battery?

It is obviously much less than the energy stored in my own body...

You can make your own backup battery.

Once the battery on his body is exhausted, he can replace it with this one.

You can also consider developing an i-level model battery!

It's not in a hurry to develop.

No way, just a spare I-Class battery.

Looks so cherished!

After all, it was already the fourth day in the mechanical world.

It was the first time that this i-class battery exploded.

There are still many opportunities for the i-class battery to be released in the future, and it will not be too late to develop it by then.



Fang Che saw the bushes at a glance, and a dog-shaped mechanical warrior ten meters away.

Only slightly different than the wolf type.

Wolves are more vicious than dog-type mechanical warriors!

Fang Che immediately took off three meters, as if he was half-flying in the air, he dropped the knife heavily, and a large piece of grass suddenly fell down!

Relying directly on the sharpness of the alloy long knife, kill it!

"You killed a soldier-level dog-type mechanical warrior!"

"You get 12 points of experience! Get 200 grams of common-grade material iron! Get one percent of the dog-shaped mechanical module!"


Develop light screen panels.

The development progress of the dog-shaped airframe is 3%!

The development progress of the fox-shaped airframe is 10%!

The research and development progress of the wolf-shaped airframe is 50%!

The development progress of the steel body is 20%!


"Come again!"

Instead, Fang Che rushed to the other direction hidden on the edge of the grass!

Disappeared quickly in the dense grass.


ps: The sixth update asks for support and sleeps. Ask for flowers and everything!

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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