Disassemble a body.

Each part can get different things.

This tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior has disassembled cold weapon shield module fragments in both hands.

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get the shield module fragments +1!"

Immediately afterwards, the fragments Fang Che wanted were disassembled again.

Shields are still used in many modern places on the earth.

But as long as the shield does not split, theoretically it can defend against the physical damage it wants to block.

The forelimbs of one of the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors still looked like shields.

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get the shield module fragments +1!"


after awhile.

Fang Che looked at the forelimbs of the two tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors that were broken into pieces.

"Progress 63%!"

It's still a bit short, but fifty meters away from the egg base, there is a Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

And the leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior did not leave.

Fang Che sneered inwardly.

I saw that the large red dot displayed on the radar module and another slightly smaller red dot were not moving at two hundred meters away!

Fang Che didn't know yet, two tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors were still waiting for him outside the egg hatching base building!

But Fang Che is in no hurry!

It shouldn't be him who should be in a hurry!

Seeing that there were no forelimbs to disassemble, Fang Che turned to dismantling the shoulders of the T-Rex mechanical warrior.

this location.

Easy to produce hot weapon modules.


"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, and get the turret module fragments +1!"

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, and get the turret tower base module fragments +1!"


Fang Che disassembled the outer body, and the structure under the arm of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior was immediately revealed.

There are many lines inside, and various modular components are interlocked with each other.

Fang Che casually pulled a few wires, "You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get +1 wires!"

Fang Che is placed in the backpack at hand, and the wear-resistant and high-temperature resistant wire sheath.

He has mastered this technology.

And he also found it on the first Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior in the mechanical world.

Lines have many uses.

At this moment.

Fang Che saw a pipe and curiously stretched out his hand.


"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get a liquid cooling radiator!"


Fang Che froze for a moment, the radiator module was still intact without loss.

But... I can understand...

After all, regardless of the thermal weapon module, although it has its own cooling system, the dual cooling system is definitely better.

A body of silicon-based life is absolutely astonishingly hot inside, without a cooling system, what are you thinking!

And the internal cooling technology of the body is very advanced!

There is also a dedicated cooling technology research direction.

Each module has its own cooling system.


However, when using the overclocking strike, adding an additional liquid cooling radiator to cool down, I don’t know if the battery will be scrapped again.

When overclocking.

The temperature at the core of the device is always raised, which is one of the reasons for the damage of the II-level battery module.

After thinking about it, Fang Che installed the liquid cooling radiator module near the electric power system and refitted it.

Continue to disassemble.

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, and get the fragments of the Tyrannosaurus rex body module +3!"

Fragments of body modules may be disassembled from any part of a body.

Of course, there is still a bit of luck involved.

More often, the most dismantled material is, "You dismantled the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and got a ton of alloy materials!"

A variety of metal materials out of the most.

Large airframes, available in many metal alloys.

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get a piece of explosive reactive armor!"

Coincidentally, the reactive armor pieces were all worn out during the battle.

After barely dismantling the two thirty-meter Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors.

But it has gathered together the explosive reactive armor piece battle armor.

Fang Che is familiar with the road and reformed for himself.

Immediately, the equipment conditions were restored to yesterday.

As expected of a large body measuring 30 meters, the heads of two Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors were assembled together.

By the way, you can also modify a set of explosive reactive armor pieces for Dongdong!

Of course, Fang Che called this transformation - explosive reactive armor armor.

Just a name.

Fang Che's hands are not slow.

"You disassemble the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, and get the computer module fragments +2!"

This is an ordinary computer module, and its computing power is many times worse than Fang Che's.


[Ding, sign in successfully, sign in continuously for 28 days, get rewards and upgrade to three levels! 】

[Ding, sign in successfully, sign in for 29 days in a row, and get a military boxing reward! 】

Twenty-nine days later, Fang Che and Dongdong finished dismantling the two Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors.

This time, the corpses of the two Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors were dismantled, and there was not a single scrap left.

After all, this place is near the trading platform.

If you can sell it, you can naturally sell it!

Now Fang Che has 5000 energy coins.

However, on the 29th day, the sign-in reward is military boxing, which is a set of deadly combat boxing techniques, not just boxing techniques, but using every part of the body.

Anyone who is a soldier knows that!

next second.

Fang Che received the military boxing award.

Although it is a routine, it is a combination of bare-handed boxing in actual combat on the Dragon Kingdom battlefield!

Naturally, it is better than ordinary people who know nothing and throw their fists indiscriminately.

Mechanic world melee has such a set of common fighting techniques, which are more advantageous than those who don't know anything.

at the same time.

R&D panel:

The computer module research and development analysis progress is 30%.

The Tyrannosaurus rex body analysis module is progressing 43%.

The development and analysis progress of the cannon module is 86%.

The parsing progress of the shield module is 48%.

Turret tower base module analysis progress 10 out of 100



And a text message flashed by in the last second.


"Your super hard alloy body is 100% in progress!"

"The cemented carbide body is good!"

Fang Che didn't even realize it himself. After all, he always thought that the transformation of the super-tungsten carbide body was still a long time away...

What's more, he has always had a lot of titanium alloy elements.

What is missing are other rare metal elements such as tungsten alloy, tantalum alloy, molybdenum alloy, zinc alloy and copper alloy.

However, the abundance of various materials on the large body of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior is like an alloy gold mine.

In the process of dismantling and investing in research and development, the progress bar will increase a little bit.

100% progress!

Super hard alloy body!


ps: I'm going to renew my expired driver's license, I don't know if I can come back in the morning. Ask for a wave of data...

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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