Mechanical World: Survival For All

Chapter 74: Pterosaur Model

"Don't you think this is like a game world?"

"Yes, a little bit!"

"It's not like it! If the earth is the real world, and the mechanical world is the game world? Then why can the technology of the earth be copied, and it can also make fire... What we can do on the earth, we can do here."

"And I believe that many people who have such thoughts are already dead!"

In the world chat channel, as soon as this chat message came out, many people stopped saying that the mechanical world is a game world.


It does look a bit like it!

Dataization, attribute panels, and the fire of the soul are not extinguished, and there is a chance of resurrection.

I believe that many people will be misled.

And there will be many earthlings who are brave enough to try.

But this world is real!



If you want to survive, don't think about other things. Only by living can you live longer.

Fang Che hunted down a mechanical warrior in the shape of a dinosaur model Triceratops, rested on the spot, looked at the chat channel information, and turned it off.

[Ding, sign in successfully, sign for 35 consecutive days, get 100 liters of diesel! 】

A new day rewards arrive.

100 liters of diesel?

Already a lot.

If the diesel engine wants to start all the time, it will consume half a ton of diesel every day.

It’s an incentive to consume…..can’t afford it.

It is not suitable as your own long-term power system.

On thirty-one days, thirty rounds of level II ammunition were rewarded.

Thirty-two days, the shielding device module was rewarded.

Thirty-three days, rewarding physical talent +1!

The 34-day consecutive signing bonus has added 5 defense attributes.

His defense has reached 60 points.

Until the thirty-five days of diesel rewards, the expected good rewards did not appear.

Luck seemed to run out.

But it's better than nothing.

After all, the sign-in system is what he relies on to become stronger.

Fang Che stores 100 liters of diesel in his backpack.

Thirty-two days of sign-in rewards to get a shielding device!

It is an anti-interference technology module, because it is a module, he has not mastered its technology.

However, this anti-interference is anti-interference from external electric fields.

It's completely different from sonar jamming.

However, no matter what the interference is, it is invisible to the naked eye.

Fang Che has already installed it to protect the circuit inside his body.

For five days, Fang Che, Dongdong, doctors and nurses have been rushing towards Xingyue City.

At the same time, all the large bodies on the road were hunted down!

After dismantling the Triceratops mechanical warrior with a medium-sized body.

The one-meter-long Dongdong, with the acquisition of materials, was transformed into a super-tungsten alloy body with the last gram of tungsten alloy input.

Its body is also equipped with a thermal weapon cannon module on the back.

And at the same time.

Dongdong lived up to expectations and evolved into a class III silicon-based life.

With the 100% loyalty of his subordinates, Fang Che doesn't have to be afraid of betrayal at all.

Only then can he rest assured to boldly reform Dongdong.

Obviously, the stronger his subordinates are, the more powerful he is.

What's more, he is already a leader-level mechanical warrior!

Dongdong and the doctors and nurses, and perhaps more subordinates will come to him in the future and become his subordinates.

Everything is doomed, and they will go a long way with them.

Star Leap City is not far away.

The huge metal city can be seen, from the vague shadow of the city, it becomes bigger and bigger.

The building, which appears to be an extremely powerful

After all, Xingyue City is a mechanical city controlled by the Fighting Faction, and the Fighting Faction is a level 5 faction, ranking among the top five in the world.


The top ten factions in the world are actually ranked regardless of high or low.

And the top ten factions, according to the introduction of the factions are——

Each former faction possesses a powerful technology.

And the ion technology of the martial arts faction has been unlocked to Fang Che, but the technology of several other s-level factions has not been unlocked!

across the prairie.

Time passed little by little, and there was a large red dot ahead.

Is it a flying machine?

Soon, Fang Che saw the pterodactyl mechanical warrior in the sky.

But this grassland no longer has the technology modules he needs, maybe there are, but the value is not as high as before.

But there are still things that make Fang Che very excited.

Pterodactyl wing structure!

It's just that it's a pterosaur mechanical warrior that flies in the air and doesn't land.

In the case of being unable to fly, it is very difficult to hunt and kill.

Even if you hurt the opponent, if you can't kill it with one blow, the opponent will run faster than anything else.

Don't ask him how he knows.

Within five days, the pterodactyl mechanical warriors were not missing.

Followed by Fang's gesture.

Dongdong nodded in agreement, and jumped on the spot to attract the attention of the pterosaur model mechanical warrior.

After all, the bait of Dongdong can easily cause other mechanical warriors to spy on it. The green soul fire! Super hard alloy body! These are all things that are of interest to tertiary silicon-based life forms

Sure enough, the pterosaur-shaped mechanical warrior in the sky immediately attracted him.

You must know that the material luster and texture of the cemented carbide body are different.

in front of this new material.

It's like the desire of the steel body to see the alloy mechanical warrior.

the same.

The body material is one of the eternal pursuits of a silicon-based life!

next second!

Fang Che heard the prompt.


【Your radar module is interfered!】

No sound comes out!

Because the pterosaur-type mechanical warrior is sonar interference, which is completely different from sound interference (Nuo Dezhao).


This lets Fang Che know that it has acted.

At the same time Fang Che was ready, his left hand was as straight as the tip of a gun, and he moved silently.

Like an eagle looking down at a fighter jet rushing down, it grabbed Dongdong's pterosaur-type mechanical warrior.

Fang Che has already prepared!

It also has the previous hunting experience that failed several times.

this time--


【Forecast calculation......】

【Double power on!】

【Jump to a height of 30 meters!】

Thirty meters high!

Too tall Kay!

Power system overclocking jump!


The sonic skill is activated.

interfere with each other.

at this time.

The pterosaur-type mechanical warriors that received the interference swept out like a storm with two machine guns on their wings.

Da da da...…….

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