Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 67 Shield Module

Is this what losing energy feels like?

at this time.

Like a stone.


Fang Che can't control his body.

He has six extra assembled ii batteries in his backpack.

But overclocking three times in a row, the ii battery in the body is scrapped!

And scrap!

It means—even backup power cannot be supplied to the input body.



If there is no help from others, Fang Che can only stand by in place for the rest of his life.

Like a lonely boat in the ocean, drifting with the current.

But this very bad feeling comes and goes quickly!

Dongdong bites to repair the robot.

I saw that the robot was repaired, tools were transformed, and Fang Che's damaged electric power system was replaced.

At the same time, the maintenance robot replaces the broken pipes of the liquid cooling system and repairs the burned and leaked places.

Suddenly Fang Che felt like a new life.

"What an amazing little guy!"

Fang Che was extremely surprised.

You must know the degree of loss of liquid cooling leakage!

If he were to fix it himself, he would definitely think that the liquid cooling system was completely broken, and then throw away the broken system.

But the maintenance robot gave Fang Che an accident.

Replace cracked pipes and weld leaks, and completely restore the liquid cooling system.

In this battle, his loss was instantly minimized.


At the same time, the ii-level battery is replaced.

Fang Che, who had regained his life, breathed a sigh of relief, and he could control his arm immediately.

【Your monopulse radar module started successfully! 】

【Your supercomputing module has started! 】

[Your airborne photoelectric sighting system has been activated! 】


A series of text prompts for system and module activation appear in the light screen panel.

The moment the class II battery is installed, power is supplied to the entire body in an instant.


As well as the sense of touch, they were all transmitted to him by the body.

This is biomimetic science.

Maybe his sense of touch and smell is not sharp, but he still has it!

It is indeed good to still have such a feeling after becoming a silicon-based life.

And this is brought about by the neuronal wiring in the body.

Generally speaking, it is a kind of biomimetic science.

Of course they can also imitate the human body, silicone gel skin!

But is it necessary?

For silicon-based life, this is an insult!

How could they imitate carbon-based life.

Even for some aboriginal silicon-based life, what is the sense of touch and smell?

Usually they don't have the concept of smell and touch...

Of course, only earthlings can speak of smell and touch.

Because they used to be carbon-based life.

Of course, there is no need to pursue these in detail!


"I'm already a silicon-based lifeform!"

Bang... Bang!

Fang Che was active, getting up from the ground.

No one wants to - experience what it's like to be without energy for the second time!

That feeling of being helpless in the dark.

"Dongdong disassembles his hands first!"

Fang Che did his part to choose to start with the forelimbs of the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

Because this is where the cold weapon shield module fragments can be disassembled.

Especially after just experiencing the battle with this leader-level Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior.

Fang Che knows that the role of the shield module is greater than imagined!

Just now, he directly weakened the punch of his first overclocking blow, and resolved his one overclocking attack.

That caused him to have to overclock three times in a row!


It's a bit unbelievable for Fang Che now.

I actually really succeeded in overclocking three times in a row!

And all this is brought about by the "liquid cooling system".

Fang Che swore that at that moment, he just wanted to try it out.

"However, is this considered to be a new usage of overclocking strike!"


at the same time.

"You disassemble the body of the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior, and get shield fragments +1!"

"You disassemble the body of the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get shield fragments +3!"


Soon the forelimbs of a Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior corpse were disassembled.

Fang Che glanced at the progress of the shield module: 63 percent?


There are only two corpses of Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warriors!

I just hope that the leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior in front of me will be stronger.


Fang Che asked the maintenance robot to start cutting off... the forelimbs of the leader-level tyrannosaurus-type mechanical warrior.

After all, the forelimbs of the leader-level tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior had already turned into shields during the battle.

It's just that the hole he ruptured is still there.

But this means!

This became the forelimb of the shield, itself a fragment of a large shield module.

Fang Che hoped to touch it with his hands.


"You disassemble the Tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior and get the damaged shield module!"

"It's broken!"

Fang Che was overjoyed.

You must know that damaged modules and fragmented modules are completely different concepts!


Fragments are fragmented.

And damage means that it can be repaired.

Of course, Fang Che does not know the technology of the shield module, and it is impossible to repair it.

But he can invest in research and development and increase progress.

In general, a large number of progress bars can be added.

next second.

The progress prompt of the shield module appeared on the light screen panel.

[You put in the damaged shield module! 】

[Your shield module research and analysis progress has increased! 】

The progress of the shield module is 90%!

"Increase thirty directly."

Then Fang Che found the tyrannosaurus rex mechanical warrior who had attacked and killed yesterday, and directly disassembled the forelimbs.

"You successfully parsed the shield module 100%!"

[Shield Module]: This is a deformation module! You can choose to turn a certain part of the body into a shield!

"What is the deformation module?"

Transformable mean?

Fang Che picked up the shield module assembled from the fragments, and opened the modified light screen panel.

"Where you install it is the best! And during the battle, it can change instantly, and you can block yourself anywhere at the fastest speed!"

Fang Che looked at every part of his body and thought.

After all, only the most suitable place can give full play to the role of each module...


ps: At the fifth watch, I rushed out. It's a tragedy that there is no manuscript.

And it's going to be on the shelves tomorrow... I really can't see what the results will be with the current data...

The moment of destiny has come.

Thanks for the reward of 133 a string of numbers (I don’t know if it can be announced), thank you for everyone’s support, and ask for a wave of free tickets...

Dragon Boat Festival reading big discount! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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